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Progressive Horoscope of Barack Obama for the next 9 years

Costas Tolis

Read the Progressive Horoscope of Barack Obama for the next 9 years

This page have 3 parts.
Scroll down to see them. Click links below to read predictions.


Barack Obama 1961 08 04 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 38% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLeo6 House12°32'51''
SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' Square - NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 086°03'22''
SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' Opposition - First HouseAquarius18°03'54'' 174°28'56''
MoonGemini4 House03°21'13''
MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' Sextile + MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 058°58'19''
MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' Trine + JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 122°29'58''
MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' Square - PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 093°37'10''
MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' Square - North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 084°32'25''
MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' Opposition - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 175°33'00''
MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33''
MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' Sextile + MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 058°58'19''
MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' Opposition - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 178°31'41''
MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' Square - NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 096°16'40''
MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' Trine + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 116°34'40''
VenusCancer5 House01°47'15''
VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' Sextile + UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 053°28'54''
VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' Trine + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 126°48'58''
VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' Sextile + PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 065°11'08''
VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' Sextile + North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 056°06'23''
MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12''
MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' Trine + SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 122°45'15''
MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' Sextile + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 066°20'01''
JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15''
JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' Trine + MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 122°29'58''
JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' Opposition - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 178°31'41''
JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' Conjunction = SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 005°31'47''
JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' Sextile + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 061°57'01''
SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28''
SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' Trine + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 122°45'15''
SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' Conjunction = JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 005°31'47''
SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' Sextile + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 056°25'14''
UranusLeo7 House25°16'10''
UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' Sextile + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 053°28'54''
UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' Conjunction = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 002°37'29''
UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' Square - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 093°38'03''
NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14''
NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' Square - SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 086°03'22''
NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 096°16'40''
NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' Trine + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 126°48'58''
NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' Sextile + PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 061°37'49''
PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24''
PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' Square - MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 093°37'10''
PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' Sextile + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 065°11'08''
PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' Sextile + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 061°37'49''
North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39''
North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' Square - MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 084°32'25''
North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' Sextile + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 056°06'23''
North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' Conjunction = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 002°37'29''
North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' Square - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 091°00'34''
First HouseAquarius18°03'54''
First HouseAquarius18°03'54'' Opposition - SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 174°28'56''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' Opposition - MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 175°33'00''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' Trine + MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 116°34'40''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' Sextile + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 066°20'01''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' Sextile + JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 061°57'01''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' Sextile + SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 056°25'14''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' Square - UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 093°38'03''
Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' Square - North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 091°00'34''


Predictions for 2014 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 56% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 09 26 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 79% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House03°51'56''
SunLibra8 House03°51'56'' Trine + MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 120°30'42''
MoonTaurus3 House11°05'14''
MercuryLibra9 House29°42'19''
VenusVirgo7 House04°20'16''
VenusVirgo7 House04°20'16'' Square - MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 090°59'02''
MarsLibra9 House26°53'14''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°20'11''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'05''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'05'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°39'53''
UranusLeo7 House28°27'26''
UranusLeo7 House28°27'26'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°33'47''
UranusLeo7 House28°27'26'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°26'47''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°43'05''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°44'36''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°44'36'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°51'37''
North NodeLeo7 House25°05'15''
North NodeLeo7 House25°05'15'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°10'54''
First HouseAries3 House24°27'31''
First HouseAries3 House24°27'31'' Square - SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 089°08'03''
First HouseAries3 House24°27'31'' Trine + UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 120°48'38''
Tenth HouseCapricorn11 House17°27'16''


Predictions for 2015 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 65% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 09 27 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 72% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House04°50'48''
MoonTaurus3 House24°53'57''
MoonTaurus3 House24°53'57'' Trine + SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 119°34'29''
MoonTaurus3 House24°53'57'' Square - UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 090°22'12''
MercuryScorpio9 House00°42'21''
MercuryScorpio9 House00°42'21'' Square - N - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 090°08'53''
VenusVirgo7 House05°33'19''
MarsLibra9 House27°33'50''
MarsLibra9 House27°33'50'' Sextile + North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 059°40'10''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°21'03''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'05''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'05'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°39'53''
UranusLeo7 House28°30'34''
UranusLeo7 House28°30'34'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°36'54''
UranusLeo7 House28°30'34'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°23'39''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°45'02''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°46'32''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°46'32'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°49'41''
North NodeLeo7 House25°02'04''
North NodeLeo7 House25°02'04'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°14'05''
First HouseAries3 House25°41'41''
First HouseAries3 House25°41'41'' Square - SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 090°22'13''
First HouseAries3 House25°41'41'' Trine + UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 119°34'28''
Tenth HouseCapricorn11 House18°22'30''


