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Natal Horoscope of David Bowie

Costas Tolis

Born: January 8, 1947 - Death: January 10, 2016

Full Natal Horoscope Analysis

NameDavid Bowie
Birthday08 / 01 / 1947
Birth time09:00:00
Birth PlaceBrixton United Kingdom

Rising Sign or Ascendant

Ascendant Aquarius at 03°27'44''

You tend to be altruistic, friendly, yet detached, impersonal, humanitarian, sociable, intellectual, freedom- loving, rebellious, independent, and unusual. You are here to learn altruism, brotherhood, and working for the common good, to forget yourself and your needs for the sake of your friends, who can also be strangers. You have new and different ways of looking at things. You can be very original and inventive, perhaps eccentric or bohemian. You are prone to uncertain and sudden impulses. You tend to be very intuitive, possessing a good mind. You have organizing ability and are capable and practical. You are intelligent, but sometimes cold and calculating where feelings are concerned. There is a certain detachment about you. You cannot stand possessiveness and jealousy and you require plenty of freedom. Depending on the relative strengths of Saturn and Uranus in your chart, caution, coldness and selfishness may be exhibited (Saturn stronger) or there will be more altruism, freedom and free-flowingness (Uranus stronger). If Uranus is stronger, then the things of the spirit will be stronger than materialistic worldliness. Spiritual lesson to learn: Warmth (less head and more heart). Saturn and Uranus both rule Aquarius so Saturn and Uranus will be important in your chart.

At the time of your birth rose Aquarius, a sign that belongs to the element of air and stable property. It offers you cognitive and analytical skills and have talents that can be cultivated, both for science and for literature or art. You have strong will, strong and formed opinions and do not change very easily. Be patient, enduring, stable and resolute calm. Your character is open, forthright, honest and outspoken and although sometimes you are very silent and reticent, not enthralled usually melancholy, but you are good-natured, happy and guileless. Chances are that you will make many friends and will be faithful and steady in your relationships. It will help you a lot of friends and acquaintances and you will enjoy it a lot of friends and comrades. You have a good memory and be able to receive a good education, you have skills that can be grown in a variety of fields. Do you have a tendency towards occult and mysterious and you can easily accomplish in this direction.

Luck: You are suitable for public affairs and responsible positions, appointment, place under a local leader or supervisor. You will have the benefits of marriage, friendships, dating and social status.

Ruler: Saturn. The planet Saturn is the ruler of the zodiac of Capricorn and Aquarius. It tends to gives you a mood that is rigorous, serious and pensive. It is the planet which naturally governs old age and the best influences usually appear only when you pass the youth. Gives self control, containment and confinement, and a natural tendency to frugality, prudence and carefulness. You will also gain from this willpower and a stand patiently, calmly, strength and equanimity. Sometimes you might be missing the fun and pleasant disposition - can not open socially as easily as others or create mood, fun and frolic, and if you can appreciate when you meet. You have sufficient practical ability and can handle people and cases efficiently and economically. You are ambitious and you can make long-lasting projects and programs and spending enough time to carry them out. The best lesson that teaches Saturn is self-control, prudence, patience, frugality and prudent mind, as well as the ability to discern between true and worthy surface hypocrisy. Saturn is considered as unlucky planet, because of its power to limit and restrain and has a binding and inhibitory influence. It is the bridge between the mind and feelings and governs until it is self-control.

Second Ruler: Uranus. Planet Uranus gives nature can, with confidence, where all sides are able to fully develop. Gives strong and original mind, thinking things alone and not copy others. It gives the ability for higher cognitive studies, scientific, literary or metaphysical. On the emotional side of the character gives strength and energy, enthusiasm and determination and great zeal towards any person or case you pull. It makes your will strong and dominant and gives capacity for hard work and energetic. You are very independent, dislike rules, constraints and conventions and often violate or ignore them. Generally come to the fore and you are more or less important people in every area of ​​life, since you can direct, control, administer and to take responsibility. The planet Uranus gives you also a trend towards the occult and the mysterious and sometimes causes strange and unusual experiences. Sudden changes happen in life and both the good and the bad, is likely to come unexpectedly. Uranus is the planet synthetic. Largely governs the will and is responsible for the magnetic changes in the body and nervous system. Bring about changes in consciousness and corresponding changes in life.

Aspects Ascendant

0.37 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Moon Opposition Ascendant

Need keeps control over your emotional reactions to others, because you become very emotional when they get caught up in their lives. Experiencing emotional changes and nerve disorders. Need quiet hours to soothe your nerves.

1.31 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Sextile Ascendant

You are happy, fun, attractive, comfortable and have a pleasant personality. You love beauty and harmony and you are most happy when things are going smoothly. You do not like disharmony and disagreement and you do not go out of your way to rock the boat. Maybe you have artistic talents.

3.39 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Saturn Opposition Ascendant

You are serious and tend toward introversion, probably because of a lack of confidence, feeling worthless, or because you lack faith in yourself. Probably prefer relationships with older, more mature than your people. You are very capable of many things, but can exert a large degree review in yourself and in your abilities.

Ruler Saturn at 7 House

This is likely to bring you published a degree, because it contributes to the acquisition of friends and acquaintances, draws attention on you and it will be good if you follow any career that brings you into contact with the public. What particularly attracts you to the opposite sex and is likely to have great success with it. Creates high propensity to marriage and are unlikely to stay alone. In business or in other occupations are likely to work best in partnership or company other than if you are completely alone, and you can easily comes out liking others and do well with them. In periods are under bad influences, you may have enemies because of this position and to suffer from conflicts, rivalries, jealousy or quarrel.

Saturn R at 06°51'24'' Leo

You possess diplomatic, organizing, executive, and leadership ability along with a strong will. You tend to be self-reliant, conservative, and are extremely efficient. You may have difficulty expressing your emotions and your affections, which may make you appear cold and unloving. You need love, but may not know how to go about giving or receiving it, thus you may isolate yourself from others. Your love is motivated by strong feelings of duty and responsibility and you show your love by taking care of business and doing what is required or by giving material things to loved ones instead of yourself, which is what they really want. On the negative side, you may be cruel and quick-tempered, jealous, and may resort to underhanded means to satisfy your ambitions. Heart trouble is possible with this position. You need to be admired for your ability to get things done efficiently and effectively.

In your birth Saturn was in Leo this will help you in life, giving you power, authority or responsibility and, to some extent, will stand out from the crowd. Slightly reduces circulation and vitality and perhaps affected the heart. It will give you the favor of superiors and those in higher social class. You are rather stable and self-sufficient. It can create problems because of exhaustion, sexual affairs or the passions, unless able to practice restraint, without departing from coldness. The basic experience will come through your feelings and if you can control your passion and can kill the lion of anger, you will avoid many of the problems of your own destiny.

Aspects Saturn

3.01 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Moon Conjunction Saturn

You tend to be serious and emotionally reserved. You perhaps did not have a happy early upbringing where you were able to play a lot or express yourself in a spontaneous, childlike manner. You are cautious about letting others get close to you and you sometimes feel a need to withdraw from people altogether. You feel isolated and alone, even when you are with other people. You have learned to appreciate your own company and to keep yourself busily occupied with solitary activities in order to preserve your emotional well-being. You are an ambitious person who wants to find some area of life to excel in. You take your responsibilities very seriously and you work long and hard to finish what you have started. You have tremendous organizational skills. You want some kind of position of control or authority and that is what drives you. Perhaps this is your defense mechanism to show the world that you are worthy of love and respect, the kind of love and respect that was perhaps missing as you were growing up. Your emotions are inhibited by Saturn's cold, restrictive influence, so you are somewhat shy with a tendency toward gloomy, melancholy and depressive moods. And as thoughts are things, this attitude brings you just what you are thinking. You easily doubt your own abilities and that is why you are striving so hard to prove something. Your constant need for reassurance from others can drive friends and loved ones away. You must learn to handle your fears and insecurities so that you do not make your situation worse. You are extremely sensitive and worry much too much about what others think of you. You lack self- esteem. On the positive side, though, this aspect helps to steady the emotional nature, it deepens the mind and it gives greater power for concentration. You need to cultivate an optimistic frame of mind. Strive to open yourself to others and to go out of your way to help them instead of worrying about just your own little petty concerns.

The Synod of the Moon with Saturn contain and block your progress in life in many ways. Your original environment is not gave you the social and personal benefits they need in order to make a great impression in your environment. This position is generally very unfortunate, but usually this is due to prejudice and fear that gives the personalities which affects. Should avoid becoming overly critical and skeptical, because different, will appeal around you an atmosphere that is repulsive and causes others to not trust you and to suspect your motives. There are no expressive, but you can be loyal, honest and fair. Like accountability. In other words, you are honest and ethical, but shy and closed. Characterized by pessimism and need constant affirmations of your surroundings. You are confident in your life, so you do not take risks. When you do not feel accepted by others, become absolute and snubbed. You tend to loneliness, like religion and philosophy and working furiously.

3.94 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Sextile Saturn

You have the opportunity to reach a high spiritual purpose in this life by serving others through hard work and sacrifice. You can set aside your own needs for the needs of others you trust and you gladly work in doing so. You blend well the qualities of practicality and idealism. You are capable of detaching yourself emotionally from situations and this allows you to see things through to the end. Whatever your hopes and dreams, you will work hard to achieve them. You can make do with very little if you believe it necessary in order for you to accomplish your goal. Practical creativity is your talent. Spiritual protection has been earned in previous lives by your willingness to help and serve others.

The planets Saturn and Neptune are in aspect Positive at birth - this indicates ability to assemble your efforts towards a certain direction with great perseverance. In fact, this view gives an excellent strength persevere despite obstacles and defeats, although its influence fully utilized. You'll always have a liking for the strange and unusual and you will be able to follow your way satisfactory, or welcomed by others or not. Creates the character a penchant for cruelty and you should try to broaden your favorites and expand your love for others to compensate. This aspect is very good, because it allows you to take advantage of your creative imagination. You can practice the profession advantageously decorator, director, journalist etc. The music has a strange effect upon your inner nature.

4.71 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Venus Trine Saturn

You are loyal and steadfast in matters of love and affection. The feelings of others are a serious matter to you and you don't play games with people's affections. Fidelity is highly valued and you don't want to settle for less. Security plays an important part in your life and you have a fine enough opinion about yourself and your own self-worth that problems with insecurity don't cause you much aggravation or upset. Still, you are somewhat reserved in showing your affections as you want to be sure you can trust whomever you are involved with. Your tastes and needs are simple and although you appreciate beauty and luxury, you do not need every luxury and convenience in the world in order to be happy. A person's character and inner nature matter more to you than their appearance. Casual or superficial relationships are not what you want and you aren't looking for them. You understand that the best kind of love takes time to develop and real love only gets better, deeper and more satisfying with age. The friendships you form are generally solid and long- lasting. Stability of emotions is one of your hallmarks. You have an innate sense of duty and responsibility towards your loved ones. Self- control is relatively easy for you to practice. You wouldn't be considered a party animal as your outlook on life is a little more serious and reserved than that. Still, others appreciate the fine qualities you have spent lifetimes developing. You have an inborn strength and courage to face life's difficulties.

The planet Venus and Saturn are in Positive view in your horoscope. He is a senior vibration to the planet Venus, as purifying and stabilizing influences on Saturn tends to make permanent many of the harmonic qualities implied by this. It makes you constant character, giving you a love for thrift and the wise economy, allowing you to accumulate wealth, if ever you wish. You have tact and good abilities, and also the strength to hold on your actions. You are very loyal friend and very honest in all your relationships, pulling with it the way those whom you love sincerely and who will respond to your love.

5.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Pluto Conjunction Saturn

You are quite capable of much self-discipline and self-denial. Life in your eyes is serious, so serious at times that you may occasionally suffer from depression. Your great stamina allows you to work as hard as needed in order to accomplish whatever you have set your Will upon. Just be sure you do not use wrongs means to accomplish your goals. People are not here for you to walk on or over so that you can make it to the top. The more people you wrongly use to get yourself ahead only increases your chance of falling from grace. This aspect is telling you to keep your nose clean and do everything above board and by the book. There are no shortcuts to success and if you think otherwise, then life will eventually show you the error of your thinking. Do not get into the habit of fearing change. Embrace change because it gives you a chance to grow, reform and regenerate yourself. If you do not try to regenerate yourself willing, then life will put the people in your way that will force you to do so, on their terms, not yours. Change is your teacher so do not fight against it, even though it may be difficult. Whatever failure you meet in life, resist any bitter feelings you have. Defeats are actually spiritual aids that will help you to evolve. The only failure in life is in giving up.

Saturn conjunct Pluto. This position makes you suppress yourself because you are never satisfied, even when you've reached the summit. You can not express your feelings and never ask anyone for help.

