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Solar Return of Brad Pitt for December 2014 - example 3

Costas Tolis

Read the Solar Return of Brad Pitt for December 2014

NameBrad Pitt
Solar Return2014-12-17
Solar Return time13:31:30
Solar Return PlaceLos Angeles US California

Rising Sign or Ascendant

Ascendant Taurus at 01°39'15''

The Rising has now moved in Taurus. This position makes your nature loving and emotional - like the pleasure and admire the beauty in all things. The sign of Taurus gives often a love for music or art and very good taste in colors, the melody, clothes, jewelery and general elegance. You are cold, moderate, stable and persistent - love peace, tranquility and harmony. You are also practical and want to put everything in the test of practice and experience. You appreciate people, things and ideas, especially for the utility which they have. You have great patience and calm stability - you are conservative and somewhat self-centered and in some cases you can display great tenacity. Not easily changed and you are missing a little adaptability. The course of your life has a tendency to move every day and every time the same channels with comparatively little change. Not easily influenced by others, but you are persistent and patient workers with your own way and according to your own ideas. Be late to be angry, but you are able to keep hatred. You have fixed views, strong feelings and desires and are capable of intense passions, but you are also kind-hearted and lovers of comfort and relaxation.

Aspects Ascendant

0.49 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mercury Trine Ascendant

Like you connect with people on a mental level and discussions on new ideas are distinct pleasure for you. You have many and varied interests and you probably like to travel. Are you curious about a lot of things you like to be in social gatherings where you can actively participate and discuss with others.

1.86 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Moon Opposition Ascendant

Need keeps control over your emotional reactions to others, because you become very emotional when they get caught up in their lives. Experiencing emotional changes and nerve disorders. Need quiet hours to soothe your nerves.

3.43 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Sextile Ascendant

You have empathy and compassion for others. There is the possibility that you cultivate your intuitive and psychic abilities in previous lives and these talents to emerge in this life. You probably creative and certainly sensitive to the needs of others.

5.79 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Sun Trine Ascendant

You are social and energetic, confident and righteous. You like act for others. This view helps you maintain good health and good life.

Ruler Venus at 9 House

What will you do at some point in your life to turn to religion and will bring you into contact with people associated with religion or church. You may also be interested in philosophy or other profound issues, because this position has a great relationship with your higher nature and a more abstract view of the mind and its cultivation. Maybe you are involved with writing or publishing, or on your behalf or working with others. Probably enough to travel or have a relationship with the sea and ships - would make a great trip and will changes occur in your life that will travel related. This position develops and enriches the mind and promotes the cultivation of knowledge and wisdom.

Venus at 09°01'56'' Capricorn

This shows that, even though you have a compassionate nature, you also have enough prudence, tact, self-control and is unlikely to let your feelings lead you astray. Have faith and stability when you accept a person, either in love or friendship, you do not change or forget easily. This position is sometimes delayed marriage or insert some obstacles you are in bad directions, this may be caused by economic problems, social status, employment, or because of one of their parents. But when you are under good guidance, can benefit greatly from all these sources. Have practical, economic capacity and can easily learn to handle money, investments or businesses. It is possible to win in life if exercised due care. Would win the larger and higher and you might get fame and friendship of people with higher social status. Also, you are somewhat selfish, seeking visibility and social affirmation, like volleyball, you have classic taste, stable emotions and decisive reactions and be patient and persistent. This influence sometimes gives an energetic devotion to you, from a woman who stands tall in the social life.

Aspects Venus

3.53 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Uranus Square Venus

Venus and Uranus are in a Negative aspect this season. This is an influence that acts primarily on the love affairs or matters relating to the opposite sex, although there is likely to regard as a degree and finances. Better be careful in all your relationships with the opposite sex, otherwise you might find yourself in difficulty or distress, which they want to avoid, because a strange attraction leads to various trouble, which ultimately end in scandal. It is better to be warned because this view usually leads to some secret relationship or some strange experiences on feelings and emotions - this can act wisely in all things.

3.64 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Pluto Conjunction Venus

Venus conjunct Pluto. You make some good cooperation. You earn money either psychological or practical level. Good time to invest and issues related to the movement of capital in general. Detective: Do you feel the need to escape from the ground and your sexual desire is particularly strong. They might fall in love with someone who is not your guy. Your feelings are deep, but can also be short. On the other hand, if you already have a link, make sure to be very careful because it will come to the surface phobias and your jealousy and your risk completely spastic react to the person you are interested. Do not try to master and ask to get affirmations, and making wreck the personality of the other. Try to find them yourself.

3.94 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Sextile Venus

The planets Venus and Neptune have now moved to a side and Good, although it has no great effect on the common issues, is likely to bring some happiness and satisfaction. Things will run smoothly, the business will increase and the more it is raised above their personal goals and desires, so your happiness will increase. The favorites will expand and your mental perspective will grow, while art and poetry seems to open a whole new world in front of you. You will earn from your dealings with people lower social class than yours.

5.51 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Moon Sextile Venus

The Moon and Venus are now in Good view, can give success to your financial affairs, but especially in matters related to pleasures and family issues. You can now deal effectively with issues associated with the opposite sex, because now prescribed a period of prosperity. Your mood will be peaceful and happy, all things will be promoted, especially issues related to sociability and friendship. It is good for all matters relating to cooperatives, and generally love affairs, or be associated in any way with money. This period will prove advantageous for your worldly prosperity.

* * *


Sun at 25°51'42'' Sagittarius

You have now in Progress the Sun in Sagittarius, and you are perceptive, prescient, self-reliant, cheerful, optimistic and happy, if somewhat anxious, hyperactive and sometimes too outspoken, forthright and assertive. If not careful, can say and express more, than you would be wise. You are very sincere and honest, generous and loyal to those with whom you relate. Seek always be philosophical, but you should add some scientific knowledge as a solid foundation in all thoughts and actions. Do you have a religious spirit and you are committed to the ones you love.

Aspects Sun

3.37 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Jupiter Trine Sun

The Sun is now in Good aspect with lucky Jupiter, a good influence, which lasts for a fairly long period, so you can feel its beneficial effects. You have now reached a stage in your evolution where you will be presented opportunities not only to develop the best aspect of your nature, but also to greatly improve your social position in the world. Without doubt you will gain worldly success and spiritual advancement, depending on the strength of the wishes and aspirations of you, because much of this influence depends on your ability to respond to the opportunities presented to you. However, all new pursuits, which will begin this year, will succeed and you can expect a final prosperity. This might be the best time of your life if used properly the opportunities and take advantage of them fully.

5.29 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Mercury Conjunction Sun

The Synod of the Sun and Mercury will bring you a lot of activity, and all issues related to the nature of Mercury will intensify more than any other time in your life. Under this strong position you to travel or indulge in mental flights, the imagination leads to the creation of many projects, the achievement of which will depend on your ability to put into practice the ideals and express creative will . In some individuals this Congregation brings versatility and unbridled fantasies, making the mind to swing and become indecisive, but the advanced person, refresh the mind of the solar radius and turned so it is ready for greater thinking power and subsequent freedom of action through mental clairvoyance preceding mental activity. Take advantage as become this time.

