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Lunar Return of Angelina Jolie for June 2015 - example 3

Costas Tolis

Read the Lunar Return of Angelina Jolie for June 2015

NameAngelina Jolie
Lunar Return2015-06-11
Lunar Return time02:27:42
Lunar Return PlaceLos Angeles US California

Rising Sign or Ascendant

Ascendant Aries at 20°03'07''

The Rising has now moved in Aries. This position gives you energy and activity of body and mind - impulsiveness and enthusiasm, with many changes in her lifetime. You are courageous, energetic, honest and outspoken. You may encounter difficulties quickly and bravery. Know what you want and rarely feel lost not knowing what to say or what to do when they have to decide. You are ambitious, confident and adventurous and will succeed in the world, mainly thanks to these properties, and the confidence you have in your ability to succeed. Too love freedom and independence and go bad when in any way prevent, restrict or hinder. You are generous and respond immediately when directed to your feelings. You are enthusiastic and energetic supporters of any individual case or inside to your favorites. Most mishaps will occur due to excessive haste and impulsiveness in practice, in crisis or feelings. Are you missing somewhat temper the calm thought and restraint and is not easy to give way to others, even when required by law or prudence.

Aspects Ascendant

0.10 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Sun Sextile Ascendant

You are social and energetic, confident and righteous. You like act for others. This view helps you maintain good health and good life.

0.35 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Uranus Conjunction Ascendant

You are unconventional, rebellious, independent and possibly in front of your season. Looking to reform and change things and people around you. You probably strung and nervous and you must watch your tendency to Overdoing and pull the ends until things fall down. Your ideas are original, creative, intuitive and artistic. You do not want to be bound to anything and anyone.

0.99 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mars Sextile Ascendant

You tend to be independent, fearless, with a strong will and confidence. You do not really care what others think about you. Like friends and have active and energetic. Have faith and honesty and defend your beliefs and ideas. This view is good for the body, increases vitality and vigor and ability gives rapid recovery from illness.

1.87 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Jupiter Trine Ascendant

Tend to be sociable, optimistic, enthusiastic, open-minded and tolerant. People are naturally attracted to you because they feel that you are good for them or at least that will help them whenever they need help. You are a friend of amusements and interested in accumulating knowledge in a wide range of items.

5.19 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Pluto Square Ascendant

You tend to not be tolerant with others and what they believe. People see you as an threat to their operations, possibly even their survival. I'll test them and will try and do the same and you to them. Not turning to leave a competition and sometimes go out of your way for a good fight, verbal or otherwise.Probably need to learn cooperation. There is also a tendency to keep your feelings hidden for them and those with whom you relate. They may wish to be a little more open with them.

6.96 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Moon Conjunction Ascendant

Tend to be emotional and struggling to hide your feelings. Have compassion and empathy possible for others. The moods are subject to constant changes and have trouble get a firm decision. You need to grow a bit more control of your emotions. You need people around you to make you feel safer. You tend to become overly sensitive when engaging in other people's lives.

Ruler Mars at 3 House

This position makes them more active in the life, thought and intellect and is likely profession, fun or hobby to be more mental than otherwise. Books, texts, letters, documents can be very important and there may be a lot of reading, writing or study. This position also gives a lot of traveling, especially soon - very private and several changes of opinion or mental attitude. Would you like family ties and his brothers and sisters, we will either hinder or help you, depending on the agreement or discord of horoscope with your own.

Mars at 21°03'03'' Gemini

The power of Mars in this case rather expressed through thought, in spite of the wishes - rather mentally, rather passionately. It makes wits and fast thinking, able to reason and categorical speech. Gives mental courage and originality, with some intellectual militancy and positivity - a tendency towards irony, teasing, sarcasm or satire. Do you own judgment and you get flair in writing, speaking, argumentation and debate. But, sometimes, you tend to offend others through contrast or overt speech for your writing and thus, perhaps, to get some enemies. Scatter your energies engaged with many things and win if you only concentrate on one thing. This position is likely to cause the removal of any brother, problems due to correspondence, literary or educational issues and accidents while traveling or out of the house. Might be affected lungs. In summary, to say that you are smart and restless, with humor and sarcasm, but sometimes turns into sarcasm. You have sensitive nervous system because you do not know to Grasp energy and this weakens you wasted.

Aspects Mars

0.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Sun Conjunction Mars

The Synod of the Sun with the fiery and impulsive Mars will excite all your vital force, bringing an abundance of fire and life on your recommendation. Therefore, in every respect, a lot will depend on your lifestyle and the holding capacity which you have, why is it necessary to hold and control the violent and impulsive tendency of Mars, when conjunct the Sun. For the careless, there is a risk of accidents rush for reckless and negligent, and febrile disease risk trends. For those who get upset easily, there is a risk of disputes and similar others will awaken that which is hidden and will stimulate activity in all aspects of animalistic nature. You renew health to those who are modest will tend to cause inflammation in those who are carried away by impulses and those who have lost their thinking, easily lose their balance.

1.35 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Uranus Sextile Mars

The planet Mars is now Good aspect with Uranus, which notes a very active period in terms of thinking, suggesting that the mind can be turned to metaphysical matters, making you this way I went more than usual . It is an appropriate period for the use of creative skills, to accelerate your perception and generally to stimulate the general state of mind. But generally, the more influence it has over other fields than with natural and is very likely to come into contact with some higher knowledge, either during sleep or through others. It's a good time to study all metaphysical issues, especially of Astrology.

2.87 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Jupiter Sextile Mars

The favorable view of Mars with Jupiter which is now in effect, increase your mental energy and will motivate you to new aspirations and new businesses. You are more generous, free and open-minded than usual, but you should be careful that your expenses do not exceed your income, because you now have a tendency to overestimate things and spend more money than it would be prudent . This aspect will benefit your health and make you more happy, optimistic and free. Will benefit from superiors and by persons in authority, as well as religious people. It's a good look for travel and for changes, but frugality and prudence is necessary.

Planets in House 1

Uranus at 1 House

Uranus in the First House notes the horoscope as completely unusual, because Uranus is the planet of originality, inventiveness and intelligence often. But sometimes you do consider quirks, strange and eccentric, with a tendency to be very sharp and uncompromising. This position has a great relationship with your love for the mysterious and also gives you the ability to read Astrology and metaphysical issues. Do you love everything that is admirable and profound. Some romantic story will come to life or a very sudden and unexpected change, or reversal of fortune or windfall profit or benevolence.

Uranus at 19°41'38'' Aries

Uranus in Aries, gives knowledge and make you very altruistic. There is a chance to have an adventure that transcends the narrow human frameworks. It also gives independence, originality, boldness and intelligence. You will have active friends and accept the influence of a particular social group. This position offers yet, Popularity and sudden successes. You should however avoid the sudden impulsive and think before you act.

Aspects Uranus

0.46 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Sun Sextile Uranus

The Sun has now moved to a Good aspect with Uranus, which promises great expansion of consciousness that will occur, either through successful trips, travel or changes, either through popularity or acquaintances with those who will benefactor and through contacts with those who have greater knowledge than yours and more influence over others. This view sometimes gives unexpected benefits or cases of sudden and unexpected nature that ultimately result in good. For those who can fully meet suggests a mystical period where new thoughts and ideas come to mind, bringing originality, insight, etc. You wake up some of your internal functions.