Second Ruler Uranus at 4 House

This means family ties that bind you, especially in the early years of your life - a close bond with one of the parents - possibly your mother - who has a strong influence on you and affects your life enough. If not, some environmental conditions will prevent a degree and not be removed only at midlife. This position favors the acquisition of real estate, property, houses and land and its products is good for those who have professions. The Fourth House rules the last years of life and generally old age. Often, the issues implied by this position, not tested in its fullness until then. This point of the horoscope is somewhat psychic and mystic, has a close relationship with the astral plane and maybe get involved with mental issues to the end of your life or try some very unusual experiences.

Uranus R at 18°40'21'' Gemini

Uranus in Gemini: will tend to shock people by expressing weird, socially unacceptable ideas. A whole generation was born with this placement (1943 to 1949) and they fueled the social upheavals of the 1960's. Remember that the whole chart has to be examined before one can conclude that someone with this placement will behave this way overtly or if it will only be a repressed tendency.

Uranus in Gemini, gives originality, intuition and love for rhythm. Do you enjoy traveling with modern means of transport. You somewhat excitable nature, inventive skills during adolescence, you will have some novel opportunities.

Aspects Uranus

5.93 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Pluto Sextile Uranus

There is opportunity and ability here to use your creative and innovative mind to do good for society. Many changes may be experienced in life as part of a regeneration process that is designed to help you and others evolve. But you instinctively know that this is for your ultimate benefit so you take all these changes in stride. You want to reform what's wrong in the world, but you can do so without being violent, disruptive or rebellious.

This position gives strange originality in love and strange modern scientific thought on the issue: what does matter.

* * *


Sun at 17°14'42'' Capricorn

You have the desire to climb whatever mountains are necessary and to stand on your own two feet in order to work out your ambitions and your salvation. You are conservative, organized, methodical, traditional, responsible, honest, efficient, patient, practical, authoritative, disciplined, serious and goal-oriented. On the negative side you can be worried, pessimistic, retaliatory, suspicious, stubborn and intolerant. You are happiest in careers calling for organizing ability, integrity and perseverance. You have a fear of failure. Your quiet exterior makes you appear to be loners. You build a wall of reserve around you in order to protect yourselves from the ill winds of the world around you. Nothing gets in the way of your plans and ambitions. You strive for security by holding fast to duty and responsibility. Work is very important to you and you do not take it lightly. You have an inferiority complex and this sometimes is what drives you so hard to succeed. You want to look good in front of the world. You like to plan your every move, weighing all the pros and cons of any issue in advance. You are dependable, particularly in a crisis. When asked, you give sound, practical advice. You are, as a rule, not aggressive people, and only express hostility as a defense when attacked. At times you can be very sensitive to hurts and feel alone as if no one understands you. A negative of you is that sometimes you will seek retribution for wrongs done to you. You need people, but you have a tendency to isolate yourselves from people due to your reserve and fear of being hurt. You can be very loyal to close friends and people you care about. Respect and recognition is important to you. Encouragement and praise are essential for motivating you. A fear of being without material things makes it mandatory that you have a regular income. Your attainments in life are accomplished through steady progress rather than through speculation or get-rich-quick schemes. You have strong self-discipline and nothing turns them from your course if your mind is made up. You will give up many pleasures in order to reach your goals. Hard work invigorates you. You are thrifty and like to collect things. You abhor waste. This includes wasting a lot of talk in idle chatter. You speak when you have something to say. You can be creative but you must at times learn to overcome your own self-doubts and lack of confidence. Pessimism in your own abilities can hold you back. You must learn to believe in yourselves and become optimistic. There is no mountain you cannot climb if that is what you desire to do. You have a lot of patience, which is good, because many of your plans meet with delays, setbacks and obstacles. This teaches you obedience, which is thus helping you to strive for spiritual attainment rather than material attainment. For you, work is therapeutic and is probably the best medicine for whatever ails you, except overwork, which you are prone to do. It is difficult for you to really relax. You are happiest when busy, even in your spare time. You are thoughtful, self-contained people. Lacking, perhaps, some of the personal magnetism of some of the other zodiac signs, you are nevertheless quite tactful, compassionate and warmhearted. Your own personal sufferings help you identify with the sufferings of others. In love, you are as romantic and emotional as anyone else, but usually you feel inhibited in expressing your emotions. You are cautious in making a total commitment until you know that the traits and lifestyle of the possible partner are compatible with yours. Once married, you seldom divorce because you feel that any situation can be worked out, if only worked at hard enough.

You who have the Sun in Capricorn, you are ambitious, stubborn, hardworking and patient. You have independence, confidence, determination, cunning and prudence, as well as the ability to earn wealth and possessions and are extremely economical in this area. Respect the age and ancient customs, have a strong, stable and integrated nature and you like the mystery. You are idealistic and nourish a special love for beauty, justice, purity and perfection and will certainly succeed in life, thanks to the excellent points your character. You have the ability and the power to take responsibility, because you are reliable and positive.

Aspects Sun

0.52 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mars Conjunction Sun

You are full of vitality, energy and the force of life. You have an indomitable will that does not allow you to quit or to fail. You are assertive, active, courageous and passionate. You have a strong physical drive which expresses itself through passion and sexuality or through creative enterprises. You have a fighting spirit and a desire to compete with anyone, over anything. Your magnetic personality draws people to you. There is danger here of trying to do so much that you eventually burn yourself out. Take some time to rest along the way and you will find that you actually have accomplished more by taking periodic breaks. You are driven by your desire to create, whether in business or in your personal life. You have a victorious spirit and the will to win, whatever the odds. There is impulse, high energy, speed and intensity. But all that energy needs control, discipline and the proper channeling for it to be a constructive force. This is what you must learn to do. Use your willpower to direct the energies into constructive channels. You tend to be argumentative and combative. Physical exercise is important to you so that you can work off some of the stress that having all this energy generates. This aspect favors situations where strength and muscular exertion are needed. Along with all this you have the tendency to be selfish and to only think of your own needs. Your self-interests are much more important than anyone else's. Try to be a little more mindful of the needs of others before your own. With such powerful energies at work, you may have difficulty being humble and modest. Don't let your ego rage out of control. Remember, too, that "pride goeth before the fall".

When the Sun, Mars is in session, there will be a conflict between the will and desires in your lifetime, as the Sun represents the will and Mars desires. This will be felt through passion or rage, caused by overabundance vitality sometimes through periodic fevers caused a very hot blood, simulating your impulsiveness or exaggerated feelings. While it may give you some strength and courage, is not at all desirable meeting, unless exercised great self-control, and depends entirely by you, will prevail if the Will or desire. The sovereign and administrative element is strong in you and it gives you great strength of character and ability to command or control others.

4.37 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Jupiter Sextile Sun

Your optimism and cheerfulness win you many friends and help you succeed in life. You have a lot of self-confidence which attracts benefits in amazing ways. You want to expand yourself through some type of philosophy. This aspect helps protect you from danger and harm, even if just at the last moment. You are enthusiastic and have good-spirits, good luck and a desire to interact socially with others. A certain measure of material wealth is probable with this aspect. You have big aspirations but do not struggle much or labor hard to achieve them. You are generous, big-hearted, reliable, sincere, honest and idealistic with a strong sense of justice, fairness, ethics and morality. Mean acts of revenge towards others are beneath you and you will not jeopardize your character and your reputation by stooping to such levels. You are working on controlling your ego through some sort of religious or other philosophy. This aspect brings much of life's happiness to you because you have earned benefits in previous lives by being so kind and thoughtful to others.

The Sun in Positive aspect with Jupiter. This will bring some good luck in your life and probably will raise you to a higher position or will greatly improve your social position as life progresses. You have a truly religious spirit and a genuine kindness that makes you warm-hearted and compassionate to all those with whom you come in contact. You will find in life that you deserve success and almost all your endeavors will prove successful. You upbeat and cheerful character, even under difficulties, and generally always find a way to arrange your situations quickly and comfortably. Under this favorable view reinforced assumptions of health, money and love. Also, I like the progress and thirsty for knowledge, and for this you will have opportunities to study and travel.

6.44 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Square Sun

You have the tendency to dream as a substitute for getting any real work done. You like to procrastinate and put off difficult jobs for as long as possible, hoping they will simply go away. You have a vivid imagination which can get you into trouble because half the stuff you worry about and fret over do not ever happen. You have a need to express yourself creatively through some sort of art form or music, drama or photography, but you may lack the necessary drive, energy, ambition and desire to follow through on your plans. You are attracted to the metaphysical and the occult but there is danger waiting for you if you get involved with negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, seances, hypnotism or mediums. You lack willpower and you too easily succumb to temptation. Drugs or alcohol may tempt you and seemingly offer you a way out of your troubles, but if you give in, they will cause you nothing but sorrow. You suffer from delusions of grandeur and you are not very practical. You need to get your head out of the clouds and come back to reality. You are very sympathetic and compassionate and will go out of your way to help someone. But you lack discrimination and are a sucker for any kind of sob story, hence you are often taken advantage of by others. This leaves you depressed and disillusioned. You must remember, though, that no one can hurt you, use you or take advantage of you unless you allow it. You need to develop more backbone and learn how to say "NO". You may experience personal loss of focus and not know what you should be doing with your life. You are overly emotional, romantic or sentimental. Materialism may blind you to spiritual realities. You are extremely sensitive and need to watch which situations and people you surround yourself with. You have a heightened sensitivity to medicine also, so you need to watch your dosages of any prescribed drugs. Because you are gentle and peace-loving, you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your way in the world. Your fantasy life brings self-deception or deception by others. You need to become aware that you may have to stand up for your spiritual convictions and principles, even though it may involve conflict. You are easily hurt by what others say about you and many times you take the easy way out by being non-controversial. You need to learn not to idealize others, but to accept them and appreciate them as they are and not as you wish them to be. There may be danger from hidden or secret enemies who have come to you to even the score for wrong-doings in previous lives. Be careful of who you choose as "friends".

In your birth Sun is attacked by the planet Neptune. This makes you vulnerable to deceptions and betrayals of those around you or from strangers. It is likely to be asked to leave many things to which you give your heart and possibly try intense frustrations. This should consider the resulting disturbance of the harmony of nature, because of the violation of the law of love or compassion, so that the losses will be forced to incur to provide the only means of restoring the lost balance or harmony. In this way you will pass under the superior influence of this aspect, which will allow you to elevate your consciousness to a higher plane, to feel the divine life which permeates all nature. In summary, we can say that you get lost inside your imagination, create a dream world and refuse to face reality, so many times, deceiving others, but the same yourself.

* * *


Moon at 03°50'29'' Leo

You are warm, generous, and loving in your affections and you bring out great devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. You want to be worshipped and adored like the king or queen you feel you are. You want and need a partner you can be proud of and your own pride is very important to you. You cannot love someone you don't respect and aren't proud of. It is important to you that you feel recognized and appreciated. Your feelings get hurt when you feel ignored. You dislike emotional games and dishonesty. You are popular, generous, dignified, loyal and ambitious and have a persevering, penetrating mind with leadership and creative ability. You dramatize the events in your life and your feelings. On the negative side, you may be ego- oriented, vain and or ostentatious with a tendency to wear your heart on your sleeve.

The Moon in Leon. This position gives you ambition, independence, confidence and a strong and positive will. Do you have great desire to succeed in life and being able to understand a position of authority or responsibility, where you are headed and you get subordinates. You have dignity, confidence and ambition to do great things - and if you can add method and wisdom in the excitement and vigor, you might get fame. You have imagination, idealism, generosity and zeal. Honest friend and lover and have the ability to become popular. This position is not too favorable in terms of economic issues, but need to watch the excesses. You enjoy pleasures, luxuries, sociability, ornaments and beauty and have enough taste.

Moon at 7 House

The Moon in the Seventh House will bring you in close relationship with the public and be popular in your circle, although sometimes you have to face some public opposition. You will get in touch with those who travel a lot and meet people who make or wandering bohemian life. The chances for success in legal matters ranging, sometimes going well other hand, according to the faces. Undoubtedly another life will be mixed with your own, causing you distress and satisfaction and happiness, because your luck, surprisingly, it always linked to the fate of another, either in marriage or in collaboration or in matters that there is something more than a simple and distinct interest.

Aspects Moon

1.69 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Trine Moon

You instinctively know how to make people feel appreciated, loved, cared for, accepted and secure. Your thoughtfulness and daily acts of kindness make you beloved by all. You enjoy good relationships with women. You are emotionally fulfilled through artistic expression, whether it be painting, poetry, music or singing. You have a love of beauty, harmony and luxury. This is reflected in the home you create for yourself and your loved ones. You do not like course language or bad manners. A liking for excessively sweet food or too much food should be controlled. A tendency to take the easy way out should be watched for and controlled also. You may be lazy at times. People love you because they sense that you really care about them. You are popular, well-liked and fun to be around. You love people in general and enjoy working with the public. You are gracious and attractive and make the most perfect host or hostess. You have learned how to balance your emotional needs so that you no longer have the desire to possess those you love.

