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Natal Horoscope of Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister

Costas Tolis

Born: December 24, 1945 - Death: December 28, 2015

Full Natal Horoscope Analysis

Birthday24 / 12 / 1945
Birth time08:30:00
Birth PlaceStoke-on-Trent United Kingdom

Rising Sign or Ascendant

Ascendant Capricorn at 02°30'31''

You tend to be sensitive, timid, business- like, ambitious, controlling, reserved, practical, down-to-earth, duty-conscious, responsible, critical, and cold. You may have had trouble communicating in early life. Perhaps you suffer from feelings of inadequacy. You overcome these feelings through sheer necessity, for you have determination in achieving your goals and purposes in life. You have great ambition and do not settle until you have reached the great heights that you have set for yourself. Money, position and power are important to you. The reserve that often appears as part of your makeup is sometimes taken as coldness. To you it seems that you are being responsible and simply doing your duty. You may have had trouble with your knees. Any trouble with the knees is the outer evidence of an inner inability to be flexible. Spiritual lesson to learn: Sociability (lighten up). Saturn rules Capricorn so Saturn will be important in your life.

In your birth rose Capricorn - a sign that belongs to the earth element and fundamental kinetic or property. It offers you calm, steady, patient, persistent and delicate nature. Sometimes you have a tendency to melancholy and a severe mental attitude. You are missing a little merry mood, optimism and mood. Sometimes you notice too the dark side of things. You have great practical implementation capacity - you are a stable and efficient worker and will faithfully perform the work will take. You have great self-control and willpower and you can pursue your purpose with tenacity in front of many obstacles. Do you believe in justice, the economy, carefulness and prudence usually think before you act. Aspire to obtain power and being able to practice. You can temper and Administration, to direct and manipulate subordinates very effectively - although most will respect you, despite you love. You have restraint and caution - do not make friends easily, but you are very loyal to those who have and are rather strict and unforgiving enemy. You calm perseverance and firm determination, that make able to succeed, almost anything you put your mind to.

Luck: You are suitable for public life, appointment, business and have tact. Sometimes you have big ambitions, desire for power or riches and ability to win. A legacy of their parents is possible. You are luckier in middle age and over, rather than youth.

Ruler: Saturn. The planet Saturn is the ruler of the zodiac of Capricorn and Aquarius. It tends to gives you a mood that is rigorous, serious and pensive. It is the planet which naturally governs old age and the best influences usually appear only when you pass the youth. Gives self control, containment and confinement, and a natural tendency to frugality, prudence and carefulness. You will also gain from this willpower and a stand patiently, calmly, strength and equanimity. Sometimes you might be missing the fun and pleasant disposition - can not open socially as easily as others or create mood, fun and frolic, and if you can appreciate when you meet. You have sufficient practical ability and can handle people and cases efficiently and economically. You are ambitious and you can make long-lasting projects and programs and spending enough time to carry them out. The best lesson that teaches Saturn is self-control, prudence, patience, frugality and prudent mind, as well as the ability to discern between true and worthy surface hypocrisy. Saturn is considered as unlucky planet, because of its power to limit and restrain and has a binding and inhibitory influence. It is the bridge between the mind and feelings and governs until it is self-control.

Aspects Ascendant

0.32 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Sun Conjunction Ascendant

You have a happy mood and a proud and honest nature. Never stoop to degrading activities. You have a strong material existence and emit substantially in your circle. You are a natural leader and are coping well in management positions or power. You are willing to help those in need and give yourself a courteous manner.

6.02 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Square Ascendant

You may be disinterested in your relationships, maybe too much at your expense. Do not try to save others and ignore the types of relationships where you have to play the role of a witness or victim. Stay strong and do not let others use you just because you are so nice and polite. You may feel a lack of confidence and this can lead you in the hands of someone who is not worthy of trust. Stand on your own feet.

Ruler Saturn at 7 House

This is likely to bring you published a degree, because it contributes to the acquisition of friends and acquaintances, draws attention on you and it will be good if you follow any career that brings you into contact with the public. What particularly attracts you to the opposite sex and is likely to have great success with it. Creates high propensity to marriage and are unlikely to stay alone. In business or in other occupations are likely to work best in partnership or company other than if you are completely alone, and you can easily comes out liking others and do well with them. In periods are under bad influences, you may have enemies because of this position and to suffer from conflicts, rivalries, jealousy or quarrel.

Saturn R at 22°56'13'' Cancer

You are protective and persevering and you worry over loved ones. You can be moody, fearful and insecure perhaps because you feel unloved, probably by one or both parents. These feelings may bring on within you feelings of inadequacy toward your own ability to be a parent. As a parent you may be very demanding and a strict disciplinarian to your children. Emotional depression is something you need to conquer. Your unconscious fear of being hurt by others can cause you to withdraw from too close an emotional involvement with others. You are kind, but may lack empathy. You can be so busy protecting yourself from hurts that you are unable to see the hurts of others. There is a tendency for improper digestion due to the lack of certain digestive juices in the stomach. It would be best if you did not drink liquids with your meals (except milk, which is a food). There is a need to curb the appetite, as it can get you into trouble. Land and property may give you emotional security and alleviate feelings of not having something to fall back on.

Saturn at the time of your birth was in Cancer. This is not a favorable position both for possession possessions, and your professional position, success and recognition in life, because it creates problems in your business or in your profession (probably fall in his career), loss of your reputation and pecuniary damage (especially when Saturn offend the Moon, Venus and Jupiter, both in Natal, and to map the progress of transit). Contributes to some sort mentioumismou or occultism. Do beware of various ideas and impressions and to distinguish fantasy from daydreaming. Influenced by others and can absorb vitality, so be careful regarding those whom you associate. Strengthen your will and do not ever attract resentment or frustration. Seeking to avoid accountability, which is probably not at all desirable. Your profession also probably not be popular.

Aspects Saturn

0.90 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Jupiter Square Saturn

You may be subject to bouts of fear, worry and depression which make you feel as if you do not have enough material resources to live a reasonable life. These emotions can make you miserly and stingy. Your concern that you may not have enough for that proverbial rainy day can take all the fun and enjoyment out of day-to-day existence. So you keep trying to build up your reserves as your fear grows. You lose your enthusiasm, your generosity and your faith. You cannot allow this to happen. All that you need will be yours if you simply have faith and set your sights on seeking the God within. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you". Remember and practice that and things will improve. You must also not allow yourself to set too high a standard of accomplishment so that if it does not transpire that you lose all drive and incentive to keep working towards your goals. Be patient with yourself and just keep plugging away for "little by little does the trick". Give yourself time to reach the heights you aspire to. After all, you probably have more time than any other commodity. Use time to your advantage - don't let it be your enemy. If you don't stick to your goals and ambitions, then you may end up as one who continually hops from this to that, accomplishing nothing in the process, except having to learn the same old lessons over and over. You have many skills and abilities, but you need to learn how to discipline yourself to finish what you start. An inner restlessness suggests that you keep several projects open at the same time so you can move from one to another to alleviate any boredom that might develop. Most of all, you absolutely must learn to accept yourself as you are, limitations and all.

Jupiter in Negative aspect with Saturn is not favorable aspect, except that Saturn is gaining in influence by participating in some of the rays of Jupiter. Its influence in your life will bring you frustration, at a time you might have problems with your liver. Not a good look for economic affairs. Sometimes you get lost - it is advisable, therefore, not to lend money without security, nor to assume responsible positions in companies that have a financial risk. Mentally, well act is always perfectly straightforward way, because there is a possibility at some time in your life to be falsely accused and slandered. Be careful in your dealings with people of religion.

Planets in House 1

Sun at 1 House

You are important to yourself and will spend much time and energy on your own personal affairs. It's not that you do not care about others, it is just that you have your work to do and it is very important to you. You want to shine and be noticed for who and what you are. You may want to lead or be in a position of dominance. You are confident, independent and responsible. But watch for tendencies to be power-seeking or dictatorial. Be alert to false pride and try to be more humble. Give proper credit to others for their contributions.

It's a very fortunate position, because it gives dignity and honor in life and support you in any stress and pressure which will need to spend. You win the respect and appreciation of those around you, so you are able to assume positions of responsibility and to exercise some power over others. This is a favorable position, not only for worldly affairs, but it is also very beneficial for your moral development. Despise every petty or vile act and therefore should, in time to earn the appreciation of others.

Sun at 02°10'57'' Capricorn

You have the desire to climb whatever mountains are necessary and to stand on your own two feet in order to work out your ambitions and your salvation. You are conservative, organized, methodical, traditional, responsible, honest, efficient, patient, practical, authoritative, disciplined, serious and goal-oriented. On the negative side you can be worried, pessimistic, retaliatory, suspicious, stubborn and intolerant. You are happiest in careers calling for organizing ability, integrity and perseverance. You have a fear of failure. Your quiet exterior makes you appear to be loners. You build a wall of reserve around you in order to protect yourselves from the ill winds of the world around you. Nothing gets in the way of your plans and ambitions. You strive for security by holding fast to duty and responsibility. Work is very important to you and you do not take it lightly. You have an inferiority complex and this sometimes is what drives you so hard to succeed. You want to look good in front of the world. You like to plan your every move, weighing all the pros and cons of any issue in advance. You are dependable, particularly in a crisis. When asked, you give sound, practical advice. You are, as a rule, not aggressive people, and only express hostility as a defense when attacked. At times you can be very sensitive to hurts and feel alone as if no one understands you. A negative of you is that sometimes you will seek retribution for wrongs done to you. You need people, but you have a tendency to isolate yourselves from people due to your reserve and fear of being hurt. You can be very loyal to close friends and people you care about. Respect and recognition is important to you. Encouragement and praise are essential for motivating you. A fear of being without material things makes it mandatory that you have a regular income. Your attainments in life are accomplished through steady progress rather than through speculation or get-rich-quick schemes. You have strong self-discipline and nothing turns them from your course if your mind is made up. You will give up many pleasures in order to reach your goals. Hard work invigorates you. You are thrifty and like to collect things. You abhor waste. This includes wasting a lot of talk in idle chatter. You speak when you have something to say. You can be creative but you must at times learn to overcome your own self-doubts and lack of confidence. Pessimism in your own abilities can hold you back. You must learn to believe in yourselves and become optimistic. There is no mountain you cannot climb if that is what you desire to do. You have a lot of patience, which is good, because many of your plans meet with delays, setbacks and obstacles. This teaches you obedience, which is thus helping you to strive for spiritual attainment rather than material attainment. For you, work is therapeutic and is probably the best medicine for whatever ails you, except overwork, which you are prone to do. It is difficult for you to really relax. You are happiest when busy, even in your spare time. You are thoughtful, self-contained people. Lacking, perhaps, some of the personal magnetism of some of the other zodiac signs, you are nevertheless quite tactful, compassionate and warmhearted. Your own personal sufferings help you identify with the sufferings of others. In love, you are as romantic and emotional as anyone else, but usually you feel inhibited in expressing your emotions. You are cautious in making a total commitment until you know that the traits and lifestyle of the possible partner are compatible with yours. Once married, you seldom divorce because you feel that any situation can be worked out, if only worked at hard enough.

You who have the Sun in Capricorn, you are ambitious, stubborn, hardworking and patient. You have independence, confidence, determination, cunning and prudence, as well as the ability to earn wealth and possessions and are extremely economical in this area. Respect the age and ancient customs, have a strong, stable and integrated nature and you like the mystery. You are idealistic and nourish a special love for beauty, justice, purity and perfection and will certainly succeed in life, thanks to the excellent points your character. You have the ability and the power to take responsibility, because you are reliable and positive.

Aspects Sun

6.35 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Square Sun

You have the tendency to dream as a substitute for getting any real work done. You like to procrastinate and put off difficult jobs for as long as possible, hoping they will simply go away. You have a vivid imagination which can get you into trouble because half the stuff you worry about and fret over do not ever happen. You have a need to express yourself creatively through some sort of art form or music, drama or photography, but you may lack the necessary drive, energy, ambition and desire to follow through on your plans. You are attracted to the metaphysical and the occult but there is danger waiting for you if you get involved with negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, seances, hypnotism or mediums. You lack willpower and you too easily succumb to temptation. Drugs or alcohol may tempt you and seemingly offer you a way out of your troubles, but if you give in, they will cause you nothing but sorrow. You suffer from delusions of grandeur and you are not very practical. You need to get your head out of the clouds and come back to reality. You are very sympathetic and compassionate and will go out of your way to help someone. But you lack discrimination and are a sucker for any kind of sob story, hence you are often taken advantage of by others. This leaves you depressed and disillusioned. You must remember, though, that no one can hurt you, use you or take advantage of you unless you allow it. You need to develop more backbone and learn how to say "NO". You may experience personal loss of focus and not know what you should be doing with your life. You are overly emotional, romantic or sentimental. Materialism may blind you to spiritual realities. You are extremely sensitive and need to watch which situations and people you surround yourself with. You have a heightened sensitivity to medicine also, so you need to watch your dosages of any prescribed drugs. Because you are gentle and peace-loving, you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your way in the world. Your fantasy life brings self-deception or deception by others. You need to become aware that you may have to stand up for your spiritual convictions and principles, even though it may involve conflict. You are easily hurt by what others say about you and many times you take the easy way out by being non-controversial. You need to learn not to idealize others, but to accept them and appreciate them as they are and not as you wish them to be. There may be danger from hidden or secret enemies who have come to you to even the score for wrong-doings in previous lives. Be careful of who you choose as "friends".