Predictions for 2016 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 14% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 09 28 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 65% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House05°49'42''
MoonGemini4 House08°14'56''
MercuryScorpio9 House01°40'02''
MercuryScorpio9 House01°40'02'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 089°20'28''
MercuryScorpio9 House01°40'02'' Trine + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 119°52'46''
MercuryScorpio9 House01°40'02'' Square - N - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 089°11'12''
VenusVirgo7 House06°46'24''
VenusVirgo7 House06°46'24'' Conjunction = N + PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 000°11'59''
MarsLibra9 House28°14'03''
MarsLibra9 House28°14'03'' Sextile + North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 060°20'24''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°22'03''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'08''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'08'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°39'56''
UranusLeo7 House28°34'04''
UranusLeo7 House28°34'04'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°40'25''
UranusLeo7 House28°34'04'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°20'09''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°46'35''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°48'28''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°48'28'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°47'45''
North NodeLeo7 House24°58'54''
North NodeLeo7 House24°58'54'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°17'15''
First HouseAries3 House26°55'33''
First HouseAries3 House26°55'33'' Trine + North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 120°58'06''
Tenth HouseCapricorn11 House19°17'49''


Predictions for 2017 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 82% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 09 29 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 58% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House06°48'39''
MoonGemini4 House21°09'15''
MercuryScorpio9 House02°34'24''
MercuryScorpio9 House02°34'24'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 090°14'51''
MercuryScorpio9 House02°34'24'' Trine + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 120°47'09''
VenusVirgo7 House07°59'32''
VenusVirgo7 House07°59'32'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 060°36'41''
MarsLibra9 House28°54'43''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°23'10''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'15''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'15'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°40'03''
UranusLeo7 House28°37'10''
UranusLeo7 House28°37'10'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°43'30''
UranusLeo7 House28°37'10'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°17'03''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°48'33''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°50'24''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°50'24'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°45'49''
North NodeLeo7 House24°55'43''
North NodeLeo7 House24°55'43'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°20'26''
First HouseAries3 House28°09'04''
First HouseAries3 House28°09'04'' Trine + North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 119°44'34''
Tenth HouseCapricorn11 House20°13'14''


Predictions for 2018 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 48% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 09 30 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 52% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House07°47'38''
MoonCancer5 House03°40'08''
MercuryScorpio9 House03°26'09''
VenusVirgo7 House09°12'42''
VenusVirgo7 House09°12'42'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°23'31''
MarsLibra9 House29°35'01''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°24'24''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'25''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°14'25'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°40'13''
UranusLeo7 House28°40'14''
UranusLeo7 House28°40'14'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°46'35''
UranusLeo7 House28°40'14'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°13'59''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°50'31''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°52'19''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°52'19'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°43'54''
North NodeLeo7 House24°52'33''
North NodeLeo7 House24°52'33'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°23'37''
First HouseAries3 House29°22'15''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House21°08'46''


Predictions for 2019 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 29% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 10 01 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 46% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House08°46'40''
MoonCancer5 House15°52'12''
MercuryScorpio9 House04°14'18''
VenusVirgo7 House10°26'18''
MarsScorpio9 House00°15'46''
MarsScorpio9 House00°15'46'' Square - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 090°35'29''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°26'08''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°15'04''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°15'04'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°40'51''
UranusLeo7 House28°43'17''
UranusLeo7 House28°43'17'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°49'38''
UranusLeo7 House28°43'17'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°10'56''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°52'31''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°54'13''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°54'13'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°42'00''
North NodeLeo7 House24°49'22''
North NodeLeo7 House24°49'22'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°26'47''
First HouseTaurus3 House00°35'05''
First HouseTaurus3 House00°35'05'' Square - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 089°43'49''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House22°04'24''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House22°04'24'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 119°30'12''


