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Natal Horoscope of Barack Obama

Costas Tolis

Read the complete Natal Horoscope Analysis of Barack Obama

Name: Barack Obama

Birthday: 1961-8-4
Birth time: 19:24:00
GMT: -10
Birth Place: Honolulu US Hawaii
Longitude: 157w51
Latitude: 21n18

Rising Sign or Ascendant

Ascendant Aquarius at 18°03'54''

You tend to be altruistic, friendly, yet detached, impersonal, humanitarian, sociable, intellectual, freedom- loving, rebellious, independent, and unusual. You are here to learn altruism, brotherhood, and working for the common good, to forget yourself and your needs for the sake of your friends, who can also be strangers. You have new and different ways of looking at things. You can be very original and inventive, perhaps eccentric or bohemian. You are prone to uncertain and sudden impulses. You tend to be very intuitive, possessing a good mind. You have organizing ability and are capable and practical. You are intelligent, but sometimes cold and calculating where feelings are concerned. There is a certain detachment about you. You cannot stand possessiveness and jealousy and you require plenty of freedom. Depending on the relative strengths of Saturn and Uranus in your chart, caution, coldness and selfishness may be exhibited (Saturn stronger) or there will be more altruism, freedom and free-flowingness (Uranus stronger). If Uranus is stronger, then the things of the spirit will be stronger than materialistic worldliness. Spiritual lesson to learn: Warmth (less head and more heart). Saturn and Uranus both rule Aquarius so Saturn and Uranus will be important in your chart.

At the time of your birth rose Aquarius, a sign that belongs to the element of air and stable property. It offers you cognitive and analytical skills and have talents that can be cultivated, both for science and for literature or art. You have strong will, strong and formed opinions and do not change very easily. Be patient, enduring, stable and resolute calm. Your character is open, forthright, honest and outspoken and although sometimes you are very silent and reticent, not enthralled usually melancholy, but you are good-natured, happy and guileless. Chances are that you will make many friends and will be faithful and steady in your relationships. It will help you a lot of friends and acquaintances and you will enjoy it a lot of friends and comrades. You have a good memory and be able to receive a good education, you have skills that can be grown in a variety of fields. Do you have a tendency towards occult and mysterious and you can easily accomplish in this direction.

Luck: You are suitable for public affairs and responsible positions, appointment, place under a local leader or supervisor. You will have the benefits of marriage, friendships, dating and social status.

Ruler: Saturn. The planet Saturn is the ruler of the zodiac of Capricorn and Aquarius. It tends to gives you a mood that is rigorous, serious and pensive. It is the planet which naturally governs old age and the best influences usually appear only when you pass the youth. Gives self control, containment and confinement, and a natural tendency to frugality, prudence and carefulness. You will also gain from this willpower and a stand patiently, calmly, strength and equanimity. Sometimes you might be missing the fun and pleasant disposition - can not open socially as easily as others or create mood, fun and frolic, and if you can appreciate when you meet. You have sufficient practical ability and can handle people and cases efficiently and economically. You are ambitious and you can make long-lasting projects and programs and spending enough time to carry them out. The best lesson that teaches Saturn is self-control, prudence, patience, frugality and prudent mind, as well as the ability to discern between true and worthy surface hypocrisy. Saturn is considered as unlucky planet, because of its power to limit and restrain and has a binding and inhibitory influence. It is the bridge between the mind and feelings and governs until it is self-control.

Second Ruler: Uranus. Planet Uranus gives nature can, with confidence, where all sides are able to fully develop. Gives strong and original mind, thinking things alone and not copy others. It gives the ability for higher cognitive studies, scientific, literary or metaphysical. On the emotional side of the character gives strength and energy, enthusiasm and determination and great zeal towards any person or case you pull. It makes your will strong and dominant and gives capacity for hard work and energetic. You are very independent, dislike rules, constraints and conventions and often violate or ignore them. Generally come to the fore and you are more or less important people in every area of ​​life, since you can direct, control, administer and to take responsibility. The planet Uranus gives you also a trend towards the occult and the mysterious and sometimes causes strange and unusual experiences. Sudden changes happen in life and both the good and the bad, is likely to come unexpectedly. Uranus is the planet synthetic. Largely governs the will and is responsible for the magnetic changes in the body and nervous system. Bring about changes in consciousness and corresponding changes in life.

Aspects Ascendant

5.51 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Sun Opposition Ascendant

You are too social and always need people around you. You may have an internal conflict about what you seek in life.

Ruler Saturn at 12 House

This post is not so lucky, because when you are under bad influences, are likely to suffer from cheating, deception, hostility, treachery and malice. The mishaps resulting from this house, it is usually difficult or impossible to predict and are therefore unexpected and often devastating. Sometimes occur due to lack of foresight or insight on your part and you could be their cause - for this reason the firm was named house of self-destruction. Because of this influence can be prevented and limited in your life and feel a sense of cancellation of hopes - or also can and should be a degree of withdrawal or isolation sometimes, with or without your will. You suffer, false accusations, faithless friends or even from unjust imprisonment. When you are under good guidance, you will receive help and support if you need them and you will be willing to offer to others, because you are merciful and magnanimous. Often, this item is accompanied by a tendency towards the occult or psychic matters, membership in secret societies and perhaps come into your life topics that contain secrecy, mystery or something unexpected.

Saturn R at 25°19'28'' Capricorn

You are ambitious, self-controlled and you have organizing ability. You can be a disciplined, patient, hard worker who eventually receives the deserved rewards. There is a tendency to take life very seriously and duty and responsibility are very important to you. You understand that time and suffering serve a purpose and that happiness is not the final goal of existence. You may find it difficult to divide your energies between work and play. You have the ability to translate abstract concepts into concrete terms. You may experience feelings of loneliness and inadequacy and that could be one reason why you tend to work so long and hard. On the negative side, prestige and social standing may be extremely important to you and you will be tempted to do whatever you have to in order to acquire them. Selfishness and a great love and desire for power can also be present.

In your birth Saturn is in Capricorn, there will be the tendency to advertise, giving you strength, sovereignty, independence, ambition and sometimes loneliness and isolation, but its effect will be amended in accordance with the sphere of life your. This position gives sometimes fate profession or economic issues, with a last shift or collapse under bad directions. When afflicted Saturn, you will be depressed, serious and dour. It enhances your personality, giving ambition, love of power and a disregard for the interests of others, unless it prevents Jupiter, Venus or the Sun. You will also have a strong individuality and the power to reach a good position in life through self-control and diplomacy. In short, you are ambitious, you like to reach up and conquer social axioms. Want to create work that endures and is worthy of exemplification. You moral and understand how to blend your own values ​​with social requirements. Like erudite.

Aspects Saturn

2.75 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Mars Trine Saturn

You possess self-control, endurance, perseverance, patience, organizing ability and the willingness to work hard to achieve your objectives. You have staying power and you don't wilt under pressure. You know that time is required in order to build anything lasting and once you make a commitment, you don't stop, even if it looks like it will take forever. The goals you have tend to be practical and realistic and you pursue them step-by-step in a well-planned, orderly way. You have executive ability and your ambitions are high. You like to work in solitude and you feel that your best work is done when you are alone. You have common sense and good judgment, yet you may need to remind yourself at times that you must not give up if it takes you longer to accomplish your projects than it does other people. You are not necessarily fast, but you are thorough. Whatever you build, you build for permanence. If you suffer from holding in your anger, then you must learn to release it, else it may cause bitterness and resentment. Learn to express your reasons for feeling angry to the individuals involved. You have a positive blend of boldness and caution most of the time. In previous lives you have done a fine job of balancing your desires with a sense of responsibility. You tend to be rather reserved, which can cause you difficulty in letting go to enjoy yourself in social situations. One of your most positive traits is that you do not seek power, but merely want to do any job well.

The planets Mars and Saturn are in Positive aspect at birth. This aspect makes ambitious, stubborn and impatient to excel in any endeavor you take. You are brave, courageous and fearless, regarding the risk, and possess strength of character, as well as privacy. There is in you a great heroic spirit and you like to be the head of affairs. You can become a very capable leader. This aspect promises success, especially towards improving and strengthening your character and thanks to it, you will succeed in life and you will win the admiration of those who are able to help you. Indicates that the wishes and lower personal mind, they work harmoniously and this is a wonderful view to the realization of your desires. Do not leave yet, make you selfish.

5.52 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Jupiter Conjunction Saturn

Tradition, ethics and morality blend together here tending to make you honorable, trustworthy and capable of leadership. You want to be in charge and your executive abilities make you the right person for the job. Your religious beliefs tend to be practical, down-to-earth and orthodox. You value education, law and order and you have a well- developed sense of justice and fairness. The projects you undertake are done systematically, with thoroughness and organization. You prefer life to be structured and regulated. You have a mind that is capable of large-scale planning with the ability to carry out your plans in a disciplined manner. You are goal-oriented. Conflict makes you restless and irritable so you avoid it whenever possible. Learn to be quietly assertive without being verbally combative when conflicts arise.

The Synod of the planets Saturn and Jupiter can be seen as a favorable condition for Saturn, but not for Jupiter. Because Saturn is a negative planet, are more likely to absorb the persistence of Zeus, who is positive planet. Its effect on life will be good if you can cultivate hope you leave the happy side of your character is fully reflected. But if you become too cautious and thrifty, will prevent your nature and will cause you to become snobbish and shortsighted concerning your real interests. If religion in any way affect your life, make sure you are truthful and honest in everything we supposedly believe, because there is some risk of delusion because of this position.

Second Ruler Uranus at 7 House

This is likely to bring you published a degree, because it contributes to the acquisition of friends and acquaintances, draws attention on you and it will be good if you follow any career that brings you into contact with the public. What particularly attracts you to the opposite sex and is likely to have great success with it. Creates high propensity to marriage and are unlikely to stay alone. In business or in other occupations are likely to work best in partnership or company other than if you are completely alone, and you can easily comes out liking others and do well with them. In periods are under bad influences, you may have enemies because of this position and to suffer from conflicts, rivalries, jealousy or quarrel.

Uranus at 25°16'10'' Leo

Uranus is genius and eccentricity. Leo is dramatic and theatrical. Isadora Duncan had this placement. She was a genius who scandalized her age. Of course, not everyone with this Uranus will manifest these qualities so overtly. Isadora had Uranus on one side of the horoscope, all by itself, so the effect was increased and became prominent. Carl Jung is another Uranus in Leo person. He turned the field of psychology upside down with his controversial theory of the "collective unconscious".

It shows that you are somewhat unsettled in love. Expresses a rebellion to his father. The eccentricity tends to run out of control and desire for freedom to be very arrogant, but sometimes can indicate leadership.

Aspects Uranus

6.51 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Venus Sextile Uranus

You are very creative, intuitive, original, outspoken, and open in thought and emotion. You have a magnetic charm and sex appeal that attracts others to you. You enjoy surprises and anything that provides excitement to your life, including your relationships. You are independent and want a good deal of personal freedom in your involvements with others. Your ideas about love and romance are open and progressive and you are willing to try almost anything. You make and are drawn into unusual friendships with unusual sorts of people. Many people come and go into and out of your life and they are all there to test or challenge your values and your ability to change and to be flexible. They somehow fill unique needs within you. Same with friends - they come, but they go out of your life when they no longer fulfill a need. You have quite unusual ways of looking at things and you always seem to come up with clever solutions to the problems that are presented to you. Things happen to you quite suddenly, very much out of the blue. You cannot anticipate these events, you can only merely react to them. This is particularly true with love relationships. You will constantly receive exciting, unusual and unexpected events in your life which are of considerable assistance in your achieving both personal and soul growth.

Venus and mysterious planet Uranus are in Positive view in your horoscope. This influence is very favorable for all aspects of life that is in any way original and free from conventionality. You have some rather advanced views and especially in everything related to the heart and feelings. There is a romantic tendency within you, which will occur when you meet those who have enough magnetism to play with your emotions and affect the vibrations associated with the sex life. You suddenly have financial gains and may also occur in your life some unexpected travel, removals or changes. In short, you are attractive and beautiful, love art, are original and social. Also, sentimental, but free and you tend to create relationships with different kinds of people.