1.52 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Jupiter Trine Uranus

The planet Jupiter has moved into a Good aspect with Uranus and creates a view in which very few people can hope that they will respond fully. It just means that Manas or higher mind, is able to pass on higher things personality and an advanced state of being. Awakens all perceptive abilities and gives a higher type mind, which sometimes summarized by the phrase, whatever is, is the best expression of this is likely to be used in all matters of daily life the person is fully under this influence. From a physical point of view gives benefactions through flashes of intelligence or inventiveness and originality.

4.83 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Pluto Square Uranus

This position gives strange originality in love and strange modern scientific thought on the issue: what does matter.

6.60 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Moon Conjunction Uranus

The Moon has moved conjunct Uranus, a position which suggests that it is likely to happen any sudden or unexpected event, the nature of which are difficult to predict. This influence can act mentally, emotionally or physically, but the final result will be a change, probably temporary nature, whether in consciousness or in your environment. It is a favorable time to bother with new thoughts, or to get in touch with advanced views, in order to widen your mental attitude and increase the sphere of influence. For some people it means a new romance or pursuits, all increasing personal magnetism attracts those who respond to the higher vibration. Because Uranus is the planet of mysteries, miracles and development, pay close attention to the situations you while you are under the influence.

* * *


Sun at 20°09'40'' Gemini

You have now in Progress the Sun in Gemini, and you are glib, mentally impulsive and with a tendency toward authoritarianism, which stems from the belief that you know everything better than anyone else. Like the intelligentsia, the literature, science and art and nourish enough ambition around these issues. But we should cultivate concentration, if you want to manifest your intelligence, because you have a hidden talent in terms of literature or public lectures. You are somewhat anxious, jumpy and irritable and you should take steps to not get in volatility, indecision and inconsistency, which are the results of - usually - undue anxiety and agitation. A study of the control of thinking will help you in terms of comfort and happiness in life.

Aspects Sun

1.98 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Jupiter Sextile Sun

The Sun is now in Good aspect with lucky Jupiter, a good influence, which lasts for a fairly long period, so you can feel its beneficial effects. You have now reached a stage in your evolution where you will be presented opportunities not only to develop the best aspect of your nature, but also to greatly improve your social position in the world. Without doubt you will gain worldly success and spiritual advancement, depending on the strength of the wishes and aspirations of you, because much of this influence depends on your ability to respond to the opportunities presented to you. However, all new pursuits, which will begin this year, will succeed and you can expect a final prosperity. This might be the best time of your life if used properly the opportunities and take advantage of them fully.

* * *


Moon at 13°05'05'' Aries

The Moon passes through the sign of Aries, therefore, all matters of intellectual sphere intensified during this period. The character will be somewhat emphatic, energetic and impulsive - you want to be head of affairs, strongly desiring to lead and guide them. Mentally, you are more irritable than usual and certainly more energetic and ambitious. You will have a tendency to change and will want to change the existing conditions. Your personality will be stronger and more abundant life force. Therefore, you should avoid recklessness or excessive excitement.

Moon at 12 House

The Moon in the Twelfth House, at the time of your birth, will bring to life many secret affairs, creating you a trend towards intuition and psychic phenomena. It will tow the romance or will affect you very strongly. Everything that is strange and secret will attract strongly. To always beware of the false accusation and betrayal or anything that can make you to risk your freedom, because in life you will create some enemies. You will do some long trips when suggesting or encouraging directions. There is a favorable position for the Moon, except, with respect to things that do not lend distinction to your personality.

Aspects Moon

1.77 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Pluto Square Moon

The Moon in Negative aspect with Pluto,, makes you insecure and so you can not recognize the love that you offer others, because it is not worth your love. The result is that you become aggressive, possessive and jealous too when you feel that your partner can feel beautiful and without your presence. Have strong sexuality, but the express aggressively you make that match.

5.08 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Jupiter Trine Moon

The Moon and Jupiter in Good side will make this year very successful, since almost all your efforts will be accompanied by abundance and success. Your mind will be free and generous, honest and happy, and your body will be healthy. This is an optimistic and promising period, during which you will create some noble and favorable relationships and friendships. Now you can start any serious pursuit of future profits and happiness and generally everything will go well. Your mind will be directed more to higher thinking and mental and moral character will improve. You can now forward all important questions to ultimate success. Make the haystacks as the Sun shines.


Sun Gemini - Moon Aries

Mixing this influence indicates that you have strong willed and ambitious mind, a love of knowledge and good understanding. Like books and you can express your thoughts they contain. You are somewhat ambitious and worldly, however, capable of very superior attainments. There is a risk that must be avoided, ie do not spend at the ends. You should not allow yourself to become too independent and good will is to realize the need to sometimes succumb to conditions. You have a dislike for the convention and do not like to put laws and rules. You, however, the power to realize most of what you want, and the capacity for self-control, if you want to use.

* * *

Mind Skills

Mercury R at 04°34'17'' Gemini

That will bring forth all the hermetic cases, giving you the ability to write and study. But you will learn more traveling, despite studying or reading, because Mercury in Gemini probably does not help concentration. The mind finds it difficult to concentrate on one area at a time, therefore, travel is the best way to broaden your mind. Mentally you are moody and able to be working with two different searches or studies simultaneously which adds enough versatility to you. Your mind is active and alert and able to become good debaters, speakers or actors, having a presence of mind and a very capable little discretion spirit.

Mercury at 2 House

Mercury in the Second House. This is conducive to profit through correspondence, letters and writing. Also for economic success in literary pursuits and generally, teachers and artistic professions. Although generally a good place for Mercury and when under good guidance will be very favorable regarding travel and short movements, on the other hand is not favorable when attacked. You have the mental capacity for economic and earn either through trade or through scientific research, lectures, etc. But care must be taken against theft and fraud, because in some phases of your life you might fall victim to fraudsters.

Aspects Mercury

0.85 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Venus Sextile Mercury

The planets Mercury and Venus are now in Good view, which will improve your mind, making you look and the knowledge to make the most important to your mental state. It makes you clearly see your way over the difficulties, and bring help in some way by those who are willing to help you. It also favors the correspondence, legal affairs and financial matters generally, but particularly mental states and all those subjects in which the mind is engaged in a sophisticated work of art.

4.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Saturn Opposition Mercury

The Negative aspect that acts during this period between Saturn and Mercury, is an influence that may cause restlessness, anxiety, great difficulty in matters related correspondence, documents, etc. Therefore, you must show caution in your dealings with lawyers, managers or individuals associated with the literature and correspondence issues. This is a rather difficult aspect, which may cause some disappointment or betrayal, or unforeseen difficulties in your life that will make you feel anxious and upset easily. For this it is advisable not to offend anyone. Observe your speech and particularly matters of correspondence and relations with junior, senior, partners etc.

5.24 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Neptune Square Mercury

The face Opposition between Mercury and Neptune that is now in effect, is likely to have unpleasant and perhaps distressing effects on the mind, turning it morbid fantasies, unfounded fears and tastes suspiciously. Keep your mind is completely restrained and not affected unnecessarily by others. Remember to leave the key principles rather impulses to govern your thinking.

* * *

Money, Property

Mercury at 2 House

This position promises profits through literary occupations, agencies, publications, etc., in other words, by any sedentary work that employs more the mind rather than the body. You have several business skills and resourceful and possessive in terms of money, but you should beware of fraud and theft and be careful when you sign financial documents. Score well on all matters requiring a fast and journalism or businesses and occupations associated with printing, shipping, factoring, etc. will offer you the most efficient ways of income.