In your birth Sun is attacked by the planet Neptune. This makes you vulnerable to deceptions and betrayals of those around you or from strangers. It is likely to be asked to leave many things to which you give your heart and possibly try intense frustrations. This should consider the resulting disturbance of the harmony of nature, because of the violation of the law of love or compassion, so that the losses will be forced to incur to provide the only means of restoring the lost balance or harmony. In this way you will pass under the superior influence of this aspect, which will allow you to elevate your consciousness to a higher plane, to feel the divine life which permeates all nature. In summary, we can say that you get lost inside your imagination, create a dream world and refuse to face reality, so many times, deceiving others, but the same yourself.

* * *


Sun at 02°10'57'' Capricorn

You have the desire to climb whatever mountains are necessary and to stand on your own two feet in order to work out your ambitions and your salvation. You are conservative, organized, methodical, traditional, responsible, honest, efficient, patient, practical, authoritative, disciplined, serious and goal-oriented. On the negative side you can be worried, pessimistic, retaliatory, suspicious, stubborn and intolerant. You are happiest in careers calling for organizing ability, integrity and perseverance. You have a fear of failure. Your quiet exterior makes you appear to be loners. You build a wall of reserve around you in order to protect yourselves from the ill winds of the world around you. Nothing gets in the way of your plans and ambitions. You strive for security by holding fast to duty and responsibility. Work is very important to you and you do not take it lightly. You have an inferiority complex and this sometimes is what drives you so hard to succeed. You want to look good in front of the world. You like to plan your every move, weighing all the pros and cons of any issue in advance. You are dependable, particularly in a crisis. When asked, you give sound, practical advice. You are, as a rule, not aggressive people, and only express hostility as a defense when attacked. At times you can be very sensitive to hurts and feel alone as if no one understands you. A negative of you is that sometimes you will seek retribution for wrongs done to you. You need people, but you have a tendency to isolate yourselves from people due to your reserve and fear of being hurt. You can be very loyal to close friends and people you care about. Respect and recognition is important to you. Encouragement and praise are essential for motivating you. A fear of being without material things makes it mandatory that you have a regular income. Your attainments in life are accomplished through steady progress rather than through speculation or get-rich-quick schemes. You have strong self-discipline and nothing turns them from your course if your mind is made up. You will give up many pleasures in order to reach your goals. Hard work invigorates you. You are thrifty and like to collect things. You abhor waste. This includes wasting a lot of talk in idle chatter. You speak when you have something to say. You can be creative but you must at times learn to overcome your own self-doubts and lack of confidence. Pessimism in your own abilities can hold you back. You must learn to believe in yourselves and become optimistic. There is no mountain you cannot climb if that is what you desire to do. You have a lot of patience, which is good, because many of your plans meet with delays, setbacks and obstacles. This teaches you obedience, which is thus helping you to strive for spiritual attainment rather than material attainment. For you, work is therapeutic and is probably the best medicine for whatever ails you, except overwork, which you are prone to do. It is difficult for you to really relax. You are happiest when busy, even in your spare time. You are thoughtful, self-contained people. Lacking, perhaps, some of the personal magnetism of some of the other zodiac signs, you are nevertheless quite tactful, compassionate and warmhearted. Your own personal sufferings help you identify with the sufferings of others. In love, you are as romantic and emotional as anyone else, but usually you feel inhibited in expressing your emotions. You are cautious in making a total commitment until you know that the traits and lifestyle of the possible partner are compatible with yours. Once married, you seldom divorce because you feel that any situation can be worked out, if only worked at hard enough.

You who have the Sun in Capricorn, you are ambitious, stubborn, hardworking and patient. You have independence, confidence, determination, cunning and prudence, as well as the ability to earn wealth and possessions and are extremely economical in this area. Respect the age and ancient customs, have a strong, stable and integrated nature and you like the mystery. You are idealistic and nourish a special love for beauty, justice, purity and perfection and will certainly succeed in life, thanks to the excellent points your character. You have the ability and the power to take responsibility, because you are reliable and positive.

* * *


Moon at 09°34'30'' Virgo

You are very sensitive, cautious, and perhaps shy about showing others your feelings. Though you may love and care for someone a great deal, you rarely express those feelings openly and freely. You are perhaps more mental than emotional, at least outwardly. Very often your love for someone will be expressed by trying to help them, doing something tangible to benefit them, or serving them in some way. It may be difficult for you to receive warmth, affection, or appreciation, for you often feel that you don't really deserve it or that "they don't really mean it". You can therefore seem rather cool and aloof, much more so than you feel. At times you can be so critical of others that you drive them and their love away. You need to learn how to forgive yourself and others when you or they do not measure up to perfection. This need of yours for perfection can be quite stifling to your own happiness. You tend to be industrious, trustworthy, intuitive, reserved, practical and down-to-earth, especially where emotions are concerned. Intelligence, usefulness and fastidiousness are important themes. You have the ability to analyze people and situations and, then, find the quickest, most efficient method of accomplishing whatever is needed. This may make you an excellent housekeeper, nurse and or manager. You must, however, watch your tendency to nit-pick or to become overly fussy concerning small details. You like to serve others, but find it difficult to understand the feelings of others. Your greatest need is to learn tolerance and to serve those around you.

The Moon in Virgo. This increases your mental capacity, the practical aspect of the mind and makes you suitable for any position in which you require adaptability and a conception of the method and details. Regarding this position, you will be more efficient as workers than as bosses, although they may experience considerable success, especially if you work with others or work under someone responsible. Maybe get friends and popularity, but you will not be too ambitious or impatient to ascend because you like better to live quietly and do not come much to the fore. Will be adapted to conditions and not seek to subdue your will. You may travel a lot. You have a tendency toward anxiety and excessive anxiety, this must cultivate optimism and equanimity. In short, people are very concerned with their health, to the point of being sometimes hypochondriac. Extremely clean, neat and regular, practical and analytical mind and meticulous. This position gives a lot of changes at work. The work is: to work in relationship with the public, trade, political writing career, booksellers, etc. You have highly developed cognitive abilities, excellent memory, inventive abilities in science or occult (for them forever, their logic, allows them to calculate the unconscious competence). Simultaneously show great care and much increased observation, love of the humble, circumspection and wisdom.

Moon at 8 House

The Moon in the Eighth House indicates gains through business partners and associates, potential money through inheritance or testamentary bequest when the companion of your wedding is less than good directions, there will be gains through this. Not a good position for the Moon, but is favorable for occult and secret affairs. This position favors Becoming median and all secret or strange psychic matters. The risk will accompany all major travel and seafood should be careful to always start under good directions. There is likely to fall victim of a public calamity or will inevitably attract you to a national disaster.

Aspects Moon

0.68 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mercury Square Moon

You are articulate, expressive and witty, but you may lack persistence and depth, in both thought and action. Your memory is not that good and you lack mental stability. You find it difficult to make any sort of decision and are subject to much worry, usually over trivial things that never happen. Your nervous habits can be irritating to others. You have a tendency to gossip behind other people's backs. You stretch the truth for your own purposes. You have a natural interest in people and their inner motivations, feelings, personal lives, and experiences. You are a natural listener with a talent for getting others to talk about their lives, dreams, desires - the things that are personally meaningful to them. You have a particular interest in the past. You like sharing stories about your roots and are generally concerned either with personal history (childhood and early family experiences, genealogy, etc.) or with the roots and origins of societies (archeology, mythology, history, etc.). You are nostalgic and love to hear others' life stories and to discuss your own experiences and feelings. You need to balance your mind and your emotions by bringing reason to your emotional reactions. You tend to be totally logical at times or totally emotional. You have a keen mind, but can have a sharp tongue which hurts other people. You should hesitate before speaking to make sure that your words are a constructive and accurate blend of feelings and reason. You are high-strung, restless and nervous and can be very irritable at times. You have a great need to be understood and loved.

The Moon and Mercury in Negative aspect at birth. This view is rather unfavorable to progress in life. However, sharpen your spirit and make you very smart, but also sarcastic when uncomfortable or upset in any way, so hurt easily - even unintentionally - others. Experiencing some difficulty in your judgment about to make some decisions because emotion collides with logic. Your nervous system will always be in good condition and it makes you are a little eccentric and volatile. You will often encounter criticism and opinions will differ from others. Be very careful when signing documents, because you may make mistakes on letters and correspondence. Avoid extremes and caring expressions you can always clear and precise.

5.16 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Uranus Square Moon

You are emotionally unstable and erratic and your moods can change at the drop of a hat. You are fiercely independent and you hate being restrained in any way. You love the bizarre, the unusual, the unacceptable and the unconventional. You cannot stick to anything long enough to get good at it. You lack self-control and self-discipline. You crave excitement, change, and discovery, and cannot tolerate a routine or lifestyle that doesn't offer much in the way of surprise or challenge. Excitable, spontaneous, and enthusiastic about anything new, you may be perceived by others as being too impulsive, especially in personal relationships. You certainly do not want to feel tied down. It is not easy for you to keep your commitments or your promises because you don't know how you will be feeling from one day to the next. You do things on a whim. Your needs come before all others. Your domestic life tends to be very unstable, as do your relationships with women in general. You need to control your unpredictable emotional responses to others. At times you are quite distant and at other times you are very friendly. This confuses others. There are times when you are hesitant to get involved with other people since they may make demands on your freedom. You need to feel free, without any ties to anyone. The challenge here is to learn how to control your sudden, unpredictable emotional storms. When you are emotionally upset, you act without thinking. This makes you susceptible to accidents. You are a very high-strung, nervous person who has trouble sitting still for any length of time. You like unusual experiences and you enjoy shocking conventional people. Your desire for freedom makes it difficult for you to stay in any one place for very long or maybe even with one person. You need to learn to count to ten before blowing your cool in order to help yourself control your unpredictable outbursts.

The Moon and the planet Uranus in Negative aspect the moment of your birth. This is an unfavorable aspect, which will lead to sudden problems or difficulties. Well you better be careful in all your dealings with strangers and you should avoid any accidental acquaintance. The opposite sex will exert a pull on you and are likely to cause you much grief and problems. This aspect brings a propensity for accidents or for very strange and unexpected experiences. There is always the chance to do things for which you will regret later. You have a tendency eccentricity and perhaps consider cranky guy, because sometimes you have some extreme and unusual ideas. Change easily available, and social environment. You attract strange people, who have extreme and antisocial behavior. You should avoid stress, to avoid bad tantrums that causes this side.


Sun Capricorn - Moon Virgo

Mixing this influence indicates that you have a very wise and discreet mind and gives you the ability to comfortably follow some literary or scientific preoccupation. Your mind is in order, it is logical, analytical and critical, and there are few branches of study which can not deal. It makes you able to understand positions of responsibility, where required subtlety and diplomacy. Also, it gives you that entrepreneurial spirit that can understand and fully appreciate the true value of objects. If everything else is favorable in your horoscope, this is an excellent polarity on the expression, because it makes you diligent and persistent, although sometimes you might be missing the initiative. You can study the laws of health advantageously, if you are too modest and retired, you may be able to realize the true meaning of service.

* * *

Mind Skills

Mercury at 10°15'27'' Sagittarius

You possess idealism, vision, and foresight, and your mind is often occupied with big ideas, plans, and goals for the future. You are interested in what is possible and what is on the horizon, rather than what has already been done. Subjects like philosophy, religion, politics, or education interest you, and you are more concerned with theories, abstractions and concepts than with specific applications. You are not inclined to focus on any one practical, concrete area. You don't particularly like details and may find it difficult to concentrate long enough to carry your ideas through to completion. You seek mental freedom, yet your thoughts are usually along traditional lines. Having a gambling instinct, you may enjoy gambling, speculative enterprises and new ventures. You are forward, blunt and direct in speech and you always speak your mind. People who know you know that you don't beat around the bush. You are apt to say the first thing that pops into your head. Thus, you have to learn to control your tongue, develop tact, and to think before speaking. Business, advertising, and promotion might be good career areas for you. You have a keen mind and are impulsive and versatile. You have a tendency to study several similar subjects, to have more than one job and to have several projects going all at the same time. You tend to want to keep on the move, traveling, in order to gain experience, knowledge and wisdom.