* * *


Moon at 03°31'15'' Scorpio

During this time the Moon will pass through the sign of Scorpio. Your mind will become very curious and will explore the mysterious and wish to explore the hidden side of your nature, but you also tend to be more dogmatic and proud than usual. You should be careful jealousy or any situation makes you live in the lower mind. We will give you however, the ability of self-control and will be able to ascend to a higher state of thinking, which ultimately seek to live. Can you attract some strange characters, as the Moon passes through the sign of Scorpio.

Moon at 7 House

The Moon in the Seventh House will bring you in close relationship with the public and be popular in your circle, although sometimes you have to face some public opposition. You will get in touch with those who travel a lot and meet people who make or wandering bohemian life. The chances for success in legal matters ranging, sometimes going well other hand, according to the faces. Undoubtedly another life will be mixed with your own, causing you distress and satisfaction and happiness, because your luck, surprisingly, it always linked to the fate of another, either in marriage or in collaboration or in matters that there is something more than a simple and distinct interest.

Aspects Moon

1.56 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Neptune Trine Moon

The Moon is now in Good aspect with Neptune and this is the most favorable, although the way in which they act, is largely determined by the general influences are in operation. Your personal situation may be smooth and will go well with those with whom you come in contact. Probably do some cruise or travel by sea, which will give you a couple of weeks pleasurable experience - because, in general, the sea has a relationship, directly or indirectly, all matters that are under the influence of Neptune, because the planet is associated with the deepest feelings of human nature, symbolized by the sea. But do not expect much durables from this aspect, which is only temporary.

2.36 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Mercury Sextile Moon

During this period the Moon and Mercury are in Good view, bringing activity related to writing, literature, travel, expeditions and general business. You can expect some changes, because your mind is restless and wants changes very beneficial type. Your ideas will be more bright and clear, overall progress and prosperity awaits almost all efforts in which the worker is your mind. Therefore mental pursuits can usefully draw your attention during this period. Of course, much depends on the nature of Mercury on the faces of the other planets in your birth, which can be seen from a study of your horoscope. But, in general terms during this period, your mind will be more active and impatient for improvement than usual.

6.50 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mars Square Moon

The Moon has now arrived at a side opposite Mars. This effect usually causes a feverish condition in the blood and brings prone to fevers and accidents of some sort if you are even a little impulsive, there is a possibility of many risks. Mentally you will have a tendency to clash. If your cause is likely to be thrown in a legal battle for it, avoid being too hasty and reckless in your judgments. Be careful when traveling, to avoid the risk of accidents and avoid all impulsiveness and extravagance. Do nothing in haste and be sure to think before you act, because it can become entangled in problems due haste. Everything will happen during this period, it is to some extent a result impulsive thought or act and any tendency for reckless speech will create problems. Avoid stimulating foods.


Sun Sagittarius - Moon Scorpio

Mixing this influence indicates that you have a positive, decisive nature, enough pride and tendency toward conventionality. You should watch your speech and avoid using harsh and sarcastic language. You get enough every time, because you have great personal ability, but you are missing somewhat the crisis and reliability. Sometimes you have a sharp attitude, you love to disagree, you are strong and violent, but like many others, more bark than bite. Be careful in the choice of your partner, because they are likely to mislead you. It is good to look closely at this point.

* * *

Mind Skills

Mercury at 01°09'30'' Capricorn

Mercury in Capricorn, make your mind steady and careful, diplomatic and profound. This position offers a truly intelligent mind and gives you the power to keep your secrets and use discretion in the discussion. It will bring honor and recognition to all intellectual pursuits. You excel in life through ambition, aided by the tact and resourcefulness and you should never be afraid to take responsibility and organization. Have a systematic and tidy mind, that makes you qualified for methodical work. You are absolute in any intellectual work. You can read Astrology and related subjects. It is always to your advantage if you cultivate righteousness in thought.

Mercury at 9 House

Mercury in the Ninth House. This position will give you a super genius in science or philosophy, and discrimination regarding religion. It will help in literary pursuits and will offer you a comprehensive general knowledge of many topics. Your mind is always active and likes knowledge. Coping well abroad or during long trips. You will get much better if you practice concentration and not let your thoughts wander, or to deal with many issues at a time. You have the ability to read astrology, occultism and all matters metaphysical nature.

Aspects Mercury

3.92 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Sextile Mercury

The planets Mercury and Neptune are now Good view, a favorable influence for those who can not respond because the mind turns to the refined aesthetics of art and, in the case of those who are by nature intellectually oriented towards mystical side of life. However, it is likely to be interested in the study of symbolism, such as the mysterious works, mythological dramas, traditions and similar topics. If you wish to derive superior benefaction from this view, you should arrange for the aesthetic beauty of art or poetry not dazzle you as to spiritual meaning. The nervous system favors this view and a short trip or excursion will be this year, is likely to stay for long in your memory.

* * *

Money, Property

Jupiter in 4 Corner House

The Angular position of Jupiter is a reliable indicator of success in all matters related to the economy and because; angles represent things that occur at some time in your life, you will be able to accumulate wealth or possessions, rightfully or through inheritance. Of course, there will be some periods where financial matters may not be as favorable as other times, but in general, throughout the course of your life you have nothing to fear about money. This planet gives greater luck during the couple. In all financial matters Tuesday is probably the best and most your lucky day.

Stable Sign in beginning of 2 House

The Second House shows the economic potential.

2 House Taurus at 27°35'13''

O 2nd House in Taurus: profits from agriculture or real estate. Love for money, fortune favored. Makes bankers.

Venus Ruler of Taurus

Venus irrelevant in the Second House of the horoscope, this is very favorable in terms of overall your financial affairs and shows that will have great success in all financial matters. The issues are governed by the planet Venus, bringing luck and prosperity. Venus favors the music, the singing, the arts and all those things that serve the satisfaction and happiness of others. You are pretty much lucky to all your financial transactions and will win, either through inheritance or through your profession, business, or a partner. In fact it does not matter which way you turn your attention to profit - you will always be big or little success.

* * *

Communications, Short Journeys

Mutable Sign in beginning of 3 House

The Third House shows the movements and mental activity.

3 House Gemini at 23°31'11''

You have quite capable mind, surrounded by young people and have the ability to express these you want to say.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

This is an indication of great activity in all matters related to travel. You travel a lot and you will have a lot of movement in your life. We love to travel and see other places and maybe get involved with a profession that requires a constant change and movement on your part. You will gain more specific information and experiences. Also, you will benefit a lot in this direction. This position is good for your mental and physical activities, but is contrary to the acquisition of the merger will enable you to obtain permanent success, because your mind is rather hyperactive sometimes. Therefore, you should try to cultivate concentration.

* * *

Base, Home, Seat

Jupiter at 4 House

Jupiter affects the Fourth House of your horoscope and promises a good environment at the end of your life. Really, the end of your life will be better and indicates very clearly a good end of your existence. It is much better for you to stay in your home and in your home or close to it, but to stay in a foreign country or to travel far in search of success. You will earn through all those occupations that deal with social or domestic affairs and general family life. This view shows better some good that comes from parents and promises heritage. Each year of your life will be more and more prosperous and comfort is assured at the end.