Venus in 4 Corner House

The Angular position of Venus in your horoscope will always be favorable to your financial affairs and will not ever find yourself in genuine need or poverty, unless the directions in the natal horoscope is extremely bad: but that's no reason not to have luck and success in your life on economic prosperity. Venus angular positions, gives money through marriage or through friends, as well as through the art and the female sex in general. This influence makes people have in their horoscope, is the so-called lucky. Therefore, you will have success in all financial matters and money in general.

Stable Sign in beginning of 2 House

The Second House shows the economic potential.

2 House Taurus at 17°22'48''

O 2nd House in Taurus: profits from agriculture or real estate. Love for money, fortune favored. Makes bankers.

Venus Ruler of Taurus

Venus irrelevant in the Second House of the horoscope, this is very favorable in terms of overall your financial affairs and shows that will have great success in all financial matters. The issues are governed by the planet Venus, bringing luck and prosperity. Venus favors the music, the singing, the arts and all those things that serve the satisfaction and happiness of others. You are pretty much lucky to all your financial transactions and will win, either through inheritance or through your profession, business, or a partner. In fact it does not matter which way you turn your attention to profit - you will always be big or little success.

* * *

Communications, Short Journeys

Sun at 3 House

Is rather favorable for travel do anything in your life, but in the general sense, it implies much mobility. During trips can contact or meet people of noble origin, because the Sun designates all things related to social class and superior position. All trips will relate to some higher mission, or you will have to perform a task that requires occasionally move from place to place. You have much higher spirit. Fits with your siblings and will benefit from them or through them somehow. The mind is broad and generally impartial and there is agreement with relatives.

Mars at 3 House

Mars irrelevant in the Third House and this is not good for trips made for business or pleasure. Threatening accidents or serious tests, due to circumstances that will occur during the trip. In a broad sense this planet, not good influence, because it forces the mind to be sometimes too careless and impulsive so, it is likely that you yourself can directly or indirectly cause accidents. This effect also implies problems of relatives or through them, the brothers will cause discomfort and create controversy. We always watch the speech and your mail. This position will give you plenty of mental courage when you need to use it.

Mutable Sign in beginning of 3 House

The Third House shows the movements and mental activity.

3 House Gemini at 14°42'28''

You have quite capable mind, surrounded by young people and have the ability to express these you want to say.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

This is an indication of great activity in all matters related to travel. You travel a lot and you will have a lot of movement in your life. We love to travel and see other places and maybe get involved with a profession that requires a constant change and movement on your part. You will gain more specific information and experiences. Also, you will benefit a lot in this direction. This position is good for your mental and physical activities, but is contrary to the acquisition of the merger will enable you to obtain permanent success, because your mind is rather hyperactive sometimes. Therefore, you should try to cultivate concentration.

* * *

Base, Home, Seat

Venus at 4 House

Venus irrelevant in the Fourth House, promises a very harmonious and happy period to the end of your life, in terms of worldly goods and comfort. Towards the end of your life you will find yourself in better conditions and more harmonious environment than before and maybe you surround people who is very dedicated and willing to make your life as you would like it to end. This effect also leads to a very satisfactory outcome of all matters that may be interested, especially when the planet Venus has good views of directions or meets good views of other planets.

Venus at 05°25'29'' Leo

This gives warm and sincere feelings, a deep love nature, as well as great faith and stability. It can result in a quick marriage, unless there are other conditions and has a tendency to love at first sight. She's lucky social influence and can give you many pleasant friends and acquaintances, from which you can get both satisfaction and profit. It makes little excessive, so the feelings, which tend to be very active, and economic issues. Have great generosity, kindness and generosity. Have a happy upbeat nature - like your pleasures, companionship and luxury. You will earn from any employment related to entertainment, public relations, partner, or theater companies. Also, you can earn from speculative investments, if you add a little caution in your boldness. This position gives a certain popularity and appreciation of the above. In short, honest and generous, but easily hurting because probably expect a lot from others. Like you admire this bother much with the outward appearance. You can become good actors, because anyway you tend to dramatize your feelings.

Aspects Venus

5.18 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Saturn Trine Venus

The planets Venus and Saturn are now Good face each other, bringing to life an influence that will encourage you and you benefited, since you are able to respond to various opportunities it offers. You are unusually careful, prudent and thrifty. You win by older people, partners and family issues. The feelings and sympathies will be more stable and reliable than before. Somehow you could win fame. The reliability and economic affairs will improve, bringing profits through other, because the general trend is for financial gain. This influence will also boost your mental status, making your very insightful.

4 House Cancer at 12°02'09''

Like the family environment and make several trips to reunite with your family. Do you own mind and imagination, memory and historical sense. Do you feel the need to frequently change the environment and have the ability to dream and psychic abilities.

Moon Ruler of Cancer

The Lunar sphere of influence, progressing from the moment of birth, now occupies the fourth house of your horoscope, the House associated with the affairs of the family and the home, and with the end of things. You can expect changes, removals or changes, various situations, etc., which, to some extent, will disrupt your plans. The affairs of the family and home will be on the rise and likely to have people in the same house as your own, which to some extent will affect you. In many ways, this is a minor House for passing the Moon in progress, except for the fact that generally has more to do with their parents or elderly people, especially family affairs.

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Jupiter at 5 House

Jupiter exerts a dominant influence in the fifth house of your horoscope and promises luck and success through speculation, investments and businesses other than the actual toil to acquire wealth. Under favorable directions, you will have great success in speculation and through prudent investments can ultimately accumulate wealth in different ways. You will find great social pleasure and joy in your life and the children will bring you happiness and profits. The Fifth House is the House of pleasures and because it is under the influence of Jupiter, all subjects that bring success and enjoyment in your life will go well and all the social issues will be satisfactory. Love: In love matters do not seem to make and the model of faith in your relationships and therefore will have many erotic adventures in your life. You tend to idealize your partner but rather react badly when your choice was wrong. Having fun with your love stories and win many things, ensuring emotional security and feeling cheery and creative. Ensure your mate to pass well and constantly care for his own amusement, but must observe the reckless overspending and the propensity for gambling.

Jupiter at 18°10'24'' Leo

This makes high-minded, honest and easygoing. Gives you a feeling of dignity and make you suitable for positions of power and responsibility. It is possible to earn the appreciation of the above and you will succeed as guides or other leaders. It is very likely to succeed in life and to earn respect and appreciation, as well as strength and reputation. This will bring you many friends and acquaintances, some popularity and social success. You feel your value and do not underestimate yourself. Like the show, the view, the ritual, good taste and sometimes display a flashiness, but not disturb anyone because you are generous and magnanimous. You have deep feelings and intense erotic nature. This position increases vitality and physical vigor. Also, you are altruistic, practical, with excellent organizational skills, creative and ambitious, but also artistic.

5 House Leo at 14°42'28''

Looking for the perfect love, you are loyal and gentle, warm, ardent and generosity. I will probably settle for a child whose destiny seems to be brilliant. You have an attraction to the theater.