* * *


Sun at 12°32'51'' Leo

You are dignified, courageous, affectionate, powerful, generous, playful, optimistic, ambitious, loyal, and cheerful. On the negative side, though, you can be quite demanding, intolerant, domineering, lazy, closed-minded, and self-centered. You choose to do things that give you wide scope for creativity, organizing, and leadership. Although appearing strong on the outside, sometime you are inwardly sensitive and your feelings are easily hurt. When this occurs, you can turn on the object of your affection, when your pride is hurt. You have a decided flair for the dramatic and you enjoy telling stories, being the center of attention, having a good time, and running the show. Mean and cruel acts are generally beneath you, but you do not hesitate to use force when needed. No matter what your actions, you always have the belief that whatever you do is for the other person's benefit. If you are angered, you immediately goes into your kingly role, mounting your throne and quickly putting the opposition or challenger in your proper place. Your literally roar at people when you are angry. But once your tirade is over, you forgive and forget and never hold a grudge. At your best, you are affectionate, cheerful, optimistic people who can be counted on to bring sunshine into other people's lives. You are exceptionally generous. Money appears to slip through your fingers as if it were grains of sand. And, like the sand, you have no idea where it has gone. You usually have vitality and good health, with strong recuperative powers. When you are ill, you have a tendency to run high fevers. You are seldom depressed, but when you are, you are devastated. Fortunately, your resilient powers are excellent, so you are soon sunny and happy again, unless your heart has been broken. That is the one thing you has difficulty in overcoming. This can actually lead to physical troubles with your own heart. You need to admire your marriage partner. If you don't, the marriage may not last very long. In the end, you need to feel appreciated.

You who have the Sun in Leo generous, kind-hearted and amiable. You have deep feelings and firm determination - but when you are unmanageable, your wishes will be results impulse and feelings will easily offended. You should try to get stronger and your will to live with this aspect of your nature, if you want to appreciate the kindness and generosity which you have. Honest, stable with a tendency toward self improvement, amiable, unselfish, ambitious, proud and love the power. Risks exist when you can not get at first what you are cowardice, evasion, love the fancy and demonstration and finally irrepressible temperament. You love justice, as well as the material pleasures of life, but you should avoid any exaggeration feeling and emotions.

Aspects Sun

3.94 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Square Sun

You have the tendency to dream as a substitute for getting any real work done. You like to procrastinate and put off difficult jobs for as long as possible, hoping they will simply go away. You have a vivid imagination which can get you into trouble because half the stuff you worry about and fret over do not ever happen. You have a need to express yourself creatively through some sort of art form or music, drama or photography, but you may lack the necessary drive, energy, ambition and desire to follow through on your plans. You are attracted to the metaphysical and the occult but there is danger waiting for you if you get involved with negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, seances, hypnotism or mediums. You lack willpower and you too easily succumb to temptation. Drugs or alcohol may tempt you and seemingly offer you a way out of your troubles, but if you give in, they will cause you nothing but sorrow. You suffer from delusions of grandeur and you are not very practical. You need to get your head out of the clouds and come back to reality. You are very sympathetic and compassionate and will go out of your way to help someone. But you lack discrimination and are a sucker for any kind of sob story, hence you are often taken advantage of by others. This leaves you depressed and disillusioned. You must remember, though, that no one can hurt you, use you or take advantage of you unless you allow it. You need to develop more backbone and learn how to say "NO". You may experience personal loss of focus and not know what you should be doing with your life. You are overly emotional, romantic or sentimental. Materialism may blind you to spiritual realities. You are extremely sensitive and need to watch which situations and people you surround yourself with. You have a heightened sensitivity to medicine also, so you need to watch your dosages of any prescribed drugs. Because you are gentle and peace-loving, you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your way in the world. Your fantasy life brings self-deception or deception by others. You need to become aware that you may have to stand up for your spiritual convictions and principles, even though it may involve conflict. You are easily hurt by what others say about you and many times you take the easy way out by being non-controversial. You need to learn not to idealize others, but to accept them and appreciate them as they are and not as you wish them to be. There may be danger from hidden or secret enemies who have come to you to even the score for wrong-doings in previous lives. Be careful of who you choose as "friends".

In your birth Sun is attacked by the planet Neptune. This makes you vulnerable to deceptions and betrayals of those around you or from strangers. It is likely to be asked to leave many things to which you give your heart and possibly try intense frustrations. This should consider the resulting disturbance of the harmony of nature, because of the violation of the law of love or compassion, so that the losses will be forced to incur to provide the only means of restoring the lost balance or harmony. In this way you will pass under the superior influence of this aspect, which will allow you to elevate your consciousness to a higher plane, to feel the divine life which permeates all nature. In summary, we can say that you get lost inside your imagination, create a dream world and refuse to face reality, so many times, deceiving others, but the same yourself.

* * *


Moon at 03°21'13'' Gemini

You tend to intellectualize your feelings. Your moods come through your words. At times you are totally unaware of your own or other people' deeper feelings and emotional needs. You talk out your feelings and moods. Your primary need is to communicate and to share knowledge. You tend to avoid heavy, emotional relationships and involvements because their is some tendency to superficiality. Commitment scares you. You require plenty of mental stimulation and you feel closest to people with whom you can share thoughts and mental interests. You get turned on sexually through the mental side of things. You have a versatile and receptive mind with a great desire for knowledge. You can be charming, witty and warm-hearted. Nervous tension, anxiety, and stress may be a problem for you. You probably dislike arguments and have a tendency to talk too much. You may tell people what they want to hear rather than the truth. Mental control should be developed or else indecisiveness and constant changing of your mind will become a way of life for you.

The Moon in Gemini. This strengthens the mental aspect of your nature and make you more sensitive to the thoughts, rather than emotion. You have the ability to track a multitude of details and you can work with several issues, either as study or practice as a pastime because you can move easily from one topic to another. You have enough variability and flexibility, which sometimes can be converted to a lack of persistence and diligence.This position gives you an inclination towards books, writing, study, science or literature and offers the possibility of a success in one of these areas. Perhaps you travel frequently, but mainly short trips - like the traffic, walking or ride. You are active in mind and body and maybe have a knack hands. As life progresses, you'll earn more tact and diplomacy and to live more in the mind than on feelings. In simple words, we can say that you are witty and smart, you have the ability to make excellent public relations and your love are around you. Also you are somewhat scattered and nervous and maybe experiencing some inconsistency in your personal relationships, thus overwhelm your soul mate.

Moon at 4 House

The Moon in the fourth house of your horoscope at the time of your birth is something important. It makes you be more active and eventful life, more in the end than at the beginning. In recent years will turn to the mystical and esoteric things, feeling great interest to all mental issues, as your mind becomes more receptive and likely sometimes median. It will cause a lot of changes and there will be breaking or creating links, while I would not wish at all. Creates a trend towards growing economy in family affairs and interest in family life. Likely to inherit or to help you financially, thanks to this post.

Aspects Moon

1.02 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Mercury Sextile Moon

You have an excellent mind and you remember faces, names and past events with ease. You are a wonderful speaker and teacher as you can put your feelings and your heart into what you are trying to convey. Gaining knowledge and sharing that knowledge are important to you and you make great efforts to be on top of the latest developments. You are a natural counselor as you listen well to what people share with you, especially with respect to their problems. You give encouragement to others and are able to help them have confidence in themselves. People trust you and confide their problems in you, knowing that you will not judge them. You can read between the lines of what others are saying and you have the knack of being able to tell them what they really need to hear. You probably keep some sort of diary or journal to record your thoughts and emotions so that you can go back to them periodically and learn from your previous experiences. You have talent for learning foreign languages. You tend to think clearly and logically since your emotions and your thoughts are in harmony. Since you are so sensitive to other people's feelings, you are able to verbalize the other person's needs before they have spoken. This is very reassuring to people because they know you understand where they are coming from. You have the ability to communicate ideas and concepts to others, either verbally or in writing. You have a love of variety, travel, communicating and reading. There may be literary or writing talent with this aspect as it certainly strengthens and benefits the mentality.

The Moon and the planet Mercury in Positive aspect at birth. This view gives you wonderful mental abilities and makes your brain active and accurate. You will succeed in life thanks to the spirit and the speed of your perception. Possess the ability to earn money and are coping well with literature and writing. This view enables you to appreciate life and to take advantage of it the best possible, because you are smart and you think of yourself. You must cultivate clairvoyance, like your memory, which is a characterization of this aspect when it is active and not dormant. You have talent in speech or in writing and you can easily express your thoughts and ideas. In simple words, you have great skill in conveying ideas and emotions, charisma allows good relationships with others and work in professions that require persuasion and public relations. You are restless and inspire confidence because you are smart and fair.

2.49 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Jupiter Trine Moon

You are cheerful, forgiving, optimistic, easy-going, tolerant and kind. You love to make other people comfortable and happy, but sometimes you overdo your generosity. You have such a firm faith that everything you do will turn out all right no matter what you do, that you sometimes get lazy and apathetic. There are times when you simply take the easy way out of things, especially emotionally. You may have the tendency to overindulge yourself with rich and sweet food, thereby gaining weight, especially in later years. You may overeat. This aspect brings good character, an expansive mind, idealism, honor, luck and financial assistance from family and others. You have a strong respect for honesty in others and in yourself. You are upright, moral and have a well-defined sense of ethics. You are devotional and philosophical, though not necessarily religious. You are self- confident and emotionally secure. You have the ability to laugh at yourself and see the humor even in the worst of situations. You want to help people move forward in life and are willing to give that help, whether it be emotional, financial or spiritual. The biggest caution here is simply watch that you do not become lazy or self-indulgent. People love you for your fine character.

The Moon and the planet Jupiter in Positive aspect at birth. This is one of the most favorable aspects that can occur in a horoscope. Gives prosperity in your life and some social advancement. This view suggests a wonderful vitality, because it nourishes both the mind and body. You are intellectually honest, visionary and progressive, with a spirit of devotion and you will become more and more righteous and compassionate as you proceed your life. You have a very optimistic character and through it comes out liking those individuals who will help you and your interests. Also, this aspect is generously gives you the intelligence, the capacity for excellent education and the opportunity for travel. Distinguished for their good behavior and uplifting your mood, scatters around your pure feelings and always have the opportunity to make your goals. The material success can navigate through your popularity, you are able to make successful investments and will have opportunities near the women and the public. This aspect also gives good health.

3.61 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Pluto Square Moon

You have intense desires, emotions and feelings and your personal relationships are deeply emotional, passionate, and often stormy and painful as well. You have a magnetic personality that draws people to you. Your relationships with others tend to be obsessive and compulsive. There is much jealousy and possessiveness and each of you tries to control the other in as many different ways as possible. You are manipulative and not just in subtle ways. You resort to guilt, innuendo and outright false accusations in order to keep your hold on others. Your feelings can be so compelling at times that you do things that are not at all rational. You undergo periodic upheaval where you must break all ties to people and things and begin everything new from the start. You are likely to be very set in your ways, opinionated and inflexible. You have difficulty listening to the ideas and suggestions of others. You feel a need to be right all the time. You find it hard to forgive and forget. You need to develop an awareness so that you see others as they really are and not as you wish them to be. Your emotions are especially strong and difficult for you to control. You may become obsessed over security or money. Your challenge here is to learn how to control the emotional turmoil that is inside you. It is difficult for you to totally trust those you love, because you fear you will eventually be rejected due to your supposed unworthiness. Because of this, you are constantly tested in your relationships in order to bring about an inner growth. These lessons are designed to teach you to trust those you love and care for.

The Moon in Negative aspect with Pluto, makes you insecure and so you can not recognize the love that you offer others, because it is not worth your love. The result is that you become aggressive, possessive and jealous too when you feel that your partner can feel beautiful and without your presence. You have strong sexuality, but the express aggressively you make that match.