This gives you a fair, straightforward and generous mind. Like much religion or philosophy, although sometimes prone to change. You are able to be studied many subjects at a time, but do not have stability. Religion, philosophy and science always interested and like studying or writing about profound and serious issues. Speak always the matter and words often have a prophetic significance. This position of Mercury gives tactfully but discretion will be more useful in any subordinate position in life than when you have full responsibility.

Mercury at 12 House

Mercury in the Twelfth House, has a tendency to hold back in life and not allow you to use your mind in its fullness. You may suffer from some secret hostility or slander, fair or unfair. Maybe spend some provisional risk mental attack at some time in your life and you will be good to not allow to be deceived in any case misguided, especially in matters pertaining to the contract. Be careful not to get your hands carelessly various documents and never let your mind be loaded or to be concerned too, because it can affect the brain. You can easily override the hostility you are careful in speech and in action.

Aspects Mercury

1.17 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Pluto Trine Mercury

Your mind is deep and penetrating and you are interested in anything secret, mysterious, or hidden, including the deeper aspects of the human psyche. You have an aptitude for research, private investigation, detective work, psychology and anything having to do with death or life after death. You are drawn to occult or esoteric studies and want to get to the truth. You prefer depth of knowledge rather than breadth of knowledge. You do not disclose your intentions easily, although you want to know what everyone else is up to or planning. You prefer to work behind the scenes as that way there are less people to disturb you and there are also less people that know what you're really doing. You may have healing ability with your hands and perhaps could be an excellent masseuse or physical therapist. You probably have mechanical ability and you enjoy taking things apart to see how they work. You are always up for a good mystery and ferreting out information is like a game for you. You have a fine ability to communicate your knowledge to others. You analyze all situations with logic and intuition. Your mind is geared toward reform and transformation. You have self-discipline, self-confidence and intellectual abilities which gain you recognition from your peers. You are always interested in why people act the way they do and say the things they say. You have the knack for being able to study any subject in depth. Very little escapes your notice and you have the ability to quickly and accurately size up people and situations for what they really are.

Mercury Positive in aspect with Pluto in your birth, means you are multifaceted individuals with excellent structure thinking. Easily understand the feelings of others and completely understand the psyche them. Radiate sensuality and quickly create sympathies. You have talent to deal with all professions relating to group psychology. Also, will easily repel the sorrows and refresh your thoughts, to overcome any obstacles and thus will soothe the nervous system tension.

1.72 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Neptune Sextile Mercury

You have an unusual amount of imagination and are very good at visualization. You have dreams and visions and can make these a reality by bringing them into your rational, conscious, and logical mind for practical implementation. You are open to metaphysical subjects such as astrology, telepathy and various other occult areas such as healing. In fact, you may have healing power through the laying on of hands. You have the ability to tap into your subconscious mind and bring the ideas found there into your consciousness. Your mind is inspired and you have an aptitude for art, creative writing, poetry, drama or music. You prefer the artistic world over the scientific and you learn more by soaking things up rather than forced book-learning. You have a love of the sea because of its ability to soothe your nerves. You have a high degree of intuition and inspiration. You have sensitivity to the higher realms that can be developed more fully. You may tap those higher realms in your dreams.

The favorable aspect between the planets Mercury and Neptune are favorable to your intellect, because it makes you too receptive to the charm of music and poetry and all the high emotions and adds some mystical tint to your mental constitution. The romantic adventures that will happen in your life, you will have a great effect on the mind.Cognitive sympathies are broad and have many friends in the world of intellect, especially among mystics and pious writers. You should try to experience the daily life of some superior ideas to keep at your mind, because this influence tends to leave to remain forever unfulfilled ideas. There is definitely an artistic influence that gives great ability to plot cases or original designs. The sea will carry a special attraction on you. In short, you have a creative imagination and sensitivity, people are gifted, kind and attractive. You can become good writers, because you can perfectly describe the images of your imagination and expose your ideas.

4.47 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Uranus Opposition Mercury

You are a lightning quick thinker who is constantly coming up with new ways of doing things. You have an intuitive genius for originality. You are unconventional, weird, a bit eccentric and you demand complete freedom of expression. New ideas, discoveries and inventions thrill you to no end. You love keeping up with the latest state-of-the-art theories and products. Because you grasp ideas so quickly, you may have difficulty being patient with those around you who do not pick up on things as quickly as you do. You understand scientific and mechanical theory easily. You are indeed blessed with a sharp, brilliant, swift and clever mentality. You may be attracted to electronics, astrology or astronomy and metaphysics in general. You have a decidedly high-strung and nervous temperament and you find it difficult to relax. You get bored rather easily so you need lots of things going on at the same time. You enjoy travel as there is always something new to learn or think about. Your mind functions in an intuitive, non-linear fashion, and sudden insights and ideas often come to you "out of the blue". You do well in open, unpredictable atmospheres where flexibility and quick responses are required. You are self-reliant and demand freedom of thought and expression at all times. But, you have the tendency that if ideas do not fit in with your previously conceived pattern, then they are simply rejected. Your interest in knowing about everything can dissipate your mental focus and concentration. You tend to scatter your energies into too many directions at once and to make impulsive or hasty decisions. You jump from one thing to another without finishing what you've started. Your mind is rather antagonistic towards the ideas of others so that you have a tendency to disbelieve them out of hand. But, if your own mind comes to the same conclusion, then you find it totally believable. You usually like new ideas, but you don't want them "preached" to you. Thus, it's important for you to realize that others are not necessarily "preaching" to you when they present different viewpoints. Discipline yourself to stay with a subject long enough to master it. You may be carrying a chip around on your shoulder that is most unattractive. Let it go and become detached.

The planet Mercury and Uranus are in Negative aspect at the time of your birth, which makes the critical mind and sometimes unstable. You should watch your dealings with strangers, and that concerns the documents you sign. Will you accept criticism and will encounter the opposition of others when they will not wait, but this may be due to your attitude, because you have a tendency to be sarcastic and to realize the wrong things. This follows from the condition of your nervous system, which incidentally will be detuned. You have strong reformist spirit, but you better not be too reckless in the methods adopted. In short, you are nervous, and then talk more often say things unconnected.Attract marginal people refuse compromises, but not adopting some specific attitude. Your relationship does not have a life, because you get bored easily and constantly need to change.

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Money, Property

Stable Sign in beginning of 2 House

A Fixed Zodiac occupies the edge of the second house of your horoscope and it shows that your income will remain stable and will not vary. The investment will be more favorable to you than speculative business, though, when you are under good guidance, you will have some success in speculation. But, it is more likely to be happy with a steady income, than with risking or run the risk of seriously harming your income. There is evidence of a certain indifference on the economic issues and are more happy than others, if you secure a permanent and steady income, who prefer the uncertainty and doubt about the economic issues.

2 House Aquarius at 15°05'08''

The 2nd House in Aquarius: profits from inventions, possibly helping friends, gains from politics, relationships, cinema. Unexpected events relating to the property.

Saturn Ruler of Aquarius

You tend to be thrifty, practical and responsible, especially with money and possessions. This placement does not deny money, but you must work hard for it. Sometimes you are so busy squirreling away money that you forget to enjoy it. Having money set aside for a rainy day is fine, but you probably don't need as much as you tend to want to have set aside. Poverty is possible with this placement due to a lack of understanding of the true value of money and possessions. There is a tendency to become depressed over material matters. Your possessions are apt to bring worries rather than happiness because you may need to learn to share with others. There may have been too much emphasis on materialism in past lives. You may need to re-evaluate your values. Attitudes of possessiveness toward others must be changed. Feelings of being unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated occur with this position. You must value yourself before others can value you. Love yourself first.

Saturn irrelevant in the Second House of your natal horoscope, this is not very favorable sign, because it causes delays and obstacles to progress and economic growth. However, promises gains industriousness, slow and steady perseverance and grace in carefulness, frugality and economy. Through pure motives can acquire wealth over time and through careful investment, you might have some success more than usual. It is favorable for those who were not born in a good environment because it suggests more toil and truly hard work rather than luck in financial matters. However, you are very fair in your dealings.

Uranus Second Ruler of Aquarius

You can earn money in original and inventive ways. Money and possessions come and go in sudden, unexpected ways. There may be unusual and disruptive changes in your financial condition. You may value money for the freedom it gives you to pursue your inner talents, which may be rare and unique. You have the ability to get yourself out of financial difficulties.

Uranus irrelevant in the Second House of your horoscope shows some very large sudden changes to your property. You have some quirky and memorable experiences to your financial affairs and you should be very careful in matters speculative or doubtful character. It is a favorable location for those dealing with rarities, old furniture or ancient books and strange object, etc. It is also benign and unfavorable, regarding shares railways and mass transport in general. Therefore, caution is needed in all subjects, because it promises sudden losses and sudden gains, with great uncertainty as to the outcome, in fact, all financial matters have uncertainty.

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Communications, Short Journeys

Mutable Sign in beginning of 3 House

Variable Signs rule the House of trips and this shows that you are completely indifferent as to travel, but circumstances will decide on this issue for you and all trips, even movements, you caused more by external causes, rather than your own. The variables influences on trips marked by indecision. Thus, it is difficult to arrive at a definite and clear idea as to when you travel, or if you wish to travel. But there is more evidence for long than for short trips, because the variable signs associated with more foreign countries than but the place of birth.

3 House Pisces at 27°39'46''

You have understanding derives from the source of dreams, poetry or religion. Move often by boat. You have many relationships but are unstable.

Jupiter Ruler of Pisces

You are philosophical, optimistic, conventional and considerate. You have strong intuition. This position expands and broadens your mind enabling you to comprehend easily. You are well liked by siblings, neighbors and relatives. There may be mental restlessness which can be helped through occupations that keep you moving. You must be careful not to scatter your energies. There is a tendency to be impractical or self-satisfied. Your mind tends to think in broad terms, not in details.

Jupiter exerts influence in the Third House of the horoscope, it is very beneficial to all matters related to travel, especially as regards the relatively short trips. It brings you into contact with much collateral and benign influences when traveling for fun or for profit, you will have success and benefit. This division of the sky is also associated with the brothers and the state of mind. By placing it in the House of Zeus, all these issues will flow peacefully and successfully. Your relatives will have a good attitude, your mind will be reverential and your mental state generally harmonious. You can practice meditation advantageously.

Neptune Second Ruler of Pisces

You are idealistic and artistic. Your mind soaks up information rather than acquiring it by brute force. Your ability to visualize and imagine is probably quite pronounced. Flashes of inspiration can come to you quite suddenly. There may even be traces of clairvoyance. Perhaps you have felt as if you could read people's minds? Concentration on book work may be difficult for you. Did you ever try sleeping with the book under your pillow? Possible karmic obligations to siblings or neighbors may need to be reconciled. Some feelings of insecurity may cause nervous disorders. You may have a tendency to be unreliable or negative. Avoid procrastination and idle day-dreaming. Avoid all negative psychic practices and drugs.

Neptune occupies the third house of your horoscope, it indicates that you will experience some strange experiences during the trip. You might come across very odd mishaps. This is not a good or optimistic view regarding relatives, perhaps because some of them are strange characters, either very good or very bad, but it is difficult to understand. There are several things known Neptune, so we are unsure how to act vibrations in every horoscope. For some nature is undoubtedly bad and only those who are spiritually evolved can feel his influence in the affairs of the Third House.

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Base, Home, Seat

4 House Taurus at 10°14'24''

May come from peasant family and have a healthy inheritance. Your parents probably played a beneficial role in your financial situation. Maybe inherit land or fields from them and a cottage is very likely.

Venus Ruler of Taurus

You desire beautiful things and a nice, rather luxurious home. You have an artistic nature with a talent for making people welcome in your home. Entertaining at home gives you real pleasure. There is a love of family and children. The latter part of life may be pleasant and comfortable, although you may find a tendency to add weight in later life.

