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Natal Horoscope of Brad Pitt

Costas Tolis

Read the complete Natal Horoscope Analysis of Brad Pitt

Name: Brad Pitt

Birthday: 1963-12-18
Birth time: 06:31:00
GMT: -6
Birth Place: Shawnee
Longitude: 96w54
Latitude: 35n21


Rising Sign or Ascendant

Ascendant Sagittarius at 11°55'01''

You tend to be idealistic, aspiring, enthusiastic, religious or agnostic, interested in far away places and cultures or ideas, physically active, risk-taking, outgoing, breezy, extroverted, philosophical, perhaps dogmatic, prejudiced, superficial, looking for greener pastures, and on-the-go. Sagittarius, the Centaur, is half-human, half-horse and this is perhaps the way you are. You have great aspirations, yet may have a most unruly desire nature. You can shoot for the stars or wallow with the animals. There is love of animals, the outdoors, sports, gambling, adventure, and travel. You may lack concentration. You probably have many acquaintances, but few friends. You tend to have casual contacts rather than in-depth relationships. You have a great restlessness and a love to be on the move. You may always be looking for greener pastures, never stopping or slowing down to see where you really are and what's around you. You tend to be talkative and direct and to the point. You may be lacking in tact and diplomacy due to your frankness. Ideas are very important to you. You generally like working with the big picture and dislike all the little details. You may promise much and deliver less. You can rise to the heights or sink to the depths. Which will you choose? Spiritual lesson to learn: Restraint, of all that is given away (and stop procrastinating). Jupiter rules Sagittarius so Jupiter will be important in your chart.

In your birth rose Sagittarius - a fiery sign and variable. This gives you a character honest and open minded, honest and straightforward. You are generous, affectionate, sympathetic, honest and fair. You have a strong sense of dignity and like cleanliness, order, precision and accuracy, both in person and on the environment. You also like the beauty of form and appearance and you have a preference in clothes, jewelery and decorations. You love freedom and independence - are generally energetic and tireless, as well happy and optimistic. You like sports and exercises and you can become proficient in this area. You are somewhat impulsive and enthusiastic - sometimes too abrupt and violent, but usually only when you attack. As a rule, you are typical in your behavior and you do not like the breach of the rules. You are generous, humanistic and benevolent. You volatile mind and a natural ability to cultivate it in the direction of higher and more difficult learning disciplines such as philosophy, theology or law. You have a sense of respect and loyalty and have a religious feeling, whether worked or not.

Luck: A flair for travel, sports and outdoor exercises - sometimes an inclination towards religion, philosophy, law, learning and working with people and aspirations about these things.

Ruler: Jupiter. Planet Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces. Usually, gives an optimistic, cheerful and joyous mood, which will help you to become very popular and making many friends. You will gain social esteem and success and you'll be famous and generally liked. You are kind-hearted, generous and benevolent and you are always ready to help those in need and to support deserving cases. You value law, order and property, the rules and conventions of customs - dislike the anti-social, clumsiness or bad taste on opinions or conduct, as well as the ugliness and disharmony in the environment. You appreciate beauty both in external form and ideas. Like the beautiful surroundings, comfort and subtlety, in all things. You have energy, enthusiasm, zeal and faith. Feeling a natural respect for the law and religion, experience with typical courtesy, the ritual and formulas and have perhaps a tendency to be bound by the formalities. You have the ability to cultivate the superior qualities of mind towards the laws, religion or philosophy, if interested in something. Jupiter is a benefic planet, whether it is in a good position. Governs social and general welfare, religion, laws, charity and good will and gives an estimate for the beauty, harmony, imagination and idealism.

Aspects Ascendant

1.84 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Uranus Square Ascendant

You tend to give up on everything and get bored easily. You can rely on others to leave you hungry, to stimulate and keep you moving. You have a strong desire for the freedom to do whatever you want, when you want. No doubt you like to get many tasks at once, and you have a lot of nervous energy. Like to be in between unusual people and their relationships is probably a fairly large number of such people. Close relationships can be a difficulty and do not want to feel bound or tied in any way. The revolutionary nature you can lead to problems. Reduce speed and become a patient. The spontaneity and impulsiveness you also can entangle your problems.

2.08 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Jupiter Trine Ascendant

Tend to be sociable, optimistic, enthusiastic, open-minded and tolerant. People are naturally attracted to you because they feel that you are good for them or at least that will help them whenever they need help. You are a friend of amusements and interested in accumulating knowledge in a wide range of items.

2.30 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Pluto Square Ascendant

You tend to not be tolerant with others and what they believe. People see you as an threat to their operations, possibly even their survival. I'll test them and will try and do the same and you to them. Not turning to leave a competition and sometimes go out of your way for a good fight, verbal or otherwise. Probably need to learn cooperation. There is also a tendency to keep your feelings hidden for them and those with whom you relate. They may wish to be a little more open with them.