Sun Leo - Moon Gemini

Mixing this influence suggests that you are very active, with a tendency to weaken the forces you physical, mentally or emotionally. All matters relating to education will attract you and you are able to follow any industry. Also, love art and have some creative ability. Like to have a law under which to work and this law is absolute and unswerving. Care must be supported and to lead your nature, always bearing in mind the usefulness of everything you do and remember that, taking care not to overwork any part of your organization, you use your powers wisely and with the greatest benefit.

* * *

Mind Skills

Mercury at 02°19'33'' Leo

You have strong, fixed opinions and love to express your thoughts energetically and dramatically. You wholeheartedly identify with your beliefs. You can be a warm, convincing, entertaining speaker and an effective story teller. Exaggeration plays a key role in all your tales and expressions. You put on a good show no matter who the audience is. You have a distinctive style of expressing yourself. Teaching ability is present. You have many creative ideas and want to have a voice in decision-making. You take great pride in your mind and thought processes and others may think of you as a bit of a know- it-all. You need to watch a tendency towards false pride, intolerance, stubbornness, needing appreciation for everything you do or say, and becoming overly impressed with your own abilities. You could be a good politician, spokesperson, group leader, director, or coach. You need to be admired for your mind.

This position greatly enhances logic, you do too proactive and positive, but also good-hearted, generous and sometimes nonchalant. It makes you able to hold positions of responsibility, giving you the ability to command and control others. Much appreciated mental harmony, and possess a wisdom, which comes more from the heart than from the head, so this post makes you mentally perceptive. Care should be taken to avoid overworking or mental fatigue, because you tend to be too rigid and absolute as regards intellectual work. You, however, always use positive your mind in occupations associated with the management, control or direction of others. You mind authoritarian type.

Mercury at 6 House

Mercury in the Sixth House favors the study of health and medicine. It warns, however, against excessive study or concern because it can affect your health. If you worry too much, you will have many small annoyances and this will create a susceptibility to intense nerve problems or indigestion. Sometimes, when Mercury is afflicted by other planets, you may have problems because the existing ones. You like to employ your mind somewhat dark and unfamiliar topics. This position indicates risk of loss due servants or existing at some time in your life.

Aspects Mercury

1.47 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Jupiter Opposition Mercury

You are optimistic, but perhaps overly so. You make promises you don't or can't keep. You exaggerate the telling of any story for greater effect. You may have little or no faith in a higher power because you can't make sense of the whole issue. You love working with the big picture and want someone else to do the detailed work. You have a penchant for checking and re-checking things multiple times, just to be sure you did something in the first place, like checking to see if you really set the alarm or if you really locked the front door. You tend to do more rather than less. For example, if a recipe calls for a tablespoon, you may add a tablespoon and a half. You figure if this much is fine, then a little more makes things better. You may be intolerant of other people's beliefs, habits or cultures. You tend to gloss over details that come back to haunt you later and you have the propensity to overestimate the potential of an idea or product. You are not intentionally mean-spirited, it's just that you get carried away with yourself and this can be detrimental at times. You have an abundance of ideas, interests, and plans for the future, but you may find it difficult to focus on any particular area. You may devote yourself and your energies to some irrational cause. Philosophy, religion, or other areas of theoretical speculation interest you. You also possess foresight, numerous enterprising ideas, and a gambling instinct, all of which contribute to your success in the world of business. You love to travel, especially if there is some mind-expanding or educational aspect involved with it. There is a love of communicating your thoughts and ideas to others and you may very well be an excellent teacher, formal or otherwise. You need to learn how to discipline yourself so that you think problems through logically, clearly and with full knowledge of the facts. You have a tendency to rush through your thoughts or to be sloppy in your thinking, and perhaps even in your penmanship. Your thoughts go too far, you can get carried away with them, making grandiose plans that are too expansive to be put into concrete reality. Yet, you do seem to be extremely uncritical of others and accept them just as you find them. At times you are absent-minded, even though your mind is very original and fertile. You may have literary or speaking talent. Guard against jumping to conclusions, bad judgment and over-optimism. You have a knack for putting together unrelated ideas and concepts and making something out of them. At times others will take advantage of you because of your sympathetic nature and generosity. You may have the tendency, also, of talking too much, using more words to say something than what it really requires or repeating several times what you have already just said.

Mercury and Jupiter are in Negative aspect in your horoscope. This is not a good aspect regarding the mind and shows that there is likely to make errors in judgment you during your life. There have been very successful in matters relating to religion and will be very difficult to convince a matter not clearly understand why this post makes you rather skeptical. You should try not to create false impressions about yourself because of your attitude towards others, as well, will be good to be tolerant of the views of others. There is a possibility to create a scandal over a period of your life. Be very careful about the legal and literary matters. Also, you lose the details of the issues that concern you and you can not discern what is important and what is not. You are too uptight to your feedback, and chatterboxes bad listeners. However, you are generous and hospitable, without ulterior motives.

6.27 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Square Mercury

You tend to be very imaginative and very visionary, but it is hard for you to put your thoughts and ideas into practical, everyday terms. You may occasionally be accused of cloudy thinking and of letting your imagination run wild. Having visions and wonderful ideas is great, but if you can't implement them in the real world, then much of their use and effectiveness is lost. You need to learn how to discipline your mind so that something real can come of your brilliant inspirations. When problems become too much for you, you re-create the situation in your mind with the ending you prefer, until you become convinced the new ending is reality. You may have a tendency to run away from the world and its problems. Finding supposed shelter in drugs or alcohol only compounds any problems you have in the first place. Although it may be uncomfortable or even painful, you must learn to face your problems head-on as they will not go away if you ignore them. At times you are very absent-minded and forgetful and there have been a number of others who have thought of you as an air-head. You are not stupid, it's just that your focus and concentration is on another plane. Of course, we do have to live down here on earth, so it would be wise for you to be off in the clouds only when the situation is appropriate. Communication with others may be difficult at times because you are not always clear on what it is that you want to say. Either that, or you describe things in such terms that no one understands what you're saying. Use your ability for artistic expression to communicate your thoughts. Much of your inability to communicate with others is because you are not concentrating. There are times, too, when you perhaps purposely try to mystify or deceive others. You have great difficulty in paying attention and concentrating on anything for very long, except of course, your daydreams. You may have the tendency to believe in everything you hear or to be just the opposite and believe nothing unless you see hard and fast proof. You do not see the world around you accurately, hence you are prone to faulty conclusions. Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. You perceive things that others do not grasp and understand and you have an amazing ability to read people and situations without being told anything about them. You have a love of mystery and are attracted to metaphysics or occult science, but you need to stay away from negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, seances, hypnotism and mediums. There is a need for you to learn to discriminate truth from fiction and reality from fantasy. You are accused of being a liar at times and it is hard to tell whether you know the difference between truth and falsehood or that you are simply trying to be deceitful on purpose. Some clear thinking on your part could prevent others from getting the feeling that you are intentionally misleading them. You must learn to discipline and focus your mind if you wish to use all your creative talents. You are not particularly good at formal book- learning because you tend to absorb knowledge in an indirect way. It is easier for you to pick up things by having someone tell, describe or show something to you instead of your trying to read about it and understand what you've read. You may have literary talent as you are excellent in describing anything imaginatively. You are a great story- teller. Be careful of the people and environments with which you associate as you are very sensitive to vibrations and tend to soak up the atmosphere that surrounds you.

The planets Mercury and Neptune are in Negative aspect at birth. This is an unfavorable view of the mind, because it makes the collection very difficult and opens the mind to a vague and impractical fantasies, visions and utopian ideas, which are unlikely to be made, even if not reprehensible. In fact it is an influence that brings deception and unreliability, and it should do what you can to overcome the devastating effects of the decisive training the mind in accurate and precise thinking through scientific study or otherwise. If less influence overcome in this way, the view may be beneficial for you because everything gives a passive or mystical bent, because the mind becomes very sensitive to subtle emotional impulses. If leave to manifest the sensual side of life, you will have a very bad effect on the mind. In other words, you tend to say lies, mocking not only others, but yourself. Usually you consider that your true self interest. Daydream constantly, so you become lazy. Display a tendency towards drugs and alcohol.

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Money, Property

Mutable Sign in beginning of 2 House

A mutable sign rules the financial house of your horoscope and it shows that your financial affairs is likely to vary more or less in your life. You have more than one way to earn income, although this is not the best influences that govern economic prosperity. You will earn more money easily through everyday, trivial occupations, whether in business or profession, but probably will lose economic opportunities, or because of indecision, either because they would bother with something that you are not suitable. Mind you, somehow, very involved with your financial affairs and worry and too anxious about money matters. Generally speaking, you will earn more when they will not seek to excel too and through occupations or investments dull, unintelligible or routine nature.

2 House Pisces at 21°40'41''

The 2nd House Pisces: activities relating to oil. Disappearance of property. Profit from the photo, the occult, etc.

Jupiter Ruler of Pisces

You have the ability to be financially successful. Money seems to come to you and you have probably never missed a meal in your life. You have confidence and optimism in your talents and abilities. Your visionary ideas and investments usually prosper due to your intuitive appraisal of situations. You enjoy material possessions and may be termed "lucky". You inspire trust in others and may benefit from receiving financial assistance from others in order to develop your visionary and idealistic ideas. You must guard against self- indulgence and over-extravagance. Curb your desire for rich, sweet food and desserts.

Jupiter rules the second house of your horoscope, bringing good luck in matters related to finance. We'll never be poor and with the right action you can accumulate wealth. Because Jupiter is the most propitious planet, promises the best of luck in relation to the matters presided or ruled, in this case in economics. You can earn through related businesses abroad or traveling, also from occupations related to land, food, shelter, clothing and things needed for the comfort of others. Under any favorable directions benefactor Jupiter will have great success in life, winning through inheritance or offers from people happy or rich or through them.

Neptune Second Ruler of Pisces

Neptune in 2nd house You have a strong imagination and psychic sensitivity which can be used to tap your inner talents. You receive intuitive hunches and are apt to have vivid dreams. You have an appreciation of beautiful objects. You seldom worry about money, which may be just as well, since your finances can be complicated and sometimes confusing. This placement can tend to make you extremely generous or extremely dishonest. If dishonesty is present, you will experience losses through theft, fraud and deception. Do everything on the up-and-up and money matters will go smoother. Avoid risky speculations and investments. Be completely honest with respect to money matters.

Neptune irrelevant in the Second House, tends to bring financial loss, either due to cheating by others or because investments in companies or businesses that would prove disastrous. For this, it is good to be careful in your dealings with others. You must be careful not to sign documents that are likely to cause economic losses and difficulties. The economic opportunities that will happen, it will come with the most eccentric ways, either a vision or dream or through contact with strange people and you could win some totally unexpected source and get money in the most bizarre and eccentric manner or following a profession unusual nature.

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Communications, Short Journeys

Basic Sign in beginning of 3 House

Fundamentals Signs occupy the House of trips and there is no doubt that you will make many trips in your lifetime, because the fundamental signs not only give a love of change and movement, but also opportunities for travel. Under certain directions will be forced to make changes and try to travel and will prove more or less profitable, depending on the nature of the influence that works at the time. It is wise to try to discover the location and the views of the Moon, before starting any important trip, because a lot will depend on the lunar orbit and statements regarding happiness will come across during your travel.

3 House Aries at 25°17'27''

You have quick perception and energy that help you to act directly. Although you are a bit hasty in writing and have the tendency to contradiction. You do travel quite active.

Mars Ruler of Aries

You are restless, perhaps high-strung, and probably have an abundance of nervous energy. You have an intense belief in your own ideas. You are alert, determined, and enthusiastic. You possess an abundance of mental energy. Developing analytical thinking is important, as impulsive thinking will bring difficulties. There can be problems with siblings or neighbors. There will be many short journeys. Energy is expended in neighborhood activities.