The Moon and the planet Venus is favorably view at the time of your birth, which promises a successful passage through life and very good opportunities for success. You are sophisticated and artistic, have good taste and an acute understanding of everything that is good and beautiful. You are affectionate and so comes out liking those that bring happiness in your life and you will gain social success. You will never miss your friends or you will never be poor. good as this side will exert its influence over you. The opposite sex will comes out liking to you and will help you in many ways. Like the music and singing. Simply put, people are nice and sweet, optimistic and cheerful, you radiate grace and eroticism. Create excellent relationships, you become popular and are highly social.

6.95 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Sextile Moon

You have a wonderful imagination and are very sensitive and intuitive. You are gentle, kind-hearted, romantic, sympathetic and compassionate. You are always there to listen to other people's problems and you never judge them for what they have done. You are idealistic and inspirational and find great emotional fulfillment through the arts, whether it be painting, music, drama or dance. You may take an interest in photography or anything having to do with the sea. You are able to sacrifice your own needs if it will mean helping another. You are very creative and need to express yourself this way to stay emotionally balanced. You have interest in metaphysics or occult science, as well as ability, even if it is now only dormant. You are particularly attuned to the vibrations in your environment so you should pay attention to the people and situations with which you surround yourself. The beauty and harmony of your surroundings has a very powerful effect on your emotions. You will go out of your way to keep the peace, to avoid confrontation and to make everybody happy. You give unsparingly of your time to help others and in this respect are completely selfless. You have a great need to be of service to others. You may experience prophetic dreams.

The Moon at the time of your birth is in Positive aspect with Neptune. This makes you able to accept some of the beneficial rays of this distant planet and translate them into feelings and ideas through the physical brain. It is a beneficial influence, which extends sympathies, increases feelings and adds an artistic element in your nature, with a piece inspired poetic talent. Undoubtedly'm completion gives character and adds a greater charm to the personality, making a person less enjoyable for everyone, without deducting any necessary reservation. Those who have difficulties or mentally challenged or materials always win your sympathy. You attract the sensual aspect of art and have strong sense of natural beauty.


Sun Capricorn - Moon Leo

Mixing this influence indicates that you have a strong sexual nature and should be careful regarding emotions, appetites and passions. You are impulsive acts and ardent and enthusiastic to do that. Not interested in control or restraint, because you have a strong will too, but if you subdue your will on logic and intuition, you will become an active, kind and benevolent person, willing to charity and plans to protect the poor and the weak. You tend to be overly generous with your money at your expense. You have a propensity towards religiosity and desire to understand spiritual matters. Love and reputation are central pillars on which turns your destiny and between love and duty to try the most vibrant experiences.

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Mind Skills

Mercury at 08°11'16'' Capricorn

Your mind is clear, disciplined, serious, practical, organizing, objective and realistic, and you are unimpressed by exaggerated claims or promises. You want to know the facts behind any statement or idea you hear. Your natural skepticism often borders on cynicism. You have a rational approach to problems and are usually quite level-headed no matter what the circumstances. Your are capable of working long hours with focused concentration and attention on whatever interests you. You probably have a good memory and are very attentive to details. At times you appear to others as lacking a sense of humor, boring, or depressed. You simply have a lot on your mind. You are thorough, conscientious, and disciplined in your thinking, and have an aptitude for business, organization, and administration. You are also a good strategist, and will plan and patiently follow a realistic course which will lead to your eventual success. Serious-minded and studious, you enjoy quiet time alone for thinking or reading. You seldom indulge in foolish or silly chatter for you consider them a waste of valuable time which is better spent on more productive things.

Mercury in Capricorn, make your mind steady and careful, diplomatic and profound. This position offers a truly intelligent mind and gives you the power to keep your secrets and use discretion in the discussion. It will bring honor and recognition to all intellectual pursuits. You excel in life through ambition, aided by the tact and resourcefulness and you should never be afraid to take responsibility and organization. You have a systematic and tidy mind, that makes you qualified for methodical work. You are absolute in any intellectual work. You can read Astrology and related subjects. It is always to your advantage if you cultivate righteousness in thought.

Mercury at 11 House

Mercury in the Eleventh House, strengthens the mind, giving a stable, strong and very perceptive mind. Gives scientific and literary ability and extend the power of concentration, making you able to fix your ideas. Strengthens the entire mind and, depending on your education, make original and expanded. Clairvoyance is active and there is some hidden tendency towards mysticism or religion or addressed both in mind and in heart. If you cultivate the ability to read the character may become owners of this wonderful art. You are very attached to your friends, but some of them may cheat you or entangle your problems and concerns.

Aspects Mercury

2.61 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Neptune Square Mercury

You tend to be very imaginative and very visionary, but it is hard for you to put your thoughts and ideas into practical, everyday terms. You may occasionally be accused of cloudy thinking and of letting your imagination run wild. Having visions and wonderful ideas is great, but if you can't implement them in the real world, then much of their use and effectiveness is lost. You need to learn how to discipline your mind so that something real can come of your brilliant inspirations. When problems become too much for you, you re-create the situation in your mind with the ending you prefer, until you become convinced the new ending is reality. You may have a tendency to run away from the world and its problems. Finding supposed shelter in drugs or alcohol only compounds any problems you have in the first place. Although it may be uncomfortable or even painful, you must learn to face your problems head-on as they will not go away if you ignore them. At times you are very absent-minded and forgetful and there have been a number of others who have thought of you as an air-head. You are not stupid, it's just that your focus and concentration is on another plane. Of course, we do have to live down here on earth, so it would be wise for you to be off in the clouds only when the situation is appropriate. Communication with others may be difficult at times because you are not always clear on what it is that you want to say. Either that, or you describe things in such terms that no one understands what you're saying. Use your ability for artistic expression to communicate your thoughts. Much of your inability to communicate with others is because you are not concentrating. There are times, too, when you perhaps purposely try to mystify or deceive others. You have great difficulty in paying attention and concentrating on anything for very long, except of course, your daydreams. You may have the tendency to believe in everything you hear or to be just the opposite and believe nothing unless you see hard and fast proof. You do not see the world around you accurately, hence you are prone to faulty conclusions. Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. You perceive things that others do not grasp and understand and you have an amazing ability to read people and situations without being told anything about them. You have a love of mystery and are attracted to metaphysics or occult science, but you need to stay away from negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, seances, hypnotism and mediums. There is a need for you to learn to discriminate truth from fiction and reality from fantasy. You are accused of being a liar at times and it is hard to tell whether you know the difference between truth and falsehood or that you are simply trying to be deceitful on purpose. Some clear thinking on your part could prevent others from getting the feeling that you are intentionally misleading them. You must learn to discipline and focus your mind if you wish to use all your creative talents. You are not particularly good at formal book- learning because you tend to absorb knowledge in an indirect way. It is easier for you to pick up things by having someone tell, describe or show something to you instead of your trying to read about it and understand what you've read. You may have literary talent as you are excellent in describing anything imaginatively. You are a great story- teller. Be careful of the people and environments with which you associate as you are very sensitive to vibrations and tend to soak up the atmosphere that surrounds you.

The planets Mercury and Neptune are in Negative aspect at birth. This is an unfavorable view of the mind, because it makes the collection very difficult and opens the mind to a vague and impractical fantasies, visions and utopian ideas, which are unlikely to be made, even if not reprehensible. In fact it is an influence that brings deception and unreliability, and it should do what you can to overcome the devastating effects of the decisive training the mind in accurate and precise thinking through scientific study or otherwise. If less influence overcome in this way, the view may be beneficial for you because everything gives a passive or mystical bent, because the mind becomes very sensitive to subtle emotional impulses. If leave to manifest the sensual side of life, you will have a very bad effect on the mind. In other words, you tend to say lies, mocking not only others, but yourself. Usually you consider that your true self interest. Daydream constantly, so you become lazy. Display a tendency towards drugs and alcohol.

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Money, Property

Venus in 10 Corner House

The Angular position of Venus in your horoscope will always be favorable to your financial affairs and will not ever find yourself in genuine need or poverty, unless the directions in the natal horoscope is extremely bad: but that's no reason not to have luck and success in your life on economic prosperity. Venus angular positions, gives money through marriage or through friends, as well as through the art and the female sex in general. This influence makes people have in their horoscope, is the so-called lucky. Therefore, you will have success in all financial matters and money in general.

Mutable Sign in beginning of 2 House

A mutable sign rules the financial house of your horoscope and it shows that your financial affairs is likely to vary more or less in your life. You have more than one way to earn income, although this is not the best influences that govern economic prosperity. You will earn more money easily through everyday, trivial occupations, whether in business or profession, but probably will lose economic opportunities, or because of indecision, either because they would bother with something that you are not suitable. Mind you, somehow, very involved with your financial affairs and worry and too anxious about money matters. Generally speaking, you will earn more when they will not seek to excel too and through occupations or investments dull, unintelligible or routine nature.

2 House Pisces at 13°37'57''

The 2nd House Pisces: activities relating to oil. Disappearance of property. Profit from the photo, the occult, etc.

Jupiter Ruler of Pisces

You have the ability to be financially successful. Money seems to come to you and you have probably never missed a meal in your life. You have confidence and optimism in your talents and abilities. Your visionary ideas and investments usually prosper due to your intuitive appraisal of situations. You enjoy material possessions and may be termed "lucky". You inspire trust in others and may benefit from receiving financial assistance from others in order to develop your visionary and idealistic ideas. You must guard against self- indulgence and over-extravagance. Curb your desire for rich, sweet food and desserts.

Jupiter rules the second house of your horoscope, bringing good luck in matters related to finance. We'll never be poor and with the right action you can accumulate wealth. Because Jupiter is the most propitious planet, promises the best of luck in relation to the matters presided or ruled, in this case in economics. You can earn through related businesses abroad or traveling, also from occupations related to land, food, shelter, clothing and things needed for the comfort of others. Under any favorable directions benefactor Jupiter will have great success in life, winning through inheritance or offers from people happy or rich or through them.

Neptune Second Ruler of Pisces

Neptune in 2nd house You have a strong imagination and psychic sensitivity which can be used to tap your inner talents. You receive intuitive hunches and are apt to have vivid dreams. You have an appreciation of beautiful objects. You seldom worry about money, which may be just as well, since your finances can be complicated and sometimes confusing. This placement can tend to make you extremely generous or extremely dishonest. If dishonesty is present, you will experience losses through theft, fraud and deception. Do everything on the up-and-up and money matters will go smoother. Avoid risky speculations and investments. Be completely honest with respect to money matters.

Neptune irrelevant in the Second House, tends to bring financial loss, either due to cheating by others or because investments in companies or businesses that would prove disastrous. For this, it is good to be careful in your dealings with others. You must be careful not to sign documents that are likely to cause economic losses and difficulties. The economic opportunities that will happen, it will come with the most eccentric ways, either a vision or dream or through contact with strange people and you could win some totally unexpected source and get money in the most bizarre and eccentric manner or following a profession unusual nature.

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Communications, Short Journeys

Basic Sign in beginning of 3 House

Fundamentals Signs occupy the House of trips and there is no doubt that you will make many trips in your lifetime, because the fundamental signs not only give a love of change and movement, but also opportunities for travel. Under certain directions will be forced to make changes and try to travel and will prove more or less profitable, depending on the nature of the influence that works at the time. It is wise to try to discover the location and the views of the Moon, before starting any important trip, because a lot will depend on the lunar orbit and statements regarding happiness will come across during your travel.

3 House Aries at 23°48'09''

You have quick perception and energy that help you to act directly. Although you are a bit hasty in writing and have the tendency to contradiction. You do travel quite active.

Mars Ruler of Aries

You are restless, perhaps high-strung, and probably have an abundance of nervous energy. You have an intense belief in your own ideas. You are alert, determined, and enthusiastic. You possess an abundance of mental energy. Developing analytical thinking is important, as impulsive thinking will bring difficulties. There can be problems with siblings or neighbors. There will be many short journeys. Energy is expended in neighborhood activities.

Mars irrelevant in the Third House and this is not good for trips made for business or pleasure.Threatening accidents or serious tests, due to circumstances that will occur during the trip. In a broad sense this planet, not good influence, because it forces the mind to be sometimes too careless and impulsive so, it is likely that you yourself can directly or indirectly cause accidents. This effect also implies problems of relatives or through them, the brothers will cause discomfort and create controversy. You always watch the speech and your mail. This position will give you plenty of mental courage when you need to use it.