Sun Ruler of Leo

This is good for issues of character bold venture in the general sense, but much will depend on the solar aspects regarding the success you will have in your pursuits. You speculative instinct and you are able to invest money profitably, but it will take much interest or a very important chapter to become what you would like. In many ways you have the ability to engage in polite way to enjoy and you can enjoy all the correct and superior way, because you like to do things on a large scale.You will earn through their children. Love: The Sun in the fifth house is located in one of the best places, because the fifth house is identical to the properties of Leo and the governor, the Sun. It can make people show, sometimes the image of arrogant, to their partners, but shows people who offer their feelings with unlimited generosity. The Sun in the fifth house indicates a person who is likable and charismatic. Does the clasp of the bat as a conqueror, having permanently surrounded by admirers as the Sun surrounded by planets. There is no problem to tow sexual partners and lovers or mistresses.These people are not anti-marriage or serious, permanent and stable relationship, instead they like. But their desire to live their lives is so strong are very slow to think and often marry in old age or at all. But even if you succumb to the shackles of legal relationship, remain attractive to the representatives of the opposite sex and allow themselves to flirt and even - sometimes - brazenly. Whether to proceed with these flirting, depends on other factors in their charts. If Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn are strongly on the map, you can count on the loyalty of your sex partner, regardless of the traction it creates in people of the opposite sex. For these people, it lasts a love is vital. If Leo or Scorpio is intense on the map, your partner may have sexual infidelity trends, but is not going to end the relationship, that is with you, unless you consider that not enough of you. These people love the game, so often entangled in adventures. If Gemini or Sagittarius is strongly on the map, your partner is inherently mutable and that means you are unable to colonize easily along a stable relationship - unless there are other factors that assist. Just consider such a relationship as a friendship temporary, because I really a man with the Sun in Gemini or Sagittarius, can offer you unforgettable hours. The Sun in the fifth house, except for the glow and radiance, gives a great inner strength. People with the Sun in the fifth distinguished for their good mood, their humor, their spirit of self-sneer and jape, even with themselves.They are individuals who are keen to be the focus for a mate, they like to be rewarded by the person they are interested in easily accept flattery and a great flatterer, may make them focus their attention on them. When you love, do everything to please her lover or mistress, of fun with their soul and offer very expensive gifts, in relation to their economic situation. Are people who do not hesitate even to borrow in order to make a good gift to loved one.

* * *

Diseases - Work

6 House Virgo at 17°22'48''

You have a methodical approach and sense of criticism on the work, you may have to do with medicine.

Mercury Ruler of Virgo

Most of the diseases of your life will come due to neural or cognitive problems. Care must be taken not to worry in any case, if you appreciate even just your health, because a nervous prostration threatened whenever the mind lets you retreat to anxiety and nervousness. All diseases will come from the state of mind and nervous system. You have some psychic impressions, which will affect you in some directions and serene state of mind will depend more than you think. This influence is dangerous when pushing strongly mental problems that affect the mind.

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Marriage - Partnerships

Venus Leo

Venus in Leo promises a successful marriage and a lot of happiness will come into your life through your partner. With your wedding will ascend to a higher social class than yours and you get prestige and social benefits that will significantly contribute to the prosperity to the world. This influence favors marriage and activates the emotional nature to such an extent that your feelings are stimulated easily, causing adhesions at the first opportunity. It also reduces the likelihood of making a mistake in matters of the heart, because your perceptiveness is strong and active in this direction. Marriage: You give and take love very easily. You have the charisma to magnetize and know that you circulate around magnetism your victims. You love to be surrounded by people who want to be in the spotlight. Marriage for you is a natural evolution of love. Only marry for love and you need to maintain your romance. Like expensive and impressive things, so I want to make a marriage after Palm Sunday and disciplines. You are very loyal to your mate and your marriage usually keeps a life unless Venus has bad sides.

Venus at 4 House

You love your family and appears to have had very good experiences from your childhood. You are very emotional and spread your arms to book this worldwide. Marriage for you means that you can create your own home. And just the idea to live in a house along with your loved your charms. You are faithful in your relationships and your behavior in marriage is exemplary. There never betray your mate! You are from people who congratulated their home and cared lovingly their partner.

Sun in double sign

This suggests that they may marry twice or you have two relationships before coming to a final decision, because this influence is more conducive to union with others, despite the desire to live alone and free from family ties. You have the right nature that allows you to love and appreciate family life and I think you will be happier if married than if you stay alone. When the Sun is in a dual sign and there are no other indications for different wedding theme beyond, then you are probably a dual experience is necessary for the progress of the soul, so that, somehow, get to know the marital life two distinct phases.

7 House Libra at 20°03'07''

This position ensures harmony in marital life.

Venus Ruler of Libra

Venus exerts key influence in the seventh house of your horoscope, the house of marriage. This is one very lucky index and promises a companion who is not only happy and easygoing, but also is a man who will bring luck to your life, intended to help economically and socially. Your marriage will be happy and all your relationships after marriage is harmonious and peaceful. Venus is the planet that governs all love affairs and tends to improve their lives according to the ruling House. It will make you fruitful association and all children will bring blessing, greater joy, luck and happiness.

* * *

Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Saturn at 8 House

Saturn irrelevant in the eighth house of your horoscope, the House associated with wills and money leaving others not at all favorable to your interests on such matters. You will be disappointed in your expectations regarding money that come from others, or money through marriage or through business partners and associates.It can leave you some money, but there is no strong evidence for this in your horoscope. The end of your life will come sooner and will have plenty of time to ponder deeply before coming to a final end that will liberate you from your physical body. You will live until old age and will have full consciousness until the end of your life. Sex: Saturn is not good in the eighth house, because it causes introspection and leaves no sexuality to be expressed. Indicates a sexuality with ..disgraces, with inhibitions and reticence. When the eighth is ruled by Saturn and is accentuated with Leo, Scorpio and Taurus, then the person is in a constant conflict with himself, because one wants to have sex and the other carried by coldness. This makes prospective sexual partner to lose and eventually become aggressive. Those people that have Saturn in eighth is very loyal companions, but I would never put sex first priority nor develop their imagination in love. Saturn is the ruling when the eighth, it is a precursor of intense sexual activity if you are entangled in such a person, you porn meetings likely to be rare.

Saturn R at 00°14'13'' Sagittarius

Saturn in Sagittarius will give you a philosophical mind, thus creating your interest in science, philosophy or religion and as you progress, your thinking will become more genuine, lucid and philosophical. Mark your progress will be the fact that you can accept new views with the same seriousness with which we once took those, which you thought as the ultimate reality. Your mind will be research if turned to religion, you will become a great theologian - if turned to philosophy, will become a great philosopher. If you bother to travel, you will become a great explorer and if you turn to the economy, will become a great economist. But you need to practice concentration, if you want to achieve any of the virtues that promises this position. It also makes you ardent and sincere.

8 House Scorpio at 17°22'48''

Possible involvement with the occult.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

Mars irrelevant in the eighth house of your horoscope, the House associated with wills and bequests. There are strong indications that you will earn highly of these issues, but if this is done, it will be sudden and somewhat unexpected because Mars is not a good planet with regard to monetary issues. You will discover that maybe it was based on some false hope and did not win many, many expect. I advise you to watch the accidents and not run any risk that is not absolutely necessary. Sex: Indicates that the person is thrilled with sex and has a huge reserve of energy in sexual activity. A woman with Mars in this position is more aggressive than others. But if Mars is in an advantageous position, there may be a tendency to violence or cruelty. This man, with negative aspects of Mars in the eighth, satisfy his sexual instincts without thinking at all mate. Traditionally Mars is connected with sex, why is the planet that expresses a person's energy in lovemaking. However, it seems as though Mars in the horoscope, when associated with the eighth, erotic shows fiery temperament and excessive dependence on sex.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

Pluto in the Eighth House always gives a legacy. Whether your family or the family of your spouse. Another effect is that it gives excessive sexuality and as a result many children. Sex: The presence of Pluto in the eighth, showing a very sexual person, dominated by passion. But the feature is that it has sovereign disposition towards his partner. Where Pluto is conjunct the Moon or Venus, may give a sexuality that is slightly competitive. The person who has Pluto in the eighth, is blooded in love, no inhibitions and rejoice sincerely feel when their sexual partner satisfied. There is a possibility that he has Pluto in the eighth house leaving behind victims of sexuality and everyone has to say about the performance of love and its ability, while at other times this same person to do in years to come lovemaking. If Pluto have bad influences can manifest violence.