Venus irrelevant in the Fourth House, promises a very harmonious and happy period to the end of your life, in terms of worldly goods and comfort. Towards the end of your life you will find yourself in better conditions and more harmonious environment than before and maybe you surround people who is very dedicated and willing to make your life as you would like it to end. This effect also leads to a very satisfactory outcome of all matters that may be interested, especially when the planet Venus has good views of directions or meets good views of other planets.

* * *


5 House Taurus at 27°39'46''

You are patient, jealous and committed to love affairs, without this rule and that may have some economic aspirations of your relationship. Sometimes the deposit is long.

Venus Ruler of Taurus

You are affectionate, creative and attractive to the opposite sex, perhaps too attractive for your own good. You probably have talent in drama, art, or music and these may be your favorite hobbies. Perhaps there is love of the stage and of performing. You might make a delightful and expressive teacher because of your love of children. You certainly enjoy having a good time and people may consider you a party animal. Over-indulgence needs to be watched.

Venus irrelevant in the fifth house of your horoscope promises success in all financial matters related to investment and speculation. Would you invest your money profitably and in all matters related to pleasures with profit. It is a lucky and the general sense, very favorable House and because it is under the influence of Venus, love and satisfaction will give you happiness. Your ability to pleasure and enjoyment is great and few can truly enjoy both, as you do. This influence promises a fruitful and happy association with the opposite sex - well, happiness from children and their affairs. Avoid excessive pleasures. LOVE: Venus in the fifth house, is one of the most characteristic signs of a sensual person, with artistic tendencies. Love is the alpha and omega for those who have Venus in the fifth house and these people feel meteors in times of loneliness and - sometimes - get to the point they can not afford not to work, when they pass some bad times in emotional domain (This depends on the rest of the map and usually happens when there is a weakness of Saturn in the horoscope). The person with Venus in the fifth house, can amaze everyone with its charm. Most popular and even more generous than that the Sun in the fifth, giving great value to romance and love. He believes in the value of the bond and makes efforts to maintain the relationships, so it has very few temporary relationships in his life and gets involved in even fewer adventures. It is a kind of man who even after many years of separation thinking with affection even lovers or mistresses he or she him or had betrayed. When an artist feels love and love as a source of inspiration. Venus in the fifth house gives us a man loving and loyal to their sexual partners. If you have trouble with such a type of person, you can count on reliability, unless there are other factors in the map, which can affect it adversely. If Venus is impossible, can this man be egocentric when it comes to love. This does not mean that they are selfish, but he can not understand how life treats his partner. The truth is that if your partner has Venus in the fifth house, I will never let you feel a lack of confirmation, then you will have fun and will always feel the security that you can share all your problems with him and you certainly sympathy.

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Diseases - Work

Uranus at 6 House

You have unique abilities and original methods, especially in your work. You may suffer from extreme nervous tension and strange accidents on the job. Your appearance and manner of dress are apt to be quite unusual. You like the kind of work that has irregular hours, is different, and has a lot of variety. You are a good worker, but must watch out so that you do not overwork. You can develop clever ideas which will aid you in your work. You are at your best when you can be independent and be your own boss. You may be impatient with others and can appear to be abrupt to and detached from your fellow workers. Strange and unexpected turns in your health can occur. Spasmodic health is also a possibility. Many times the cause is simply nervousness, anxiety, stress, and tension. Relax.

Uranus rules the Sixth House, suggesting a trend for strange diseases that may become incurable. In all cases, you should avoid the surgery. The hypnotic treatment is not at all favorable to you, although in cases which require special attention, may be useful electrical or bizarre treatment methods. Take care to avoid hysteria, because there is some risk hypochondria. Generally speaking, this post shows propensity for quirky nerve diseases.

Uranus R at 14°44'07'' Gemini

Uranus in Gemini: will tend to shock people by expressing weird, socially unacceptable ideas. A whole generation was born with this placement (1943 to 1949) and they fueled the social upheavals of the 1960's. Remember that the whole chart has to be examined before one can conclude that someone with this placement will behave this way overtly or if it will only be a repressed tendency.

Uranus in Gemini, gives originality, intuition and love for rhythm. Do you enjoy traveling with modern means of transport. You somewhat excitable nature, inventive skills during adolescence, you will have some novel opportunities.

Aspects Uranus

3.30 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Pluto Sextile Uranus

There is opportunity and ability here to use your creative and innovative mind to do good for society. Many changes may be experienced in life as part of a regeneration process that is designed to help you and others evolve. But you instinctively know that this is for your ultimate benefit so you take all these changes in stride. You want to reform what's wrong in the world, but you can do so without being violent, disruptive or rebellious.

This position gives strange originality in love and strange modern scientific thought on the issue: what does matter.

6.19 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Trine Uranus

You have the power, either dormant or active, to raise your consciousness through spiritual training, exercises or aspirations. You are idealistic and enjoy learning and hearing about all types of philosophies. You are tolerant towards others' beliefs. You are probably very intuitive and imaginative, possessing psychic potential.

The favorable view among the distant planets of our system, Neptune and Uranus, is an influence, which will have little real effect on in your outer life, and its effects are directed more against the inner nature or character. Indicates that the subjective and objective elements of your character are in harmonious balance and therefore the outer life is not likely to be disturbed by sudden outflows of energy coming from within. While it may be regarded as a very favorable position, should not count too much on this, for traditional sense favorable because its influence is far removed from the natural life, to have a direct effect and therefore the faces of the other planets in the natal horoscope, will be comparatively much more powerful.

6 House Gemini at 15°05'08''

Your job requires intelligence, observation or movements. Eg. Journalism. You may also be practicing two professions. The disease likely encounter will have to do with the lungs and may experience some adolescent.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

You have analytical ability with a possible love of computers and electronics. If you become too concerned with details, your nerves may become frayed, thus causing health problems. Any ill health reflects wrong thinking and perhaps worry. You may be restless with a desire for frequent job changes. Service, possibly of a mental nature, appeals to you. Variety in your work or workplace is important. Issues of health and diet interest you.

Most of the diseases of your life will come due to neural or cognitive problems. Care must be taken not to worry in any case, if you appreciate even just your health, because a nervous prostration threatened whenever the mind lets you retreat to anxiety and nervousness. All diseases will come from the state of mind and nervous system. You have some psychic impressions, which will affect you in some directions and serene state of mind will depend more than you think. This influence is dangerous when pushing strongly mental problems that affect the mind.

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Marriage - Partnerships

Mars at 7 House

You are independent, like to have your own way and you must develop gentleness and diplomacy in order to avoid rubbing people the wrong way. You need to learn how to cooperate with others. Relationships energize you and you get a great deal of stimulation from them. You desire an active partner who can help you share in the goings-on of the world. Your partner needs to challenge you, help you initiate projects and perhaps compete with you. You need a sparring partner! Your relationships have much energy and you need to channel that energy into constructive means and not into destructive ones. The competition between you and your partner might better be directed towards the outer world. In all your dealings with others you enjoy the element of challenge and competition. You may goad others just to see how they will react. The chase is important to you, perhaps more important then the end result. Because you enjoy the action, you may not mind losing battles to a partner who is prepared to carry the fight to you. Your marriage partner is likely to be very ardent, positive, active, capable and courageous, with a will of their own. Perhaps the partner you seek is someone who can play the role of a champion or a crusader. Mars here makes for an association where the passions have full play and a love match with much devotion is possible. The tendency is to marry early, often as a result of love at first sight, although if Mars is badly aspected, you may "marry in haste and repent at leisure". There may be strife and friction in marriage as a result of the partner's hasty temper, intemperance, extravagance, brashness, intolerance, over-demanding attitude or violence. In order to get the best results from marriage and partnership, you should try to be as cooperative and easy-going as possible, practicing gentleness and diplomacy rather than allowing any assertive or quarrelsome tendencies to gain the upper hand.

Mars irrelevant in the seventh house of your horoscope, the house of marriage. He is not very propitious planet regarding marriage, because Mars is associated with more passion, etc. rather than love. It is advisable to avoid a hasty marriage or fall in love at first sight. As a rule, promises an early marriage and sometimes more than one. Likely to marry a person who has feelings and sympathies passionately and which wishes to hold the reins and take charge. However Arius guy is merciful, though sometimes drifting in anger and dogmatism. The people likely to THELXI is bold and fearless and full of courage. MARRIAGE: Mars in the seventh house gives a marriage that is based in love, but the other half every now and then throwing robust quarrels. If Mars is impossible, especially by Saturn, the happiness of man is limited in marriage. Trying to find happiness, even through a completely failed previous relationship. Usually, this guy is weak to take responsibility of a failed marriage and prefers to blame his partner. If Mars is impossible from heaven can split or be driven to divorce much more quickly than you think and divide more than once. If Mars is unable Pluto, violence can be part of everyday behavior in their married life.

Mars R at 00°37'51'' Leo

You are proud and probably have a big ego. You want to excel, to stand out and be recognized for who and what you are. You like to be Number One. It is difficult for you to take orders or to stay in the background. You like to be noticed and will do things in a dramatic manner just to get attention and be seen. You hate being wrong and may insist that you are always right. You are forceful, strong, energetic, artistically creative, determined, and highly competitive. You play hard, you play to win, and you do not give up easily. In fact, you see life as a competitive sport, game or performance. You love admiration and applause, and you have a strong sense of personal honor and integrity. You tend to be very self-confident, even arrogant. But you may become self-conscious, defensive, and rather belligerent if your self-confidence is shaken. You tend to be enthusiastic, rather impulsive, full of energy, and ambitious. You are very ardent in matters of love and will pursue your love interest with great fervor and passion, letting nothing get in the way of your desires. You don't beat around the bush, but say exactly what you feel, often in an embarrassing direct way. On the negative side, there may be a love of taking risks or of gambling. You can be quarrelsome, argumentative and jealous. There may be heart trouble if physical activity is overdone when you are not in shape or if anger is allowed to vent destructively. Energy and passion both need to be disciplined. You need to be admired for your actions.

This is a strong position for Mars, which gives some success in matters governed by this planet. Makes you energetic, active and independent - contributes to strength of will and character. Indicates that you are sincere, honest, open-hearted and generous. It makes suitable for a position of responsibility, where you control will operate, will direct and ordering others. It gives recognition and respect from senior and those who have power and might raise you to life and give you price or promotion. It is possible to make too absolute or strict behavior so that when you are in bad directions can get to encounter enemies and opposition and dissent. Increases the warmth and vitality of the body, but gives a slight tendency for fevers and accidents. You might suffer because of social opposition or family disagreements. There is a risk of excessive impulsiveness or recklessness on erotic themes. Probably affected the heart or the middle, but there is no fear of serious risk, because Mars is strong here. In short, it gives you enthusiasm, ambition and many energy reserves. You are passionate and tribesmen, but many times envy those who have more axioms. Requires admiration and do everything social recognition, but always fair means for your rise.

Aspects Mars

6.79 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Jupiter Square Mars

You tend to put your desires ahead of other's needs. This leads to selfishness, an egotistical attitude that others do not like, and a withdrawal from wanting to help others because of the inconvenience, expense, etc. Yet you are fully capable of using your great energy and determination to help all those around you who ask for your help. You are also able to become so devoted to something or someone that you give up all personal desires and passions. You have to decide which path you are going to follow. You are ambitious, enterprising, self-confident and you have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. But, you can come across at times as being too forceful or aggressive in your desire to succeed in life. You are constantly looking for new opportunities, new experiences and new knowledge. Travel, either physical or mental, can be an avenue for you in this quest. You love taking risks if you think this will help you come out ahead, either financially or otherwise. But you should be careful as you are prone to bad judgment, bad luck and overdoing your speculative activities. Stay away from gambling because if you happen to "catch the bug", it could ruin you. You have the tendency to overextend yourself, promise more than you can deliver and at times you exaggerate the truth for effect or for personal gain. You do so because of an overly optimistic or overly confident assessment of your own capacities and abilities. No matter how much you accomplish, you never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more or that you should be doing more, so you set your sights on yet another goal. Perhaps you need to search for yourself within. Get in the habit of planning ahead so that you do not rush yourself and thus put yourself at greater risk of an accident through carelessness and hurry. Forethought will also help you to be more considerate of others, as you are apt to be thoughtless, without meaning to cause pain. You enjoy competition and challenge. You like the chase more than the conquest. Life at times is a big game for you. You will find that you will get along far better with others if you learn to work in cooperative harmony rather than in competition. Although you have potential athletic ability, which would be a constructive use of your energy and competitive nature, it is wondered whether or not you possess the necessary self-discipline in order to be truly great or successful. You have an abundance of physical energy and are generally very optimistic. There is danger of dissipating yourself through extravagance or self-indulgence. Self-control is required. There may be trouble through legal matters. Practice balancing your enthusiasm and your aggressiveness in how you deal with others. Guard against working too fast as this sometimes makes your work sloppy or half-finished. Part of the reason for working too fast is your restlessness, which creates a need to be on the move a lot.