Predictions for 2020 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 91% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 10 02 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 39% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House09°45'44''
MoonCancer6 House27°50'43''
MercuryScorpio9 House04°59'04''
VenusVirgo7 House11°39'33''
MarsScorpio9 House00°56'08''
MarsScorpio9 House00°56'08'' Trine + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 119°08'52''
MarsScorpio9 House00°56'08'' Square - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 089°55'06''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°27'36''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°15'21''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°15'21'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°41'09''
UranusLeo7 House28°46'20''
UranusLeo7 House28°46'20'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°52'40''
UranusLeo7 House28°46'20'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°07'53''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°54'30''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°56'07''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°56'07'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°40'06''
North NodeLeo7 House24°46'11''
North NodeLeo7 House24°46'11'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°29'58''
First HouseTaurus3 House01°47'33''
First HouseTaurus3 House01°47'33'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 090°32'00''
First HouseTaurus3 House01°47'33'' Sextile + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 059°59'42''
First HouseTaurus3 House01°47'33'' Square - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 090°56'18''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House23°00'10''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House23°00'10'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°25'57''


Predictions for 2021 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 23% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 10 03 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 33% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House10°44'50''
MoonLeo6 House09°40'56''
MercuryScorpio9 House05°39'53''
VenusVirgo7 House12°53'14''
MarsScorpio9 House01°36'56''
MarsScorpio9 House01°36'56'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 089°17'23''
MarsScorpio9 House01°36'56'' Trine + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 119°49'40''
MarsScorpio9 House01°36'56'' Square - JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 089°14'18''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°29'35''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°16'06''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°16'06'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°41'54''
UranusLeo7 House28°49'21''
UranusLeo7 House28°49'21'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°55'42''
UranusLeo7 House28°49'21'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°04'52''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°56'30''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°57'37''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°57'37'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°38'36''
North NodeLeo7 House24°43'01''
North NodeLeo7 House24°43'01'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°33'08''
First HouseTaurus3 House02°59'39''
First HouseTaurus3 House02°59'39'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 089°19'53''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House23°56'02''


Predictions for 2022 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 46% W 77.22 N 38.54
Barack Obama Progressed 1961 10 04 19: 24: 00 -10 Waning 27% W 157.51 N 21.18
SunLibra8 House11°43'58''
SunLibra8 House11°43'58'' Sextile + SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 059°11'07''
MoonLeo7 House21°27'46''
MercuryScorpio9 House06°16'07''
MercuryScorpio9 House06°16'07'' Sextile + PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 059°17'42''
VenusVirgo7 House14°06'33''
MarsScorpio9 House02°17'47''
MarsScorpio9 House02°17'47'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 089°58'13''
MarsScorpio9 House02°17'47'' Trine + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 120°30'31''
JupiterCapricorn12 House27°32'04''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°16'31''
SaturnCapricorn12 House23°16'31'' Trine + N + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°42'19''
UranusLeo7 House28°52'21''
UranusLeo7 House28°52'21'' Conjunction = N = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°58'42''
UranusLeo7 House28°52'21'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°01'52''
NeptuneScorpio9 House09°58'31''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°59'29''
PlutoVirgo7 House08°59'29'' Sextile + N + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°36'44''
North NodeLeo7 House24°39'50''
North NodeLeo7 House24°39'50'' Conjunction = N = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°36'19''
First HouseTaurus3 House04°11'23''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House24°52'02''
Tenth HouseCapricorn12 House24°52'02'' Conjunction = N + SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 000°27'25''


Predictions for 2014 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 56% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°30'00''
SunLeo6 House12°30'00'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°02'50''
MoonScorpio9 House23°55'23''
MercuryLeo6 House08°21'32''
MercuryLeo6 House08°21'32'' Square - N - NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 090°14'41''
VenusCancer6 House21°03'27''
MarsScorpio9 House05°20'37''
JupiterLeo6 House04°20'14''
JupiterLeo6 House04°20'14'' Sextile + N + MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 060°59'00''
SaturnScorpio9 House16°49'28''
UranusAries2 House16°25'27''
NeptunePisces1 House06°50'15''
NeptunePisces1 House06°50'15'' Opposition - N + P +PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 179°51'51''
PlutoCapricorn11 House11°32'20''
North NodeLibra8 House22°49'38''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°15'39''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House19°31'35''