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Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

9 House Sagittarius at 14°42'28''

You have enlarged philosophical views.

Jupiter Ruler of Sagittarius

Jupiter exerts essential influence in the ninth house of your horoscope, the House of science, philosophy and religion, it is an influence that you turn to philosophy and religion in the widest sense. You will not be so scientific, but philosophical and artistic, because you tend to accept more general contours despite the limited and precise details of the higher mind. You will succeed in foreign countries and likely to win, somehow through foreign affairs. This influence favors all legal affairs and religious matters generally. Gives you some prophetic trends and the ability to dream accurately and spend dreams in the physical brain. Take your dreams.

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Career - Public Image

Pluto at 10 House

Pluto in the Tenth House. Indicates that the ambitions and goals, will have a revolutionary character. You seek change and overthrow of existing conditions. Probably engaged in some secret things and probably also be some periods of crisis, ambitions and goals.

Pluto R at 14°51'29'' Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn, gives capacities for policy and particularly the political in the sense of renewal.

Aspects Pluto

5.03 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

Like everyone of your generation, you have the opportunity to help others for the good of humanity. Use any physical or mental strength to help those around you.

Basic Sign in beginning of 10 House

The Tenth House shows profession.

10 House Capricorn at 12°02'09''

You have aptitude for scientific work, erudition, libraries, politics and work the earth and stone. Your professional course will be uninterrupted upward, with many intermediate discrimination, to old age.

Aspects Midheaven

1.04 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Moon Square Midheaven

This position increases the likelihood of you or what you do to appear before the public. Specifically, the Moon governs careers on anything to do with hotels, restaurants, dairy products and real estate offices. But generally it is a good place for any career related to the public.

2.21 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Neptune Sextile Midheaven

This aspect can make your career can have many ups and downs. It may start in one direction and then find something else completely different and to follow. The work associated with Poseidon is anything to do with film or related industry, the arts, particularly dance and music. Anything that has to do with the care of the poor, the sick, hospitals or social work. Anything that has to do with the sea, sailors, fishermen, oceanographers, etc. Neptune, however, has a tendency to sometimes confuses those who have this post about which career to follow, so it is good to consider carefully whether indeed the career you choose is the one which satisfies you.

2.82 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Pluto Conjunction Midheaven

This position is good for any career related death or regeneration, medicine and psychotherapy, working in demolition companies. Careers requiring power is also good. Good location also for those who handle money as other brokers in the stock market, etc.

Saturn Ruler of Capricorn

Saturn governs the profession or occupation you (10th House), it shows strength and power somehow, but gives more luck and success through hard work and perseverance. You might possess some leadership, or have got a responsibility. This Saturnalia influence is not good for business matters, because there is always the threat of danger, because of damage or because of other failure to bring to a successful end programs you have in hand. Saturn favors profit more through toil than through good fortune. The issues that require patience, tact and caution, succeed better than any other methods, this should seek occupations that require these properties.

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Friends - Hopes

Neptune at 11 House

Neptune irrelevant in the eleventh house of your horoscope, the House of Friends, will bring you many quirky and strange acquaintances and many outlandish or remarkable experiences will occur through them. It is advisable to know the people with whom you work and socialize, because it is rather difficult to understand in any way. This position usually brings those who are under the influence of, in contact with people who are physically or mentally deformed. I'll pull the mental and spiritual aspect of life and friends or acquaintances will affect you in that direction. You should avoid hypnotism, mesmerism, etc. The This position suggests a somewhat mystical mental attitude and shows the fulfillment of hopes in a way that is completely different from your expectations.

Neptune at 09°49'13'' Pisces

Neptune in Pisces, makes you idealists, believers and religious.

Air Sign in beginning of 11 House

The Eleventh House shows the friends.

11 House Aquarius at 14°42'28''

Friendship for you is something important and priceless.

Saturn Ruler of Aquarius

Saturn irrelevant in the eleventh house of your horoscope will bring some very loyal and steadfast friend in your life, but indicated some problems with their friends and acquaintances. You have friends among the elderly in the general sense, or people much older than you. You will have some bitter disappointments in relation to friends and acquaintances and not always realizing the hopes and desires you about them. Some of the so-called friends might leave you when you need it most to help them - hence, not leaning much more to your friends, because this influence gives few real friends.

Uranus Second Ruler of Aquarius

Uranus irrelevant in the eleventh house of your horoscope promises a rare and excellent friendship and suggests that at some stage of the journey of your life will help people who are interested in the side of life associated with secret and occult. This influence gives friends and acquaintances romantic or bohemian type - some very strange or charming and memorable experiences of friendships implied by this influence of Uranus.You have the ability to read human nature and your pulls genuine people and to those who think more than the ordinary man. While traveling you meet those who are most likely to become your best friends.

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Moon at 12 House

The Moon has now reached the twelfth house of your horoscope. You probably have some problems and worries and may suffer from enemies, category etc., as the Moon is in this position that stimulates the worst and most unpleasant influences your horoscope. But it is a good place to fulfill the destiny if the visa so you will have many different opportunities and understandings. You probably have something to do with hospitals or restriction sites or perhaps a task associated with such institutions during this period. I'll pull more the mental world and generally interested in the deeper aspect of life, the occult, etc. You should show compassion for those suffering and in need.

12 House Pisces at 17°22'48''

There is a possibility that your emotional life is threatened by treachery. Still it is possible a forced removal of your locality.

Jupiter Ruler of Pisces

Jupiter is the planet associated with occult subjects (12th House) in your horoscope, so, you will make great progress in your life, in all matters related to occult thought and study. Somehow there is a hereditary link between you and the occult and immaterial how far they can wander the subjective life, the internal worlds will carry some charm on you. Somehow, you will earn through your login with mental issues and minimum bad will happen from self-destructive tendencies. You will get your life in your hands and try to understand much of your inner nature, because you have faith in mystical matters.

Neptune Second Ruler of Pisces

Neptune has major influence on the twelfth house of your horoscope will bring you into contact with quirky and bizarre experiences regarding what is called occult. Maybe get in contact with psychics or study spiritualism and possibly also to meet very special people who have strange opinions in the occult field. It warns, however, be careful in your dealings with mental issues, why would you come into contact with different levels of mental phenomena, in different periods of your life, but all of these influences can work in higher status when you follow a pure life and the trend is toward higher thought and purity of motive.