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Base, Home, Seat

Uranus at 4 House

You may experience unsettled home or family conditions. These events usually happen quite unexpectedly, out of the blue. Your family heritage may be eccentric or unusual and family skeletons can appear. This position gives restlessness, perhaps with a desire to move often. Your parent(s) or your relationship with either parent may be unusual, which will affect you emotionally (nerves) for good or otherwise. There will be many changes in your life, including different localities. You desire to remain free from commitments to either a home or a community. You may be unconventional and not interested in how others view you. Later in life, you may develop an interest in astrology or in metaphysics.

Uranus irrelevant in the fourth house of your horoscope and suggesting that the last part of your life will be somewhat quirky and eccentric. Will try some studies to the end of your life, which in your first year you had almost no idea. This position of Uranus is not very favorable, because it shows some sudden surprises and unexpected events in the last years of his life and you might find yourself in an environment in which you can not respond unless you have made great progress in esoteric matters . You have some ability to read Astrology and related subjects.

4 House Gemini at 03°58'22''

You have intellectual inheritance. You reside in two places simultaneously and in parallel or profession may be intellectual and be at home. Many changes of residence are in the program.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

You tend to be studious, with literary interests. You like to study at home. Continual studying gives you a sense of inner security. You may be high-strung and need to learn to relax and take a break from all that book work. There can be many changes of residences due to your restlessness and your need to find a place for yourself. Wherever you end up, your home will no doubt contain a study area or a special spot where you can just talk to friends and acquaintances.

This position suggests that they may have some mental anxiety towards the end of your life. Be careful in your interactions with mischievous and very intelligent people, as advancing years. Also, it is advisable to use the distinction about the documents you need to sign at any time. The end of all affairs will require the use of your mental capacity, but your mind is always perceptive, alert and able to cope with all the difficulties that you may encounter. Probably be interested or involved with the juvenile life, as the years pass.

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5 House Gemini at 23°48'09''

This position gives mental joys and many loves, but mainly by intellectual curiosity, so much flirting and lack of sincere devotion, infidelities and instability. Children, however, are many and probably twins.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

You have a need to prove your intelligence and to use that intelligence in creating things of a mental nature - mental children, as it were. You desire to pass on your knowledge to others and to learn from them as well. Teaching children or young adults may provide quite a lift for you. Games of strategy and skill challenge your intellect. You desire to communicate your thoughts in a clever, inspiring and dramatic manner. You may have acting, writing, or speaking ability. As a teacher, you enjoy stimulating the minds of others and encouraging your students to greater things. Romances probably need to involve someone with whom you can communicate intelligently and relate to mentally. For you, sexiness is in the brain.

This position indicates great intellectual entrepreneurship. Promotes rapid and swift action on speculative matters, but warns against signing or acceptance documents and data, which does not fully know. You will have frequent correspondence regarding love affairs and romance will find some in your way, either through books or through the mind. Better to live pure and avoid those speculations that can be turned into gambling. All investments will be made in companies that are rapidly changing. You will have much to do with young children. LOVE: You have charm which you use as the strongest weapon for the opposite sex. You are ambitious and intelligent creature. You may be charismatic orator or even a writer, because you have your own way to handle this reason. Like you feel and treat like a teenager and this has resulted in creating relationships with much younger age in people. Even if you are married or even if you find the love of your life, would you still throw sidelong glances at young people, but proceed to the point of admiration usually. The truth is that your mate will never get bored and you will do to believe that living in a fairy tale. That's because it's constantly talking, would you say coo and best of all is that what you say will not be spoiled or copies, but your words full of admiration and love. Thus you will save yourself a lot of scenes of jealousy that might arise from your tendency described above to xeno-looking.

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Diseases - Work

6 House Cancer at 13°37'57''

Your job probably has to do with the public: trade, hotels, restaurant etc. or task that has to do with the past: antique etc. The diseases that you might have will probably have to do with weakness of the stomach.

Moon Ruler of Cancer

You are considerate of fellow workers and desire to nurture them in a productive work environment. Service to others is a fine outlet for your personality. Moodiness and sensitivity can be a problem, though. Fluctuations in health are possible, perhaps mostly due to worry and feelings of insecurity. Emotional tension along with digestive troubles indicate the need to relax. Stop worrying. You should not eat when overworked, overtired, or when you are upset. Take care of your health and watch your diet. Concerning vocation: You are probably totally absorbed within your work situation. You can be a workaholic. Many job changes are possible and working with the public or with women is indicated.

The Moon rules the house of diseases and suggests problems rather than functional, rather than organic diseases. You must be very careful regarding diet, because many of your problems will come from indigestion or stomach ailments. Never drink plenty of fluids, or enthralled in many bathrooms - particularly to avoid many starchy foods and indigestible substances. Maybe cause illness due trips or excessive changes, but especially because of impure magnetism and unhealthy environment. Therefore, be sure to have clean air and those with whom you relate to a net magnetization. When the Moon rules the sixth house, it tends to create conditions of tumors etc.

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Marriage - Partnerships

Moon at 7 House

You seem to attract sensitive people as partners, perhaps those who want to "mother" you or be mothered. There can be many changes of partners and many relationships because of the need to find someone who can bring an ultimate security. This search continues because security can only be found within, not without. You desire companionship, hence many relationships. Your feelings are greatly influenced by those with whom you are in close personal contact. You want to be popular with others. You are inclined to seek partners who can bring out your sympathetic side and play on your emotions. For men there is often a tendency to seek a "mother figure" and to bring out in others a desire to mother, protect and care for them. You are therefore likely to attract a partner who is kind and domesticated. Both you and your partner may need to be on your guard against moody or fickle behavior. Marriage may be undertaken with the object of establishing a home. More than one marriage is possible. There is probably a compelling emotional need for a partner and for marriage. In order to get the best results from any partnership you must learn to control any tendency to be continually at the mercy of your moods, which may result from over-vulnerable feelings. Try to control a tendency to be too dependent on others for your emotional stimuli and you should discipline a constant desire for changes in the nature of the relationship. Concerning vocation: Your work situation is tied to the public, partnerships, a keen awareness of public expectation and the need to meet it. Perhaps marriage is essential to give clear focus to work security. For many with this position, the work profile can be labeled a "public personality." You are dependent upon others for the fulfillment of work needs. The process of relationships is extremely important.

This is a rather favorable indication for the wedding and, although it can not be considered social success, however, may be happy. You will have several opportunities for marriage, but will swing or you are undecided. Your partner will be sensitive and has severe mood and trend changes. Observe the external influences, which can seriously affect the prospects of your wedding. Dark and maybe average height people, you are attracted to you or people who are very charming and magnetic. MARRIAGE: The Man with the Moon in the seventh house is the guy who insists on marriage because the commitment finds security seeker through a relationship. If the Moon is weak, this man may try to marry anyone interested, without thinking whether or not he wants his partner. If you have such marked on your map, you should learn to self-control. Your efforts to ensure emotional security pushing and promoting a commitment without a future, it will be unfortunate unless the candidate he has the Moon in the seventh house! If you are entangled in such a type of person, not ever talk to him about commitment before feel completely confident about this. Just call and ask if you can be patient with you and ask for time to think and you better marriage prospects. Many times these people are much more patient than they look.

Saturn at 7 House

There may be the tendency to attract older, more serious partners. Partnerships may involve much duty, responsibility and hard work. There may be a karmic tie from the past to the partners in this life. Whatever the case, there may be a feeling of restriction, bondage, depression and anxiety in your relationships. They certainly can be enduring, though. Saturn here indicates you need to learn to cooperate with and to develop empathy for others. You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. You may marry for security rather than love. Discipline is needed in relationships. There may be a very self-controlled and sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of partnership. You are inclined to seek a partner who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you a greater sense of purpose and will to succeed. For a woman there may be a subconscious desire to marry a "father figure" and the partner may well feel an urge to organize your life on a more effective basis. The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. If Saturn is well aspected in your natal chart, then this position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage vows and faithfully carries out marital duties. With a well placed and well aspected natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be a person of integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and economical, perhaps not over-demonstrative and preferring deeds to words, and providing a real anchor for the partnership. If natal Saturn is badly aspected, then there is a tendency to endure an unhappy marriage rather than to lose face by breaking up. If you neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will be affected in the same proportion. This position can also mean a second choice marriage, which endures in spite of boredom, unhappiness and a lack of love. In other words you may have wanted to marry someone else but settled on a second choice instead. The partner may act in such a way as to become a burden, and may be uncommunicative, narrow in outlook, cold, and over-critical. In some cases the spouse may be much loved, but prone to ill health. Marriage to a widow or widower is possible.

Saturn rules the seventh house in the horoscope, the house of marriage. This planet tends to delay or impede the prospects of marriage. But if marriage is done, promises a stable and loyal partner, who can be rather strict and severe, is also very industrious, persistent, careful, thrifty and frugal. There is a chance your partner is greater than you, with a tendency to like accountability. There is a favorable indication of the prosperity, but declares a state of fidelity in marriage, although there must be caution in order not to let the coldness springs up among you, because your partner will not be very demonstrative in his feelings and prefers actions than words and practical love than many sweet. MARRIAGE: Saturn in the seventh house does not mean marriage, but creates a tendency in the individual to postpone much later in life. Can tow people who are much bigger and much more mature than him. If Saturn is in good angle, the person can hope for a very good marriage. A wedding with a view to last all his life. If Saturn is impossible, this man has a lot to learn about marriage and relationships and probably will go through very difficult situations in relationships with others. If your partner belongs to this type, you will have difficult times in your relationship.

Pluto at 7 House

Control and power issues along with feelings of ownership are present with the partner or spouse. Cooperation with the mate will need to be learned. A partner may be selected based on that person's ability to stand their ground and not give in. A partner such as this could make the relationship very combative and competitive rather than harmonious and equal-sided. You are inclined to seek a partner who will provide a challenge to discover new resources within yourself that will give you the power to transcend previous performances and to transform certain aspects of your being. A partner who makes you feel growth and intensity is one you seek. There is a tendency to admire well developed will power in others, with the result that you may attract those who tend to dominate you, possibly feeling that if you have to cope with a somewhat overpowering personality you may discover more effectively the full extent of your own resources. There are intense feelings and reactions in your relationships. You have a need to cooperate with others and expect total commitment in your partnerships. Trouble can occur when this same sense of commitment is not felt by the other person in the relationship.

Pluto in the Seventh House, showing a mate marked by Pluto. Often portends nervous wedding corrected if the intensity becomes the occasion to awaken your hidden sexuality. Otherwise this position shows that treated hidden hostilities, but also that you can become known to others through the power of your creation. MARRIAGE: Pluto in the seventh house shows the transformation of the individual through marriage. The person desperately wants to marry, but very difficult, because it is very demanding of his mate, can not accept that everyone has flaws and is very selfish in relationships. This has resulted removes from him the gentle people who want to live together in a marriage and can not steriosei in a relationship. To be able to marry a person with Pluto in the seventh, must learn that it has flaws and try to treat others equally. To reduce the requirements and not convert his phobias and insecurities to aggression.

Pluto R at 12°44'25'' Leo

Pluto in Leo: marked a generation (1939 to 1956, and some in 1957 and 1958) that was obsessed with self-expression. These are the War babies and the baby boomers, and "Do your own thing" was (and still is) their motto. This was the generation that was never going to grow old. As they age, they become fanatic about trying to stay young, hence the proliferation of health clubs. Before 1960, marketing experts could tell estimate from a person's income, what kind of car they would probably drive, how expensive their house was, etc. The Pluto in Leo people turned that topsy-turvy because they would splurge on the things most important to them and skimp on everything else. You would get people who would live in a small house but drive a big car and take expensive vacations, or someone who would live in a big house and drive a beetle. And of course, this generation made all those riots on the campus. Pluto in Leo will always defy authority, unless, of course, THEY are the authority.

Pluto in Leo gives you the ability to take a refreshing and important work and be honored for it.

Aspects Pluto

1.93 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you.

Like everyone of your generation, you have the opportunity to help others for the good of humanity. Use any physical or mental strength to help those around you.

Venus Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius, suggesting that you marry more than once, because it gives you a clear tendency to survive your partner and get married again. You will experience some strange events in relation to sexual matters and you may meet your partner during travel or while engaging in a journey. Can become entangled in a love affair with a relative or with someone other nationality and have many experiences that will influence your feelings during your life. But the wedding will be good for you, promising success and rise out of your league with people socially superior. Marriage: You are the person that your ideology leads you to have many demands on your relationships. When you feel that a relationship does not cover you, you resort to the next, without making a special effort to discover the limits of the former. Thus, the relationships you have no stability. Marriage for you is not a necessary element for your happiness. Rather, it is a responsibility that you'd prefer not to get, since the liberal spirit and versatility you do not offer many guarantees that you will try to maintain your relationship. However, you tend to do more than one wedding. Be careful because your emotional decisions is very fast and enthusiasm does not allow you to see all the elements of a situation. On the subject of marriage would be good to avoid such mistakes.