Jupiter R at 22°29'19'' Leo

This makes high-minded, honest and easygoing. Gives you a feeling of dignity and make you suitable for positions of power and responsibility. It is possible to earn the appreciation of the above and you will succeed as guides or other leaders. It is very likely to succeed in life and to earn respect and appreciation, as well as strength and reputation. This will bring you many friends and acquaintances, some popularity and social success. You feel your value and do not underestimate yourself. Like the show, the view, the ritual, good taste and sometimes display a flashiness, but not disturb anyone because you are generous and magnanimous. You have deep feelings and intense erotic nature. This position increases vitality and physical vigor. Also, you are altruistic, practical, with excellent organizational skills, creative and ambitious, but also artistic.

Aspects Jupiter

6.87 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Saturn Square Jupiter

The planets Jupiter and Saturn have now moved to a Negative aspect. This does not promise success in any matter related to the law or economic issues, why threaten you with problems and difficulties and significantly impede your progress, including the loss of friends, along with many unpleasant experiences. It is good to avoid new beginning under this view - avoid also be tricked into feelings of depression, controlling any tendency toward melancholy or hypochondria. Avoid anything that is likely to result in problems, which usually brings this unfavorable view. Also, can suffer from liver and blood disorders. Take light exercises and diet.

4 House Cancer at 19°27'09''

Like the family environment and make several trips to reunite with your family. Do you own mind and imagination, memory and historical sense. Do you feel the need to frequently change the environment and have the ability to dream and psychic abilities.

Moon Ruler of Cancer

The Lunar sphere of influence, progressing from the moment of birth, now occupies the fourth house of your horoscope, the House associated with the affairs of the family and the home, and with the end of things. You can expect changes, removals or changes, various situations, etc., which, to some extent, will disrupt your plans. The affairs of the family and home will be on the rise and likely to have people in the same house as your own, which to some extent will affect you. In many ways, this is a minor House for passing the Moon in progress, except for the fact that generally has more to do with their parents or elderly people, especially family affairs.

* * *


5 House Leo at 23°31'11''

Looking for the perfect love, you are loyal and gentle, warm, ardent and generosity. I will probably settle for a child whose destiny seems to be brilliant. You have an attraction to the theater.

Sun Ruler of Leo

This is good for issues of character bold venture in the general sense, but much will depend on the solar aspects regarding the success you will have in your pursuits. You speculative instinct and you are able to invest money profitably, but it will take much interest or a very important chapter to become what you would like. In many ways you have the ability to engage in polite way to enjoy and you can enjoy all the correct and superior way, because you like to do things on a large scale.You will earn through their children. Love: The Sun in the fifth house is located in one of the best places, because the fifth house is identical to the properties of Leo and the governor, the Sun. It can make people show, sometimes the image of arrogant, to their partners, but shows people who offer their feelings with unlimited generosity. The Sun in the fifth house indicates a person who is likable and charismatic. Does the clasp of the bat as a conqueror, having permanently surrounded by admirers as the Sun surrounded by planets. There is no problem to tow sexual partners and lovers or mistresses.These people are not anti-marriage or serious, permanent and stable relationship, instead they like. But their desire to live their lives is so strong are very slow to think and often marry in old age or at all. But even if you succumb to the shackles of legal relationship, remain attractive to the representatives of the opposite sex and allow themselves to flirt and even - sometimes - brazenly. Whether to proceed with these flirting, depends on other factors in their charts. If Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn are strongly on the map, you can count on the loyalty of your sex partner, regardless of the traction it creates in people of the opposite sex. For these people, it lasts a love is vital. If Leo or Scorpio is intense on the map, your partner may have sexual infidelity trends, but is not going to end the relationship, that is with you, unless you consider that not enough of you. These people love the game, so often entangled in adventures. If Gemini or Sagittarius is strongly on the map, your partner is inherently mutable and that means you are unable to colonize easily along a stable relationship - unless there are other factors that assist. Just consider such a relationship as a friendship temporary, because I really a man with the Sun in Gemini or Sagittarius, can offer you unforgettable hours. The Sun in the fifth house, except for the glow and radiance, gives a great inner strength. People with the Sun in the fifth distinguished for their good mood, their humor, their spirit of self-sneer and jape, even with themselves.They are individuals who are keen to be the focus for a mate, they like to be rewarded by the person they are interested in easily accept flattery and a great flatterer, may make them focus their attention on them. When you love, do everything to please her lover or mistress, of fun with their soul and offer very expensive gifts, in relation to their economic situation. Are people who do not hesitate even to borrow in order to make a good gift to loved one.

* * *

Diseases - Work

6 House Virgo at 27°35'13''

You have a methodical approach and sense of criticism on the work, you may have to do with medicine.

Mercury Ruler of Virgo

Most of the diseases of your life will come due to neural or cognitive problems. Care must be taken not to worry in any case, if you appreciate even just your health, because a nervous prostration threatened whenever the mind lets you retreat to anxiety and nervousness. All diseases will come from the state of mind and nervous system. You have some psychic impressions, which will affect you in some directions and serene state of mind will depend more than you think. This influence is dangerous when pushing strongly mental problems that affect the mind.

* * *

Marriage - Partnerships

Moon at 7 House

The Moon during the rotation of the so-called secondary direction or progress, has now passed in the seventh house of your horoscope. This will bring you into contact with their parents or individuals with whom your life is connected somehow, because the seventh house of the horoscope is the House of compounds and often seen that when the Moon passes through this point, the horoscope, it can happen any marriage in the family or to create a cooperative. We will bring you more in touch with the public or understand some very prominent place that will make you known in the circle in which you move. Avoid any legal dispute, because this House often causes litigation and lawsuits.

Venus Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn indicates obstacles and delays in marriage, and the chance for some odd and dangerous relationships, because they're both somewhat unsettled and prone to get caught up in a very strange relationship, possibly with older people. Maybe you're too ambitious in relation to your feelings and thus bring yourself in critical position where it can harmed your reputation. It takes great effort to touched the depth of your feelings, or because you exercise great control over them or are difficult to occur in completeness. Jealousy can make you suffer intensely, because when your feelings are awakened you become too attached. Marriage: You are a loyal companion and very responsible. You are the person that will make a lot of efforts to preserve the relationship and consider in detail the issue of marriage before deciding to marry. Decide the wedding and not so young and you want to keep all the traditional habits. Your views on this topic are conservative and want to follow the footsteps of your parents on the topic. Usually, make sure to open and glamorous weddings. Many times getting married to get more social view or even to acquire more property. However, not split easily.

Venus at 9 House

You people with humor, loves fun, enjoy your trips and travel and take pleasure when you are given the opportunity to enrich your knowledge. Marriage for your character is not required. Essentially you're independent and you want to feel free. You experience your wedding as a responsibility that you would rather not take. You are from people who prefer to cohabit rather than marry following types. To be happy you must be with a partner who has similar interests with you.

Sun in double sign

This suggests that they may marry twice or you have two relationships before coming to a final decision, because this influence is more conducive to union with others, despite the desire to live alone and free from family ties. You have the right nature that allows you to love and appreciate family life and I think you will be happier if married than if you stay alone. When the Sun is in a dual sign and there are no other indications for different wedding theme beyond, then you are probably a dual experience is necessary for the progress of the soul, so that, somehow, get to know the marital life two distinct phases.