* * *

Personal Color - Aura

Moon at 13°05'05'' Aries

Your personal aura is colored a bright red or purple and pink tint. This will make you look at the world through rose-tinted glasses, making you more personal attitude telescopic rather tiny. Therefore, you should do some of your ideals more practical and stable than you want, otherwise it can become opportunistic, profit and sometimes overenthusiastic and imaginative. This position makes you bold, with great enthusiasm, able to organize, plan and plan, so you will never feel embarrassed because they took advantage of an opportunity that was in your way during your current life. For you will stain all things a little less red and this will gives you hope and the energy required to realize your plans.

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Results of Aspects

Conjunction 5 X Power = 21
Sextile 9 X Power = 52
Square 5 X Power = 19
Trine 4 X Power = 16
Opposition 1 X Power = 3

In your horoscope we found these aspects:

13 Positives with sum Power 68
6 Negatives with sum Power 22
5 Conjunctions and Inconjunct with sum Power 21

With these facts we can say that,

Have a favorable horoscope and find opportunities to develop your character and use wisely your cognitive abilities. You win studying your horoscope, because you the ability to benefit from good influences operating at birth and planetary positions, give you some power in the world, which is no less powerful because it may not be obvious or public . The crisis was as clean as possible and should be read thoroughly what has been said so to capture the inner meaning that there may be in each paragraph, remembering that the entire analysis is given with the main purpose to help you in your progress. (The following is a brief crisis all combinations are indicated by the horoscope).


Planets Positions

Majority of Planets Rising

'll ascend to life with your own energy, entrepreneurship and perseverance and will get into a good position where you have power and authority in the circle in which you move. You will have many opportunities and the ability to operate, so you will prosper and advance. You have the ability and self-control as a small ancient god, keep the planets in your hands.

Majority of Planets in Fire Signs

Have a very lively and idealistic, with large reserves of strength and vigor, comprehensive, rich and generous nature, full of vitality and enthusiasm, as well as upbeat and energetic. You have deep feelings, you may love fervently, display great passion and never miss your spirit. The love for the heroic deeds and intensity of purpose is one of the most intense character traits and your behavior. Always give much of yourself in everything you do and feel, but you should avoid the urge or recklessness and always think carefully before you speak or do.

Majority of Planets in Mutable Signs

You are moody and sometimes too indecisive and not quite firm and resolute. However, you are compassionate and have a tendency to sensitivity, although if you want to make your life more useful should cultivate more diligently, otherwise you will be unstable and will feel a sense of deprivation and discontent to yourself. You have a somewhat volatile nature and you should try to drive yourself to the model of constant self-confidence, which will make your life much happier and successful. Sometimes you are very anxious and unsure, but I always like intellectual pursuits.

Sun in Air Sign - Moon in Fire Sign

You are too impulsive personality for internal or personal circumstances. This might make you expedite things, when it is obvious that it would be better to wait for a better opportunity. Looking at the world from a refined and idealistic perspective. You will make great progress during the life that awaits you in the future and little need to fear mentally, because you have the ability to follow your own path in the world. But you should remember that the recklessness and haste are not the best ways to earn success. You are very intuitive, seeing inside the best in all things and you are lucky to possess a personality, which is in tune with the trends of your individuality.

Sun in Mutable Sign - Moon in Cardinal Sign

Do you have great desire for fame and recognition, but often missing the necessary internal motivation that makes you able to promote the various plans and your ambitions. Do not allow yourself to be moody or individually very uncertain. Try to remember that, during this life weaves the web of the future destiny and that although you may fail to realize all that planning in this life, in the future that lies ahead of you, you will have the opportunity to reap everything you sow so far. Your nature seems to be peaceful inside, while on the surface are overactive and somewhat hasty. However, you will learn much more through your external business than through internal conditions, which tend to be too uncertain to rely on them.


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More Informations

Positions and Aspects of Asteroids

Chiron at 21°28'22'' Pisces

Make an extra effort to get rid of the unnecessary guilt you. And please do not wander the world searching for people to save, at least not until you save first. Pay attention to your tendency to play the victim (or more often, you are the victim). You have the ability to do it anyway to help anyone be more imaginative and creative. In fact, doing so may be the perfect antidote to handle the negative aspect of this zodiacal position.

Chiron at 12 House Occult

You may be trying to take care of the very poor and the weak while not caring for not only yourself, but also your own family. Or otherwise, can pretend that you are in need and think you have one problem after another. This position makes you feel tired so make sure you get adequate rest.

Aspects Chiron

0.42 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mars Square Chiron

Present excessive aggression as a cover for some feelings of inadequacy you feel, or can behave passively and hide your inner rage and hostility. You must ask yourself honestly what is it that makes you feel inadequate and try to bring it to the surface, to troubleshoot and to neutralize or to clear completely.

1.31 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Sun Square Chiron

You have a heightened sensitivity when someone criticizes any kind for you. Learn to take things as they are, without feeling that they are attacking you or hate you all.

6.61 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Pluto Sextile Chiron

You are dynamic and courageous. Externalize your power creatively and give your battles a straightforward manner.

Ceres R at 08°54'00'' Aquarius

Find satisfaction through the strange and bizarre. Being with friends just makes you feel that someone cares and friends also feel the same when you are near. Anyway, you had childhood care and affection that should and this has led to be afraid is to buckle up seriously with another person. They also tend to have communication problems when it comes time for deep relationships.

Ceres at 10 House Career - Public Image

This position can make you famous, even if you do not want to become. The sooner you get famous, people will start to visit and ask your care. No private, thankfully. The final will be safe in your personal life. Even your boss can come to you for care or you will have a tendency to take care of your boss. It also comes out liking bosses will want to take care of you. Even you ekloun careers involving eating or dressing.

Aspects Ceres

3.47 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Venus Opposition Ceres

This view shows that the need to feel your happiness and your emotional needs are not compatible. Maybe the clothes you wear to give your small Kannada to feel ugly. Can the adversarial care between lovers or partners be discussed. It looks like it comes out liking mates or lovers who always want to show you care. Or otherwise, can the care you receive from them is never correct. Certainly there is need to address the issue as something fatal, but as something to be solved or as an obstacle to be overcome.

4.18 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Moon Sextile Ceres

Emotional needs and demands of caring for others is compatible and work well together. The care you got from your mother is positive. You also have the instinctive need to care for others.

4.32 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Mercury Trine Ceres

This is a good look for a therapist because you take care of others with your words. It is also good for a seller or someone who writes ads.

Pallas Athena R at 20°45'06'' Sagittarius

Like to handle large-scale projects and knowledge and look after what you discovered.

Pallas Athena at 9 House Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

More interested in large-scale problems, rather than on everyday issues. Great place for a university professor or a diplomat.

Aspects Pallas Athena

0.29 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mars Opposition Pallas Athena

Good place for a military commander or a sports coach. In skirmishes you know how to win battles. Coping well in whatever activity requires great energy, physical activity, or willpower. The difficulties that face shown because you tend to press punish those who believe that crime was in a field and bicker when your solutions are not readily accepted by others.

0.59 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Sun Opposition Pallas Athena

You have the ability to solve problems and make plans but there is a possibility that your solutions can not be accepted by those who have power.

1.05 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Uranus Trine Pallas Athena

Projects do have a tendency to be unusual and genuine. So find the solutions to solve any problems.

2.57 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Jupiter Trine Pallas Athena

We like to make big plans and to solve large-scale problems and coping well in this area.

Juno at 22°55'44'' Leo

Need an unmatched visible, creative and very playful. It can also be a bit cheeky, bossy childlike, or immature.

