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Philosophy - Ninth House

Costas Tolis

The Ninth House indicates the scientific, philosophical and religious tendency of character.

It is the house of "higher mind." Also indicates travel, mostly distant, which result in a broadening of the mind, to enrich ideas and which remove the individual from the pettiness and narrow-mindedness. Such travel is not necessarily be large, in terms of kilometers; depend on the general environment. For someone, the journey from Slokomp in London, may cause greater change in mental attitude from that which may try another one, who will go to New York and back.

As Sagittarius is described as a sign of more distant communications and deeper intellectuality, so the ninth house, the opposite of the third, associated with distant communications, travel abroad and to distant lands and deep mental activity. In this may include higher education, universities, deeper studies, such as philosophy, law, religion and thoughtful writings-lasting. Therefore relates to publications and with all the people involved in such things. He has been named "House of Dreams" and is connected with the prophecy.

Tags: Philosophy Ninth House Science Religion Character Traveling Astrology