7 House Scorpio at 01°39'15''

Passion and sexuality lead to marriage and the information will be maintained after the wedding.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

Mars irrelevant in the seventh house of your horoscope, the house of marriage. He is not very favorable planet regarding marriage, because Mars is associated with more passion, etc. rather than love. It is advisable to avoid a hasty marriage or fall in love at first sight. As a rule, promises an early marriage and sometimes more than one. Likely to marry a person who has feelings and sympathies passionately and which wishes to hold the reins and take charge. However Arius guy is merciful, though sometimes drifting in anger and dogmatism. Individuals may like, is bold and fearless and full of courage. Marriage: Mars in the seventh house gives a marriage that is based in love, but the other half every now and then throwing robust quarrels. If Mars is impossible, especially by Saturn, the happiness of man is limited in marriage. Trying to find happiness, even through a completely failed previous relationship. Usually, this guy is weak to take responsibility of a failed marriage and prefers to blame his partner. If Mars is impossible from heaven can split or be driven to divorce much more quickly than you think and divide more than once. If Mars is unable Pluto, violence can be part of everyday behavior in their married life.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

Pluto in the Seventh House, showing a mate marked by Pluto. Often portends nervous wedding corrected if the intensity becomes the occasion to awaken your hidden sexuality. Otherwise this position shows that treated hidden hostilities, but also that you can become known to others through the power of your creation. Marriage: Pluto in the seventh house shows the transformation of the individual through marriage. The person desperately wants to marry, but very difficult, because it is very demanding of his mate, can not accept that everyone has flaws and is very selfish in relationships. This has resulted removes from him the gentle people who want to live together in a marriage and can not keep a relationship. To be able to marry a person with Pluto in the seventh, must learn that it has flaws and try to treat others equally. To reduce the requirements and not convert his phobias and insecurities to aggression.

* * *

Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Saturn at 8 House

Saturn irrelevant in the eighth house of your horoscope, the House associated with wills and money leaving others not at all favorable to your interests on such matters. You will be disappointed in your expectations regarding money that come from others, or money through marriage or through business partners and associates.It can leave you some money, but there is no strong evidence for this in your horoscope. The end of your life will come sooner and will have plenty of time to ponder deeply before coming to a final end that will liberate you from your physical body. You will live until old age and will have full consciousness until the end of your life. Sex: Saturn is not good in the eighth house, because it causes introspection and leaves no sexuality to be expressed. Indicates a sexuality with ..disgraces, with inhibitions and reticence. When the eighth is ruled by Saturn and is accentuated with Leo, Scorpio and Taurus, then the person is in a constant conflict with himself, because one wants to have sex and the other carried by coldness. This makes prospective sexual partner to lose and eventually become aggressive. Those people that have Saturn in eighth is very loyal companions, but I would never put sex first priority nor develop their imagination in love. Saturn is the ruling when the eighth, it is a precursor of intense sexual activity if you are entangled in such a person, you porn meetings likely to be rare.

Saturn at 29°21'39'' Scorpio

Saturn in Scorpio will increase the will and strength of character, as well as love for your strength and power by creating in you a dislike to Opposition and limitation. Gives you a violent nature, strong and turbulent, unless offset by good influences. The trend is rather review. It harms the honor and reputation and may create notoriety. Sometimes the threat of decline and collapse. There are favorable regarding the occult, but will give you some power in all things that are secret, hidden, esoteric and mystical. You will have a tendency to become overly cautious and reticent and you should avoid pride and jealousy because they are the two biggest risks of your life.

Aspects Saturn

5.72 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Neptune Square Saturn

The Negative aspect between the planets Saturn and Neptune, is an unusual and strange place and is likely to lead to significant situations at some time in your life. It is a far superior vibration, the true nature of which, today's humanity can hope to respond fully and much of his influence may pass over your head, somehow, without being touched. It is not at all favorable and seems to indicate that there is a kink, we would say, the inner nature, where time and circumstances will the show - or perhaps not ever bear fruit in this life and remain completely unnoticed. You should always be cautious towards the more subtle forms of self-interest, which there is likely to haunt you. In relation to this position, there is always a tendency to melancholy. In other words, you have insecurities. The thoughts and ideas are excellent, but be afraid to implement them and hang on others to help you. We attract dynamic people, but just as easily seduced.

8 House Scorpio at 27°35'13''

Possible involvement with the occult.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

Mars irrelevant in the eighth house of your horoscope, the House associated with wills and bequests. There are strong indications that you will earn highly of these issues, but if this is done, it will be sudden and somewhat unexpected because Mars is not a good planet with regard to monetary issues. You will discover that maybe it was based on some false hope and did not win many, many expect. I advise you to watch the accidents and not run any risk that is not absolutely necessary. Sex: Indicates that the person is thrilled with sex and has a huge reserve of energy in sexual activity. A woman with Mars in this position is more aggressive than others. But if Mars is in an advantageous position, there may be a tendency to violence or cruelty. This man, with negative aspects of Mars in the eighth, satisfy his sexual instincts without thinking at all mate. Traditionally Mars is connected with sex, why is the planet that expresses a person's energy in lovemaking. However, it seems as though Mars in the horoscope, when associated with the eighth, erotic shows fiery temperament and excessive dependence on sex.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

Pluto in the Eighth House always gives a legacy. Whether your family or the family of your spouse. Another effect is that it gives excessive sexuality and as a result many children. Sex: The presence of Pluto in the eighth, showing a very sexual person, dominated by passion. But the feature is that it has sovereign disposition towards his partner. Where Pluto is conjunct the Moon or Venus, may give a sexuality that is slightly competitive. The person who has Pluto in the eighth, is blooded in love, no inhibitions and rejoice sincerely feel when their sexual partner satisfied. There is a possibility that he has Pluto in the eighth house leaving behind victims of sexuality and everyone has to say about the performance of love and its ability, while at other times this same person to do in years to come lovemaking. If Pluto have bad influences can manifest violence.

* * *

Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Sun at 9 House

Promises success in philosophical issues. You have very deep feelings about religion and spiritual matters and thoughts are higher and noble. You may have a very broad outlook on life in general and are not restricted by the very conventionality. This influence brings success in all the affairs of the ninth house, such as legal issues, external issues, as well as the long trips to other countries and the things associated with the higher mind. There behind you a good spiritual influence and as your faith grows, you will learn to come into contact with the upper part of your true self.

Mercury at 9 House

This position is an indication that the higher mind, is often more active than the lower. You have the ability, in a given area, to become philosophical, but only if you get concentration and perseverance. You are quick in perception and clairvoyance you, so you can significantly improve your mind during your current life, being in many respects quick in learning and understanding. You will make a few trips or will go to foreign countries, because this influence is an indication that you enjoy traveling, especially remotely. Have a metaphysical mental attitude and love mystical themes.

Venus at 9 House

Venus irrelevant in the ninth house, the House of philosophy and higher mind, will bring you peace, either through religion or through a deep internal knowledge about the soul and death states, which ultimately will give you happiness and tranquility. You have very strong philosophical trend and possess a clairvoyance, which will help you in problems you might encounter in the journey of life. You have the right spirit and the right attitude in all matters associated with the higher mind and you will do great, true and lasting progress on your mental attainments. You get good relatives through marriage and maybe win them somehow because she is a good influence.