Mars irrelevant in the Third House and this is not good for trips made for business or pleasure.Threatening accidents or serious tests, due to circumstances that will occur during the trip. In a broad sense this planet, not good influence, because it forces the mind to be sometimes too careless and impulsive so, it is likely that you yourself can directly or indirectly cause accidents. This effect also implies problems of relatives or through them, the brothers will cause discomfort and create controversy. You always watch the speech and your mail. This position will give you plenty of mental courage when you need to use it.

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Base, Home, Seat

Moon at 4 House

There is a strong sense of family and home with this position. A love of antiques perhaps grounds you to your roots. Security is very important to you and you seem to get that through your foundations, your home and family, and your parents. Things collected serve as reminders of the past which you maybe try too hard to hold on to. Many changes of residence can occur until you find your personal foundation or roots. One or both parents are strong in your life. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is on the home. Maybe working in your home would be most fulfilling or maybe you simply need to make your place of work very homey, using photographs, mementos, furniture, etc., to establish the most personal atmosphere. The need during work is for security and comfort.

The position of the Moon will bring many changes to the end of your life. It shows that things tend to fluctuate with the general concept, so, whatever pursuits you can always expect a degree of uncertainty towards the end. You will have family care and concern towards the end of your life and you are probably unsure and not fixed in place or in your situation. Changes and fluctuations strongly marked, but changes will be necessary to obtain those situations that promote the occult growth. Like the mysterious and all matters related to other worlds.

4 House Taurus at 28°54'13''

May come from peasant family and have a healthy inheritance. Your parents probably played a beneficial role in your financial situation. Maybe inherit land or fields from them and a cottage is very likely.

Venus Ruler of Taurus

You desire beautiful things and a nice, rather luxurious home. You have an artistic nature with a talent for making people welcome in your home. Entertaining at home gives you real pleasure. There is a love of family and children. The latter part of life may be pleasant and comfortable, although you may find a tendency to add weight in later life.

Venus irrelevant in the Fourth House, promises a very harmonious and happy period to the end of your life, in terms of worldly goods and comfort. Towards the end of your life you will find yourself in better conditions and more harmonious environment than before and maybe you surround people who is very dedicated and willing to make your life as you would like it to end. This effect also leads to a very satisfactory outcome of all matters that may be interested, especially when the planet Venus has good views of directions or meets good views of other planets.

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Venus at 5 House

You are affectionate, creative and attractive to the opposite sex, perhaps too attractive for your own good. You probably have talent in drama, art, or music and these may be your favorite hobbies. Perhaps there is love of the stage and of performing. You might make a delightful and expressive teacher because of your love of children. You certainly enjoy having a good time and people may consider you a party animal. Over-indulgence needs to be watched.

Venus irrelevant in the fifth house of your horoscope promises success in all financial matters related to investment and speculation. Would you invest your money profitably and in all matters related to pleasures with profit. It is a lucky and the general sense, very favorable House and because it is under the influence of Venus, love and satisfaction will give you happiness. Your ability to pleasure and enjoyment is great and few can truly enjoy both, as you do. This influence promises a fruitful and happy association with the opposite sex - well, happiness from children and their affairs. Avoid excessive pleasures. LOVE: Venus in the fifth house, is one of the most characteristic signs of a sensual person, with artistic tendencies. Love is the alpha and omega for those who have Venus in the fifth house and these people feel meteors in times of loneliness and - sometimes - get to the point they can not afford not to work, when they pass some bad times in emotional domain (This depends on the rest of the map and usually happens when there is a weakness of Saturn in the horoscope). The person with Venus in the fifth house, can amaze everyone with its charm. Most popular and even more generous than that the Sun in the fifth, giving great value to romance and love. He believes in the value of the bond and makes efforts to maintain the relationships, so it has very few temporary relationships in his life and gets involved in even fewer adventures. It is a kind of man who even after many years of separation thinking with affection even lovers or mistresses he or she him or had betrayed. When an artist feels love and love as a source of inspiration. Venus in the fifth house gives us a man loving and loyal to their sexual partners. If you have trouble with such a type of person, you can count on reliability, unless there are other factors in the map, which can affect it adversely. If Venus is impossible, can this man be egocentric when it comes to love. This does not mean that they are selfish, but he can not understand how life treats his partner. The truth is that if your partner has Venus in the fifth house, I will never let you feel a lack of confirmation, then you will have fun and will always feel the security that you can share all your problems with him and you certainly sympathy.

Venus at 01°47'15'' Cancer

You are quiet, shy, sensitive, sentimental, gentle, and romantic and your feelings are deeply attached to your family, old friends, familiar places and memories, and the past. Remembering and celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals, and other days of personal significance is very important to you. You seek caring, emotional support and security in love affairs. You can be changeable and inconstant in matters of feeling and emotion. You desire peace and harmony in your home environment. You cling to those you care about like a crab that won't let go. Carried too far, your love and concern for others may turn into a clinging, possessiveness, don't-let-go type of relationship. Feelings of insecurity or feelings of being unloved or unnurtured may lead you to eat too much and thus gain weight. You desire for rich or sweet food may contribute to the problem. Your mother probably had much to do with your feelings of love and affection. You like to be needed and your personal charm, magnetism and sympathy make you a natural caretaker. You have a need to mother others.

This position enhances the emotional side of your nature and make you love family life and companionship, at least as regards the feelings, although it may have other, different characteristics in other aspects of your nature. Appreciate the comfort and protection of family life and have the paternal instinct to provide assistance and protection to children or to those who are younger or weaker than you. This influence sometimes brings marriage for the sake of a home or social comfort. It is favorable for obtaining money or property through marriage or partnership, as well as some family source, either on your part or on the part of your partner. You have entrepreneurial talent and do not like to spend too what you have. Can you handle financial issues and you are fortunate in owning houses or land.

Aspects Venus

5.18 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Pluto Sextile Venus

You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so deeply, so passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and a certain amount of animal magnetism which can't help but be noticed by the opposite sex. You have the ability to use your attractiveness and charm to manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This aspect gives you the opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others transform theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and you are always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good that is in them.

Venus in favorable aspect to the planet Pluto, showing that you are a practical person, talented fund manager, you have the ability to engage with businesses and the stock market. You are sensual, magnetic and do not ever pass unnoticed. You have a strong sex life, but only with your mate.

6.81 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Trine Venus

You are a sensitive person with a lot of artistic imagination and a flair for creating beautiful things or environments. You find peace in listening to good music and many times it will be the catalyst for your trips of fantasy. You are romantic and would like to have a story-book kind of life where you live in bliss with your one and only soulmate. These are indeed high ideals, but it's okay for you to dream because at the same time you are dreaming, you are able to keep your feet on the ground and not get carried away by it all. You are compassionate and seek to help others who are in need. You are a natural "giver" and it makes you happy to serve. You want what's best for all concerned and you do not have a problem with your ego getting in the way. You find it difficult to be too assertive as you like peace and harmony, without making waves. You are capable of great sacrifice for those you love and you do not necessarily need to be recognized for that or receive anything in return. You have a mystical side to you and you like being around artistic or mystical people. Church music stirs your soul and is as a breath of fresh air from your true home, the heaven worlds. You may have real talent with music or singing. You are devoted and devotional. You generally root for the underdog and can sometimes be a sucker for a sob story. You will attract people in this lifetime who will help you continue the soul growth you started in previous lives.

The favorable aspect between the planets Venus and Neptune extends sympathies and refines your sexual nature, making you deeply sensitive to the beauty of nature while you easily earn higher ideals of life and conduct. It is, however, much more difficult to live these ideals in practical life, because you have a tendency to stay a dreamer beautiful dream. For this, we must try to realize with some practical form the beautiful ideas with which you feel full of yourself. This can take the form of a decorative work, painting, music, theater or a more practical field work, such as care of the sick, etc., depending on the general trends of your horoscope. This view shows that you have a creative imagination, artistic skills, radiate harmony and have very subtle ways. You become irritable when disturbed the harmony around you. Create excellent relationships with different types of people and show understanding and compassion to the world's problems. Like the sea, although you may not be good sailors.

5 House Gemini at 25°17'27''

This position gives mental joys and many loves, but mainly by intellectual curiosity, so much flirting and lack of sincere devotion, infidelities and instability. Children, however, are many and probably twins.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

You have a need to prove your intelligence and to use that intelligence in creating things of a mental nature - mental children, as it were. You desire to pass on your knowledge to others and to learn from them as well. Teaching children or young adults may provide quite a lift for you. Games of strategy and skill challenge your intellect. You desire to communicate your thoughts in a clever, inspiring and dramatic manner. You may have acting, writing, or speaking ability. As a teacher, you enjoy stimulating the minds of others and encouraging your students to greater things. Romances probably need to involve someone with whom you can communicate intelligently and relate to mentally. For you, sexiness is in the brain.

This position indicates great intellectual entrepreneurship. Promotes rapid and swift action on speculative matters, but warns against signing or acceptance documents and data, which does not fully know. You will have frequent correspondence regarding love affairs and romance will find some in your way, either through books or through the mind. Better to live pure and avoid those speculations that can be turned into gambling. All investments will be made in companies that are rapidly changing. You will have much to do with young children. LOVE: You have charm which you use as the strongest weapon for the opposite sex. You are ambitious and intelligent creature. You may be charismatic orator or even a writer, because you have your own way to handle this reason. Like you feel and treat like a teenager and this has resulted in creating relationships with much younger age in people. Even if you are married or even if you find the love of your life, would you still throw sidelong glances at young people, but proceed to the point of admiration usually. The truth is that your mate will never get bored and you will do to believe that living in a fairy tale. That's because it's constantly talking, would you say coo and best of all is that what you say will not be spoiled or copies, but your words full of admiration and love. Thus you will save yourself a lot of scenes of jealousy that might arise from your tendency described above to xeno-looking.

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Diseases - Work

Sun at 6 House

You feel a need to serve others or to be of service to them. Or perhaps it's that you simply want to be served yourself. There may be a tendency to wallow in self-pity, seek sympathy for any little thing, or to develop hypochondriac tendencies. You are a faithful, diligent and loyal employee who is usually helpful to fellow employees. Some with this position are domineering and develop a false pride with those they work with or for. You can be an administrator, but you may prefer to be an employee. If you are in a position of authority, be careful not to be the office tyrant. You are very happy when you are busy and you hate being bored. You take great pride in your work and your workplace. This is where you want to shine and be better than all others. Worry and anxiety, especially over the desire to do things perfectly, can be detrimental to your health. You need to learn how to relax and not let stress and tension get to you. With this position you should be especially careful to take good care of your physical body.

You will not get many diseases during your life, but those that you will probably be long and difficult to treat. Will come mainly from the state of your recommendation, which will accept a shock, or has been wronged by a basic problem. However when you get sick, you will find good grooming is adopted, appropriate treatment, you will be able to undertake. The sun-baths are good for you and plenty of fresh air will do you more good than drugs or treatment, because the Sun is the best therapeutic agent for those who are sick or unwell. You will earn through your lower.

Mercury at 6 House

You have analytical ability with a possible love of computers and electronics. If you become too concerned with details, your nerves may become frayed, thus causing health problems. Any ill health reflects wrong thinking and perhaps worry. You may be restless with a desire for frequent job changes. Service, possibly of a mental nature, appeals to you. Variety in your work or workplace is important. Issues of health and diet interest you.

Most of the diseases of your life will come due to neural or cognitive problems. Care must be taken not to worry in any case, if you appreciate even just your health, because a nervous prostration threatened whenever the mind lets you retreat to anxiety and nervousness. All diseases will come from the state of mind and nervous system. You have some psychic impressions, which will affect you in some directions and serene state of mind will depend more than you think. This influence is dangerous when pushing strongly mental problems that affect the mind.

6 House Cancer at 21°40'41''

Your job probably has to do with the public: trade, hotels, restaurant etc. or task that has to do with the past: antique etc. The diseases that you might have will probably have to do with weakness of the stomach.