The planets Jupiter and Mars are in Negative aspect at birth. This is an unfortunate aspect of many sides. Indicates economic losses, either due to exaggeration or because of some sort of profligacy. You tend to be too generous and you never get a big fortune, are more likely to become profligate, despite stingy. Always avoid litigation, it may become entangled in loss of a large sum of money and possibly discover that legal cases are devastating for you in many ways. However, you are very enthusiastic in everything you adopt and put great energy in everything you attempt. Nurture your blood is clean, because otherwise your health will suffer.

Saturn at 7 House

There may be the tendency to attract older, more serious partners. Partnerships may involve much duty, responsibility and hard work. There may be a karmic tie from the past to the partners in this life. Whatever the case, there may be a feeling of restriction, bondage, depression and anxiety in your relationships. They certainly can be enduring, though. Saturn here indicates you need to learn to cooperate with and to develop empathy for others. You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. You may marry for security rather than love. Discipline is needed in relationships. There may be a very self-controlled and sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of partnership. You are inclined to seek a partner who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you a greater sense of purpose and will to succeed. For a woman there may be a subconscious desire to marry a "father figure" and the partner may well feel an urge to organize your life on a more effective basis. The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. If Saturn is well aspected in your natal chart, then this position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage vows and faithfully carries out marital duties. With a well placed and well aspected natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be a person of integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and economical, perhaps not over-demonstrative and preferring deeds to words, and providing a real anchor for the partnership. If natal Saturn is badly aspected, then there is a tendency to endure an unhappy marriage rather than to lose face by breaking up. If you neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will be affected in the same proportion. This position can also mean a second choice marriage, which endures in spite of boredom, unhappiness and a lack of love. In other words you may have wanted to marry someone else but settled on a second choice instead. The partner may act in such a way as to become a burden, and may be uncommunicative, narrow in outlook, cold, and over-critical. In some cases the spouse may be much loved, but prone to ill health. Marriage to a widow or widower is possible.

Saturn rules the seventh house in the horoscope, the house of marriage. This planet tends to delay or impede the prospects of marriage. But if marriage is done, promises a stable and loyal partner, who can be rather strict and severe, is also very industrious, persistent, careful, thrifty and frugal. There is a chance your partner is greater than you, with a tendency to like accountability. There is a favorable indication of the prosperity, but declares a state of fidelity in marriage, although there must be caution in order not to let the coldness springs up among you, because your partner will not be very demonstrative in his feelings and prefers actions than words and practical love than many sweet. MARRIAGE: Saturn in the seventh house does not mean marriage, but creates a tendency in the individual to postpone much later in life. Can tow people who are much bigger and much more mature than him. If Saturn is in good angle, the person can hope for a very good marriage. A wedding with a view to last all his life. If Saturn is impossible, this man has a lot to learn about marriage and relationships and probably will go through very difficult situations in relationships with others. If your partner belongs to this type, you will have difficult times in your relationship.

Venus Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius, suggesting that you marry more than once, because it gives you a clear tendency to survive your partner and get married again. You will experience some strange events in relation to sexual matters and you may meet your partner during travel or while engaging in a journey. Can become entangled in a love affair with a relative or with someone other nationality and have many experiences that will influence your feelings during your life. But the wedding will be good for you, promising success and rise out of your league with people socially superior. Marriage: You are the person that your ideology leads you to have many demands on your relationships. When you feel that a relationship does not cover you, you resort to the next, without making a special effort to discover the limits of the former. Thus, the relationships you have no stability. Marriage for you is not a necessary element for your happiness. Rather, it is a responsibility that you'd prefer not to get, since the liberal spirit and versatility you do not offer many guarantees that you will try to maintain your relationship. However, you tend to do more than one wedding. Be careful because your emotional decisions is very fast and enthusiasm does not allow you to see all the elements of a situation. On the subject of marriage would be good to avoid such mistakes.

Venus at 12 House

You are very sentimental and romantic, but sometimes become exaggerated with your feelings and you will reach the point of being afraid to express, because your sensitivity is excessive. Looking for the perfect relationship and invest across yourself in your bond. Usually Venus in the twelfth house brings delay in marriage, although you people who want to live in companionship and dedicate your life to a match.

Moon in double sign

This suggests that they may marry twice or you have two relationships before coming to a final decision, because this influence is more conducive to union with others, despite the desire to live alone and free from family ties. You have the right nature that allows you to love and appreciate family life and I think you will be happier if married than if you stay alone. When the Moon is in a dual sign and there are no other indications for different wedding theme beyond, then you are probably a dual experience is necessary for the progress of the soul, so that, somehow, get to know the marital life two distinct phases.

7 House Cancer at 02°30'31''

You have an attraction for the social life. Your wedding can afford and a home beyond a mate but can take some time.

Moon Ruler of Cancer

You seem to attract sensitive people as partners, perhaps those who want to "mother" you or be mothered. There can be many changes of partners and many relationships because of the need to find someone who can bring an ultimate security. This search continues because security can only be found within, not without. You desire companionship, hence many relationships. Your feelings are greatly influenced by those with whom you are in close personal contact. You want to be popular with others. You are inclined to seek partners who can bring out your sympathetic side and play on your emotions. For men there is often a tendency to seek a "mother figure" and to bring out in others a desire to mother, protect and care for them. You are therefore likely to attract a partner who is kind and domesticated. Both you and your partner may need to be on your guard against moody or fickle behavior. Marriage may be undertaken with the object of establishing a home. More than one marriage is possible. There is probably a compelling emotional need for a partner and for marriage. In order to get the best results from any partnership you must learn to control any tendency to be continually at the mercy of your moods, which may result from over-vulnerable feelings. Try to control a tendency to be too dependent on others for your emotional stimuli and you should discipline a constant desire for changes in the nature of the relationship. Concerning vocation: Your work situation is tied to the public, partnerships, a keen awareness of public expectation and the need to meet it. Perhaps marriage is essential to give clear focus to work security. For many with this position, the work profile can be labeled a "public personality." You are dependent upon others for the fulfillment of work needs. The process of relationships is extremely important.

This is a rather favorable indication for the wedding and, although it can not be considered social success, however, may be happy. You will have several opportunities for marriage, but will swing or you are undecided. Your partner will be sensitive and has severe mood and trend changes. Observe the external influences, which can seriously affect the prospects of your wedding. Dark and maybe average height people, you are attracted to you or people who are very charming and magnetic. MARRIAGE: The Man with the Moon in the seventh house is the guy who insists on marriage because the commitment finds security seeker through a relationship. If the Moon is weak, this man may try to marry anyone interested, without thinking whether or not he wants his partner. If you have such marked on your map, you should learn to self-control. Your efforts to ensure emotional security pushing and promoting a commitment without a future, it will be unfortunate unless the candidate he has the Moon in the seventh house! If you are entangled in such a type of person, not ever talk to him about commitment before feel completely confident about this. Just call and ask if you can be patient with you and ask for time to think and you better marriage prospects. Many times these people are much more patient than they look.

* * *

Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Moon at 8 House

You desire security and perhaps look for it through other people's possessions or resources. You have self-doubt and worry. You may be subject to jealousy, envy and possessiveness. Psychic sensitivity is noticeable and psychic abilities can be developed, hopefully along positive lines. There may be financial gain through a partnership, business or through marriage. You are intrigued by what motivates others. Preoccupation with sex or death can exist for you. Concerning vocation: A work situation dependent upon others' resources is noted. Work involving reform, transformation, rehabilitation, mystery, psychology, playing detective, or research work appeals to you.

There is a slight chance to win an inheritance perhaps from someone not associated with you, or else, you will gain something from public donation or through assumptions about the general public and which will want to reward you for a service or a public good that did. Also favors profit from associates, partners, or those who relate with you in public companies. SEX: This position shows that sex is an expression to show the deep and pure feelings, love towards your partner. You are a very erotic and you can satisfy completely the other half, but Be careful not to try to jail through sex, instead mileiste freely and express any of your needs. Be sure you understand.

Pluto at 8 House

You possess strong intuition and good business sense. You have an analytical mind, with courage, fortitude and an interest in the metaphysical world. You may have clairvoyant abilities. There is a possibility of an inheritance. There may be concern or difficulty over money through marriage or through a business partner. There can be financial upheavals and transformation may come through this means. You search for the meaning to life and may develop a fascination or interest in death and the afterlife. You want to know how the Universe ticks. This position develops insight, self-awareness, independence and regeneration. Any tendency to dominate, control, or possess others must be dealt with in a positive manner. A strong desire nature will need to be overcome if regeneration is to occur.

Pluto in the Eighth House always gives a legacy. Whether your family or the family of your spouse. Another effect is that it gives excessive sexuality and as a result many children. SEX: The presence of Pluto in the eighth, showing a very sexual person, dominated by passion. But the feature is that it has sovereign disposition towards his partner. Where Pluto is conjunct the Moon or Venus, may give a sexuality that is slightly competitive. The person who has Pluto in the eighth, is blooded in love, no inhibitions and rejoice sincerely feel when their sexual partner satisfied. There is a possibility that he has Pluto in the eighth house leaving behind victims of sexuality and everyone has to say about the performance of love and its ability, while at other times this same person to do in years to come lovemaking. If Pluto have bad influences can manifest violence.

Pluto R at 11°26'05'' Leo

Pluto in Leo: marked a generation (1939 to 1956, and some in 1957 and 1958) that was obsessed with self-expression. These are the War babies and the baby boomers, and "Do your own thing" was (and still is) their motto. This was the generation that was never going to grow old. As they age, they become fanatic about trying to stay young, hence the proliferation of health clubs. Before 1960, marketing experts could tell estimate from a person's income, what kind of car they would probably drive, how expensive their house was, etc. The Pluto in Leo people turned that topsy-turvy because they would splurge on the things most important to them and skimp on everything else. You would get people who would live in a small house but drive a big car and take expensive vacations, or someone who would live in a big house and drive a beetle. And of course, this generation made all those riots on the campus. Pluto in Leo will always defy authority, unless, of course, THEY are the authority.

Pluto in Leo gives you the ability to take a refreshing and important work and be honored for it.

Aspects Pluto

2.89 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you.

Like everyone of your generation, you have the opportunity to help others for the good of humanity. Use any physical or mental strength to help those around you.

8 House Leo at 15°05'08''

Beware the cardiovascular system. Probability of significant heritage.

Sun Ruler of Leo

You may need or get the chance to transform your selfish and self- centered ego through the sharing of your personal resources with others on an equal basis with no strings attached. Perhaps you have the desire to have others take care of you using their personal possessions. Your emotions are generally stable and usually are never portrayed outwardly. There is a striving for self-improvement and regeneration. Finances are usually steady and there is the possibility of an inheritance. There is interest in mystical, occult and psychic realms.

This promises a bequest, probably a person has in life position superior to yours - or maybe to win an inheritance from a relative. In the general sense, the Sun does not have enough dominance in Eighth House, but it is a favorable position for the occult or issues related to the deeper things of life. From a physical point of view generally promising gain through marriage or through connection with others, such as partners or associates and suggests that it would do better if you share your business with others, than if you take all the blame yourself. SEX: Sun and the 8th House. This means that the man who has been looking very strong desire for sex. If the Sun is one of the most emotional signs, especially if it has good angles, that person can develop into a very capable lover or a great lover. If the Sun is a sign that is considered one of the most emotionally or bad angles, this person may use sex to control and keeps control of the relationship with their sexual partner. If you have relationships with someone of that type, it means that you will find it a bit difficult. Remember that to allow someone to check you are not creative nor beneficial.

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Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Jupiter at 9 House

You are optimistic, tolerant, broad-minded, considerate and maybe a little bit fanatical. You may be prophetic, having strong intuition, good judgment and vivid dreams. You may be interested in law, religion and philosophies. You have the ability to guide and inspire others as to what the future might bring and to promote your own thoughts, ideas and ideals. You may benefit from travels and dealings with foreigners. Your accomplishments may not be recognized until the latter part of your life. On the negative side you may be quite dogmatic in your beliefs. Some experience a total absence of faith.

Jupiter exerts essential influence in the ninth house of your horoscope, the House of science, philosophy and religion, it is an influence that you turn to philosophy and religion in the widest sense. You will not be so scientific, but philosophical and artistic, because you tend to accept more general contours despite the limited and precise details of the higher mind. You will succeed in foreign countries and likely to win, somehow through foreign affairs. This influence favors all legal affairs and religious matters generally. Gives you some prophetic trends and the ability to dream accurately and spend dreams in the physical brain. Be careful your dreams.

