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4 Seasons of Predictions

Costas Tolis

Observations after 13 months.

In the end, the 4 Seasons program I made in April 2023 suddenly inspired from above, is much more important in the prediction than I expected.

After 13 months of observation in my own horoscope, I see that the aspects shown by the 4 Seasons program are verified, and refuted the others, the classic Transits used by all Astrology and not just me.

The evidence for this finding is that in the two months since I stopped having views on the new 4 Seasons program, the activity in general in my life also stopped. Although the Transits I have had and have for two months and are continuing, are the best that could have been, since they were aspects of the benefic Jupiter until recently and are now continuing with other planets, they have not brought anything important to my life, but on the contrary things seem to be getting delayed and bogged down. Whereas before while the aspects were working in the 4 Seasons schedule, which luckily were Jupiter aspects again so I could see the situation, the events that these Jupiter aspects indicated in the 4 Seasons schedule were happening, while there were no Jupiter aspects in the Transits then!

As far as I'm concerned, I just have to wait a little longer for good things to start happening in my life again, since Jupiter will start making good aspects again in a few months.

As for you, I recommend that you take a more serious look at this new 4 Seasons program that I have created, which is unique, since I myself inspired it from above, created it and presented it for the first time in the history of Astrology, and become a member so that read exactly what these views predict for you, and not what the AI interpretations I've put in the free-for-all version say.

Because as I will say again for the umpteenth time, "the wise man rules his stars"...

Costas Tolis 2024-05-18 04:18:45 (UT)

Of course, for the good Transits to work, I too would have to move a little from the meditative position in which I sit, and not wait for Jupiter's favors to descend from the sky. :) Because this is another aspect of the "the wise man rules his stars" principle, which I myself seem to have forgotten in recent months due to mental overload in the last months of 2023 early 2024.

However, through my apparent inactivity over the past few months, I've had the opportunity to see the benefits of the new 4 Seasons program and also fix a bug I hadn't seen when I was building it. So all is well and we keep going strong!