Moon Ruler of Cancer

You are considerate of fellow workers and desire to nurture them in a productive work environment. Service to others is a fine outlet for your personality. Moodiness and sensitivity can be a problem, though. Fluctuations in health are possible, perhaps mostly due to worry and feelings of insecurity. Emotional tension along with digestive troubles indicate the need to relax. Stop worrying. You should not eat when overworked, overtired, or when you are upset. Take care of your health and watch your diet. Concerning vocation: You are probably totally absorbed within your work situation. You can be a workaholic. Many job changes are possible and working with the public or with women is indicated.

The Moon rules the house of diseases and suggests problems rather than functional, rather than organic diseases. You must be very careful regarding diet, because many of your problems will come from indigestion or stomach ailments. Never drink plenty of fluids, or enthralled in many bathrooms - particularly to avoid many starchy foods and indigestible substances. Maybe cause illness due trips or excessive changes, but especially because of impure magnetism and unhealthy environment. Therefore, be sure to have clean air and those with whom you relate to a net magnetization. When the Moon rules the sixth house, it tends to create conditions of tumors etc.

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Marriage - Partnerships

Uranus at 7 House

Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing a wonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and or your partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out special situations in your relationships that ensure little commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in relationships or who are otherwise "unavailable". Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional people in your life. Any need to control the other person in your relationships will probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a certain "hit the road" attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, "casual" types of relationships. You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive, individualistic, creative, original, out-going, eccentric or radical appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities, erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present. Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause a rift with the marriage partner. The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the person they were when the marriage took place. For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom.

Uranus rules the seventh house of your horoscope. This mysterious planet will give some very strange experiences in the state of your marriage and are very likely to bring you frustration or alienation. Always threatens to separation from those who love and this may occur either before or after marriage. Suddenly and very unexpectedly events happening in all areas ruled by Uranus and under his dominion there are more divorces than any other planet, so make sure your partner is original, and the like metaphysical issues. Then you will know that you met the right person suggesting Uranus, who favors mystics etc. MARRIAGE: Uranus in the seventh house shows trends separation. These people still feel attracted to their previous mates in a strange way. Sometimes they manage to create amazing friendships and most nostalgic affections. If you have Uranus in the seventh house, or if you have trouble with such a man, you must be ready to accept a relationship that will have nothing to do with conservative relations hitherto knew. You should be prepared psychologically, because Uranus in the seventh seeks a relationship based on the unrestricted freedom. Dependence and jealousy have no place in life in these people's lives. In many cases these individuals maintain a long term relationship, when and only when, not living with their partner.

Pluto at 7 House

Control and power issues along with feelings of ownership are present with the partner or spouse. Cooperation with the mate will need to be learned. A partner may be selected based on that person's ability to stand their ground and not give in. A partner such as this could make the relationship very combative and competitive rather than harmonious and equal-sided. You are inclined to seek a partner who will provide a challenge to discover new resources within yourself that will give you the power to transcend previous performances and to transform certain aspects of your being. A partner who makes you feel growth and intensity is one you seek. There is a tendency to admire well developed will power in others, with the result that you may attract those who tend to dominate you, possibly feeling that if you have to cope with a somewhat overpowering personality you may discover more effectively the full extent of your own resources. There are intense feelings and reactions in your relationships. You have a need to cooperate with others and expect total commitment in your partnerships. Trouble can occur when this same sense of commitment is not felt by the other person in the relationship.

Pluto in the Seventh House, showing a mate marked by Pluto. Often portends nervous wedding corrected if the intensity becomes the occasion to awaken your hidden sexuality. Otherwise this position shows that treated hidden hostilities, but also that you can become known to others through the power of your creation. MARRIAGE: Pluto in the seventh house shows the transformation of the individual through marriage. The person desperately wants to marry, but very difficult, because it is very demanding of his mate, can not accept that everyone has flaws and is very selfish in relationships. This has resulted removes from him the gentle people who want to live together in a marriage and can not steriosei in a relationship. To be able to marry a person with Pluto in the seventh, must learn that it has flaws and try to treat others equally. To reduce the requirements and not convert his phobias and insecurities to aggression.

Pluto at 06°58'24'' Virgo

This happened the last time from 1956 to 1971. By contrast with the Pluto in Leo generation, which made riots on the campus, Pluto in Virgo people are more concerned with work and health, preferring to be active in the background rather than being in the spotlight. Of course, this is just one placement, and again, I must emphasize to look at the whole chart before reaching a final conclusion. Remember that Pluto stays in a sign for about 14 years at a stretch and shows the underlying traits shared by an entire generation.

Pluto in Virgo, gives penetrating wit and great sense of criticism and justice.

Aspects Pluto

1.63 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you.

Like everyone of your generation, you have the opportunity to help others for the good of humanity. Use any physical or mental strength to help those around you.

Venus Cancer

Venus in Cancer, the House of the Moon, showing that you tend to be unsettled in your relationships, and to be truly cling to someone, is likely to have many romantic relationships. You attract older people, and people who have sex with others. You can meet your future companion during travel or to cling much to a person not of the same social class with your own. You should avoid the volatility and instability in heart issues, because otherwise you may experience frustrations and sorrows in relation to your feelings. You are much more receptive to the feelings of others than you think and are easily influenced by them. Marriage: Do you feel protected against the people you love. Much you love your family and that you are very emotional, makes you dream of a society where all people love each other like a family. Marriage for you means that you can create your own home. The idea to live in a house along with your partner is a great source of joy for you. You are faithful wives, stay at home too, to an extent be very likely to come into conflict with your mate. Your partner enjoys your tenderness and sweetness, but you get tired, because your mood can not Loosen your home. Also, do not forget that excessive care for your soul mate, you can many times to oppress and creates escapist.

Venus at 5 House

You people highly erotic! You have the charisma to magnetize and create around you a whole circle of admirers. Generously sharing your love and your the sensuous sector is the most important for your happiness. Your perception about marriage is that the natural outcome of love. Only marry for love and you need to maintain your sensuality. Although you have many conquests and after your wedding, even though you like to flirt, basically loyal, why not just stop the game. You are from people who can not live with a soul mate, if your life does not allow you to keep your humor and your mirth.

Moon in double sign

This suggests that they may marry twice or you have two relationships before coming to a final decision, because this influence is more conducive to union with others, despite the desire to live alone and free from family ties. You have the right nature that allows you to love and appreciate family life and I think you will be happier if married than if you stay alone. When the Moon is in a dual sign and there are no other indications for different wedding theme beyond, then you are probably a dual experience is necessary for the progress of the soul, so that, somehow, get to know the marital life two distinct phases.

7 House Leo at 18°03'54''

The other half in your marriage, you have noble birth.

Sun Ruler of Leo

You want a partner that you can be proud of. In some way your sense of pride is involved in the choosing of a marriage partner. There may be a wish to gain social prestige and to marry someone who can be admired and respected or someone who is higher on the social ladder. Your partner must be one who encourages you to be your real self and one who wants you to fully develop your powers of inspiration, creativity and will. Your partner may be in a position of authority and this may help give you more confidence in yourself or more security within the framework of the relationship. You may be challenged to display a greater degree of confidence and to exercise authority more effectively and with greater magnanimity. You must seek a relationship where both people are equal. A partnership in which one is "superior" and the other "inferior" is not likely to be successful. That "always me-first" attitude is not conducive to a rewarding partnership. A need to feel part of a family is present. With this position marriage and partnerships are likely to assume a paramount and key role in your life. There may be a tendency to look for a "father figure" and, as you may be inclined to surrender the initiative to your partner, you are rather more likely to react than act first yourself, so that your partner may assume a dominant role. If your natal Sun is badly aspected, then the partners you attract may be egotistical, domineering, vain and ostentatious. If your natal Sun is well aspected, then partners are likely to be proud, firm-minded, self-confident, ambitious, honorable, frank and generous. Selfish pride and too much desire to have your own way may be the greatest challenges in your relationships.

This suggests a fortunate and ambitious partner and someone whose influence will be beneficial to your life. Somehow, you will gain through marriage, financially and socially. Your partner will be very independent, but with moral integration, a person who shrugs do anything petty or not perfectly straight. It is not the best indicator of harmony, but there are all chances that the sympathy grow, and happiness that comes from success. This view is sometimes delayed marriage, or make very difficult because of pride or social status. MARRIAGE: People with the Sun in the seventh house, usually do not work well without a partnership. Almost always, the professional agreements are simultaneous, and partnerships. In other friendships do think he can be a true friend, their man, part of their lives. These people do not feel happy in themselves and although in a marriage can lead to divorce, however, exclude the possibility of staying for a long time unbound. Most people who have the sun in seventh house is married or if they have split for occupy very little time alone. Are guys usually look best mate even when they are committed. If you have trouble with such a model must learn to settle for the volatility.

* * *

Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Mars at 8 House

There may be energy, desire, and enthusiasm for research, for getting to the heart of things, and for playing detective and uncovering secrets. There may be financial problems, probably through a partner, in order to de-emphasize the importance of money. There may be financial benefit through marriage or inheritance. There is a need to share willingly of personal resources in any cooperative relationship. You must learn to control your desires (passions) and your lower nature. There may be interest in healing or surgery.

Mars irrelevant in the eighth house of your horoscope, the House associated with wills and bequests. There are strong indications that you will earn highly of these issues, but if this is done, it will be sudden and somewhat unexpected because Mars is not a good planet with regard to monetary issues. You will discover that maybe it was based on some false hope and did not win many, many expect. I advise you to watch the accidents and not run any risk that is not absolutely necessary. SEX: Indicates that the person is thrilled with sex and has a huge reserve of energy in sexual activity. A woman with Mars in this position is more aggressive than others. But if Mars is in an advantageous position, there may be a tendency to violence or cruelty. This man, with negative aspects of Mars in the eighth, satisfy his sexual instincts without thinking at all mate. Traditionally Mars is connected with sex, why is the planet that expresses a person's energy in lovemaking. However, it seems as though Mars in the horoscope, when associated with the eighth, erotic shows fiery temperament and excessive dependence on sex.

Mars at 22°34'12'' Virgo

You are an energetic worker, a perfectionist, and you have high standards for your own work. You often feel that if you want something done right, then you must do it yourself, for others never do as thorough a job as you do. Doing a task well is very important to you, and you may labor over minute details that others wouldn't bother with. You constantly work for accuracy, efficiency, and precision, and you become very irritable when things are not done "right". On the other hand, you can become so much of a perfectionist and so self- critical that you will not even attempt many activities and projects, feeling that your efforts simply won't be good enough. You are usually very realistic in assessing what you can accomplish and, if anything, you underestimate yourself. You are good at conserving your energy and pacing yourself so that you do not waste or diffuse your efforts. Sometimes an unwillingness to take risks or venture from the tried, beaten track can sometimes limit your opportunities. You may not aim high enough and may settle for too little in life. You can be a worry-wart and a fuss-budget who gets lost in too many details.

You are a practical, energetic and capable worker, but will get better if you work for another or under a higher than if you are independent. You have some ambition, but you will have better luck as officials, administrators or agents, rather than as master or chief. The nature of your attentiveness and have more restraint than is usual for Mars and you can draw and express cunning and diplomacy. You have inventive and creative ability. When you are in bad directions, may suffer because employees or subordinates, from hostility, betrayal or dishonesty, as well as insincere friends. This ability gives a capacity for scientific work, for intellectual or literary pursuits, especially if put to practical use. You can run a project planned or suggested by others you - you take care and watch the details, as well as be careful and accurate. There may be disturbances in the liver, intestines and digestion. In short, you are understanding and meticulous, so you always have good arguments in debates. Many times the mood for your review leads to sharp and insulting behavior towards others.

8 House Virgo at 21°40'41''

Beware of accidents at work and the state of your bowels. Unlikely heritage.