Juno at 5 House Enterprises

Marriage improves your creative skills. Your mate they should also be a creative person, or good with children, sports, games and hobbies.

Aspects Juno

1.87 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Mars Sextile Juno

Marriage and companionship will awaken to action. In fact, you may need a partner to do business generally. Individuals who comes out liking tend to be energetic, positive and aggressive. Or maybe having a partner, you may experience these symptoms.

2.76 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Sun Sextile Juno

There is a tendency to figure comes out liking dramatically as people around you mates. Or can you become more dramatic poseur and after your wedding. This aspect increases your charm and your social appearance. It gives you an air of innocence. Like others because you are cute.

3.23 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Uranus Trine Juno

Tend to comes out liking people for relationship to be independent, or radiation, which is a bit quirky and lonely. The link will be open in each State to make its own activities and make his life. Make sure you and your mate to feel independent enough to be able to continue together.

4.75 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Jupiter Conjunction Juno

The match will tend to be overly optimistic and smiling. The marriage or relationship can also have the same effect on you. It can make you more optimistic. Take care not only makes you thick too.

Vesta at 01°24'25'' Aries

You have the ability to focus quickly and intensively to do that. This is especially good for unexpected tasks that require immediate action.

Vesta at 12 House Occult

Hestia your map is in the house of withdrawal. Surprisingly, must be periodically withdrawn from the withdrawal! Do not spend long periods in church for example, or in a hospital. Staying too long in such places, you lose your energy.

Aspects Vesta

1.17 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Saturn Trine Vesta

Your attention is particularly focused on discipline in an organization that you belong to and may be at work.

3.16 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Mercury Sextile Vesta

You have increased ability to focus on discussions and communications and other mental tasks.

4.01 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Venus Trine Vesta

You are able to focus and concentrate on your social gatherings, artistic creations in general, as you make merry and happy and coping well in these areas.

North Node R at 06°23'12'' Libra

The companionship and cooperation are the keys for you. Can you like doing things yourself, but usually need someone else to finish what you started. And we must also learn to handle your differences with others peacefully. Failure to do this will blow up many opportunities to achieve what you want.

North Node at 6 House Diseases - Work

You must cultivate your ability to handle the details. And you must work. You must also be careful not to fall victim to fraudsters who pretend to need help, when in fact you pluck normal. And we must also be careful not you become such a person. We must cultivate the ability to distinguish between those who pretend and those who really need help and also must learn to work and be productive.

Lilith at 21°42'34'' Virgo

Hide his sensuality to others through a mask of calm, but that may be due to internal conflicts porn. Maybe you tend to censor your instincts. Or you again to express your sensuality cold, clear and perverse.

Lilith at 6 House Diseases - Work

The Black Moon here creates problem in critical ability. You can easily clarify the professional, social and love your character. You hypochondriacal behavior, perfectionism, minuteness and judge objectively without disrupting their partners mainly. Your intuition is great.

Part of Fortune at 27°07'42'' Gemini

This position shows that you have a fairly well-educated and well developed understanding of communication at all levels. Luck will help you in everything to do with the written or spoken word but also in any employment related communications, brochures, etc.

Part of Fortune at 3 House Communications, Short Journeys

This position shows that you have a fairly well-educated and well developed understanding of communication at all levels. Luck will help you in everything to do with the written or spoken word but also in any employment related communications, brochures, etc.

Vertex at 08°44'30'' Libra

Libra wants justice and harmony. The classic position where disharmony destroys every relationship and every contact. Even passion here should be accompanied by harmony and sensory perception of the compound must be comprehensive, at every level. The person here not withstand the friction and conflict, while he likes to know that the other man has a strong desire for union just like that.

Vertex at 6 House Diseases - Work

The Sixth House, the top faces the sacrifice and service to others. The person in danger of losing the sense of the relationship in the need (sometimes desperate) to find the perfect mate. The person struggles to prove to others that are dedicated and needs the support and acceptance.

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The Degrees of the Zodiac that affect you

Ascendant at 20°03'07'' Aries

A man strong, upright, happy face, who has his hands outstretched in front and holding a cup full of wine. Fate of Rare Character Consciousness hospitable, eager, guileless and generous. Many friends.

Midheaven at 12°02'09'' Capricorn

A trivet with vivid flames sprouting from a brazier. Fate of ambition. Ambitious and energetic character who is trying to conquer.

Sun at 20°09'40'' Gemini

A young man tossing coins into a hubcap. Fate of Indifference. Eccentric habits, work in entertainment venues.

Moon at 13°05'05'' Aries

A man on a raft in the middle of the ocean, hungry, pathetic and desperate. Fate of Isolation. Loneliness and stripping. Probability exile.

Mercury R at 04°34'17'' Gemini

Two men duel in a forest. Among them, underfoot, an outfit of purple and a casket with jewelry. Fate of Fortune. Daredevil battles and encounters with rivals.

Venus at 05°25'29'' Leo

Two crossed swords over a glove, forming a shield. Fate of exploits. Character proud, war, destined to struggle and manage.

Mars at 21°03'03'' Gemini

A young woman lying under a tree, while flies feed on birds that are close to her. Fate of togetherness. Character charming, passionate about poetry and harmony.

Jupiter at 18°10'24'' Leo

A man running against the wind without progressing at all - clothes tattered gushed. Fate of nonsense. The person goes against the opinions and facts. Obstinacy and errors.

Saturn R at 00°14'13'' Sagittarius

A man sprawled on the roadside, on a pile of stones. Fate of deprivation. Freedom of spirit and natural simplicity.

Uranus at 19°41'38'' Aries

A man armored and armored who embarks on a difficult journey. Fate of curiosity. Voltage travels and discoveries. Nature adventurous.

Neptune at 09°49'13'' Pisces

Instruments chemistry, stills and mortars on a table. Test Squadron. Scientific skills. The person intended for industry or science.

Pluto R at 14°51'29'' Capricorn

Some dense white clouds in a clear horizon. Fate of gentleness. Benevolence, tolerance and sweetness. Possible progress.

Chiron at 21°28'22'' Pisces

A woman with dark face, standing over a guy paid. Fate of forfeiture. Character who suffers the loss of the opposite sex. Weakness or dishonesty.

Ceres R at 08°54'00'' Aquarius

A large rock in a lightning rips. Fate of conversion. Character powerful, aggressive, outspoken and brash - great power.

Pallas Athena R at 20°45'06'' Sagittarius

Two triangles interlocked while a third is over. Fate of superiority. Physical and spiritual forces that lead to a domination.

Juno at 22°55'44'' Leo

A shining star, pale blue, shining over a lake. Fate of Perception. Spirit intuitive, diplomatic gifts. The person will shine through in the realm of existence.

Vesta at 01°24'25'' Aries

A man standing, armed with a sword and a spear, dressed in rich reds and purple, with jewels forming buckles with shimmering bronze or gold cap on his head, ready to strike, having confidence in victory. Demonstration Squadron. Temperament racing, anxious as to the manner of living.

North Node R at 06°23'12'' Libra

A naked man falls off a cliff into a lake. Fate of the Fall. Nature impossible. The person should be kept not cheat.

Lilith at 21°42'34'' Virgo

A rich woman, facing evil, in front of a mirror. Fate of indulgence. Character sensualist and fickle, easily mock or mock.

Part of Fortune at 27°07'42'' Gemini

A large area of ​​land cultivated. Fate of Fertility. Rural occupations, many friends, attraction for the rural life.