Pluto at 9 House

Pluto in the ninth house indicates strong mental ability to philosophical issues, making you looking for in depth about the truth of ideas that will read. Would you like mystical philosophy, caving, espionage and maybe take some secret mission abroad.

Pluto at 12°40'21'' Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn, gives capacities for policy and particularly the political in the sense of renewal.

Aspects Pluto

0.10 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Uranus Square Pluto

This position gives strange originality in love and strange modern scientific thought on the issue: what does matter.

9 House Sagittarius at 23°31'11''

You have enlarged philosophical views.

Jupiter Ruler of Sagittarius

Jupiter exerts essential influence in the ninth house of your horoscope, the House of science, philosophy and religion, it is an influence that you turn to philosophy and religion in the widest sense. You will not be so scientific, but philosophical and artistic, because you tend to accept more general contours despite the limited and precise details of the higher mind. You will succeed in foreign countries and likely to win, somehow through foreign affairs. This influence favors all legal affairs and religious matters generally. Gives you some prophetic trends and the ability to dream accurately and spend dreams in the physical brain. Take your dreams.

* * *

Career - Public Image

Mars at 10 House

Mars headed to the section of your horoscope associated with the profession. Mars is the planet that governs the dispute and all matters of external nature, and anything that requires great energy. You possess some skill in his hands, and get success in all matters that are necessary manufacturing capacity and entrepreneurial spirit. You will also be successful as doctors or chemists and every occupation that during its performance using fire. There are too many trades under the dominion of Mars, so it is impossible to list them all, but you can judge what you are best suited, by observing the positions and views of the planet Mars.

Mars at 10°01'18'' Aquarius

This post gives a mind that is both nimble and smooth, fast action, but rigid and somewhat contentious. You have great nervous strength and capacity for work, but also - with regard to this position - and several impulses that are likely to act somewhat incorrectly. We make hasty and unequivocal in speech and action, but sometimes, a little cutter and steep. When you are under good directions are dedicated to friends or business you appreciate and you can earn satisfaction and benefaction from them and succeed in life. But when you are in bad directions, you will suffer much from friends or colleagues - may lose them due to death or separation or alienated because of different views. There is a risk of disingenuous friends and disagreements with friends. We must cultivate the temper and wisdom and learn to treat others with joy. There is some potential for nerve prostration because of exhaustion.

Aspects Mars

2.55 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Uranus Sextile Mars

The planet Mars is now Good aspect with Uranus, which notes a very active period in terms of thinking, suggesting that the mind can be turned to metaphysical matters, making you this way I went more than usual . It is an appropriate period for the use of creative skills, to accelerate your perception and generally to stimulate the general state of mind. But generally, the more influence it has over other fields than with natural and is very likely to come into contact with some higher knowledge, either during sleep or through others. It's a good time to study all metaphysical issues, especially of Astrology.

Basic Sign in beginning of 10 House

The Tenth House shows profession.

10 House Capricorn at 19°27'09''

You have aptitude for scientific work, erudition, libraries, politics and work the earth and stone. Your professional course will be uninterrupted upward, with many intermediate discrimination, to old age.

Aspects Midheaven

6.77 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Pluto Conjunction Midheaven

This position is good for any career related death or regeneration, medicine and psychotherapy, working in demolition companies. Careers requiring power is also good. Good location also for those who handle money as other brokers in the stock market, etc.

6.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Uranus Square Midheaven

It is best to become a freelancer, or in the worst case have a boss that leaves you alone to do your job. Work related to electrical, electronic, TV, radio, computers, programming, etc. favored this view. The actors who have this view tend to succeed better on TV than in cinema. Your boss may be a very independent or eccentric person, a mad genius, or simply sells folly. At least one parent also can be so independent, eccentric, insane.

Saturn Ruler of Capricorn

Saturn governs the profession or occupation you (10th House), it shows strength and power somehow, but gives more luck and success through hard work and perseverance. You might possess some leadership, or have got a responsibility. This Saturnalia influence is not good for business matters, because there is always the threat of danger, because of damage or because of other failure to bring to a successful end programs you have in hand. Saturn favors profit more through toil than through good fortune. The issues that require patience, tact and caution, succeed better than any other methods, this should seek occupations that require these properties.

* * *

Friends - Hopes

Neptune at 11 House

Neptune irrelevant in the eleventh house of your horoscope, the House of Friends, will bring you many quirky and strange acquaintances and many outlandish or remarkable experiences will occur through them. It is advisable to know the people with whom you work and socialize, because it is rather difficult to understand in any way. This position usually brings those who are under the influence of, in contact with people who are physically or mentally deformed. I'll pull the mental and spiritual aspect of life and friends or acquaintances will affect you in that direction. You should avoid hypnotism, mesmerism, etc. The This position suggests a somewhat mystical mental attitude and shows the fulfillment of hopes in a way that is completely different from your expectations.

Neptune at 05°05'14'' Pisces

Neptune in Pisces, makes you idealists, believers and religious.

Air Sign in beginning of 11 House

The Eleventh House shows the friends.

11 House Aquarius at 23°31'11''

Friendship for you is something important and priceless.

Saturn Ruler of Aquarius

Saturn irrelevant in the eleventh house of your horoscope will bring some very loyal and steadfast friend in your life, but indicated some problems with their friends and acquaintances. You have friends among the elderly in the general sense, or people much older than you. You will have some bitter disappointments in relation to friends and acquaintances and not always realizing the hopes and desires you about them. Some of the so-called friends might leave you when you need it most to help them - hence, not leaning much more to your friends, because this influence gives few real friends.

Uranus Second Ruler of Aquarius

Uranus irrelevant in the eleventh house of your horoscope promises a rare and excellent friendship and suggests that at some stage of the journey of your life will help people who are interested in the side of life associated with secret and occult. This influence gives friends and acquaintances romantic or bohemian type - some very strange or charming and memorable experiences of friendships implied by this influence of Uranus.You have the ability to read human nature and your pulls genuine people and to those who think more than the ordinary man. While traveling you meet those who are most likely to become your best friends.

* * *


Uranus at 12 House

Uranus relates to all matters occult nature in your horoscope (12th House) and all the secrets issues will have a special attraction and interest in you. You have the ability to deal with the study of astrology and similar issues and a love for the metaphysical is buried deep in your nature, so you should seek to bring it into activity. Perhaps guided by the perception of higher truth, from some major disaster or some strange and unexpected experiences that can happen in your life, however, will always lead closer and closer to the truth and maybe in the end make very rapid progress.

Uranus R at 12°34'19'' Aries

Uranus in Aries, gives knowledge and make you very altruistic. There is a chance to have an adventure that transcends the narrow human frameworks. It also gives independence, originality, boldness and intelligence. You will have active friends and accept the influence of a particular social group. This position offers yet, Popularity and sudden successes. You should however avoid the sudden impulsive and think before you act.

12 House Pisces at 27°35'13''

There is a possibility that your emotional life is threatened by treachery. Still it is possible a forced removal of your locality.