Mercury Ruler of Virgo

You have talent for analysis, research, insight, tax preparation, insurance and perhaps detective work. You want to get to the bottom of who, what, where and why. You are a born investigator. You may tend to worry over fluctuating finances. Watch a tendency to gossip about others. Your mind may be preoccupied with death, sex, healing, magic or psychic phenomena.

There is a slight indication of profit will or bequest in a period of your life. This position favors profits by partners or business partners, but nothing definitive can be said of a horoscope, when Mercury rules the eighth house, in respect of goods of the dead because of excessive variable nature of this planet. You can deal with money that you have left or to act as agent, executor or administrator of another at some period of your life and start making money from it. SEX: Indicates a spiritual approach to sex or a willingness to talk will expand too much on this topic. You love to talk dirty during sex. Mercury is a spiritual but also a communicative planet and is not an indicator of sentimentality.

* * *

Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Neptune at 9 House

You tend to be idealistic, reverent, mystical and philosophical. You are drawn to ideas that espouse the oneness of all life and the idea of the immortal life of the Spirit. Dreams can be very vivid and possibly prophetic. If carried too far, your religious or metaphysical beliefs could border on fanaticism. Good judgment in these areas can be clouded and confused. Exaggeration can be present. Trouble with in-laws may surface due to lack of compassion and understanding. Be careful who you choose to follow as you may encounter wolves in sheep's clothing. In your travels you prefer to wander around on your own without too much planning or forethought. Strange, unforeseen things can occur while traveling long distances.

Neptune irrelevant in the ninth house of your horoscope suggests a peculiar and somewhat enhanced view of life with a mental attraction to mental issues, maybe the spiritualistic phenomena and all related issues. You have some very real and important dreams. Sometimes you will see dreams that will not have any relationship, nor to do with the affairs of everyday life, but other times, you may have in your dreams warnings that might be helpful. But to dream truly successful, you must live a perfect, pure life. The relatives of the partners will have strange stories and will be good to avoid litigation and all forms of legal matters, to be happy in life.

Neptune at 08°36'14'' Scorpio

The illusion of this age (1956 to 1971) was that people could be reborn (Scorpio) through drugs (Neptune). There was also great concern about pollution, with very little action taken. Neptune changes minds. Action comes later. In this case, Uranus and Pluto followed Neptune into Scorpio and that's when we got environmental protection laws.

This position shows that the invisible forces enter the service of creation, to your advantage. You have occult qualities, you are perceptive and can exert a mystical work. You are too sensitive and receptive to inspirations and impressions, either mentally or through the many forms of the arts. You have a very fast and intuitive perception, when you love. Sometime when you have bad you can become sensitive at all trivial matters and if you are able to perceive minute and hidden feelings of others, you can hurt them.

9 House Libra at 25°17'27''

There is a possibility of getting married abroad and possibly also married twice. You pacifist ideals.

Venus Ruler of Libra

You probably have a love of travel and the ability to benefit from these travels. You may move far away from your place of birth. You possess the ability to promote understanding between different cultural or aesthetic groups. Beauty, art and music from foreign cultures appeals to you. You can be fair in legal dealings. There may be love of and attraction to religion or ceremony, philosophy, law or higher learning.

Venus irrelevant in the ninth house, the House of philosophy and higher mind, will bring you peace, either through religion or through a deep internal knowledge about the soul and death states, which ultimately will give you happiness and tranquility. You have very strong philosophical trend and possess a clairvoyance, which will help you in problems you might encounter in the journey of life. You have the right spirit and the right attitude in all matters associated with the higher mind and you will do great, true and lasting progress on your mental attainments. You get good relatives through marriage and maybe win them somehow because she is a good influence.

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Career - Public Image

Stable Sign in beginning of 10 House

The Fixed Signs are very influential in terms of profession or your employment, because the signs are dominant in your horoscope. In this case, you are advised not to change the profession or occupation you very often. You will have greater success in government jobs or in the Kane occupations where the actions directed to stable and unchanged occupations. The fixed signs favoring the medical profession and the work requiring skill and tact; Also, a stable business and something which, if not exactly common, is well established and not original or new. Therefore, it will be better for you to bother with old and established professions that are recognized as legitimate ways of earning a livelihood.

10 House Scorpio at 28°54'13''

You have the skills to judge, policeman, surgeon, occultist, astrologer. You strategically talents and ability to judge correctly. Possibly there is some unrest related to the profession.

Aspects Midheaven

1.95 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Jupiter Sextile Midheaven

Perfect view for careers that have to do with the show, as actor, musician, etc.

3.42 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Mercury Trine Midheaven

This aspect intensify your literary skills. Good location also for vendors or anything that has to do with speaking in public. Also for travel agents, flight attendants, pilots, even truck drivers. One of the parents was probably very talkative or moving from place to place frequently.

3.57 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Saturn Sextile Midheaven

Great place for businessmen, but also for employees with business prospects. An organizational and practical skills and not daunted by hard work, attention to detail, and discipline.

3.63 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Uranus Square Midheaven

It is best to become a freelancer, or in the worst case have a boss that leaves you alone to do your job. Work related to electrical, electronic, TV, radio, computers, programming, etc. favored this view. The actors who have this view tend to succeed better on TV than in cinema. Your boss may be a very independent or eccentric person, a mad genius, or simply sells folly. At least one parent also can be so independent, eccentric, insane.

4.44 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Moon Opposition Midheaven

This position increases the likelihood of you or what you do to appear before the public. Specifically, the Moon governs careers on anything to do with hotels, restaurants, dairy products and real estate offices. But generally it is a good place for any career related to the public.

6.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mars Sextile Midheaven

Predisposes for careers related action, conflict, as it has to do with the military, police, or sports. Also for any job has a lot of action.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

You have an ambitious, enthusiastic nature with lots of energy. You have good executive ability and organizational powers. You want to lead and show the way, taking the initiative in your career. Success comes through your own enterprise. You do best in an occupation with variety. Your self-reliance is strong and you are practical and results oriented. There may be some difficulty or friction with one of your parents or with superiors at work.

Mars headed to the section of your horoscope associated with the profession. Mars is the planet that governs the dispute and all matters of external nature, and anything that requires great energy. You possess some skill in his hands, and get success in all matters that are necessary manufacturing capacity and entrepreneurial spirit. You will also be successful as doctors or chemists and every occupation that during its performance using fire. There are too many trades under the dominion of Mars, so it is impossible to list them all, but you can judge what you are best suited, by observing the positions and views of the planet Mars.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

Unforeseen activities can affect your career. Elements of the world society can directly influence your job or your status in the world. You are self-assertive and need to incorporate diplomacy and patience into your personality, especially when dealing with the world at large. This position can give a desire for power, a desire to retreat from society or a desire to be of benefit and service to society. Using power and force to get your way will bring your downfall. Use your skills to uplift society and the masses. You enjoy working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. You have an instinct for knowing why people do the things they do.

Pluto in the Tenth House. Indicates that the ambitions and goals, will have a revolutionary character. You seek change and overthrow of existing conditions. Probably engaged in some secret things and probably also be some periods of crisis, ambitions and goals.

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Friends - Hopes

Fire Sign in beginning of 11 House

The fiery triplicity has the main influence in the eleventh house of your horoscope and it brings some very energetic and useful friends, whose ambitious and entrepreneurial spirit will foster considerably. Likely to benefit through some friends and acquaintances at some time in your life, especially when your directions, favoring help from them. You are intelligent enough to appreciate good friends, when they come into your life and will do a lot to win the favor and support when needed. It is said that there is no better mirror of an old friend, so, to attract those friendships that help increase the intellectual aspect of the nature of friendship. Theophrastus said: True friends visit us during the period of prosperity only when invited, but in hard times, come on their own, without invitation. This is good for you, because you have such a character that they can not appreciate the true friendship; What influence you exert friends in your life, it is rather to good than to evil.

11 House Sagittarius at 25°17'27''

You have friendships with strangers and are successful thanks to protections.

Jupiter Ruler of Sagittarius

You probably have lots of friends who are willing to do almost anything for you, and you for them. These friends are knowledgeable, idealistic and may be of foreign culture or descent. The social life appeals to you and this may be the cause of over-indulgence or over- extravagance on your part which could get you into trouble. You are popular, with faithful and influential friends. You have a natural ability to organize and plan large group activities. You are a strong supporter of groups, foundations and philanthropies.

Jupiter rules the House of Friends (11th) is very good and a favorable indication that you will never miss a friend in your life and friends will not only be very willing, but will be able help you whenever you need their help. You have friends or acquaintances, people who deal with religion or having philosophical trend, with very good location and willing to make that good can for others. Your friends are among those who are born under the planet Jupiter or, generally speaking, from November 21 until December 21. Will Making many of the hopes and desires you in your lifetime, if you are thinking clearly.

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Jupiter at 12 House

You tend to be philanthropic and have great faith in the future. You may have an "angel" to watch over you and assist you through any reversals. There is a love of humanity and a great desire to help others, especially those who cannot fend for themselves. Work in a hospital or jail is possible. Success comes in a quiet, unassuming manner in middle life. You can be unrealistic, though. It is important to think all ideas carefully through before carrying them out.

Jupiter is the planet associated with occult subjects (12th House) in your horoscope, so, you will make great progress in your life, in all matters related to occult thought and study. Somehow there is a hereditary link between you and the occult and immaterial how far they can wander the subjective life, the internal worlds will carry some charm on you. Somehow, you will earn through your login with mental issues and minimum bad will happen from self-destructive tendencies. You will get your life in your hands and try to understand much of your inner nature, because you have faith in mystical matters.

Jupiter R at 00°51'15'' Aquarius

You are a humanitarian and are concerned with the welfare of all people. You believe in the universality of life and the brotherhood of man. Reform and large group projects appeal to you as they give you wide scope for your own personal growth and expansion. You work well with others because of your inventive mind, your keen judgment, your fine intellect and your friendliness. You are intuitive, tolerant and sociable. You make an ideal diplomat, labor relation specialist or personnel manager because of your knack for handling various groups of people.

This position will give you many friends and acquaintances, some social success and reputation and goodwill and for those with whom you associate. It is favorable in the family circle and in society and gives satisfactions through siblings. Creates tendency to cooperate with others through various ways - membership in religious bodies, participation in organizations, clubs, fraternities or companies, either in social or business matters. There will power, stability and independence - some dignity and self-confidence - ability to command, control and manipulate others. Gives you some entrepreneurial talent and some success in financial matters. Sometimes accompanied by an attraction to the occult, or mysticism, or otherwise in some secret or unusual form of religion.

Saturn at 12 House

You have the potential to develop strong inner discipline and sensitivity. There can be feelings of fear, doubt and a lack of confidence in yourself. There may be an unconscious desire to make restitution for wrongs committed in previous lives. Thus, you may feel fated and desire to retreat from society. A strong inner discipline gives you the ability to repay your past life debts, though. Your present path may involve serving mankind in some manner. Chronic health problems can be experienced if subconscious fears are not brought out into the open. There is a love of solitude. Work may be behind the scenes or it may involve an occupation where you do not come into contact with the general public.

Saturn is positioned to have major influence over all matters occult nature in your horoscope and you may be the cause of self-destruction and perhaps to enter the occult life through perseverance, patience and foresight. But can also try sadness, difficulty and delay in relation to the occult life. However, anything you achieve will be permanent, so that difficulties will do just to build for the future on a very strong and solid foundation. In many ways draws me to the secret and mystic and are able to undertake the study of astrology and related topics, but using the carefulness in esoteric matters.

12 House Capricorn at 21°40'41''

Probably encounter enemies elderly and chronically ill.

Saturn Ruler of Capricorn

You have the potential to develop strong inner discipline and sensitivity. There can be feelings of fear, doubt and a lack of confidence in yourself. There may be an unconscious desire to make restitution for wrongs committed in previous lives. Thus, you may feel fated and desire to retreat from society. A strong inner discipline gives you the ability to repay your past life debts, though. Your present path may involve serving mankind in some manner. Chronic health problems can be experienced if subconscious fears are not brought out into the open. There is a love of solitude. Work may be behind the scenes or it may involve an occupation where you do not come into contact with the general public.