Jupiter at 23°50'23'' Libra

You are philosophical, sympathetic and friendly. You expand your horizons and grow through using your ability to be outgoing with and well-liked by others. You have the ability to encourage others towards greater efforts. There is a love for beautiful things and perhaps an interest in art or law. On the negative side, there is danger of self-indulgence or extravagance, and a desire to improve social status through marriage rather than establishing a partnership based on true love. There may be more concern to demonstrate to the world that the marriage has been successful rather than happy. Much expense may be incurred through partnership, perhaps on account of the marriage partner's extravagant tastes.

This increases the social aspect of your nature. Brings up those qualities that contribute to friendship, companionship and popularity through cooperation with others. Therefore, you will have many friends and be a person known and appreciated in your circle. Perhaps can attract public interest and earn a higher degree of importance than usual. It is also favorable for marriage, partnership and participation in companies, associations or organizations large groups of people, whether in business or in other areas. Promotes travel by land and sea. Enhances mental imagination and perhaps gives some religious feeling of mysticism or creative type. When you are in bad directions, can cause some disharmony or discord in marriage and similar issues of friendship and cooperation, which may appear falsehood, deceit or secrecy.

Aspects Jupiter

1.04 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Sextile Jupiter

You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you favor, although you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them. Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. Be careful not to take things too much for granted or take the easy way out.

The planets Venus and Jupiter are in Positive view at the time of your birth. This aspect will bring a profit, either through religious people either by will or inheritance. It is one of the most harmonious and peaceful views, which greatly improves the natal horoscope, because it holds other views contrary nature. Thanks to this side will win by travel and love affairs will roll gently, so that the marriage will be happy and fortunate. Great sorrow which otherwise will happen, will be hampered by this beneficial influence and the prospect of a certain philosophical trend that will help you a lot.

Neptune at 9 House

You tend to be idealistic, reverent, mystical and philosophical. You are drawn to ideas that espouse the oneness of all life and the idea of the immortal life of the Spirit. Dreams can be very vivid and possibly prophetic. If carried too far, your religious or metaphysical beliefs could border on fanaticism. Good judgment in these areas can be clouded and confused. Exaggeration can be present. Trouble with in-laws may surface due to lack of compassion and understanding. Be careful who you choose to follow as you may encounter wolves in sheep's clothing. In your travels you prefer to wander around on your own without too much planning or forethought. Strange, unforeseen things can occur while traveling long distances.

Neptune irrelevant in the ninth house of your horoscope suggests a peculiar and somewhat enhanced view of life with a mental attraction to mental issues, maybe the spiritualistic phenomena and all related issues. You have some very real and important dreams. Sometimes you will see dreams that will not have any relationship, nor to do with the affairs of everyday life, but other times, you may have in your dreams warnings that might be helpful. But to dream truly successful, you must live a perfect, pure life. The relatives of the partners will have strange stories and will be good to avoid litigation and all forms of legal matters, to be happy in life.

Neptune at 08°32'13'' Libra

This last happened from 1943 to 1956. That was the time of the "Man in the Gray Flannel Suit", the conformist, the company man. After the Great Depression and World War II, everyone wanted to get back to "normalcy". The illusion of that age was to think that if you don't rock the boat, everything will be allright. For people born with this placement, there is a love of fairness and justice. Ironically, this generation did rock the boat during the riots and demonstrations of the 1960's. Most of them were also born with Pluto in Leo, which added fuel to the fire.

This position makes you able to configure new artistic ideals, because they have intuitive temperament, very poetic or spiritual, and you are very impressionable. It gives you a tendency to have somewhat nebulous political views and also tends to decide your wedding under strange and vague statements.

9 House Virgo at 27°39'46''

The higher your captures are rather limited. You have more scientific trends.

Mercury Ruler of Virgo

You are flexible, with an adaptable mind which has an interest in perhaps intellectual pursuits, law, religion or philosophy. You have many ideas and beliefs with the ability to express them well verbally. You probably enjoy travel and foreign culture and it is particularly educational for you. You have the ability to learn foreign languages or to be a translator. You may be a teacher or be involved in higher learning in some other way. Interest may exist in publishing or advertising.

This position is an indication that the higher mind, is often more active than the lower. You have the ability, in a given area, to become philosophical, but only if you get concentration and perseverance. You are quick in perception and clairvoyance you, so you can significantly improve your mind during your current life, being in many respects quick in learning and understanding. You will make a few trips or will go to foreign countries, because this influence is an indication that you enjoy traveling, especially remotely. You have a metaphysical mental attitude and love mystical themes.

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Career - Public Image

Stable Sign in beginning of 10 House

The Fixed Signs are very influential in terms of profession or your employment, because the signs are dominant in your horoscope. In this case, you are advised not to change the profession or occupation you very often. You will have greater success in government jobs or in the Kane occupations where the actions directed to stable and unchanged occupations. The fixed signs favoring the medical profession and the work requiring skill and tact; Also, a stable business and something which, if not exactly common, is well established and not original or new. Therefore, it will be better for you to bother with old and established professions that are recognized as legitimate ways of earning a livelihood.

10 House Scorpio at 10°14'24''

You have the skills to judge, policeman, surgeon, occultist, astrologer. You strategically talents and ability to judge correctly. Possibly there is some unrest related to the profession.

Aspects Midheaven

0.66 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Moon Sextile Midheaven

This position increases the likelihood of you or what you do to appear before the public. Specifically, the Moon governs careers on anything to do with hotels, restaurants, dairy products and real estate offices. But generally it is a good place for any career related to the public.

1.19 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Pluto Square Midheaven

This position is good for any career related death or regeneration, medicine and psychotherapy, working in demolition companies. Careers requiring power is also good. Good location also for those who handle money as other brokers in the stock market, etc.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

You have an ambitious, enthusiastic nature with lots of energy. You have good executive ability and organizational powers. You want to lead and show the way, taking the initiative in your career. Success comes through your own enterprise. You do best in an occupation with variety. Your self-reliance is strong and you are practical and results oriented. There may be some difficulty or friction with one of your parents or with superiors at work.

Mars headed to the section of your horoscope associated with the profession. Mars is the planet that governs the dispute and all matters of external nature, and anything that requires great energy. You possess some skill in his hands, and get success in all matters that are necessary manufacturing capacity and entrepreneurial spirit. You will also be successful as doctors or chemists and every occupation that during its performance using fire. There are too many trades under the dominion of Mars, so it is impossible to list them all, but you can judge what you are best suited, by observing the positions and views of the planet Mars.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

Unforeseen activities can affect your career. Elements of the world society can directly influence your job or your status in the world. You are self-assertive and need to incorporate diplomacy and patience into your personality, especially when dealing with the world at large. This position can give a desire for power, a desire to retreat from society or a desire to be of benefit and service to society. Using power and force to get your way will bring your downfall. Use your skills to uplift society and the masses. You enjoy working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. You have an instinct for knowing why people do the things they do.

Pluto in the Tenth House. Indicates that the ambitions and goals, will have a revolutionary character. You seek change and overthrow of existing conditions. Probably engaged in some secret things and probably also be some periods of crisis, ambitions and goals.

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Friends - Hopes

Water Sign in beginning of 11 House

The Aquatic triplicity has the main influence in the eleventh house of your horoscope; therefore, you will have many emotional friends, some of whom will have many worries and personal problems. You could never be fully rely on their friends and acquaintances, because it is unstable as water and prone to large fluctuations in feelings and sympathies. Some, we are dreamers and sensitive, while others psychic and intuitive, and, finally, others are stable or self-sustaining, so that would probably be swayed by your friends at some time in your life. Never sure anyone, nor lend money unless you are absolutely sure that your help will not be used badly, or will result in poor outcomes. Be practical with regard to friends and acquaintances, if not overly influenced by their feelings.

11 House Scorpio at 27°39'46''

There is a chance to slip your goals. Also, your sexual desires can hinder the development of friendship. You have rather low popularity and nourish secret cravings.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

You have strong desires and wishes, social leadership ability and many casual associations with energetic and enterprising friends. You probably put a lot of energy into your friendships. It is important that you seek the right type of friendships. You can be taken advantage of by friends or you can take advantage of them. Active participation in group activities suits you well. Leadership within the group also appeals to you.

Mars irrelevant in the eleventh house of your horoscope, this is not conducive to friendships because it implies some disagreements and disputes between you and friends, at some time in your life. You will get acquainted with people to medical or military occupation or with people who are ambitious and audacious - but, to avoid serious disagreements or conflicts and be careful in the choice of acquaintances. This effect indicates a strong nature desires and means that you have very strong hopes and aspirations, but many of your desires will be satisfied with your energy and strength through great and sincere effort. Not sure anyone, nor lend money to your friends, etc., because you will lose friends and money.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

Loyalty of friends is important to you. Some friends may try to be quite controlling of you or you may be quite controlling of them. Intensity of friendships really appeals to you. Your friends may find you rather charismatic. They perhaps see you as the rebel or the reformer or idealist. Friends will come and go as the need for your own growth changes. This is all part of the cosmic process. What ceases to grow, dies. This includes friendships and all relationships you may have with different groups of people. Groups and organizations can play major roles in your regeneration or transformation. Your dedication to high ideals can be used for the benefit of all mankind, if you apply yourself. You have leadership ability and the will to fight for "causes" that are beneficial to others.

Pluto in the Eleventh House indicates some twists to the goals and creates a tendency for hidden friendships.

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Mercury at 12 House

You have a perceptive, intuitive and subtle mind with an interest in the metaphysical world. You can absorb knowledge intuitively and you understand more than you wish to divulge. You are secretive and have the ability to understand the deeper meanings of tones of voice and hand gestures. Secret enemies may try to undo you or speak evil of you. You may lack confidence in yourself. You may find yourself limited or incapacitated if you allow your nerves to become too frayed. Be careful of your ears and your hearing, which may be weak.

Very involved with the occult phenomena and issues related to other worlds. Indeed, you have a knack for investigation of spiritualism and occultism generally, because you are able to focus your mind on these issues. At the same time, be careful not to let yourself get too involved with the phenomenal side of these things. You should be very careful in your speech, they would have to suffer because of betrayal, so you can remove the freedom because this influence is very opposite, for material matters, but very good for the occult.

Venus at 12 House

Your love of solitude and being your own best company may cause you to want to retreat from society. Pleasures are enjoyed in secret or behind the scenes. Clandestine relationships are possible. Self- indulgence through drink, drugs or sex can bring on self-undoing. There is a strong sense of compassion and a willingness to help and serve others. You may be a sucker for a good sob story. Success by social standards is unimportant to you. You want an understanding of the meaning of life. There is a tendency to keep relationships with the opposite sex a secret. You seldom reveal your innermost feelings. This position usually gives an interest in psychic or occult subjects.

Venus highly associated with the development or progress you make in the occult life. Promises profit, joy and satisfaction in relation to all mentally and esoteric topics. Indeed, when you reach that stage of development where it can work its influence, you will gain greater happiness and satisfaction of the esoteric secrets and issues and you tend to be interested, if not profound, not least superficially, on issues related to other fields, worlds and states of consciousness. It is possible to enter the occult side of life through the influence of others - but you are more perceptive, rather studious in occultism and is something easy for you.

Venus at 22°47'40'' Sagittarius

In matters of love, you are looking for someone you can grow with, someone who can expand your world and your consciousness. You are attracted to someone who is fun-loving, playful, and open to adventure and new experiences. Traveling together, meeting new people and exploring new vistas is particularly enjoyable. People of foreign background and cultures enlarge your understanding of the world and yourself. You want to be able to share your dreams, aspirations and ideals with your mate. It is very important to you that you have a spiritual or intellectual rapport with your love partner, perhaps more important than the emotional - physical relationship. You are not especially sentimental and your partner may feel that you are too casual and not serious or romantic enough. You are sympathetic, kind, generous and optimistic. You idealize love. Always on the lookout for greener pastures, you may not stay long with a partner who doesn't help you to grow or provide you with enough excitement. You desire to share a love of God, expressed through religious devotion and a love of man, expressed through philanthropy and charity with the one you choose to love.