Venus at 10 House

Usually do things a little difficult for your partner. Selfishness you and your aggression can be gathered only if your mate continually dealing with your own interests. Hard to indulge in a relationship because you are afraid and you absorb. Marriage for is a case that the look in your life once you have made a career. Many times getting married to get more social view or even to acquire more property.

7 House Leo at 03°27'44''

The other half in your marriage, you have noble birth.

Sun Ruler of Leo

You want a partner that you can be proud of. In some way your sense of pride is involved in the choosing of a marriage partner. There may be a wish to gain social prestige and to marry someone who can be admired and respected or someone who is higher on the social ladder. Your partner must be one who encourages you to be your real self and one who wants you to fully develop your powers of inspiration, creativity and will. Your partner may be in a position of authority and this may help give you more confidence in yourself or more security within the framework of the relationship. You may be challenged to display a greater degree of confidence and to exercise authority more effectively and with greater magnanimity. You must seek a relationship where both people are equal. A partnership in which one is "superior" and the other "inferior" is not likely to be successful. That "always me-first" attitude is not conducive to a rewarding partnership. A need to feel part of a family is present. With this position marriage and partnerships are likely to assume a paramount and key role in your life. There may be a tendency to look for a "father figure" and, as you may be inclined to surrender the initiative to your partner, you are rather more likely to react than act first yourself, so that your partner may assume a dominant role. If your natal Sun is badly aspected, then the partners you attract may be egotistical, domineering, vain and ostentatious. If your natal Sun is well aspected, then partners are likely to be proud, firm-minded, self-confident, ambitious, honorable, frank and generous. Selfish pride and too much desire to have your own way may be the greatest challenges in your relationships.

This suggests a fortunate and ambitious partner and someone whose influence will be beneficial to your life. Somehow, you will gain through marriage, financially and socially. Your partner will be very independent, but with moral integration, a person who shrugs do anything petty or not perfectly straight. It is not the best indicator of harmony, but there are all chances that the sympathy grow, and happiness that comes from success. This view is sometimes delayed marriage, or make very difficult because of pride or social status. MARRIAGE: People with the Sun in the seventh house, usually do not work well without a partnership. Almost always, the professional agreements are simultaneous, and partnerships. In other friendships do think he can be a true friend, their man, part of their lives. These people do not feel happy in themselves and although in a marriage can lead to divorce, however, exclude the possibility of staying for a long time unbound. Most people who have the sun in seventh house is married or if they have split for occupy very little time alone. Are guys usually look best mate even when they are committed. If you have trouble with such a model must learn to settle for the volatility.

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Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Neptune at 8 House

You are psychic and intuitive, with dreams and visions which may be precognitive. You may have extreme sensitivity to the feelings of others. If you are not honest, you will suffer financial reverses in order to prove the futility of seeking happiness through material possessions. An interest in life after death and natural healing through the laying on of hands is possible. Be honest and above board in all dealings with taxes, insurance and all money matters.

Neptune directs the Eighth House your horoscope, the portion related to inheritance, is not favorable for money or legacies you leave, because there is likely to fall victim to fraud or do not take what belongs to you. Care should be taken not to drugs you are given, or to become ever more experiments you, because everything that governs Neptune is wrapped in mystery and singular events happen on all matters to which it relates. Is there any chance to immerse yourself in a very deep sleep to fall into a trance. SEX: It shows a man who has romantic relationships and unrealistic aspirations of his sexual experiences. Neptune is in any house shows a person's desire to escape, to escape. The eighth house is no exception. It is very likely to reach the ecstasy and pleasure with sex, but also probably not happen every time you or your lover or mistress. If Neptune is influenced by Mars or Jupiter or Saturn, may dominate the lies the sex life of the individual. Also this person, even if he finds or believes he's found the partner of his life, can continue looking sexual partners with the idea that he can find the perfect one. If you have Neptune in the eighth, should mitigate the pursuits in love and become more realistic in order to increase your chances to get a relationship that will give you satisfaction and will cover both emotionally and sexually.

Neptune at 10°48'04'' Libra

This last happened from 1943 to 1956. That was the time of the "Man in the Gray Flannel Suit", the conformist, the company man. After the Great Depression and World War II, everyone wanted to get back to "normalcy". The illusion of that age was to think that if you don't rock the boat, everything will be allright. For people born with this placement, there is a love of fairness and justice. Ironically, this generation did rock the boat during the riots and demonstrations of the 1960's. Most of them were also born with Pluto in Leo, which added fuel to the fire.

This position makes you able to configure new artistic ideals, because they have intuitive temperament, very poetic or spiritual, and you are very impressionable. It gives you a tendency to have somewhat nebulous political views and also tends to decide your wedding under strange and vague statements.

Aspects Neptune

5.92 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Mars Square Neptune

The danger with this aspect is that you tend to want to escape from reality and avoid your day-to-day duties and responsibilities. If this escapism tendency is carried too far, you may seek outlet through drugs or alcohol, both of which will eventually ruin your life. Ordinary life seems dull and drab to you and you feel a need for something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or cause that motivates you. Without such an impetus you tend to procrastinate doing the things in your life that you need to be doing. People count on you and you let them down in any manner of ways. People then lose their respect for you and eventually avoid having anything whatsoever to do with you. You may have difficulty separating truth from fiction or fantasy from reality. You need to stay grounded and disciplined so that you can remain functional. Yes, it's true that your real home is in the spiritual worlds, yet you must live your earth life here and learn as much as you can from your experiences in concrete existence. That is what we are all here for. So stop thinking about skipping out on the school of life and get back to business. It is possible, though, that you can really pursue your dreams and bring them into reality. You have the ability to do this if you approach it the right way. The right way is in staying focused, centered and disciplined. Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished without discipline and you need to realize that if you do not already. You are an artist at heart, whether your medium is song, dance, drama, poetry, music, art or painting. Any of these allow you to express the feelings you have inside and that gives your emotions release from the day-to-day tribulations of living. Your imagination is capable of quite a great deal if you will simply keep it in check and not allow it to run away from you. Work that serves only your own narrow personal interests does not satisfy you. You need something more in your life than just living for yourself. You may lack the competitive edge, the fighting spirit, the me-first attitude that is often required for material advancement and success. Of course you simply may not have much earthly ambition. You also have the tendency to either overestimate or underestimate your own power and abilities. There is deception and self-delusion present, either on your part or on the part of others that you come into contact with. You are an easy target for swindlers and con-men because you are a sucker for a sob story. You must realize that most people have to learn to help themselves. You cannot save the world, as much as you might like to do so. The only one you can save is yourself. And that is no easy task for any of us. There is the tendency here to get involved in co-dependent relationships. Either you or your partner or both knowingly or unknowingly play the role of martyr, victim or savior. You must realize that any relationship that isn't based on equality is eventually doomed to failure. This aspect may make your nature coarse and sensual, impulsive and irascible, militant and extravagant in speech and action, self- indulgent to a degree in whatever direction your passions may lead you and unable to exercise restraint over yourself in any direction. It tends to give a fanatical spirit which may express itself in either religion or atheism. There can be tendencies toward lawlessness. Self- control is the saving grace that you need to develop. You do have talent, even though it is easier for you to doubt your abilities and to question your own worth. Your lack of self-esteem is distorting the truth and you must work your way through the illusion. The challenge is to conquer discouragement. You see failure as an indication of your unworthiness to merit rewards or success. To dissipate your feelings of unworthiness, you may resort to placing the blame for your failure upon others until your gossiping even convinces you it is the truth. Eventually, when the real truth is revealed, you suffer greatly, for you have made yourself unbelievable to others. You could save yourself much inner distress if you would recognize that failures are simply spiritual stumbling blocks which test everyone's courage in picking themselves up again without emotional turmoil. Any suffering you experience will, in the long run, teach you obedience and that is one of the roads that leads to God. Self-forgetting service to others is another road that is safe and sure. Be careful of the people and situations you associate with as not everyone is really whom they say they are. Some may be secret enemies from past lives who are conscious or unconscious agents of God acting so that you may reap what you have sown previously. Stay away from negative psychic influences such as Ouija boards, seances, hypnotism and mediums. There is an urgent need for you to be totally honest with yourself and others.

The Negative aspect between the planets Mars and Neptune are necessarily unfavorable, because it makes you prone to various kinds of unbridled enthusiasm and entice you sometimes pet would be best to avoid. You should try to avoid exaggeration in any direction, mental, emotional or physical habits - in short, all forms of exaggeration should be avoided. Some moments of your life you tend to come into violent collision with the lower classes and should be careful not to nourish a bias against them. If the trends mentioned extravagance checked this aspect is becoming a great benefactor, because it adds a lot to your physical energy and makes you able to cope with high demands your ability. Avoid all drugs and not bother with sensual experiments. In summary, this view is difficult because it creates self-destructive tendencies. You are violent and impulsive, not thinking of the consequences of your actions and get caught up in very bad situations. Enthralled easily and let others control you. You torque to drugs and trouble if it is difficult to escape.

8 House Virgo at 13°37'57''

Beware of accidents at work and the state of your bowels. Unlikely heritage.

Mercury Ruler of Virgo

You have talent for analysis, research, insight, tax preparation, insurance and perhaps detective work. You want to get to the bottom of who, what, where and why. You are a born investigator. You may tend to worry over fluctuating finances. Watch a tendency to gossip about others. Your mind may be preoccupied with death, sex, healing, magic or psychic phenomena.

There is a slight indication of profit will or bequest in a period of your life. This position favors profits by partners or business partners, but nothing definitive can be said of a horoscope, when Mercury rules the eighth house, in respect of goods of the dead because of excessive variable nature of this planet. You can deal with money that you have left or to act as agent, executor or administrator of another at some period of your life and start making money from it. SEX: Indicates a spiritual approach to sex or a willingness to talk will expand too much on this topic. You love to talk dirty during sex. Mercury is a spiritual but also a communicative planet and is not an indicator of sentimentality.

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Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Jupiter at 9 House

You are optimistic, tolerant, broad-minded, considerate and maybe a little bit fanatical. You may be prophetic, having strong intuition, good judgment and vivid dreams. You may be interested in law, religion and philosophies. You have the ability to guide and inspire others as to what the future might bring and to promote your own thoughts, ideas and ideals. You may benefit from travels and dealings with foreigners. Your accomplishments may not be recognized until the latter part of your life. On the negative side you may be quite dogmatic in your beliefs. Some experience a total absence of faith.

Jupiter exerts essential influence in the ninth house of your horoscope, the House of science, philosophy and religion, it is an influence that you turn to philosophy and religion in the widest sense. You will not be so scientific, but philosophical and artistic, because you tend to accept more general contours despite the limited and precise details of the higher mind. You will succeed in foreign countries and likely to win, somehow through foreign affairs. This influence favors all legal affairs and religious matters generally. Gives you some prophetic trends and the ability to dream accurately and spend dreams in the physical brain. Be careful your dreams.

Jupiter at 21°37'16'' Scorpio

You tend to be efficient and hard-working, with a flair for business and finance. You are resourceful and willing to do all the work necessary in the fulfillment of a task. You are secretive, but there is, also, great inner strength and courage. You have a magnetism that draws people to you. You have an ardent, aggressive, self-reliant nature and an enthusiastic, constructive mind. On the negative side, there may be trouble and loss through the indulgence of the lower nature and love of rich and expensive food and sickness on that account. Any tendencies for wild speculation and risk-taking should be controlled. There is interest in the occult. Strong healing abilities may be present. These energies are meant to be used to gain a higher consciousness and greater universal wisdom.

This gives warmth, enthusiasm and zeal to the character and entonopoiei feelings and emotions. The positive aspect is pronounced - so, you resourcefulness and willpower, which will make you are practically useful in the world. It offers you financial talent and good luck in financial matters, investments and profits, with the possibility of money through marriage, partnership or heritage. There will be a tendency toward the mystical or occult religion. Also, a trend toward unorthodox or otherwise a positive and slightly combative behavior. You have some pride and sense of dignity and they tend to hurt rather easily, although you have a pretty good nature and generosity. Perhaps you meet traveling or earning from them and from professions related to water or liquids also of things that have to do with religion or philosophy and higher education. But under bad directions, you may create problems or loss due to these issues.