Predictions for 2015 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 65% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°15'40''
SunLeo6 House12°15'40'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°17'10''
MoonAries2 House14°30'19''
MercuryLeo7 House24°53'51''
MercuryLeo7 House24°53'51'' Conjunction = UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°22'18''
VenusLeo7 House28°33'52''
VenusLeo7 House28°33'52'' Conjunction = N + North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°40'13''
VenusLeo7 House28°33'52'' Square - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°20'21''
MarsCancer6 House27°23'52''
JupiterLeo7 House28°36'25''
JupiterLeo7 House28°36'25'' Conjunction = North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 000°42'45''
JupiterLeo7 House28°36'25'' Square - N + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°17'48''
SaturnScorpio10 House28°17'10''
SaturnScorpio10 House28°17'10'' Square - North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 090°23'31''
SaturnScorpio10 House28°17'10'' Conjunction = N + P =Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 000°37'03''
UranusAries2 House20°27'32''
NeptunePisces1 House09°07'13''
NeptunePisces1 House09°07'13'' Trine + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 120°30'59''
PlutoCapricorn11 House13°34'00''
North NodeLibra8 House03°29'57''
North NodeLibra8 House03°29'57'' Trine + N - MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 120°08'43''
First HouseCapricorn12 House26°59'02''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House19°17'24''


Predictions for 2016 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 14% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°59'02''
SunLeo6 House12°59'02'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°26'11''
MoonVirgo7 House08°27'02''
MoonVirgo7 House08°27'02'' Sextile + NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 060°09'11''
MercuryVirgo7 House07°39'31''
MercuryVirgo7 House07°39'31'' Sextile + N - NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 060°56'43''
MercuryVirgo7 House07°39'31'' Conjunction = P +PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 000°41'06''
VenusLeo7 House29°10'30''
VenusLeo7 House29°10'30'' Square - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 089°43'43''
MarsSagittarius10 House00°51'34''
MarsSagittarius10 House00°51'34'' Sextile + P -JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 059°59'40''
JupiterVirgo8 House22°48'22''
JupiterVirgo8 House22°48'22'' Conjunction = P -MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 000°14'10''
SaturnSagittarius10 House09°50'05''
UranusAries3 House24°29'17''
UranusAries3 House24°29'17'' Square - SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 089°09'49''
UranusAries3 House24°29'17'' Trine + UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 120°46'52''
NeptunePisces1 House11°22'32''
PlutoCapricorn11 House15°32'21''
North NodeVirgo7 House14°07'05''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°51'14''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House20°01'45''


Predictions for 2017 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 82% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°45'17''
SunLeo6 House12°45'17'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°12'26''
MoonCapricorn11 House11°22'13''
MercuryVirgo7 House08°58'47''
MercuryVirgo7 House08°58'47'' Sextile + N - NeptuneScorpio9 House08°36'14'' 059°37'26''
VenusCancer5 House05°02'12''
MarsLeo6 House09°56'48''
JupiterLibra8 House17°32'38''
JupiterLibra8 House17°32'38'' Trine + P -First HouseAquarius18°03'54'' 120°31'16''
SaturnSagittarius10 House21°30'34''
UranusAries3 House28°31'14''
UranusAries3 House28°31'14'' Trine + N = P =North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 119°22'24''
NeptunePisces1 House13°39'31''
PlutoCapricorn11 House17°30'31''
North NodeLeo7 House24°47'23''
North NodeLeo7 House24°47'23'' Conjunction = N = P =UranusLeo7 House25°16'10'' 000°28'46''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°34'31''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House19°47'35''


Predictions for 2018 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 48% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°31'14''
SunLeo6 House12°31'14'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°01'36''
MoonTaurus3 House15°09'56''
MercuryLeo7 House19°37'50''
VenusVirgo8 House27°56'24''
VenusVirgo8 House27°56'24'' Sextile + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 060°57'49''
MarsAquarius12 House01°48'05''
MarsAquarius12 House01°48'05'' Opposition - P -MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 179°28'31''
MarsAquarius12 House01°48'05'' Conjunction = P -JupiterAquarius12 House00°51'15'' 000°56'49''
JupiterScorpio9 House14°17'09''
SaturnCapricorn11 House03°21'20''
UranusTaurus3 House02°33'14''
UranusTaurus3 House02°33'14'' Square - MercuryLeo6 House02°19'33'' 089°46'18''
UranusTaurus3 House02°33'14'' Sextile + N + VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 059°14'01''
NeptunePisces1 House15°56'33''
PlutoCapricorn11 House19°27'25''
North NodeLeo6 House05°27'42''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°17'51''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House19°33'25''