This position gives imagination and love for the beautiful and gracious. You will have a true inclination towards beauty, harmony, subtlety, and you can cultivate in different directions, through the arts, music, poetry or literature. Like the beauty in the form of jewelry, nice clothes and tables and maybe making money in any employment measure these abilities. The favorites are bold, romantic and generous, but have a tendency lability, inattention and impulsivity. There is a possibility for two love affairs or marriages. This position gives sufficient dedication to the character, which you pull to a person, an object or a religion. Maybe you travel a bit, especially in relation to your partner or after marriage. There is some tendency for risk demonstration, promotion, conventionality and ritualism.

12 House Sagittarius at 15°05'08''

Possible hostility emanating from abroad. Religious tests and clash of ideas.

Jupiter Ruler of Sagittarius

You tend to be philanthropic and have great faith in the future. You may have an "angel" to watch over you and assist you through any reversals. There is a love of humanity and a great desire to help others, especially those who cannot fend for themselves. Work in a hospital or jail is possible. Success comes in a quiet, unassuming manner in middle life. You can be unrealistic, though. It is important to think all ideas carefully through before carrying them out.

Jupiter is the planet associated with occult subjects (12th House) in your horoscope, so, you will make great progress in your life, in all matters related to occult thought and study. Somehow there is a hereditary link between you and the occult and immaterial how far they can wander the subjective life, the internal worlds will carry some charm on you. Somehow, you will earn through your login with mental issues and minimum bad will happen from self-destructive tendencies. You will get your life in your hands and try to understand much of your inner nature, because you have faith in mystical matters.

* * *

Personal Color - Aura

Moon at 09°34'30'' Virgo

The position of the Moon will paint your personal aura with a light orange radius, making you more wise as you absorb the hue, because you see the world primarily from the perspective of knowledge and it makes you're somewhat critics and informative. But the yellow ray will always excite the distinction and the more you use this property, which gives you the yellow beam, the more you will be able to transcend the more or less animalistic tendencies within which we are all born. This is a purely human tint and makes the person more sophisticated, with a desire to live more on the mental side of nature rather than bestial. Because the beam coming through Virgo, the sign of chastity, is radius of purity and those who are ready to wear the yellow garment, are those who have distinguish sufficiently to be able to see all things with equanimity, without using the lower review.

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Results of Aspects

Conjunction 1 X Power = 7
Sextile 5 X Power = 28
Square 7 X Power = 25
Trine 2 X Power = 7
Opposition 1 X Power = 3

In your horoscope we found these aspects:

7 Positives with sum Power 35
8 Negatives with sum Power 28
1 Conjunctions and Inconjunct with sum Power 7

With these facts we can say that,

Have a favorable horoscope and find opportunities to develop your character and use wisely your cognitive abilities. You win studying your horoscope, because you the ability to benefit from good influences operating at birth and planetary positions, give you some power in the world, which is no less powerful because it may not be obvious or public . The crisis was as clean as possible and should be read thoroughly what has been said so to capture the inner meaning that there may be in each paragraph, remembering that the entire analysis is given with the main purpose to help you in your progress. (The following is a brief crisis all combinations are indicated by the horoscope).


Planets Positions

Majority of Planets Above the Horizon

'll find success in life and you will advance in many ways, beyond the cycle of birth. You have a certain ambition and ability to stand alone, and you are self-reliant, ambitious, energetic and persistent. You have some very lucky break and will meet success every time you try and you decide to take advantage of, as best as possible, the opportunities presented to you.

Majority of Planets in Fire Signs

Have a very lively and idealistic, with large reserves of strength and vigor, comprehensive, rich and generous nature, full of vitality and enthusiasm, as well as upbeat and energetic. You have deep feelings, you may love fervently, display great passion and never miss your spirit. The love for the heroic deeds and intensity of purpose is one of the most intense character traits and your behavior. Always give much of yourself in everything you do and feel, but you should avoid the urge or recklessness and always think carefully before you speak or do.

Sun in Earth Sign - Moon in Earth Sign

There is no difference between the inner self and your outer behavior. What we look at others, what exactly are. What you say, you believe them.

Sun in Cardinal Sign - Moon in Mutable Sign

This combination will give you the internal appeals and aspirations, but also the lack of opportunities to bring them into active manifestation, and this may be due to indifference to the inner desires. But there is an advantage to it, is this: will you do to fix the individual characteristics and eased much of the interior of enthusiasm. This may not be very beneficial in physical standpoint, but from the perspective of the higher life of the soul, there is wisdom in this arrangement. When a question of principles, be decisive and to never sacrifice the ideal for the sake of detail.


Here ends the first and most important part of the basic analysis of your natal horoscope. In the paragraphs that preceded able to offer a purely scientific analysis of your horoscope. Up to the point at which has brought us so far the general knowledge of modern astrology, you are on the pages preceding the elite experience a great spirit of Astrology, Alan Leo, combined with my years of experience, research and searching. The crisis that was based solely on the laws of astrology, as we have learned from ancient times until today.

There now follows a description of the secondary data on the natal horoscope and collection of various ancient and new sources of astrology. Their role and their relationship with you, you are presented here, more like trigger more depth when you first have a good understanding of all the above and the main components of the natal horoscope and would like to deal in depth with astrology.

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More Informations

Positions and Aspects of Asteroids

Chiron at 19°36'26'' Libra

Your relationships are sophisticated. One possibility is to deliberately avoid any relationship and isolate yourself. Another possibility is to create a relationship that brings up old traumatic experiences or to create new ones. Even though you may yourself be open old traumatic experiences to others. Usually desperately looking for a partner, but when you find him, send him away.

Chiron at 9 House Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Ideal position for a travel agent who sends everyone else on fantastic trips while he is stuck in the office to close the ticket, or a publisher, teacher or translator who read the first books to be published before the public and the media has a great desire to publish his own writings. Your parents might push you too can follow a high education because they were not in season similar feature. This may result in you push to pursue an education that they themselves wanted to follow and not one that you like. It might put obstacles in your path to a higher education because of jealousy. Because the 9th house also rules the religion, can lead you to search for that imaginary quest to find the religion that will cure all your internal concerns. Resulting in a ceaseless excruciating journey to study or search for such chimeric target.

Aspects Chiron

3.18 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Venus Sextile Chiron

Try to get some pleasure for you and your relationship instead of always helping your partner to enjoy. This aspect can make a great art teacher who can teach their students to create art better than you trying alone forever. You are also able to give good financial advice to those who are unable to manage their own finances.

3.32 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Saturn Square Chiron

Tend to exercise in control and you are forced excessively organizational. The reason could be a fear of the rent running, or possibly even trying to please a restrictive parent. The other side of the coin may be that you are completely disorganized and messy, or look too fearful or despondent to make a move. A distant migration can be helpful in such a situation to challenge for leadership of the trends of your parents.

4.23 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Jupiter Conjunction Chiron

You may think you have all the answers to all the questions. But perhaps your attitude is a veil drop before your eyes to hide other internal weaknesses, concerns or problems? On the other hand you may be missing completely believing in yourself and optimism. The treatment in both cases is to understand and admit that your internal wounds are the cause of your attitude in your outer behavior. A great danger of this aspect is that you can become a fan of pseudo-teacher or a regular client of a imposter prophet. Also be careful because your attitude also affects others around you and makes you feel pessimistic when melancholy and understand when there is a great chance to start your escape and eventually live alone and are constantly looking for new friends.

4.87 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Uranus Trine Chiron

Love and peace for you abstract ideas rather than objective. Can you give battles such abstract topics, but when courting practice will find it very difficult to apply. You are from those who can produce brilliant work requiring genius, while at the same time you feel that you are doing something stupid. You shook your views or the other may be opposed to anything new or innovative. If you manage and you are down to earth with reality and your own feelings your true genius will spring free.

Ceres at 26°28'31'' Sagittarius

Satisfies the knowledge, wisdom and adventure. Like long trips. If you have mental predisposition you like to counsel people or teaching or instructing others in some way. Reading around philosophical issues can have the same effect.

Ceres at 12 House Occult

This item may be showing that you accepted affection and care during childhood and therefore have difficulties to take care of you others. On the other hand these frustrations can lead you to do charity work caring for the poor, the sick and the weak.

Aspects Ceres

2.63 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Jupiter Sextile Ceres

This view shows that have excessive affection and care of your parents when you were young, whether you like it or not. You can join or start organizations to assert their rights of various categories of people who believe wronged in any way.

3.68 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Venus Conjunction Ceres

Your ability to show your love, dedication and care to the person you are interested is great. You also like the beauty and beautiful things in general, as well as social contacts.

5.70 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Sun Conjunction Ceres

To care for others is part of your character. You had probably a father that cared enough and was compatible with you and your needs.

Pallas Athena at 09°27'47'' Sagittarius

Like to handle large-scale projects and knowledge and look after what you discovered.

Pallas Athena at 11 House Friends - Hopes

It's easier for you to solve any problems you around or make plans when there's another person beside you. Usually when it is between friends. But even a group of people will generally do the same thing. You also tend to comes out liking friends who are smart and solve problems.

Aspects Pallas Athena

0.11 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Moon Square Pallas Athena

Your instinct helps you resolve your problems and identify the correct options you need for your designs. However Charge emotionally in these efforts and this is not always correct.

0.79 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mercury Conjunction Pallas Athena

You are able to solve problems and discuss solutions that discover with others and your positions be accepted. Collateral face if your profession requires good handling speech because you are very proficient in this area.

0.92 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Neptune Sextile Pallas Athena

You have increased imagination and you can discern the truth from the fiction so that whatever your job, or are just artistic or scientific, to produce correct results.

1.97 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Pluto Trine Pallas Athena

You are from those who can distinguish things and situations that others can not. Good look for a doctor, therapist, or spy. Good location also for those engaged in other money, such as insurers, tax inspectors, etc.

5.27 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Uranus Opposition Pallas Athena

Projects do have a tendency to be unusual and genuine. So find the solutions to solve any problems. So experiencing distrust or even the frustration of others.

Juno at 23°09'32'' Libra

Need a mate that is cute, social and have good sense of art.

Juno at 9 House Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Need a partner who can make long trips together. and philosophy. Can your partner have been born in another state or is very far from the place of your own home or even from a completely different social stratum.

Aspects Juno

0.22 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Saturn Square Juno

People comes out liking for relationship tend to be older than you at least in spirit if not in years. This view shows that the marriage can be done in old age or not done at all. Maybe it is better for you not to get married before 28 to 30, why an early marriage may be just a bad marriage made for practical - in your opinion or your greatest - reasons, like safety say. Also you may have a tendency to keep a bad marriage to keep your social image abroad, or because your mate your just feeding. If this is the case you should get the judgment and dissolve the bad marriage and look to make a fresh start.

0.36 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Venus Sextile Juno

You elxete a cute companion with good artistic skills and sense of art.

0.68 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Jupiter Conjunction Juno

The match will tend to be overly optimistic and smiling. The marriage or relationship can also have the same effect on you. It can make you more optimistic. Be careful not only makes you thick too.

Vesta at 07°34'56'' Capricorn

Your attention is turned to the organization and control. You are good for any work involving a lot of planning and patience.

Vesta at 1 House Character, Outward Appearance

Regularly need to move away from anyone and anything to refresh your strengths.

Aspects Vesta

0.95 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Neptune Square Vesta

You may experience difficulties when you concentrate on your normal daily chores.

1.99 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Moon Trine Vesta

You have the instinctive ability to focus and to concentrate your attention on your considerations.

5.39 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Sun Conjunction Vesta

Your ability to focus and concentrate on your somewhere is natural for you.

North Node R at 29°52'24'' Gemini

You tend to be wild, untamed and unsociable. Your views are radically different from the views of others. Not listening to the n Even though it seems to hear, just throw dust in the eyes of respondents pretending you hear them. You need to cultivate your social skills. Learn to see things from all sides. Learn to talk in detail rather than in general terms.

North Node at 7 House Marriage - Partnerships

The companionship and cooperation are the keys for you. Can you like doing things yourself, but usually need someone else to finish what you started. And we must also learn to handle your differences with others peacefully. Failure to do this will blow up many opportunities to achieve what you want.

Lilith at 15°20'22'' Scorpio

The instincts and strong passions, you will fill your life full of sensuality. Present instinctive excesses, rampancy sexuality, situations can even lead to sadism. Your sexual power can also be turned into artistic or intellectual spheres and positive fertilize these areas.

Lilith at 10 House Career - Public Image

Hardly check the need for reputation, social ambition and power. Battle people power, because you need freedom of movement and maintain partnerships in a friendly level. In love you want to change your companions and disappear their own values. You have high standards and professional and social arena. Want the autonomy of their own but do not acknowledge to others.