Aspects Jupiter

4.89 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Mars Sextile Jupiter

You have a lot of self-confidence, enthusiasm and vitality. You believe that you can accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. Your sense of timing is good and you have the ability to foresee what will work and what won't. You enjoy competition and you have a mostly playful, good-humored attitude about it. You mostly compete with yourself to see how far you can go or how much you can accomplish. You don't hold onto grudges and you don't resort to mean acts to get even with people for real or imagined slights. You enjoy anything that will help stretch your limits - traveling, education, philosophy, religion. You enjoy adventure, taking risks, sports and outdoor activities. You may be good in sports but may not exercise the appropriate discipline to really excel. You are usually very optimistic and enthusiastic and pretty much always retain a positive attitude towards life. This aspect may help bring you wealth, but at the same time it may also bring a free-spending attitude with it. You tend to be lucky in speculation and you are generous with all you have. You have faith in the future and usually do not worry about what you need for tomorrow. You are recognized for your integrity, sincerity and honesty. Even when angry, your anger quickly fades as you have an inborn knowledge that getting angry is a waste of your energy. Even during difficult times, you remain positive and never lower yourself by stepping on anyone's toes to satisfy your own desires.

The planets Mars and Jupiter had Positive aspect at birth. This position causes some exaggeration, with a tendency towards over-generosity and generosity, this is not always favorable for you in terms of money. You have pride and dignity nature, as well as confidence. In many ways you are a champion and put great energy and enthusiasm to everything you do. You are adventurous, courageous and lucky in many ways, thanks to strong and adventurous spirit, but recklessness and excessive liberality should also be avoided. You love freedom, independence, strength and justice and will never allow yourself to be deceived.

9 House Libra at 23°48'09''

There is a possibility of getting married abroad and possibly also married twice. You pacifist ideals.

Venus Ruler of Libra

You probably have a love of travel and the ability to benefit from these travels. You may move far away from your place of birth. You possess the ability to promote understanding between different cultural or aesthetic groups. Beauty, art and music from foreign cultures appeals to you. You can be fair in legal dealings. There may be love of and attraction to religion or ceremony, philosophy, law or higher learning.

Venus irrelevant in the ninth house, the House of philosophy and higher mind, will bring you peace, either through religion or through a deep internal knowledge about the soul and death states, which ultimately will give you happiness and tranquility. You have very strong philosophical trend and possess a clairvoyance, which will help you in problems you might encounter in the journey of life. You have the right spirit and the right attitude in all matters associated with the higher mind and you will do great, true and lasting progress on your mental attainments. You get good relatives through marriage and maybe win them somehow because she is a good influence.

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Career - Public Image

Venus at 10 House

Your pleasant disposition and harmonious nature make you popular in your career and with the world at-large. People seem to want to do nice things for you, which can lead to laziness if you abuse this energy. You have a loving and friendly approach to the world with a general attitude of optimism. This placement can be favorable for public speaking and singing. Your voice may be used to please and inspire people. This position usually grants comfortable financial circumstances.

Venus irrelevant in the tenth house of your horoscope promises success in all matters related to the pleasures and needs of others. Your occupation in life should have some relationship with the female gender, because Venus favors women in all their needs. Occupations are under the influence of Venus, are numerous to describe them, but, generally speaking, are those associated with objects and themes that give satisfaction to others. All occupations are relaxed and refined, it is very suitable for you, in terms of profits and pleasure. Thanks to this position will experience success in life and you will have many good friends to help you.

Venus at 02°08'32'' Sagittarius

In matters of love, you are looking for someone you can grow with, someone who can expand your world and your consciousness. You are attracted to someone who is fun-loving, playful, and open to adventure and new experiences. Traveling together, meeting new people and exploring new vistas is particularly enjoyable. People of foreign background and cultures enlarge your understanding of the world and yourself. You want to be able to share your dreams, aspirations and ideals with your mate. It is very important to you that you have a spiritual or intellectual rapport with your love partner, perhaps more important than the emotional - physical relationship. You are not especially sentimental and your partner may feel that you are too casual and not serious or romantic enough. You are sympathetic, kind, generous and optimistic. You idealize love. Always on the lookout for greener pastures, you may not stay long with a partner who doesn't help you to grow or provide you with enough excitement. You desire to share a love of God, expressed through religious devotion and a love of man, expressed through philanthropy and charity with the one you choose to love.

This position gives imagination and love for the beautiful and gracious. You will have a true inclination towards beauty, harmony, subtlety, and you can cultivate in different directions, through the arts, music, poetry or literature. Like the beauty in the form of jewelry, nice clothes and tables and maybe making money in any employment measure these abilities. The favorites are bold, romantic and generous, but have a tendency lability, inattention and impulsivity. There is a possibility for two love affairs or marriages. This position gives sufficient dedication to the character, which you pull to a person, an object or a religion. Maybe you travel a bit, especially in relation to your partner or after marriage. There is some tendency for risk demonstration, promotion, conventionality and ritualism.

Mutable Sign in beginning of 10 House

Variable signs relevant to your profession and show a tendency to follow pursuits more or less routine nature, but this is not giving you any great opportunity for fame and success in business matters. You probably have more success when you work for others, rather than for you.But if you ever take this responsibility, it will be better to deal with jobs that have majority support and which relates the general public, rather than individuals. Probably two or more jobs to employ your attention at the same time, because this position implies duality.

10 House Sagittarius at 03°58'22''

You have aptitude for the profession concerned with the exterior, administration, exploring, missiles, aviation, travel agencies, foreign language teaching. Complete success will come at the age of maturity.

Aspects Midheaven

0.13 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Moon Trine Midheaven

This position increases the likelihood of you or what you do to appear before the public. Specifically, the Moon governs careers on anything to do with hotels, restaurants, dairy products and real estate offices. But generally it is a good place for any career related to the public.

1.83 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Conjunction Midheaven

This position shows a career related to the arts. Painting, music, art vendors. Good location also for tasks that require sociability, such as the public sector and even for designers and developers.

2.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Saturn Trine Midheaven

Great place for businessmen, but also for employees with business prospects. An organizational and practical skills and not daunted by hard work, attention to detail, and discipline.

6.82 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Sextile Midheaven

This aspect can make your career can have many ups and downs. It may start in one direction and then find something else completely different and to follow. The work associated with Poseidon is anything to do with film or related industry, the arts, particularly dance and music. Anything that has to do with the care of the poor, the sick, etc. in hospitals or social work. Anything that has to do with the sea, sailors, fishermen, oceanographers, etc. Neptune, however, has a tendency to sometimes confuses those who have this post about which career to follow, so it is good to consider carefully whether indeed the career you choose is the one which satisfies you.

Jupiter Ruler of Sagittarius

This position may bring opportunity and expansion as well as success and honor to you in your profession or in your community. Much of the reason is your congenial and generous nature. You have a magnetic personality and people sense you will not let them down. Many opportunities will arise which are of benefit to you and to society as a whole. There is a strong sense of responsibility toward your career and toward personal achievement. You have the ability to get others to believe in your expansion-oriented, long-range plans, dreams and visions.

Jupiter irrelevant in the tenth house, suggests that you follow a pious profession, through which you will gain economically and socially. You will earn through religious occupations and affairs with the outside. This planet indicates success in all matters in which preside so that occupations will be of your choice and likely to give you joy and happiness. There are many professions that can usefully be followed by a judge to dealer, depending on your skill - but in terms of trade, we will do better in business-related clothes and by offering the general public staples etc.

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Friends - Hopes

Mercury at 11 House

You have an original, comprehensive, adaptable and intellectual mind. Your goals are obtained through the use of your mind. You choose friends who stimulate your mind, perhaps younger friends. You find it stimulating to converse with those friends who share opposing views. You could be the spokesman or secretary for your favorite group or organization.

Is likely to have many acquaintances, but only a few friends in the true sense of the word. Some of your friends might say friends, but it is good to be on guard against dishonesty and deception. You may have friendships with resourceful people and those connected with literary work, it is probably the best and sincerest friends, but be careful in all your dealings with your acquaintances until absolutely sure for whom the.

Fire Sign in beginning of 11 House

The fiery triplicity has the main influence in the eleventh house of your horoscope and it brings some very energetic and useful friends, whose ambitious and entrepreneurial spirit will foster considerably. Likely to benefit through some friends and acquaintances at some time in your life, especially when your directions, favoring help from them. You are intelligent enough to appreciate good friends, when they come into your life and will do a lot to win the favor and support when needed. It is said that there is no better mirror of an old friend, so, to attract those friendships that help increase the intellectual aspect of the nature of friendship. Theophrastus said: True friends visit us during the period of prosperity only when invited, but in hard times, come on their own, without invitation. This is good for you, because you have such a character that they can not appreciate the true friendship; What influence you exert friends in your life, it is rather to good than to evil.

11 House Sagittarius at 23°48'09''

You have friendships with strangers and are successful thanks to protections.

Jupiter Ruler of Sagittarius

You probably have lots of friends who are willing to do almost anything for you, and you for them. These friends are knowledgeable, idealistic and may be of foreign culture or descent. The social life appeals to you and this may be the cause of over-indulgence or over- extravagance on your part which could get you into trouble. You are popular, with faithful and influential friends. You have a natural ability to organize and plan large group activities. You are a strong supporter of groups, foundations and philanthropies.

Jupiter rules the House of Friends (11th) is very good and a favorable indication that you will never miss a friend in your life and friends will not only be very willing, but will be able help you whenever you need their help. You have friends or acquaintances, people who deal with religion or having philosophical trend, with very good location and willing to make that good can for others. Your friends are among those who are born under the planet Jupiter or, generally speaking, from November 21 until December 21. Will Making many of the hopes and desires you in your lifetime, if you are thinking clearly.

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Sun at 12 House

There is the desire or the need to serve others in this lifetime. At times this is in direct conflict with a desire to seek seclusion from the world and or wallow in self-pity seeking sympathy and service from others. This life may be a contemplative life due to the need to reshape negative character traits from past lives. You have an awareness of the oneness of life. You may lack confidence in your abilities. You have an empathy with sick or mentally disturbed people. You may develop or have clairvoyant powers and an interest in occult subjects and psychic phenomena. You may enjoy playing the martyr.

It's a good influence on all matters occult nature and gives you a rather deep interest in things that are mentally, or beyond the material world. But at the same time, you are somehow restrained or limited and can not fully express yourself, because the situations surrounding the birth or environment, which are not favorable or conducive to worldly prosperity. For this, let your life be dedicated more inside than on the outside, because then you get in contact with those who are willing to help you in the right direction. The Sun in the House is rising and therefore promises great improvement in worldly affairs, as life progresses.

Mars at 12 House

You may have intense emotional reactions and perhaps repressed desires and paranoia. People may sense this and cause problems for you. There can be trouble through slander or with secret enemies. You may have need to overcome deep, hidden, inner resentments. You may be subject to false accusations by hidden enemies. You feel an aloneness. Your energy should be directed toward gaining an understanding of the meaning of life and for the development of harmony and oneness with humanity. A love of working in secret or behind the scenes can make you effective in getting the job done.

Mars rules the twelfth house of the horoscope, it is not at all favorable for matters occult nature. Alerts you to show great care in your occupation with matters not possess the full and will be better for you not to ever have many relationships with phenomena or unseen situations. This influence threatens you with restriction to some time in your life, because accidents, wrongful imprisonment, the one thing that will rob you of your freedom for a while. For this to be very forthright in all your actions, thus avoiding problems. Beware spiritualism.

Mars at 16°43'27'' Capricorn

Your actions serve your ambitions for power, recognition, distinction, and status. You are not content to follow, but must have a leading role in whatever you do. If not handled well, the energies of this placement can make you appear ruthless, manipulative and bull-dozing over anyone who stands in your way. You are efficient, tenacious, organized, dedicated, practical, disciplined and steadfast in your resolve to feel successful. Your drive and energy are directed toward practical material accomplishment and achieving concrete results. You are hard-working and capable of foregoing immediate comfort in order to achieve your long-range goals. You can easily become a workaholic and are very responsible and conscientious about doing a thorough job. You don't tend to gamble when it comes to implementing your plans but generally prefer the conservative, tried-and-true route and then following through with it. You rely on your own efforts and perseverance rather than luck or good fortune. There is a natural shrewdness and instinct for business or organizational management. You tend to be ambitious, persistent, patient, self-reliant and responsible. You are apt to be slow in learning, but there is total assimilation of knowledge. Your energy is carefully used. Success is very important to you. On the negative side you may have a quick irritability which needs to be controlled and a tendency to feel resentment toward others for supposed hurts. You need to learn how to forgive and forget and how to release your emotions and frustrations positively.

This post gives you ambition, determination and the ability to open the road to the world and to chart your career. You have great practical implementation capacity, you can work hard and you are able to get much accomplished. You have a sense of authority, you can control and direct others and are suitable for a position of responsibility. This position can be uploaded to the world, to give you some discrimination or domination over others, even in a limited way. But also there is a tendency to isolate you and make others fear you or respect you, only love you. Mars in Capricorn is strong and gives fitness for occupations characterized by this planet, such as military, naval surgeon, chemist, engineer, also ability for a government position, state or municipal authority. When you are in bad directions, you may encounter hostility, criticism, competition, especially from superiors or public figures. There is a tendency for rheumatic or related diseases.