Jupiter Ruler of Pisces

Jupiter is the planet associated with occult subjects (12th House) in your horoscope, so, you will make great progress in your life, in all matters related to occult thought and study. Somehow there is a hereditary link between you and the occult and immaterial how far they can wander the subjective life, the internal worlds will carry some charm on you. Somehow, you will earn through your login with mental issues and minimum bad will happen from self-destructive tendencies. You will get your life in your hands and try to understand much of your inner nature, because you have faith in mystical matters.

Neptune Second Ruler of Pisces

Neptune has major influence on the twelfth house of your horoscope will bring you into contact with quirky and bizarre experiences regarding what is called occult. Maybe get in contact with psychics or study spiritualism and possibly also to meet very special people who have strange opinions in the occult field. It warns, however, be careful in your dealings with mental issues, why would you come into contact with different levels of mental phenomena, in different periods of your life, but all of these influences can work in higher status when you follow a pure life and the trend is toward higher thought and purity of motive.

* * *

Personal Color - Aura

Moon at 03°31'15'' Scorpio

The position of the Moon will paint your personal aura with a deep red. This makes you have a very strong personal aura drifting easily into passion, pride or jealousy.Knowing, however, that this failure comes through the red beam, you should try to change the color from dark red to a more sophisticated and more rosy properties, which will ultimately lead to spiritual red or crimson. To accomplish this, you should study well the nature and use your whole self which usually gives Scorpio. You will always have a belief in mystical side of things, but you also tend to be careful about your interests and if the other colors of your aura does not alter the deep red to a lighter shade, there would be a risk to become very personal, because it enhances anything related to personality.

* * *


Results of Aspects

Conjunction 3 X Power = 7
Sextile 6 X Power = 24
Square 6 X Power = 16
Trine 4 X Power = 19
Opposition 1 X Power = 6

In your horoscope we found these aspects:

10 Positives with sum Power 43
7 Negatives with sum Power 22
3 Conjunctions and Inconjunct with sum Power 7

With these facts we can say that,

Have a favorable horoscope and find opportunities to develop your character and use wisely your cognitive abilities. You win studying your horoscope, because you the ability to benefit from good influences operating at birth and planetary positions, give you some power in the world, which is no less powerful because it may not be obvious or public . The crisis was as clean as possible and should be read thoroughly what has been said so to capture the inner meaning that there may be in each paragraph, remembering that the entire analysis is given with the main purpose to help you in your progress. (The following is a brief crisis all combinations are indicated by the horoscope).


Planets Positions

Majority of Planets Above the Horizon

'll find success in life and you will advance in many ways, beyond the cycle of birth. You have a certain ambition and ability to stand alone, and you are self-reliant, ambitious, energetic and persistent. You have some very lucky break and will meet success every time you try and you decide to take advantage of, as best as possible, the opportunities presented to you.

Sun in Fire Sign - Moon in Water Sign

This combination reflects the dominance of the higher over the lower emotions and this actually shows that any trend you attract the sensual element, means to live in the lower part of your being. You are very receptive to your environment and often assume the situations of other people and think that is your own. You are positive to the higher life and to remember that the true intuitive spirit must be subordinate to the higher Self and not allow the conditions of the mind and body to dominate absolutely soul. Personally you tend to be sensitive, but when PUSH in the center of yourself, you can be firm and resolute.

Sun in Mutable Sign - Moon in Fixed Sign

External show determination, but internal doubt, which means that I personally will be firm and resolute in any course of action, but, but, when you reach the end, you may be so hesitant to swing, thus leaving spend a lot of opportunities. It is to your advantage if you think very carefully before you finally decide otherwise would make the action when its usefulness has passed. It seems that we must learn the lesson to be firm but not stubborn. You will not get high reputation and recognition in this life and good will is you are always patient.


* * *

More Informations

Positions and Aspects of Asteroids

Chiron at 13°22'03'' Pisces

Make an extra effort to get rid of the unnecessary guilt you. And please do not wander the world searching for people to save, at least not until you save first. Pay attention to your tendency to play the victim (or more often, you are the victim). You have the ability to do it anyway to help anyone be more imaginative and creative. In fact, doing so may be the perfect antidote to handle the negative aspect of this zodiacal position.

Chiron at 11 House Friends - Hopes

The problem areas for your friends and hopes. Since one can be difficult to get and keep friendships and are afraid to relatively large groups of people. Or on the other to make friendships or forced to belong to groups (especially groups who want to change society) to compensate for their internal fears of loneliness. You should be careful with their friends who ask a lot from you and you just beat and you also can not expect much from your friends.

Aspects Chiron

0.69 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Pluto Sextile Chiron

You are dynamic and courageous. Externalize your power creatively and give your battles a straightforward manner.

4.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Venus Sextile Chiron

Try to get some pleasure for you and your relationship instead of always helping your partner to enjoy. This aspect can make a great art teacher who can teach their students to create art better than you trying alone forever. You are also able to give good financial advice to those who are unable to manage their own finances.

Ceres at 21°01'43'' Sagittarius

Satisfies the knowledge, wisdom and adventure. Like long trips. If you have mental predisposition you like to counsel people or teaching or instructing others in some way. Reading around philosophical issues can have the same effect.

Ceres at 8 House Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Need sex to feel that you care. But you must take care and watch your lover in the same way. This position is also good for those who work in institutions reform, redevelopment or rehabilitation other, and even for those who provide care to dying.

Aspects Ceres

1.45 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Jupiter Trine Ceres

This view shows that have excessive affection and care of your parents when you were young, whether you like it or not. You can join or start organizations to assert their rights of various categories of people who believe wronged in any way.

4.83 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Sun Conjunction Ceres

To care for others is part of your character. You had probably a father that cared enough and was compatible with you and your needs.

Pallas Athena at 25°49'37'' Scorpio

This is a great place for a therapist, a detective, a spy or a criminal! That's why you love to burrow deep into the darkness and return with riches. If a problem requires complex and secret way to solve, you are the right person to solve it.Good location also for one who manages the money and property of others. There is also the possibility to influence and change either know it or not, the moral values ​​in any group of people happen to belong.

Pallas Athena at 7 House Marriage - Partnerships

This position suggests that comes out liking for wedding or synergy, people with good sense of configuration spaces and design that solve problems and shape things around them. You also have the basics of these skills but you always need someone around you to display them, without necessarily what the other person needs to do or say something.

Aspects Pallas Athena

3.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Jupiter Square Pallas Athena

You tend to inflate your views and believe that only your own is correct and that you know everything better than anyone else.

3.53 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Saturn Conjunction Pallas Athena

Focuses on large-scale problems and projects. But we need enough time to read any solutions and that's because you tend to think in advance of the event failure and afraid of making mistakes in some of your options. Whatever you do with care and always thinking about the practical results of your action.

Juno R at 17°01'12'' Leo

Need an unmatched visible, creative and very playful. It can also be a bit cheeky, bossy childlike, or immature.

Juno at 4 House Base, Home, Seat

Somehow you are married to your home. Need a soul mate that adapts to your home environment, like a domestic servant as saying. Another possibility is after marriage to become more and more you something as domestic servant.