Predictions for 2019 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 29% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°17'35''
SunLeo6 House12°17'35'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°15'15''
MoonLibra8 House06°04'01''
MercuryCancer6 House24°42'38''
MercuryCancer6 House24°42'38'' Opposition - SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 179°23'10''
VenusLeo6 House09°43'37''
MarsLeo7 House21°35'07''
JupiterSagittarius10 House14°34'11''
SaturnCapricorn11 House15°23'10''
UranusTaurus3 House06°35'22''
UranusTaurus3 House06°35'22'' Trine + PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 120°23'02''
NeptunePisces1 House18°14'03''
PlutoCapricorn12 House21°23'01''
North NodeCancer5 House16°08'01''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°01'13''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House19°19'14''


Predictions for 2020 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 91% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House13°01'00''
SunLeo6 House13°01'00'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°28'09''
MoonAquarius1 House28°25'41''
MoonAquarius1 House28°25'41'' Opposition - N - North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 179°27'58''
MoonAquarius1 House28°25'41'' Square - N - Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 089°31'27''
MercuryCancer6 House29°40'15''
MercuryCancer6 House29°40'15'' Trine + N + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 119°13'58''
VenusGemini5 House27°35'59''
VenusGemini5 House27°35'59'' Sextile + N + North NodeLeo7 House27°53'39'' 060°17'40''
MarsAries2 House19°54'56''
JupiterCapricorn11 House19°41'25''
SaturnCapricorn12 House27°32'56''
UranusTaurus3 House10°38'24''
NeptunePisces1 House20°30'06''
PlutoCapricorn12 House23°15'20''
PlutoCapricorn12 House23°15'20'' Trine + MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 120°41'08''
North NodeGemini5 House26°45'09''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°53'26''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House20°03'35''


Predictions for 2021 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waning 23% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°47'01''
SunLeo6 House12°47'01'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°14'10''
MoonCancer5 House01°04'11''
MoonCancer5 House01°04'11'' Conjunction = P -VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 000°43'04''
MercuryLeo6 House16°30'12''
VenusVirgo7 House16°41'17''
MarsVirgo7 House03°50'42''
MarsVirgo7 House03°50'42'' Square - MoonGemini4 House03°21'13'' 090°29'28''
JupiterAquarius1 House29°08'52''
JupiterAquarius1 House29°08'52'' Square - N + Tenth HouseScorpio28°54'13'' 090°14'38''
SaturnAquarius12 House09°58'31''
UranusTaurus3 House14°41'32''
NeptunePisces2 House22°47'22''
NeptunePisces2 House22°47'22'' Opposition - MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 179°46'49''
PlutoCapricorn12 House25°07'32''
PlutoCapricorn12 House25°07'32'' Conjunction = SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 000°11'55''
North NodeGemini4 House07°25'28''
North NodeGemini4 House07°25'28'' Square - PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 089°32'56''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°36'42''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House19°49'25''


Predictions for 2022 08 04 19: 24: 00 -4 Waxing 46% W 77.22 N 38.54
SunLeo6 House12°33'43''
SunLeo6 House12°33'43'' Conjunction = P +SunLeo6 House12°32'51'' 000°00'52''
MoonScorpio9 House06°28'32''
MoonScorpio9 House06°28'32'' Sextile + N - PlutoVirgo7 House06°58'24'' 059°30'08''
MercuryVirgo7 House01°08'50''
MercuryVirgo7 House01°08'50'' Sextile + P +VenusCancer5 House01°47'15'' 059°21'34''
VenusCancer6 House21°42'27''
VenusCancer6 House21°42'27'' Sextile + P +MarsVirgo8 House22°34'12'' 060°51'45''
MarsTaurus3 House20°36'43''
JupiterAries2 House08°38'00''
SaturnAquarius1 House22°37'13''
UranusTaurus3 House18°45'23''
UranusTaurus3 House18°45'23'' Square - P +First HouseAquarius18°03'54'' 090°41'28''
NeptunePisces2 House25°05'03''
NeptunePisces2 House25°05'03'' Sextile + SaturnCapricorn12 House25°19'28'' 059°45'35''
PlutoCapricorn12 House26°58'23''
North NodeTaurus3 House18°05'46''
North NodeTaurus3 House18°05'46'' Square - P +First HouseAquarius18°03'54'' 090°01'52''
First HouseCapricorn12 House27°20'02''
Tenth HouseScorpio9 House19°35'14''

Positives:12 + + + + + + + + + + + +
Conjunctions:2 = =
Negatives:9 - - - - - - - - -

Positives:38 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Conjunctions:20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Negatives:26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Positives:20 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Conjunctions:19 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Negatives:18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total Matches:
Positives:70 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Conjunctions:41 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Negatives:53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tags: Progressive Horoscope Barack Obama President