Saturn is positioned to have major influence over all matters occult nature in your horoscope and you may be the cause of self-destruction and perhaps to enter the occult life through perseverance, patience and foresight. But can also try sadness, difficulty and delay in relation to the occult life. However, anything you achieve will be permanent, so that difficulties will do just to build for the future on a very strong and solid foundation. In many ways draws me to the secret and mystic and are able to undertake the study of astrology and related topics, but using the carefulness in esoteric matters.

* * *

Personal Color - Aura

Moon at 03°21'13'' Gemini

The position of the Moon will bring enough of the yellow light beam into your aura. But since this is a dual sign, the color will depend largely on the power of intellect or from the direction in which to turn, because, while this yellow beam can be used for pretty much selfish purposes, and each time there is a tendency to be indecisive and not focused enough, then you run the risk spots appear orange somehow the aura, instead clean and bright yellow that give Gemini. Here, much depends on the Mercury and the faces in your horoscope, as to the extent to which this will affect the yellow beam and strongly advise you to practice and perseverance to try to remove your mind from what you come from the animal side of your nature, because the more it purifies the yellow, the more perceptive intellect becomes, especially in all matters refined nature.

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Results of Aspects

Conjunction 1 X Power = 2
Sextile 7 X Power = 26
Square 4 X Power = 13
Trine 4 X Power = 15
Opposition 3 X Power = 11

In your horoscope we found these aspects:

11 Positives with sum Power 41
7 Negatives with sum Power 24
1 Conjunctions and Inconjunct with sum Power 2

With these facts we can say that,

Have a favorable horoscope and find opportunities to develop your character and use wisely your cognitive abilities. You win studying your horoscope, because you the ability to benefit from good influences operating at birth and planetary positions, give you some power in the world, which is no less powerful because it may not be obvious or public . The crisis was as clean as possible and should be read thoroughly what has been said so to capture the inner meaning that there may be in each paragraph, remembering that the entire analysis is given with the main purpose to help you in your progress. (The following is a brief crisis all combinations are indicated by the horoscope).


Planets Positions

Majority of Planets Descending

This position implies fewer opportunities to control the circumstances and brings you so, more under the influence of destiny. You will discover that the influence of other, lesser impact on your life and you will not stand alone to create your own destiny, because you are destined to always have someone else that will help or advise you. It seems that you have less free will than others, but in reality means the mixing of Personality Individuality within, whenever you're ready to realize the value of this submission.

Majority of Planets in Fixed Signs

Have stability, reliability and patience. Sometimes you are very stable and rigid if it arrives to excess, you become doctrinaire or even stubborn. But in the general sense, have confidence and a certain independence, because the basis of your character's pride and dignity, because, although you may not be ready to admit it, you can be strict and in some ways, bossy. But thanks to your feelings of which have abundant, polite, persistent, confident and reliable.

Sun in Fire Sign - Moon in Air Sign

This combination is the best. It is in every way harmonious. It allows you to control your emotions and see things from the mental standpoint, except that you back your driver to lift your ideals uppermost. You can be philosophical and very honest, but maybe you live too in the subjective world. You will feel and will feel before your environment and if you can reconcile transactions with your ideals, you do indeed flourished during your current life. The quality of your brain is such that it allows you to widen in every direction and you should try to realize that many of your current limitations can be overcome with your own individual effort.

Sun in Fixed Sign - Moon in Mutable Sign

Have a combination of humorous and satirical tendency, although one can contradict each other. Internally you are capable of much more than what you fulfill externally, probably due to lack of opportunities. Internally steadfast, steadfast and immovable, but external conditions are to some extent uncomfortable and vague. This can lead to a lack of ambition and the tendency to let things roll without putting enough energy to change existing conditions. That will not get fame or big things in this life, unless your life is joined with another more ambitious. The inner determination and outdoor swings are your risks, while the determination and intelligence are your salvation.


Here ends the first and most important part of the basic analysis of your natal horoscope. In the paragraphs that preceded able to offer a purely scientific analysis of your horoscope. Up to the point at which has brought us so far the general knowledge of modern astrology, you are on the pages preceding the elite experience a great spirit of Astrology, Alan Leo, combined with my years of experience, research and searching. The crisis that was based solely on the laws of astrology, as we have learned from ancient times until today.

There now follows a description of the secondary data on the natal horoscope and collection of various ancient and new sources of astrology. Their role and their relationship with you, you are presented here, more like trigger more depth when you first have a good understanding of all the above and the main components of the natal horoscope and would like to deal in depth with astrology.

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More Informations

Positions and Aspects of Asteroids

Chiron R at 05°18'29'' Pisces

Make an extra effort to get rid of the unnecessary guilt you. And please do not wander the world searching for people to save, at least not until you save first. Pay attention to your tendency to play the victim (or more often, you are the victim). You have the ability to do it anyway to help anyone be more imaginative and creative. In fact, doing so may be the perfect antidote to handle the negative aspect of this zodiacal position.

Chiron at 1 House Character, Outward Appearance

You are always ready to fight to defend the weak and the poor. Usually, though, when you do that you neglect yourself. It may also be a wise advisor to others, especially in matters of health, but it seems that you do not follow the advice you give. You may be a gifted teacher and teach others how to do things better than you yourself do it. Therefore, when you give advice to yourself, try to feel like you are somebody else gets this advice. Then they might accept them.

Aspects Chiron

1.66 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Pluto Opposition Chiron

This aspect brings cowardly tendencies. Want to dominate others with tyrannical way to compensate their subconscious fears you say that you are weak and helpless. You may also be act silently and covertly trying to bring the enemies knocking them back. The reason for all this may be that during childhood as any attempt made to release your parents to suppress quickly made compatible filling frustrations. The solution here is to recognize and accept responsibility for your power and find ways to externalize creatively.

1.95 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Moon Square Chiron

When you were a child probably had the feeling that your mother wanted to do something else than to deal with you. You may also have the feeling that is constantly review around you and that you gossip and react to this fantastic attack. You also have a tendency to make the mom to others and helping them to emotional problems. Be careful not to become oppressive when you are a mother.

3.29 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Trine Chiron

You have creative imagination and realistic use. Your intuition is working properly and helps you avoid the pitfalls.

3.52 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Venus Trine Chiron

Try to get some pleasure for you and your relationship instead of always helping your partner to enjoy. This aspect can make a great art teacher who can teach their students to create art better than you trying alone forever. You are also able to give good financial advice to those who are unable to manage their own finances.

Ceres at 20°18'35'' Taurus

We love the food. Also massage your shoulders and the back of your neck. Hard and for a long time.

Ceres at 3 House Communications, Short Journeys

Maybe seeing me more care and upbringing during your childhood of the brothers or sisters, or even by their neighbors, rather than your parents. Or otherwise, may be you were caring for their younger siblings. The words you tend to take care of others. This is a good place for a therapist or a counselor.

Aspects Ceres

2.26 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Mars Trine Ceres

Like physical activity and adventure. Many times you feel the need to care for those around you, but do not ask them if they want something.

4.95 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Uranus Square Ceres

This view shows that the affection and care for accepting small of your parents was problematic with creating problems in your relationships with others and the rest of your life. Probably panic when you feel that you need care from someone else and maybe break up for this reason.

5.01 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Saturn Trine Ceres

San children have had enough, effective and soundly, affection and care of your parents and will grow up caring too others in the same way.

Pallas Athena R at 24°15'21'' Pisces

Good place for an artist, a designer, or for any profession requires imagination. The only downside is that you tend to dream more than to do.

Pallas Athena at 2 House Money, Property

You have the ability to skillfully manage their money and belongings and help predict economic fluctuations in the market. However there is also the possibility that you are the type that money is not for you the supreme value and follow a frugal life. The truth is that even if you have a few existing manage them very well and correctly.

Aspects Pallas Athena

1.06 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Saturn Sextile Pallas Athena

Focuses on large-scale problems and projects. But we need enough time to read any solutions and that's because you tend to think in advance of the event failure and afraid of making mistakes in some of your options. Whatever you do with care and always thinking about the practical results of your action.

1.68 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Mars Opposition Pallas Athena

Good place for a military commander or a sports coach. In skirmishes you know how to win battles. Coping well in whatever activity requires great energy, physical activity, or willpower. The difficulties that face shown because you tend to press punish those who believe that crime was in a field and bicker when your solutions are not readily accepted by others.

6.59 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Jupiter Sextile Pallas Athena

We like to make big plans and to solve large-scale problems and coping well in this area.

Juno R at 00°17'32'' Aries

The other half tends to be irritable, aggressive, positive and motivated.

Juno at 2 House Money, Property

It's probably your marriage be a matter of interest. Can that seek to marry only someone who has a lot of money, but of course this is rarely done. So this is usually not married to that really suits you. Even in a bad marriage try to keep him because divorce would be a disaster for you. On the other hand, if you have some property, marry your property and you spend most of your time trying to increase it.

Aspects Juno

0.56 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Jupiter Sextile Juno

The match will tend to be overly optimistic and smiling. The marriage or relationship can also have the same effect on you. It can make you more optimistic. Be careful not only makes you thick too.

1.49 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Square Juno

Can comes out liking a mate who is lazy, indolent and lazy. Staying a long time with him, you may start to show and you the same symptoms. It may also be present conflict between the needs of your partner and your ability to express your love and affection, or the opposite and can finally start looking elsewhere to fulfill.

2.03 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Mercury Trine Juno

The match will not be silent. When you marry you should like to discuss with you constantly. And you will make good discussions between you. The communication skills grow with your communication with your mate.

3.06 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Moon Sextile Juno

Comes out liking sentimental types who like to take care of you and be friends of domestic life.

4.96 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Saturn Sextile Juno

People comes out liking for relationship tend to be older than you at least in spirit if not in years. Distinguished by stability, it is practical and reliable, but do not expect to be types of parties. Can the relationship to bring these results to you.

Vesta at 24°56'40'' Taurus

Maybe you need more time than usual to focus your attention somewhere, but once you do, you find it hard to stop. This is especially good for all tasks that require great patience.

Vesta at 4 House Base, Home, Seat

Being at home constantly absorbs all your energy. You just need to go out more outside.

Aspects Vesta

0.32 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Uranus Square Vesta

You might have difficulty to focus your attention in normal daily activities, as well as a resentment each time I need to indulge in a normal social event.

0.37 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Saturn Trine Vesta

Your attention is particularly focused on discipline in an organization that you belong to and may be at work.

2.37 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Mars Trine Vesta

You have an increased ability to focus your attention, especially at work.

5.90 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Jupiter Trine Vesta

You are able to focus your attention on large-scale operations, especially mentally, philosophical, or religious issues.

North Node R at 27°53'17'' Leo

This position brings to the fore, the celebrity, if not like a movie star or television, at least in your circle. But to do this, you need to wean somehow from friends and acquaintances that seem to play an important role in your life and you tend to rely too much on them. Cultivate your own creativity and self-confidence and seek perfection in that because you have the ability to succeed.

North Node at 7 House Marriage - Partnerships

The companionship and cooperation are the keys for you. Can you like doing things yourself, but usually need someone else to finish what you started. And we must also learn to handle your differences with others peacefully. Failure to do this will blow up many opportunities to achieve what you want.

Lilith at 20°34'30'' Leo

Transmutes your sensuality in art forms and creations.

Lilith at 7 House Marriage - Partnerships

Feeling justice, harmony, love, togetherness. Flirt and create or dissolve relationships and partnerships. You want to be committed and also free! Analyse everything with good psychological approach. Looking Comrade eternal devotion and acceptance in your face.

Part of Fortune at 27°15'32'' Aries

Your Fate is in your hands alone, especially when those hands to yours, deal with all kinds of innovative activities. Like to open new horizons that you tackle and demolish barriers and established, opening avenues for new and tomorrow.