Aspects Juno

4.44 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Uranus Trine Juno

Tend to comes out liking people for relationship to be independent, or radiation, which is a bit quirky and lonely. The link will be open in each State to make its own activities and make his life. Make sure you and your mate to feel independent enough to be able to continue together.

5.46 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Jupiter Conjunction Juno

The match will tend to be overly optimistic and smiling. The marriage or relationship can also have the same effect on you. It can make you more optimistic. Take care not only makes you thick too.

6.99 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mars Opposition Juno

Marriage and companionship will awaken to action. In fact, you may need a partner to do business generally. Individuals who comes out liking tend to be energetic, positive and aggressive. Or maybe having a partner, you may experience these symptoms. Anyway there are indications that it may regularly disagree with your mate. One of you has for leadership trends and want to dominate the other.

Vesta at 07°33'15'' Capricorn

Your attention is turned to the organization and control. You are good for any work involving a lot of planning and patience.

Vesta at 9 House Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Maybe you like too big trip, or higher studies, or simply give exam for a higher degree. In all these careful Rest regularly and remove your mind from your studies because otherwise it can get sick. As for the long trips, make sure to not be so large that you are away from home for long periods of time.

Aspects Vesta

1.47 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Conjunction Vesta

You are able to focus and concentrate on your social gatherings, artistic creations in general, as you make merry and happy and coping well in these areas.

2.46 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Neptune Sextile Vesta

You have increased ability to focus your creative imagination. Very good view of artists and scientists, because it helps in visualization and display of the finished product.

4.03 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Moon Sextile Vesta

You have the instinctive ability to focus and to concentrate your attention on your considerations.

5.01 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Uranus Square Vesta

You might have difficulty to focus your attention in normal daily activities, as well as a resentment each time I need to indulge in a normal social event.

5.11 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Pluto Conjunction Vesta

This aspect deserves attention, because it shows trends destruction and self-destruction. You need to cultivate a rather different point of view about life, more enthusiastic and less macabre.

6.39 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mercury Conjunction Vesta

You have increased ability to focus on discussions and communications and other mental tasks.

North Node R at 15°40'59'' Libra

The companionship and cooperation are the keys for you. Can you like doing things yourself, but usually need someone else to finish what you started. And we must also learn to handle your differences with others peacefully. Failure to do this will blow up many opportunities to achieve what you want.

North Node at 6 House Diseases - Work

You must cultivate your ability to handle the details. And you must work. You must also be careful not to fall victim to fraudsters who pretend to need help, when in fact you pluck normal. And we must also be careful not you become such a person. We must cultivate the ability to distinguish between those who pretend and those who really need help and also must learn to work and be productive.

Lilith at 02°13'16'' Virgo

Hide his sensuality to others through a mask of calm, but that may be due to internal conflicts porn. Maybe you tend to censor your instincts. Or you again to express your sensuality cold, clear and perverse.

Lilith at 5 House Enterprises

Good relationships with children, need to confirm and personal view. It causes gambling and all forms of speculation, creating pleasant conditions to those around you crazy and you are chatty.

Part of Fortune at 09°18'48'' Pisces

The share of luck that is attributable to the study of occultism, the unconscious functions of the brain, music and all forms of the arts, in mercy and compassion for the weak.

Part of Fortune at 11 House Friends - Hopes

This position shows that the wishes and dreams you have the seal of good fortune and that says it all. In your friendly environment are the ones who will help you to make the goals and desires.

Vertex at 14°03'31'' Libra

Libra wants justice and harmony. The classic position where disharmony destroys every relationship and every contact. Even passion here should be accompanied by harmony and sensory perception of the compound must be comprehensive, at every level. The person here not withstand the friction and conflict, while he likes to know that the other man has a strong desire for union just like that.

Vertex at 6 House Diseases - Work

The Sixth House, the top faces the sacrifice and service to others. The person in danger of losing the sense of the relationship in the need (sometimes desperate) to find the perfect mate. The person struggles to prove to others that are dedicated and needs the support and acceptance.

* * *

The Degrees of the Zodiac that affect you

Ascendant at 01°39'15'' Taurus

A man sprawled on earth in the last moments of his life. The sun sets amongst the clouds. Fate of Perdition from personal mistakes. Hopes may be dashed. These efforts may be in vain.

Midheaven at 19°27'09'' Capricorn

A monkey sitting in front of a mirror. Fate of Imitation. Emptiness and absurdity. The person launches fashions or comedian.

Sun at 25°51'42'' Sagittarius

A mask showing the face of a dog. Fate of Mime. Faith and friendship.

Moon at 03°31'15'' Scorpio

A lyre and a laurel wreath. Squadron of Sound. Inspiration and feelings. Chance artistic career.

Mercury at 01°09'30'' Capricorn

A vane on the steeple is oriented towards the north. Fate of Shock. Active but odd efforts. The Fate of the individual is in foreign lands.

Venus at 09°01'56'' Capricorn

A owl sitting in the moonlight. Fate of Occultism. Spirit wise and deep, clear view where others lose them.

Mars at 10°01'18'' Aquarius

Two bulls hit the edge of a cliff. Fate of impetuosity. Power and energy but only for competitive reasons. The person must learn moderation.

Jupiter R at 22°29'19'' Leo

A shining star, pale blue, shining over a lake. Fate of Perception. Spirit intuitive, diplomatic gifts. The person will shine through in the realm of existence.

Saturn at 29°21'39'' Scorpio

A woman who wears a robe crawling, playing with a stick wrapped around a snake. Fate of Attraction. Cunning and charm, likelihood of great power over others.

Uranus R at 12°34'19'' Aries

A man on a mountain top while the illumination of the sun, holding a stick in his right hand and a crown on the left. Fate of Reward. Through suffering and hard it will reach, towards the end of his life in great headline and important values. The superiority and discrimination come to indemnify a stubborn effort.

Neptune at 05°05'14'' Pisces

A wreck floating on a calm sea. Rescue Squadron. The person distrusts the havoc and excesses. This protects the foresight.

Pluto at 12°40'21'' Capricorn

A trivet with vivid flames sprouting from a brazier. Fate of ambition. Ambitious and energetic character who is trying to conquer.

Chiron at 13°22'03'' Pisces

A man naked to the waist that cuts wood. Fate of Labour. Modest financial means, but life full of toil simplicity and natural life.

Ceres at 21°01'43'' Sagittarius

Two crossed arrows. Fate of Wrestling. Spirit challenging. Competitive threat or action.

Pallas Athena at 25°49'37'' Scorpio

A man swims in a turbulent lake. Fate of Sacrifice. Decisive and brave character who is thrilled with risk.

Juno R at 17°01'12'' Leo

A Bright and shining through the mirror reflecting the sun's rays. Brightest Fate. Mind glittering capable of inventing. Generosity.

Vesta at 07°33'15'' Capricorn

An eagle carries its prey. Fate of arrogance. Visionary in politics or in the humanities. Spirit powerful.

North Node R at 15°40'59'' Libra

One volume of ice over the Arctic discern a dawn. Fate of the Force. Scientific trends, preferably in travel, destiny that is beyond the ordinary.

Lilith at 02°13'16'' Virgo

A man wearing a hat and showing interest in scientific instruments. Fate Research. Skills for Chemistry and Science, investigation and verification.