12 House Capricorn at 13°37'57''

Probably encounter enemies elderly and chronically ill.

Saturn Ruler of Capricorn

You have the potential to develop strong inner discipline and sensitivity. There can be feelings of fear, doubt and a lack of confidence in yourself. There may be an unconscious desire to make restitution for wrongs committed in previous lives. Thus, you may feel fated and desire to retreat from society. A strong inner discipline gives you the ability to repay your past life debts, though. Your present path may involve serving mankind in some manner. Chronic health problems can be experienced if subconscious fears are not brought out into the open. There is a love of solitude. Work may be behind the scenes or it may involve an occupation where you do not come into contact with the general public.

Saturn is positioned to have major influence over all matters occult nature in your horoscope and you may be the cause of self-destruction and perhaps to enter the occult life through perseverance, patience and foresight. But can also try sadness, difficulty and delay in relation to the occult life. However, anything you achieve will be permanent, so that difficulties will do just to build for the future on a very strong and solid foundation. In many ways draws me to the secret and mystic and are able to undertake the study of astrology and related topics, but using the carefulness in esoteric matters.

* * *

Personal Color - Aura

Moon at 03°50'29'' Leo

The position of the Moon will paint your personal aura with the orange ray. This gives you great vitality and significantly enhances the aura of health, because it makes you able to exempt easily from diseases and will offer you many ways radiation, hope and joy that will make you see life from a happier perspective of the majority. But, you must remember that this is mainly due to the fact that your vitality is significantly enhanced by this Orange radius, so, do not abuse your power by being enthralled pleasures in which Leo has always tended to leads. Gives you the ability to study art and music and sometimes gives poetic talent, when the orange beam is sufficiently purified so it can be mixed with other colors in the aura, as will be seen from the planetary positions in the horoscope.

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Results of Aspects

Conjunction 4 X Power = 19
Sextile 8 X Power = 26
Square 3 X Power = 8
Trine 4 X Power = 21
Opposition 2 X Power = 11

In your horoscope we found these aspects:

12 Positives with sum Power 47
5 Negatives with sum Power 19
4 Conjunctions and Inconjunct with sum Power 19

With these facts we can say that,

Have a favorable horoscope and find opportunities to develop your character and use wisely your cognitive abilities. You win studying your horoscope, because you the ability to benefit from good influences operating at birth and planetary positions, give you some power in the world, which is no less powerful because it may not be obvious or public . The crisis was as clean as possible and should be read thoroughly what has been said so to capture the inner meaning that there may be in each paragraph, remembering that the entire analysis is given with the main purpose to help you in your progress. (The following is a brief crisis all combinations are indicated by the horoscope).


Planets Positions

Majority of Planets Above the Horizon

'll find success in life and you will advance in many ways, beyond the cycle of birth. You have a certain ambition and ability to stand alone, and you are self-reliant, ambitious, energetic and persistent. You have some very lucky break and will meet success every time you try and you decide to take advantage of, as best as possible, the opportunities presented to you.

Majority of Planets in Fire Signs

Have a very lively and idealistic, with large reserves of strength and vigor, comprehensive, rich and generous nature, full of vitality and enthusiasm, as well as upbeat and energetic. You have deep feelings, you may love fervently, display great passion and never miss your spirit. The love for the heroic deeds and intensity of purpose is one of the most intense character traits and your behavior. Always give much of yourself in everything you do and feel, but you should avoid the urge or recklessness and always think carefully before you speak or do.

Sun in Earth Sign - Moon in Fire Sign

This is an indication that personal characteristics governing a practical nature, firm, and internal. But with the fiery personality will often lie beyond the wishes of individuality and will be opened far ahead a difficult path, as the ideal that is looking far ahead of your actual development. This will give you plenty of opportunities to break crystallized ideas of the past so you can move ahead in the future. Often you will drate impulse and regret for the act after its completion. The two ends of your nature will be a big problem for you, until you notice that in this sow for a future harvest. Much of life can be summed up in a few words the tendency to make internal and external slow fast.

Sun in Cardinal Sign - Moon in Fixed Sign

You are ambitious and high-minded internally, but externally unable to respond to internal shocks. This may cause your personality to show trends of intolerance. Have sincere character with enough skills, but although you have the necessary energy will not always feel inclined to allow it to move forward. Indeed, often stand in your own light, because of the failure to respond personally to internal and true impulses from the upper part of yourself. It seems that you own inner spirit and quick perception, but not the power to understand, except when opportunities are lost.


Here ends the first and most important part of the basic analysis of your natal horoscope. In the paragraphs that preceded able to offer a purely scientific analysis of your horoscope. Up to the point at which has brought us so far the general knowledge of modern astrology, you are on the pages preceding the elite experience a great spirit of Astrology, Alan Leo, combined with my years of experience, research and searching. The crisis that was based solely on the laws of astrology, as we have learned from ancient times until today.

There now follows a description of the secondary data on the natal horoscope and collection of various ancient and new sources of astrology. Their role and their relationship with you, you are presented here, more like trigger more depth when you first have a good understanding of all the above and the main components of the natal horoscope and would like to deal in depth with astrology.

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More Informations

Positions and Aspects of Asteroids

Chiron at 06°51'06'' Scorpio

The issue here is power. You fear your power and try to subdue. Otherwise, you may feel weak and try to cover it by acting loud. Sex is only one way to go in this area and yes, making coercive sex is a possibility. Another possibility is to avoid sex because it is very dangerous and think that anyone who has sex with you wants to dominate over you. It is a good place for a sex therapist who can help everyone else about their sexual problems but can not help himself. Hereditary issues can also be a source of pain for you. Problems and twists accompany these issues.

Chiron at 9 House Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Ideal position for a travel agent who sends everyone else on fantastic trips while he is stuck in the office to close the ticket, or a publisher, teacher or translator who read the first books to be published before the public and the media has a great desire to publish his own writings. Your parents might push you too can follow a high education because they were not in season similar feature. This may result in you push to pursue an education that they themselves wanted to follow and not one that you like. It might put obstacles in your path to a higher education because of jealousy. Because the 9th house also rules the religion, can lead you to search for that imaginary quest to find the religion that will cure all your internal concerns. Resulting in a ceaseless excruciating journey to study or search for such chimeric target.

Aspects Chiron

0.00 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Saturn Square Chiron

Tend to exercise in control and you are forced excessively organizational. The reason could be a fear of the rent running, or possibly even trying to please a restrictive parent. The other side of the coin may be that you are completely disorganized and messy, or look too fearful or despondent to make a move. A distant migration can be helpful in such a situation to challenge for leadership of the trends of your parents.

1.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Mercury Sextile Chiron

This aspect increases your ability to communicate and teach, by others to reflect and to look for around what you tell them. This view gives you great inspiration.

3.01 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Moon Square Chiron

When you were a child probably had the feeling that your mother wanted to do something else than to deal with you. You may also have the feeling that is constantly review around you and that you gossip and react to this fantastic attack. You also have a tendency to make the mom to others and helping them to emotional problems. Be careful not to become oppressive when you are a mother.

5.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Pluto Square Chiron

This aspect brings cowardly tendencies. Want to dominate others with tyrannical way to compensate their subconscious fears you say that you are weak and helpless. You may also be act silently and covertly trying to bring the enemies knocking them back. The reason for all this may be that during childhood as any attempt made to release your parents to suppress quickly made thavate your strength. The solution here is to recognize and accept responsibility for your power and find ways to externalize creatively.

Ceres at 24°37'02'' Aquarius

Find satisfaction through the strange and bizarre. Being with friends just makes you feel that someone cares and friends also feel the same when you are near. Anyway, you had childhood care and affection that should and this has led to be afraid is to buckle up seriously with another person. They also tend to have communication problems when it comes time for deep relationships.

Ceres at 1 House Character, Outward Appearance

People will always confuse you with their mother. That's why it seems the upbringing gave you.

Aspects Ceres

2.99 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Jupiter Square Ceres

This view shows that have excessive affection and care of your parents when you were little and usually not the kind of care that you really need at that time, but what your parents think proper to give. Growing up and you turn you want to provide excessive care to others, whether they want to or not and without even suspect or wondering what kind of care they want - if they want - other than you. That's because you think you understand better what kind of care is needed other than you, than themselves. You can join or start organizations to assert their rights of various categories of people who believe wronged in any way, whether these people want not.

5.94 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Uranus Trine Ceres

We love to give and receive affection and care with imaginative and original ways so beyond this, and refresh you and your relationships.

Pallas Athena at 02°20'33'' Aquarius

You are able to solve the most difficult problems in ways unusual and sometimes frighten others. The plans you make can be extremely crazy or may ingenious. Can we all agree on how to resolve or design something with good acceptable way, except that you will experience a completely different solution or plan.

Pallas Athena at 1 House Character, Outward Appearance

You have great ability to see patterns and patterns and solve related problems.

Aspects Pallas Athena

0.20 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Venus Sextile Pallas Athena

Good place for an artist. Combine your love for beauty with your artistic creations and the result is very beautiful.

1.49 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Moon Opposition Pallas Athena

Your instinct helps you resolve your problems and identify the correct options you need for your designs. However Charge emotionally in these efforts and this is not always correct.

4.51 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Saturn Opposition Pallas Athena

Focuses on large-scale problems and projects. But we need enough time to read any solutions and that's because you tend to think in advance of the event failure and afraid of making mistakes in some of your options. So many times you put yourself obstacles in your way because you fear yourself not believing him capable of, which is not true.

Juno at 11°41'22'' Sagittarius

Your mate can come from a completely different social stratum than yours and may be from another state. It can deal with high education or often make long journeys and finally may want to talk a lot and listen a little, if at all.

Juno at 10 House Career - Public Image

You somehow married to your career. Usually, your partner will help you in your career and social status.

Aspects Juno

0.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Neptune Sextile Juno

The match will be sensitive, emotional and powerful imagination. The marriage or relationship can also bring these results to you. In any case there will be a tendency to over idealize your mate, watch what you want to see.

1.05 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Pluto Trine Juno

The match will be intense and fierce. Sex with him would be like the eruption of a volcano. Your relationship will be extreme. One of you will be transformed in some way. With him will discover a courage that never thought you had.

4.83 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Saturn Trine Juno

People comes out liking for relationship tend to be older than you at least in spirit if not in years. Distinguished by stability, it is practical and reliable, but do not expect to be types of parties. Can the relationship to bring these results to you.

6.98 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Uranus Opposition Juno

Tend to comes out liking people for relationship, highly eccentric to say the least ... The result is many marriages and many divorces. Make sure also you and your mate to feel independent enough to be able to continue together.

Vesta at 04°10'25'' Aries

You have the ability to focus quickly and intensively to do that. This is especially good for unexpected tasks that require immediate action.

Vesta at 2 House Money, Property

We need to stop working more often than other people to renew your strength. This course on working with target money. You can still continue to do chores around the house.

Aspects Vesta

0.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Moon Trine Vesta

You have the instinctive ability to focus and to concentrate your attention on your considerations.

2.03 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Venus Trine Vesta

You are able to focus and concentrate on your social gatherings, artistic creations in general, as you make merry and happy and coping well in these areas.

2.68 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Saturn Trine Vesta

Your attention is particularly focused on discipline in an organization that you belong to and may be at work.

4.01 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Mercury Square Vesta

You have a tendency to focus compulsively on details and routine chores of daily life, or they might not be able to handle them all. You also talk a lot but without saying basically something important, or generally have difficulty communicating. You are also good at aiming psistiri sex, but when it comes time to do what you said you do not do as you said.

6.62 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Opposition Vesta

You may experience difficulties when you concentrate on your normal daily chores.

North Node R at 09°45'12'' Gemini

You tend to be wild, untamed and unsociable. Your views are radically different from the views of others. Not listening to the n Even though it seems to hear, just throw dust in the eyes of respondents pretending you hear them. You need to cultivate your social skills. Learn to see things from all sides. Learn to talk in detail rather than in general terms.

North Node at 4 House Base, Home, Seat

You tend to be cold, calculating, careful, cautious, introverted and anxious too much about material matters and goods, even minor ones, even when the situation concerning your emotional affairs, how would you measure everything cost you the ... feeling ... You need to cultivate your emotional and sentimental world and understand that some things can not be bought or sold with money.

Lilith at 27°29'26'' Sagittarius

You have you measured expression of pleasure and sensuality, up to the point of extinction of expression. Travel abroad or with people from other countries can play an important role in this area of ​​your life.