Vertex at 08°44'30'' Libra

A gladiator armed with a sword and a shield, ready for the fight. Battle Squadron. Power and capacity for action. Man is master of his power.

East Point at 14°12'47'' Aries

A man struggling in the water under a broken bridge. Fate of Treason. Character who commits errors of judgment. Unlucky commercial farms or cooperatives.

Part of Spirit at 12°58'32'' Aquarius

An armed knight. Fate of Confirmation. Observant character that is always on the lookout. Career warrior or military.

Part of Love at 04°12'17'' Virgo

A soldier ready for battle. Fate of Effectiveness. Easy to perform and ability to take decisions.

Part of Destiny at 19°06'44'' Pisces

A scroll. Fate of Seduction. Character indecisive, fickle and changeable.

Cupido R at 24°38'13'' Sagittarius

Three cups of wine forming a triangle. Fate of Hype. Cognitive leisure and zeal but possible corruption.

Hades at 04°01'02'' Cancer

A young tree bent at the waist which thus has sprouted across. Fate of Treason. Tendency to give your trust where it should not. Erotic betrayal.

Zeus R at 16°01'27'' Libra

An old door on it is burried a dagger. Fate of Folly. Critical spirit and cantankerous.

Kronos at 08°41'32'' Cancer

A small village in a fertile valley. Fate of Satisfaction. Prudent fulfill great things. Personal tendencies.

Apollon R at 29°32'59'' Libra

A man sleeping on a bundle of clothes. From top to weigh a vulture and a snake coming to bite him and a leopard ready to swoop on it. Fate of Indifference. The person will encounter a variety of enemies in social life. Insecurity.

Admetos at 28°57'17'' Taurus

A strong man with a whip in hand, poking in front of two chained slaves. Fate of despotism. Calling the military profession - also the person can be head of an industrial empire.

Vulkanus at 28°11'31'' Cancer

A horse tied to a tiger approaching stealthily. Fate of violent coercion. The enemies of individual care to fail. Freedom is limited by the facts.

Poseidon R at 11°05'02'' Scorpio

A villa surrounded by a forest. Fate of Defense. Spirit wise, full of sources of prosperity and always vigilant.

* * *


120°03'07'' Aries
217°22'48'' Taurus
314°42'28'' Gemini
412°02'09'' Cancer
514°42'28'' Leo
617°22'48'' Virgo
720°03'07'' Libra
817°22'48'' Scorpio
914°42'28'' Sagittarius
1012°02'09'' Capricorn
1114°42'28'' Aquarius
1217°22'48'' Pisces



Sun 20°09'40'' Gemini3
Moon 13°05'05'' Aries12
Mercury R 04°34'17'' Gemini2
Venus 05°25'29'' Leo4
Mars 21°03'03'' Gemini3
Jupiter 18°10'24'' Leo5
Saturn R 00°14'13'' Sagittarius8
Uranus 19°41'38'' Aries1
Neptune 09°49'13'' Pisces11
Pluto R 14°51'29'' Capricorn10



Chiron 21°28'22'' Pisces12
Ceres R 08°54'00'' Aquarius10
Pallas Athena R 20°45'06'' Sagittarius9
Juno 22°55'44'' Leo5
Vesta 01°24'25'' Aries12

Minor Objects


North Node R 06°23'12'' Libra6
Lilith 21°42'34'' Virgo6
Part of Fortune 27°07'42'' Gemini3
Vertex 08°44'30'' Libra6
East Point 14°12'47'' Aries12
Ascendant 20°03'07'' Aries1
Midheaven 12°02'09'' Capricorn10
Part of Spirit 12°58'32'' Aquarius10
Part of Love 04°12'17'' Virgo5
Part of Destiny 19°06'44'' Pisces12



Cupido R 24°38'13'' Sagittarius9
Hades 04°01'02'' Cancer3
Zeus R 16°01'27'' Libra6
Kronos 08°41'32'' Cancer3
Apollon R 29°32'59'' Libra7
Admetos 28°57'17'' Taurus2
Vulkanus 28°11'31'' Cancer4
Poseidon R 11°05'02'' Scorpio7

Fixed Stars


ACHERNAR 15°31'08'' Pisces11
POLARIS 28°47'10'' Gemini3
ZETA RETICULI 24°05'26'' Pisces12
PLEIADES 00°35'33'' Gemini2
ALDEBERAN 10°00'18'' Gemini2
CAPELLA 22°04'24'' Gemini3
RIGEL 17°02'32'' Gemini3
BELLATRIX 21°09'34'' Gemini3
ALNATH 22°47'24'' Gemini3
ORION 23°40'34'' Gemini3
BETELGEUSE 28°58'16'' Gemini3
MENKALINAN 00°07'29'' Cancer3
MURZIM 07°24'17'' Cancer3
CANOPUS 15°11'09'' Cancer4
ALHENA 09°19'17'' Cancer3
SIRIUS 14°18'05'' Cancer4
ADARA 20°59'04'' Cancer4
WEZEN 23°37'03'' Cancer4
CASTOR 20°27'21'' Cancer4
PROCYON 26°00'13'' Cancer4
POLLUX 23°26'03'' Cancer4
SUHAIL 27°34'30'' Leo5
AVIOR 23°22'06'' Virgo6
MIAPLACIDUS 02°12'13'' Scorpio7
ALPHARD 27°30'02'' Leo5
REGULUS 00°02'33'' Virgo5
DUBHE 15°24'25'' Leo5
ACRUX 12°05'27'' Scorpio7
GACRUX 06°57'32'' Scorpio7
BECRUX 11°52'10'' Scorpio7
ALIOTH 09°08'24'' Virgo5
SPICA 24°03'24'' Libra7
ALKAID 27°08'21'' Virgo6
AGENA 24°00'33'' Scorpio8
ARCTURUS 24°26'35'' Libra7
RIGEL KENTAURUS 29°42'04'' Scorpio8
ANTARES 09°58'33'' Sagittarius8
SHAULA 24°48'11'' Sagittarius9
SARGAS 25°49'05'' Sagittarius9
KAUS AUSTRALIS 05°17'32'' Capricorn9
VEGA 15°32'11'' Capricorn10
ALTAIR 01°59'31'' Aquarius10
PEACOCK 24°02'04'' Capricorn10
DENEB 05°33'18'' Pisces11
ALNAIR 16°07'14'' Aquarius11
FORMALHAUT 04°04'23'' Pisces11
ANDROMEDA 27°56'31'' Aries1

Retrograde Planets


Retrograde Mercury may make you trouble not express your thoughts and you are afraid you misunderstand others. Good to hear others carefully to build some kind of trust and thus not to be afraid to speak.



Retrograde Saturn might make you insecure and think you are not worthy of anything. He can also keep your fears to yourself wanting to look strong, perhaps because someone with authority is exercised great power and influence over you. You must be patient and work hard to get what you want, but you may not have the will or desire to dedicate yourself to this objective, shown mainly by house, sign and aspects of Saturn on your map. But limit yourself if Slacking.



Retrograde Pluto shows that you tend to hide from others the great difficulties that can get you in some phases of your life. The positive to this is that you will learn about your enemies are your problems so they will not hurt you more. The negative they will not learn and the friends who could help you. If you are unsure of your friends and you know that can help you, then it is advisable not to hide from them.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


Pallas Athena

According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.



According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


Tags: Lunar Return Angelina Jolie