Part of Fortune at 3 House Communications, Short Journeys

This position shows that you have a fairly well-educated and well developed understanding of communication at all levels. Luck will help you in everything to do with the written or spoken word but also in any employment related communications, brochures, etc.

Vertex at 12°54'45'' Virgo

The sacrifice and the need for service at its best. The person looking to join a person with internal quality, service and spiritual upliftment. Applies here that the metaphysical identity of the Virgin with the sacrifice for the sake of humanity. The person imagines that finds the absolutely pure and perfect, a person who will do everything as it not only in interpersonal relationship and in every relation in life.

Vertex at 7 House Marriage - Partnerships

Peak in the Seventh House indicates that the person will only HAPPY when you find the other half. If the person is only then is the big emotional drama because this position is the classic position of union with each other and the security it offers.

* * *

The Degrees of the Zodiac that affect you

Ascendant at 18°03'54'' Aquarius

A ship at sea over the grips a man sinking. Fate of Insecurity. Possible disaster but in the middle of the risk will come help you protect the person.

Midheaven at 28°54'13'' Scorpio

A man with a pen in hand sitting at a desk. Before him, on a sheet of paper there are a few pebbles. Fate of Talent. Property and celebrity of literary or scientific work.

Sun at 12°32'51'' Leo

A steep rock that protrudes over a few tufts of grass are in a miserable situation but safe. Fate of Stability. Determination and stability. The individual can benefit from the games.

Moon at 03°21'13'' Gemini

A man with venerable and benevolent aspect, dressed as a State Officer. Squadron Dignity (titles). The person will get insider positions, will rise to its value.

Mercury at 02°19'33'' Leo

A wavy line of nebulous light dims in the middle of the sea. Fate of spiritual deception. Spirit uncertain authorities, mental restlessness and instability.

Venus at 01°47'15'' Cancer

A dog standing on a scratched bone - in front of two other dogs half dead from hunger. Fate of apathy. Selfish character, finesse and skill against others.

Mars at 22°34'12'' Virgo

A wide-open boat with sails. Fate of adventurism. Whimsical character pulled from the sea or colonies.

Jupiter R at 00°51'15'' Aquarius

A man sleeps on a sheaf of wheat and the side of the food there. Fate of fatigue. Strong imagination but very little patience for the realization of its objectives.

Saturn R at 25°19'28'' Capricorn

A large seascape. Long seen a sailboat. Fate of compliments Temperament skeptical showing sympathy or travel abroad.

Uranus at 25°16'10'' Leo

A dense forest in the background of a field where a man plowing with an ox. Squadron Solidity. Tend to follow jobs physical and moral resistance and strength.

Neptune at 08°36'14'' Scorpio

A birds nest Aftershave, fallen underfoot. Fate of orphans. Difficult youth, family bereavement, difficulties in the first years of life.

Pluto at 06°58'24'' Virgo

A man and a woman standing with upturned backs to each other. Fate of decency. Sincere Love Affair but who reserve tests. Reservations and modesty.

Chiron R at 05°18'29'' Pisces

A wreck floating on a calm sea. Rescue Squadron. The person distrusts the havoc and excesses. This protects the foresight.

Ceres at 20°18'35'' Taurus

An owl perched on a tree, who among the branches is a coiled snake. Fate of Forecasting. Nature wise and cunning, qualities associated with the occult, meteorology, etc.

Pallas Athena R at 24°15'21'' Pisces

A crown and a sword. Fate of Victory. From the strength and conviction of the person will expect a great title.

Juno R at 00°17'32'' Aries

A brawny man, standing, dressed in a skin or a heavy, wavy and gray fabric, with shoulders almost bare. He holds in his hand a bat. A Hercules. Fate of the Force and the Passion. Ability to withstand a lot of work, power and strength of character. Passionate and aggressive, well equipped for the conflict.

Vesta at 24°56'40'' Taurus

A lion crawls, standing on a hill. Squadron Pride. Character powerful, arrogant and haughty.

North Node R at 27°53'17'' Leo

Two hands clasped in a friendly squeeze. Fate Help and Support. Character sociable, likable and human.

Lilith at 20°34'30'' Leo

A male person who overcomes a coiled snake and a raised hand presented on its side. Fate of Penetration. Mind perceptive that will reveal the secrets of nature.

Part of Fortune at 27°15'32'' Aries

A blond woman, richly dressed, alone, standing upright. Fate of beneficence. Success due to a woman or to the public.

Vertex at 12°54'45'' Virgo

A spacious plateau of fields where a river flows under the rays of the moon. Fate of Harmony. Pacific character, drawn from the arts.

East Point at 24°22'32'' Aquarius

A dark form showing violent anger, while a ribbon of scarlet red color covers her forehead. Fate of malevolence. Vengeful spirit and passionate not control any of his actions.

Part of Spirit at 08°52'17'' Sagittarius

A house burned. Fate of excitement. Intuitive and philosophical spirit, mind and super inventive genius.

Part of Love at 06°27'09'' Cancer

An iron gauntlet, a sword and a whip, gathered over the logs of a tree. Fate of Confirmation of yourself (self-aggrandizement). Strong personality, robust hand, a person destined to be confirmed and accepted.

Part of Destiny at 08°05'51'' Aquarius

A large rock in a lightning rips. Fate of conversion. Character powerful, aggressive, outspoken and brash - great power.

Cupido at 08°44'20'' Libra

A gladiator armed with a sword and a shield, ready for the fight. Battle Squadron. Power and capacity for action. Man is master of his power.

Hades at 10°56'15'' Taurus

A crowned seated on a throne and holding his scepter, while around him there are signs of wealth. Fate of the Occupation through your own actions. Many benefits of your own actions.

Zeus at 03°15'24'' Virgo

A field of wheat, tall and mature. Doom Generation. Ability and success. Fertile imagination. Rich project.

Kronos at 01°55'30'' Gemini

A man climbs a wall by a rope ladder. Between his teeth and holding a sword in his right hand an automatic. Fate of exploits. Nature daring, courageous, destined to defeat a strong barrier.

Apollon at 25°57'18'' Virgo

Two women walking together holding each other hand in hand and talk to each other in confidence. Fate of Concord. Nature dear, predisposed to bond with others and their approaches. Happy home.

Admetos R at 28°01'13'' Aries

A man with humble look but with great power who throws down with his ax a tree. Fate of Labour. Victorious struggle against obstacles. Nature energetic and impulsive.

Vulkanus at 29°55'29'' Gemini

A wolf following a sheep on an isolated path. Fate of denials. Intrigues, scams, chance to live at the expense of others.

Poseidon at 14°42'10'' Libra

A man makes strolling with two women keeping the arm. Fate of hesitation. Ability to sustain an intrigue. Person with social grace to himself.

* * *


As time goes by, you have to wake opportunities, which are latent in your horoscope and depending on the sincerity and ability, you will be able to experience everything that indicate your planets. You may not recognize all the above features, but if the time and the time of birth is correct, every word will suit you. Astrologers believe that the character is destiny and that, during this life we ​​must work to develop our character. In the distant future are destined to take an active part in promoting the development of the world and for this purpose we need to do right ourselves, because in the end, we must be perfect.

Astrologer: Costas Tolis

* * *


118°03'54'' Aquarius
221°40'41'' Pisces
325°17'27'' Aries
428°54'13'' Taurus
525°17'27'' Gemini
621°40'41'' Cancer
718°03'54'' Leo
821°40'41'' Virgo
925°17'27'' Libra
1028°54'13'' Scorpio
1125°17'27'' Sagittarius
1221°40'41'' Capricorn



Sun 12°32'51'' Leo6
Moon 03°21'13'' Gemini4
Mercury 02°19'33'' Leo6
Venus 01°47'15'' Cancer5
Mars 22°34'12'' Virgo8
Jupiter R 00°51'15'' Aquarius12
Saturn R 25°19'28'' Capricorn12
Uranus 25°16'10'' Leo7
Neptune 08°36'14'' Scorpio9
Pluto 06°58'24'' Virgo7



Chiron R 05°18'29'' Pisces1
Ceres 20°18'35'' Taurus3
Pallas Athena R 24°15'21'' Pisces2
Juno R 00°17'32'' Aries2
Vesta 24°56'40'' Taurus4

Minor Objects


North Node R 27°53'17'' Leo7
Lilith 20°34'30'' Leo7
Part of Fortune 27°15'32'' Aries3
Vertex 12°54'45'' Virgo7
East Point 24°22'32'' Aquarius1
Ascendant 18°03'54'' Aquarius1
Midheaven 28°54'13'' Scorpio10
Part of Spirit 08°52'17'' Sagittarius10
Part of Love 06°27'09'' Cancer5
Part of Destiny 08°05'51'' Aquarius12



Cupido 08°44'20'' Libra8
Hades 10°56'15'' Taurus3
Zeus 03°15'24'' Virgo7
Kronos 01°55'30'' Gemini4
Apollon 25°57'18'' Virgo8
Admetos R 28°01'13'' Aries3
Vulkanus 29°55'29'' Gemini5
Poseidon 14°42'10'' Libra8

Fixed Stars


ACHERNAR 14°45'35'' Pisces1
POLARIS 28°02'00'' Gemini5
ZETA RETICULI 23°20'16'' Pisces2
PLEIADES 29°50'23'' Taurus4
ALDEBERAN 09°15'08'' Gemini4
CAPELLA 21°19'14'' Gemini5
RIGEL 16°17'22'' Gemini4
BELLATRIX 20°24'24'' Gemini5
ALNATH 22°02'14'' Gemini5
ORION 22°55'24'' Gemini5
BETELGEUSE 28°13'06'' Gemini5
MENKALINAN 29°22'19'' Gemini5
MURZIM 06°39'07'' Cancer5
CANOPUS 14°25'35'' Cancer5
ALHENA 08°34'07'' Cancer5
SIRIUS 13°32'31'' Cancer5
ADARA 20°13'30'' Cancer6
WEZEN 22°51'29'' Cancer6
CASTOR 19°42'11'' Cancer6
PROCYON 25°15'03'' Cancer6
POLLUX 22°40'29'' Cancer6
SUHAIL 26°49'20'' Leo7
AVIOR 22°36'32'' Virgo8
MIAPLACIDUS 01°27'03'' Scorpio9
ALPHARD 26°44'28'' Leo7
REGULUS 29°17'23'' Leo7
DUBHE 14°39'15'' Leo7
ACRUX 11°20'17'' Scorpio9
GACRUX 06°12'22'' Scorpio9
BECRUX 11°07'00'' Scorpio9
ALIOTH 08°23'14'' Virgo7
SPICA 23°18'14'' Libra9
ALKAID 26°23'11'' Virgo8
AGENA 23°15'23'' Scorpio9
ARCTURUS 23°41'25'' Libra9
RIGEL KENTAURUS 28°56'30'' Scorpio10
ANTARES 09°13'23'' Sagittarius10
SHAULA 24°03'01'' Sagittarius11
SARGAS 25°03'31'' Sagittarius11
KAUS AUSTRALIS 04°32'22'' Capricorn11
VEGA 14°47'01'' Capricorn11
ALTAIR 01°14'21'' Aquarius12
PEACOCK 23°16'30'' Capricorn12
DENEB 04°48'08'' Pisces1
ALNAIR 15°22'04'' Aquarius1
FORMALHAUT 03°19'13'' Pisces1
ANDROMEDA 27°11'21'' Aries3

Retrograde Planets


Retrograde Jupiter shows that you may be somewhat pessimistic and lack of imagination.


Retrograde Saturn might make you insecure and think you are not worthy of anything. He can also keep your fears to yourself wanting to look strong, perhaps because someone with authority is exercised great power and influence over you. You must be patient and work hard to get what you want, but you may not have the will or desire to dedicate yourself to this objective, shown mainly by house, sign and aspects of Saturn on your map. But limit yourself if Slacking.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.

Pallas Athena

According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.

Tags: Barack Obama Natal Horoscope Analysis