Part of Fortune at 09°54'04'' Virgo

Your luck will flourish best in the background than in the spotlight, a role can not hand a key, but key throughout the project. You say you are not the great surgeon, but the humble anesthetist beside the great surgeon, simple nurse gives hand just when you want the tool to do the surgery and so on. To be useful and accurate in whatever way you can, find your fortune and your joy.

Part of Fortune at 8 House Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Preoccupation with the unknown and hidden, sex, life insurance, finances your spouse, inheritances and death, all of them or some of them, are all areas that can thrive good your luck.

Vertex at 17°30'53'' Leo

Peak in Leo brings up the indescribable need for recognition, values ​​and power. The person here will do anything to stand up to the occasion, for n 'loved and received praise needed .. This need is honest, as well as the way this person is given and loves. It is the most dedicated and loyal!

Vertex at 8 House Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Peak in the Eighth House is the internal need for absolute union with another person. Here the individual will do everything to have another own at any price. If this is not achieved then shuts himself out of fear of being hurt and manufactures his mind the ideal relationship.

* * *

The Degrees of the Zodiac that affect you

Ascendant at 02°30'31'' Capricorn

A snake coiled around a tall lighthouse. Fate of Radiance. Spirit insightful and profound. Medical or occult abilities. Clairvoyance.

Midheaven at 10°14'24'' Scorpio

A hare sitting outside the nest - behind the moon rises. Fate of Insecurity. Vague fears and difficulties against which the person proposes to vigilance.

Sun at 02°10'57'' Capricorn

A snake coiled around a tall lighthouse. Fate of Radiance. Spirit insightful and profound. Medical or occult abilities. Clairvoyance.

Moon at 09°34'30'' Virgo

A bag of money on a table, near which stands a woman brown and masked. Squadron of Success by charm. Greed and passion. A woman will play an important role in the destiny of the individual.

Mercury at 10°15'27'' Sagittarius

A tiger crawls like it's going to jump. Fate Strategy. Power sacrificed in acumen, strong and cunning mind.

Venus at 22°47'40'' Sagittarius

A human heart surrounded by an iron cord and is pierced with a sword handle is decorated with precious stones. Fate of Limitations. Unsure Love Affair, unrequited love.

Mars R at 00°37'51'' Leo

A lion on a hill, facing the rising sun. Squadron Axiom. Trust in yourself and the ability to organize and addresses.

Jupiter at 23°50'23'' Libra

A lonely tree - most there, a rocky hill, we see a dark and menacing cloud. Fate of arrogance. Independent character. Could attract the audience and make debts driver.

Saturn R at 22°56'13'' Cancer

A man standing on a mountain with a stick in hand. The sun shows embossed face. Fate of Lifting. The person will grab everyone's attention in the last years of his life.

Uranus R at 14°44'07'' Gemini

A woman tousled by wind, holding a bale. Wanders searching. Fate of Confusion. Character variable, which if luck will shine through knowledge.

Neptune at 08°32'13'' Libra

A gladiator armed with a sword and a shield, ready for the fight. Battle Squadron. Power and capacity for action. Man is master of his power.

Pluto R at 11°26'05'' Leo

A white bull grazes in a park in the shade of trees. Fate of superiority. Quiet life, especially in the countryside. Patience and fortitude.

Chiron at 19°36'26'' Libra

A man standing, dressed priest, in a commune, under the light that falls from a window. Fate of Religion. Trends religious. preferably in a conceptual art.

Ceres at 26°28'31'' Sagittarius

A man under the paw of a lion. Squadron Impotence. Nature fighting with strong enemies.

Pallas Athena at 09°27'47'' Sagittarius

A full moon shining in a clear sky. Fate of cheating. Ease and grace. Around the person will express talents and abilities.

Juno at 23°09'32'' Libra

A lonely tree - most there, a rocky hill, we see a dark and menacing cloud. Fate of arrogance. Independent character. Could attract the audience and make debts driver.

Vesta at 07°34'56'' Capricorn

An eagle carries its prey. Fate of arrogance. Visionary in politics or in the humanities. Spirit powerful.

North Node R at 29°52'24'' Gemini

A wolf following a sheep on an isolated path. Fate of denials. Intrigues, scams, chance to live at the expense of others.

Lilith at 15°20'22'' Scorpio

A mug or bowl where popping reddish rays of light. Fate of gentleness. Character merciful and humane. Role of social and humanitarian.

Part of Fortune at 09°54'04'' Virgo

A bag of money on a table, near which stands a woman brown and masked. Squadron of Success by charm. Greed and passion. A woman will play an important role in the destiny of the individual.

Vertex at 17°30'53'' Leo

A Bright and shining through the mirror reflecting the sun's rays. Brightest Fate. Mind glittering capable of inventing. Generosity.

East Point at 05°27'42'' Aquarius

An archer pulls a big bow. Fate of Conscious Will. The person launching ideas, has ambition and excellence.

Part of Spirit at 25°06'57'' Aries

A royal man presents a scepter to someone who is on his knees. Fate of Talent. The value, ambition and a valuable help to get in the first place.

Part of Love at 17°43'24'' Leo

A Bright and shining through the mirror reflecting the sun's rays. Brightest Fate. Mind glittering capable of inventing. Generosity.

Part of Destiny at 17°37'57'' Cancer

A wilted bouquet of exotic plants that smell has been altered. Fate of Saturation. Luxurious life - such is about the middle of nature.

Cupido R at 19°38'05'' Virgo

Two men fencers. Near them, looking at them with a black man. Fate of the Match. Predisposition to altercations or fights. Life militant.

Hades R at 22°57'03'' Aries

A man standing with a jug covered in hand ready to drink. Two others, his side, talking without looking at him. Fate of weakness. Poop from jealousy and intrigue friends. Tendency to let yourself be carried away.

Zeus R at 21°47'09'' Leo

A nest of small birds over it weighed a hawk. Fate of Injustice. Risk orphaned. Probably be stripped of his greed.

Kronos R at 19°30'24'' Taurus

A raven or crow, standing over a pot of water. Fate of envy. Character intrigue and cunning that can be an agent or a consultant.

Apollon R at 17°32'31'' Virgo

An old man with white hair surrounded by happy children. Protective Squadron. The person will also have a big family joys and happy old age.

Admetos R at 17°24'27'' Aries

A man and a woman, standing, holding by the hand and gazing dedication. Fate of Friendship. Preference relations between the sexes. Character likable and sociable.

Vulkanus R at 20°48'21'' Gemini

A young man tossing coins into a hubcap. Fate of Indifference. Eccentric habits, work in entertainment venues.

Poseidon at 08°23'30'' Libra

A gladiator armed with a sword and a shield, ready for the fight. Battle Squadron. Power and capacity for action. Man is master of his power.

* * *


As time goes by, you have to wake opportunities, which are latent in your horoscope and depending on the sincerity and ability, you will be able to experience everything that indicate your planets. You may not recognize all the above features, but if the time and the time of birth is correct, every word will suit you. Astrologers believe that the character is destiny and that, during this life we ​​must work to develop our character. In the distant future are destined to take an active part in promoting the development of the world and for this purpose we need to do right ourselves, because in the end, we must be perfect.

Astrologer: Costas Tolis

* * *


102°30'31'' Capricorn
215°05'08'' Aquarius
327°39'46'' Pisces
410°14'24'' Taurus
527°39'46'' Taurus
615°05'08'' Gemini
702°30'31'' Cancer
815°05'08'' Leo
927°39'46'' Virgo
1010°14'24'' Scorpio
1127°39'46'' Scorpio
1215°05'08'' Sagittarius



Sun 02°10'57'' Capricorn1
Moon 09°34'30'' Virgo8
Mercury 10°15'27'' Sagittarius12
Venus 22°47'40'' Sagittarius12
Mars R 00°37'51'' Leo7
Jupiter 23°50'23'' Libra9
Saturn R 22°56'13'' Cancer7
Uranus R 14°44'07'' Gemini6
Neptune 08°32'13'' Libra9
Pluto R 11°26'05'' Leo8



Chiron 19°36'26'' Libra9
Ceres 26°28'31'' Sagittarius12
Pallas Athena 09°27'47'' Sagittarius11
Juno 23°09'32'' Libra9
Vesta 07°34'56'' Capricorn1

Minor Objects


North Node R 29°52'24'' Gemini7
Lilith 15°20'22'' Scorpio10
Part of Fortune 09°54'04'' Virgo8
Vertex 17°30'53'' Leo8
East Point 05°27'42'' Aquarius1
Ascendant 02°30'31'' Capricorn1
Midheaven 10°14'24'' Scorpio10
Part of Spirit 25°06'57'' Aries3
Part of Love 17°43'24'' Leo8
Part of Destiny 17°37'57'' Cancer7



Cupido R 19°38'05'' Virgo8
Hades R 22°57'03'' Aries3
Zeus R 21°47'09'' Leo8
Kronos R 19°30'24'' Taurus4
Apollon R 17°32'31'' Virgo8
Admetos R 17°24'27'' Aries3
Vulkanus R 20°48'21'' Gemini6
Poseidon 08°23'30'' Libra9

Fixed Stars


ACHERNAR 14°32'26'' Pisces2
POLARIS 27°48'27'' Gemini7
ZETA RETICULI 23°07'07'' Pisces3
PLEIADES 29°37'15'' Taurus5
ALDEBERAN 09°02'00'' Gemini5
CAPELLA 21°06'06'' Gemini6
RIGEL 16°04'13'' Gemini6
BELLATRIX 20°11'15'' Gemini6
ALNATH 21°49'06'' Gemini6
ORION 22°42'16'' Gemini6
BETELGEUSE 27°59'34'' Gemini7
MENKALINAN 29°09'10'' Gemini7
MURZIM 06°25'35'' Cancer7
CANOPUS 14°12'27'' Cancer7
ALHENA 08°20'34'' Cancer7
SIRIUS 13°19'23'' Cancer7
ADARA 20°00'22'' Cancer7
WEZEN 22°38'21'' Cancer7
CASTOR 19°29'02'' Cancer7
PROCYON 25°01'30'' Cancer7
POLLUX 22°27'21'' Cancer7
SUHAIL 26°36'11'' Leo8
AVIOR 22°23'23'' Virgo8
MIAPLACIDUS 01°13'30'' Scorpio9
ALPHARD 26°31'20'' Leo8
REGULUS 29°04'15'' Leo8
DUBHE 14°26'07'' Leo8
ACRUX 11°07'08'' Scorpio10
GACRUX 05°59'13'' Scorpio10
BECRUX 10°53'27'' Scorpio10
ALIOTH 08°10'06'' Virgo8
SPICA 23°05'05'' Libra9
ALKAID 26°10'03'' Virgo9
AGENA 23°02'15'' Scorpio11
ARCTURUS 23°28'16'' Libra9
RIGEL KENTAURUS 28°43'22'' Scorpio11
ANTARES 09°00'14'' Sagittarius11
SHAULA 23°49'29'' Sagittarius12
SARGAS 24°50'22'' Sagittarius12
KAUS AUSTRALIS 04°19'13'' Capricorn1
VEGA 14°33'28'' Capricorn1
ALTAIR 01°01'12'' Aquarius1
PEACOCK 23°03'21'' Capricorn1
DENEB 04°35'00'' Pisces2
ALNAIR 15°08'32'' Aquarius2
FORMALHAUT 03°06'05'' Pisces2
ANDROMEDA 26°58'13'' Aries3

Retrograde Planets


Retrograde Mars shows that can spend a lot of time angry and oppress anyone who can, so you lose your way and help others when you need to accomplish something. You must learn to be positive and that your actions show who you are.


Retrograde Saturn might make you insecure and think you are not worthy of anything. He can also keep your fears to yourself wanting to look strong, perhaps because someone with authority is exercised great power and influence over you. You must be patient and work hard to get what you want, but you may not have the will or desire to dedicate yourself to this objective, shown mainly by house, sign and aspects of Saturn on your map. But limit yourself if Slacking.


Retrograde Uranus shows that while externally not seem unconventional or different person inside you feel, but take care not to show it. There is a possibility that areas visible from the house, sign and aspects of Uranus in your chart, be subject to constant or sudden extreme changes. Using positive this retrograde motion of Uranus might be someone that is unique and true and can lead projects to be undertaken in positive change and development.


Retrograde Pluto shows that you tend to hide from others the great difficulties that can get you in some phases of your life. The positive to this is that you will learn about your enemies are your problems so they will not hurt you more. The negative they will not learn and the friends who could help you. If you are unsure of your friends and you know that can help you, then it is advisable not to hide from them.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.

Tags: Natal Horoscope Analysis Lemmy Ian Kilmister