Part of Fortune at 09°18'48'' Pisces

Instruments chemistry, stills and mortars on a table. Test Squadron. Scientific skills. The person intended for industry or science.

Vertex at 14°03'31'' Libra

A man makes strolling with two women keeping the arm. Fate of hesitation. Ability to sustain an intrigue. Person with social grace to himself.

East Point at 22°45'39'' Aries

A man standing with a jug covered in hand ready to drink. Two others, his side, talking without looking at him. Fate of weakness. Poop from jealousy and intrigue friends. Tendency to let yourself be carried away.

Part of Spirit at 23°59'42'' Gemini

Many nestling sparrows chirp and burrow into the dust. Fate of Friendship. Social character, gifted with the art of persuasion.

Part of Love at 16°20'09'' Leo

A man on a camel, while the servants below. Survive the Journey. Can the person to head an army or a commercial enterprise. Distant destiny.

Part of Destiny at 27°06'42'' Scorpio

A rocky hill with a cross inscribed within which rises towards the sun rises. Security Squadron. Shiny character. Religious or spiritual moods.

Cupido at 23°53'35'' Sagittarius

A fallen tree, struck by lightning. Sharp Fate. Goals that do not work, sudden difficulty from a fatal joint work.

Hades R at 03°58'14'' Cancer

A table full of leftovers. Fate of sensuality. Trends for the worldly, passionate impulses, propensity to exaggeration.

Zeus at 17°24'17'' Libra

A lighted house with the door open. Fate of Hospitality. Friendliness. Popularity.

Kronos R at 08°51'02'' Cancer

A small village in a fertile valley. Fate of Satisfaction. Prudent fulfill great things. Personal tendencies.

Apollon at 00°32'16'' Scorpio

A nomad warrior, armed with a spear and a rifle. Fate of the Force. The individual has varies within. Strength and wisdom.

Admetos R at 28°02'25'' Taurus

A strong man with a whip in hand, poking in front of two chained slaves. Fate of despotism. Calling the military profession - also the person can be head of an industrial empire.

Vulkanus R at 28°48'09'' Cancer

A horse tied to a tiger approaching stealthily. Fate of violent coercion. The enemies of individual care to fail. Freedom is limited by the facts.

Poseidon at 11°45'03'' Scorpio

A villa surrounded by a forest. Fate of Defense. Spirit wise, full of sources of prosperity and always vigilant.

* * *


101°39'15'' Taurus
227°35'13'' Taurus
323°31'11'' Gemini
419°27'09'' Cancer
523°31'11'' Leo
627°35'13'' Virgo
701°39'15'' Scorpio
827°35'13'' Scorpio
923°31'11'' Sagittarius
1019°27'09'' Capricorn
1123°31'11'' Aquarius
1227°35'13'' Pisces



Sun 25°51'42'' Sagittarius9
Moon 03°31'15'' Scorpio7
Mercury 01°09'30'' Capricorn9
Venus 09°01'56'' Capricorn9
Mars 10°01'18'' Aquarius10
Jupiter R 22°29'19'' Leo4
Saturn 29°21'39'' Scorpio8
Uranus R 12°34'19'' Aries12
Neptune 05°05'14'' Pisces11
Pluto 12°40'21'' Capricorn9



Chiron 13°22'03'' Pisces11
Ceres 21°01'43'' Sagittarius8
Pallas Athena 25°49'37'' Scorpio7
Juno R 17°01'12'' Leo4
Vesta 07°33'15'' Capricorn9

Minor Objects


North Node R 15°40'59'' Libra6
Lilith 02°13'16'' Virgo5
Part of Fortune 09°18'48'' Pisces11
Vertex 14°03'31'' Libra6
East Point 22°45'39'' Aries12
Ascendant 01°39'15'' Taurus1
Midheaven 19°27'09'' Capricorn10
Part of Spirit 23°59'42'' Gemini3
Part of Love 16°20'09'' Leo4
Part of Destiny 27°06'42'' Scorpio8



Cupido 23°53'35'' Sagittarius9
Hades R 03°58'14'' Cancer3
Zeus 17°24'17'' Libra6
Kronos R 08°51'02'' Cancer3
Apollon 00°32'16'' Scorpio6
Admetos R 28°02'25'' Taurus2
Vulkanus R 28°48'09'' Cancer4
Poseidon 11°45'03'' Scorpio7

Fixed Stars


ACHERNAR 15°30'32'' Pisces11
POLARIS 28°46'33'' Gemini3
ZETA RETICULI 24°05'13'' Pisces11
PLEIADES 00°35'21'' Gemini2
ALDEBERAN 10°00'06'' Gemini2
CAPELLA 22°04'11'' Gemini2
RIGEL 17°02'19'' Gemini2
BELLATRIX 21°09'21'' Gemini2
ALNATH 22°47'12'' Gemini3
ORION 23°40'21'' Gemini3
BETELGEUSE 28°58'04'' Gemini3
MENKALINAN 00°07'16'' Cancer3
MURZIM 07°24'04'' Cancer3
CANOPUS 15°10'33'' Cancer3
ALHENA 09°19'04'' Cancer3
SIRIUS 14°17'29'' Cancer3
ADARA 20°58'27'' Cancer4
WEZEN 23°36'26'' Cancer4
CASTOR 20°27'08'' Cancer4
PROCYON 26°00'00'' Cancer4
POLLUX 23°25'27'' Cancer4
SUHAIL 27°34'17'' Leo5
AVIOR 23°21'29'' Virgo5
MIAPLACIDUS 02°12'00'' Scorpio7
ALPHARD 27°29'25'' Leo5
REGULUS 00°02'21'' Virgo5
DUBHE 15°24'12'' Leo4
ACRUX 12°05'14'' Scorpio7
GACRUX 06°57'19'' Scorpio7
BECRUX 11°51'33'' Scorpio7
ALIOTH 09°08'12'' Virgo5
SPICA 24°03'11'' Libra6
ALKAID 27°08'09'' Virgo6
AGENA 24°00'21'' Scorpio7
ARCTURUS 24°26'22'' Libra6
RIGEL KENTAURUS 29°41'28'' Scorpio8
ANTARES 09°58'20'' Sagittarius8
SHAULA 24°47'34'' Sagittarius9
SARGAS 25°48'28'' Sagittarius9
KAUS AUSTRALIS 05°17'19'' Capricorn9
VEGA 15°31'34'' Capricorn9
ALTAIR 01°59'18'' Aquarius10
PEACOCK 24°01'27'' Capricorn10
DENEB 05°33'06'' Pisces11
ALNAIR 16°07'02'' Aquarius10
FORMALHAUT 04°04'11'' Pisces11
ANDROMEDA 27°56'18'' Aries12

Retrograde Planets


Retrograde Jupiter shows that you may be somewhat pessimistic and lack of imagination.



Retrograde Uranus shows that while externally not seem unconventional or different person inside you feel, but take care not to show it. There is a possibility that areas visible from the house, sign and aspects of Uranus in your chart, be subject to constant or sudden extreme changes. Using positive this retrograde motion of Uranus might be someone that is unique and true and can lead projects to be undertaken in positive change and development.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


Tags: Solar Return Brad Pitt