Lilith at 11 House Friends - Hopes

You can not truly appreciate your friends. You wrong image for themselves or the way they see you. Use ways and means to control others and experiencing many times amicably erotic relationships. Do not like commitments, tolerant, non-conformist, eccentric and perhaps show humanism.

Part of Fortune at 20°03'31'' Leo

The business activities are your thing. You can not work cheerfully under supervisors and bosses and prefer to be their own boss, with any cost though this entails. You love to create and find great joy when your projects are recognized.

Part of Fortune at 7 House Marriage - Partnerships

In partnership, marriage, fine and harmonious relationships is hidden good luck to you and you alone are particularly able to realize promptly whenever knocks on your door. The natural harmony in partnerships is a clear indication of whether your partner is apt to succeed good luck. If in any collaboration, there are conflicts and quarrels disputes for quite troublesome time, the best thing to do is to dissolve the fastest and looking for a better partner.

Vertex at 07°22'01'' Virgo

The sacrifice and the need for service at its best. The person looking to join a person with internal quality, service and spiritual upliftment. Applies here that the metaphysical identity of the Virgin with the sacrifice for the sake of humanity. The person imagines that finds the absolutely pure and perfect, a person who will do everything as it not only in interpersonal relationship and in every relation in life.

Vertex at 7 House Marriage - Partnerships

Peak in the Seventh House indicates that the person will only HAPPY when you find the other half. If the person is only then is the big emotional drama because this position is the classic position of union with each other and the security it offers.

* * *

The Degrees of the Zodiac that affect you

Ascendant at 03°27'44'' Aquarius

An officer and a public officer dressed as a mandarin robe operation, purple, blue and golden. Fate of Power. Personal or inherited title. Probably government functions.

Midheaven at 03°58'22'' Sagittarius

A soldier with a bow in hand, standing behind a window frame. Fate of Wisdom. Wisdom and prejudice within the social life. Keen sense of justice.

Sun at 17°14'42'' Capricorn

Two men fighting furiously. Fate of the Match. Character aggressive and feeler, always ready to argue.

Moon at 03°50'29'' Leo

A cat that lurks prey. Fate of Understanding. Character wise and diplomat. Benefits thanks to perseverance.

Mercury at 08°11'16'' Capricorn

A cross and a broken key. Squadron Impotence. Spirit sees the initiation, impetuosity and insolence.

Venus at 02°08'32'' Sagittarius

Goddess of Mercy. Fate of sympathy. Nature and human compassion that knows the true charity.

Mars at 16°43'27'' Capricorn

A lyre on a wreath of flowers. Fate of Persuasion. Character who convinces others easily, harmonious and skillful tongue. Expression talented.

Jupiter at 21°37'16'' Scorpio

A waterfall that falls from rock to rock. Fate of Limitations. Spirit restless and impulsive, mature by fertility and research.

Saturn R at 06°51'24'' Leo

A scepter over a diamond shining, glistening around like star. Fate of superiority. The will and the energy will lead to a dominant position.

Uranus R at 18°40'21'' Gemini

A woman standing with style discouraged, that covers her naked breasts and her hair. Fate of Risk. Abandonment by friends or sexual ties refutation of hopes.

Neptune at 10°48'04'' Libra

A centaur with bow and arrows. Squadron Exchange. Perceptive character driven by ambition and desire.

Pluto R at 12°44'25'' Leo

A steep rock that protrudes over a few tufts of grass are in a miserable situation but safe. Fate of Stability. Determination and stability. The individual can benefit from the games.

Chiron at 06°51'06'' Scorpio

A man with foot mounted on a pickaxe, raises his hand in a gem that shines in the sun. Fate of Fortune. The only chance in life that will push the person and give without discrimination the same endeavor.

Ceres at 24°37'02'' Aquarius

A dark form showing violent anger, while a ribbon of scarlet red color covers her forehead. Fate of malevolence. Vengeful spirit and passionate not control any of his actions.

Pallas Athena at 02°20'33'' Aquarius

A man walks with head bowed, leaning on a cane. Fate of Carter. Major mishaps, but the person is equipped for a long and arduous journey.

Juno at 11°41'22'' Sagittarius

A blond woman lying on a divan. Fate of sensuality. Spirit surrendered to the pleasures of the senses. Many large effect of the opposite sex to the person.

Vesta at 04°10'25'' Aries

A man perched on a cliff while the storm rages. The lightning paint a dark silhouette, strong climbing strong. Fate of Uncertainty Risk and ultimate success. Strength of character, the individual will find the slope, despite all the initial difficulties seem insurmountable.

North Node R at 09°45'12'' Gemini

A woman with a cute face, good, offering a child a glass of liquid. Fate of Healing. Character merciful attraction for science or medical arts.

Lilith at 27°29'26'' Sagittarius

A turtle. Fate of patience. Persistence, patience and perseverance will lead to success.

Part of Fortune at 20°03'31'' Leo

A male person who overcomes a coiled snake and a raised hand presented on its side. Fate of Penetration. Mind perceptive that will reveal the secrets of nature.

Vertex at 07°22'01'' Virgo

A landscape showing a forest and in the distance a tower on a hill. Fate of Ecstasy. Success in life, ideals, spirit theoretical retracted old age.

East Point at 29°52'45'' Aquarius

A scepter and a crown. Fate of Power. Destination for high positions and rise. Strength and talent.

Part of Spirit at 16°51'56'' Cancer

A dazzling lightning. Fate of the hoe. Nerve force source of light for others, probability reform.

Part of Love at 00°16'09'' Capricorn

A man and a young woman standing and hugging. Fate of Rotation. Finesse and excellence. Probability double life.

Part of Destiny at 20°34'10'' Gemini

A young man tossing coins into a hubcap. Fate of Indifference. Eccentric habits, work in entertainment venues.

Cupido R at 20°58'05'' Virgo

A man who carries a bag with money in each hand. Fate of greedy wish. Riches, amenities, major holdings.

Hades at 23°56'12'' Aries

A man playing with colored balls. A shameless woman, is standing behind him. Fate of nonsense. The person will experience difficulties with the opposite sex, little ambition.

Zeus R at 22°26'34'' Leo

A shining star, pale blue, shining over a lake. Fate of Perception. Spirit intuitive, diplomatic gifts. The person will shine through in the realm of existence.

Kronos R at 20°06'04'' Taurus

An owl perched on a tree, who among the branches is a coiled snake. Fate of Forecasting. Nature wise and cunning, qualities associated with the occult, meteorology, etc.

Apollon R at 18°07'16'' Virgo

A breeder or dealers who keeps on hand a stick with a whip aside. Fate of robustness. Character gruff and oppressor.

Admetos at 17°59'18'' Aries

A man and a woman, standing, holding by the hand and gazing dedication. Fate of Friendship. Preference relations between the sexes. Character likable and sociable.

Vulkanus R at 21°11'32'' Gemini

A young woman lying under a tree, while flies feed on birds that are close to her. Fate of togetherness. Character charming, passionate about poetry and harmony.

Poseidon R at 08°54'03'' Libra

A gladiator armed with a sword and a shield, ready for the fight. Battle Squadron. Power and capacity for action. Man is master of his power.

* * *


As time goes by, you have to wake opportunities, which are latent in your horoscope and depending on the sincerity and ability, you will be able to experience everything that indicate your planets. You may not recognize all the above features, but if the time and the time of birth is correct, every word will suit you. Astrologers believe that the character is destiny and that, during this life we ​​must work to develop our character. In the distant future are destined to take an active part in promoting the development of the world and for this purpose we need to do right ourselves, because in the end, we must be perfect.

Astrologer: Costas Tolis

* * *


103°27'44'' Aquarius
213°37'57'' Pisces
323°48'09'' Aries
403°58'22'' Gemini
523°48'09'' Gemini
613°37'57'' Cancer
703°27'44'' Leo
813°37'57'' Virgo
923°48'09'' Libra
1003°58'22'' Sagittarius
1123°48'09'' Sagittarius
1213°37'57'' Capricorn



Sun 17°14'42'' Capricorn12
Moon 03°50'29'' Leo7
Mercury 08°11'16'' Capricorn11
Venus 02°08'32'' Sagittarius10
Mars 16°43'27'' Capricorn12
Jupiter 21°37'16'' Scorpio9
Saturn R 06°51'24'' Leo7
Uranus R 18°40'21'' Gemini4
Neptune 10°48'04'' Libra8
Pluto R 12°44'25'' Leo7



Chiron 06°51'06'' Scorpio9
Ceres 24°37'02'' Aquarius1
Pallas Athena 02°20'33'' Aquarius1
Juno 11°41'22'' Sagittarius10
Vesta 04°10'25'' Aries2

Minor Objects


North Node R 09°45'12'' Gemini4
Lilith 27°29'26'' Sagittarius11
Part of Fortune 20°03'31'' Leo7
Vertex 07°22'01'' Virgo7
East Point 29°52'45'' Aquarius1
Ascendant 03°27'44'' Aquarius1
Midheaven 03°58'22'' Sagittarius10
Part of Spirit 16°51'56'' Cancer6
Part of Love 00°16'09'' Capricorn11
Part of Destiny 20°34'10'' Gemini5



Cupido R 20°58'05'' Virgo8
Hades 23°56'12'' Aries3
Zeus R 22°26'34'' Leo7
Kronos R 20°06'04'' Taurus3
Apollon R 18°07'16'' Virgo8
Admetos 17°59'18'' Aries2
Vulkanus R 21°11'32'' Gemini5
Poseidon R 08°54'03'' Libra8

Fixed Stars


ACHERNAR 14°33'22'' Pisces2
POLARIS 27°49'24'' Gemini5
ZETA RETICULI 23°08'04'' Pisces2
PLEIADES 29°38'11'' Taurus4
ALDEBERAN 09°02'32'' Gemini4
CAPELLA 21°07'02'' Gemini5
RIGEL 16°05'10'' Gemini4
BELLATRIX 20°12'11'' Gemini5
ALNATH 21°50'02'' Gemini5
ORION 22°43'12'' Gemini5
BETELGEUSE 28°00'30'' Gemini5
MENKALINAN 29°10'07'' Gemini5
MURZIM 06°26'31'' Cancer5
CANOPUS 14°13'23'' Cancer6
ALHENA 08°21'31'' Cancer5
SIRIUS 13°20'19'' Cancer6
ADARA 20°01'18'' Cancer6
WEZEN 22°39'17'' Cancer6
CASTOR 19°29'35'' Cancer6
PROCYON 25°02'27'' Cancer6
POLLUX 22°28'17'' Cancer6
SUHAIL 26°37'08'' Leo7
AVIOR 22°24'20'' Virgo8
MIAPLACIDUS 01°14'27'' Scorpio9
ALPHARD 26°32'16'' Leo7
REGULUS 29°05'11'' Leo7
DUBHE 14°27'03'' Leo7
ACRUX 11°08'05'' Scorpio9
GACRUX 06°00'10'' Scorpio9
BECRUX 10°54'24'' Scorpio9
ALIOTH 08°11'02'' Virgo7
SPICA 23°06'02'' Libra9
ALKAID 26°10'35'' Virgo8
AGENA 23°03'11'' Scorpio9
ARCTURUS 23°29'13'' Libra9
RIGEL KENTAURUS 28°44'18'' Scorpio9
ANTARES 09°01'11'' Sagittarius10
SHAULA 23°50'25'' Sagittarius11
SARGAS 24°51'19'' Sagittarius11
KAUS AUSTRALIS 04°20'10'' Capricorn11
VEGA 14°34'25'' Capricorn12
ALTAIR 01°02'09'' Aquarius1
PEACOCK 23°04'17'' Capricorn12
DENEB 04°35'32'' Pisces1
ALNAIR 15°09'28'' Aquarius1
FORMALHAUT 03°07'01'' Pisces1
ANDROMEDA 26°59'09'' Aries3

Retrograde Planets


Retrograde Saturn might make you insecure and think you are not worthy of anything. He can also keep your fears to yourself wanting to look strong, perhaps because someone with authority is exercised great power and influence over you. You must be patient and work hard to get what you want, but you may not have the will or desire to dedicate yourself to this objective, shown mainly by house, sign and aspects of Saturn on your map. But limit yourself if Slacking.


Retrograde Uranus shows that while externally not seem unconventional or different person inside you feel, but take care not to show it. There is a possibility that areas visible from the house, sign and aspects of Uranus in your chart, be subject to constant or sudden extreme changes. Using positive this retrograde motion of Uranus might be someone that is unique and true and can lead projects to be undertaken in positive change and development.


Retrograde Pluto shows that you tend to hide from others the great difficulties that can get you in some phases of your life. The positive to this is that you will learn about your enemies are your problems so they will not hurt you more. The negative they will not learn and the friends who could help you. If you are unsure of your friends and you know that can help you, then it is advisable not to hide from them.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.

Tags: Natal Horoscope Analysis David Bowie