Ruler Jupiter at 4 House

This means family ties that bind you, especially in the early years of your life - a close bond with one of the parents - possibly your mother - who has a strong influence on you and affects your life enough. If not, some environmental conditions will prevent a degree and not be removed only at midlife. This position favors the acquisition of real estate, property, houses and land and its products is good for those who have professions. The Fourth House rules the last years of life and generally old age. Often, the issues implied by this position, not tested in its fullness until then. This point of the horoscope is somewhat psychic and mystic, has a close relationship with the astral plane and maybe get involved with mental issues to the end of your life or try some very unusual experiences.

Jupiter at 09°49'38'' Aries

You are enthusiastic, assertive, energetic, and filled with many ideas on how to grow, start, promote, or expand the ideas which fill your head. You are opinionated and can be very persuasive in getting people to go along with your plans and ideas. You like dealing with the big picture and have leadership qualities. A need to learn patience and to think before you act is probable. Your tendency to promise more than you can deliver should be watched. Tolerance of others people's ideas and viewpoints should also be developed. You have the ability to sell things, ideas, material goods, philosophies. Over-optimism, conceit, self-centeredness, false pride, and fanaticism over some cause may be your biggest shortfalls with this position.

This position increases the warmth, greatness, generosity and sincerity of your nature and are generally too lucky. The social instinct is strong and contributes to the kindness, compassion and popularity. It is a favorable position for each objective associated with Zeus and tends to develop behavioral properties of the planet. Come to the fore chores around religion, law, medicine and the like. There is a preference for travel by land or sea. It can happen a change of occupation, or two different pursuits or hobbies. Creates a tendency for higher cultivation of the mind through philosophy or religion, some people might be liking to have fun, sociability, occupations outdoors, horses and traveling. It is a good place for those who are related to the poor or sick, doctors, nurses and philanthropists. It gives a degree of pride and formalism.

Aspects Jupiter

0.19 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mars Square Jupiter

You tend to put your desires ahead of other's needs. This leads to selfishness, an egotistical attitude that others do not like, and a withdrawal from wanting to help others because of the inconvenience, expense, etc. Yet you are fully capable of using your great energy and determination to help all those around you who ask for your help. You are also able to become so devoted to something or someone that you give up all personal desires and passions. You have to decide which path you are going to follow. You are ambitious, enterprising, self-confident and you have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. But, you can come across at times as being too forceful or aggressive in your desire to succeed in life. You are constantly looking for new opportunities, new experiences and new knowledge. Travel, either physical or mental, can be an avenue for you in this quest. You love taking risks if you think this will help you come out ahead, either financially or otherwise. But you should be careful as you are prone to bad judgment, bad luck and overdoing your speculative activities. Stay away from gambling because if you happen to "catch the bug", it could ruin you. You have the tendency to overextend yourself, promise more than you can deliver and at times you exaggerate the truth for effect or for personal gain. You do so because of an overly optimistic or overly confident assessment of your own capacities and abilities. No matter how much you accomplish, you never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more or that you should be doing more, so you set your sights on yet another goal. Perhaps you need to search for yourself within. Get in the habit of planning ahead so that you do not rush yourself and thus put yourself at greater risk of an accident through carelessness and hurry. Forethought will also help you to be more considerate of others, as you are apt to be thoughtless, without meaning to cause pain. You enjoy competition and challenge. You like the chase more than the conquest. Life at times is a big game for you. You will find that you will get along far better with others if you learn to work in cooperative harmony rather than in competition. Although you have potential athletic ability, which would be a constructive use of your energy and competitive nature, it is wondered whether or not you possess the necessary self-discipline in order to be truly great or successful. You have an abundance of physical energy and are generally very optimistic. There is danger of dissipating yourself through extravagance or self-indulgence. Self-control is required. There may be trouble through legal matters. Practice balancing your enthusiasm and your aggressiveness in how you deal with others. Guard against working too fast as this sometimes makes your work sloppy or half-finished. Part of the reason for working too fast is your restlessness, which creates a need to be on the move a lot.

The planets Jupiter and Mars are in Negative aspect at birth. This is an unfortunate aspect of many sides. Indicates economic losses, either due to exaggeration or because of some sort of profligacy. You tend to be too generous and you never get a big fortune, are more likely to become profligate, despite stingy. Always avoid litigation, it may become entangled in loss of a large sum of money and possibly discover that legal cases are devastating for you in many ways. However, you are very enthusiastic in everything you adopt and put great energy in everything you attempt. Nurture your blood is clean, because otherwise your health will suffer.

6.27 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mercury Square Jupiter

You are optimistic, but perhaps overly so. You make promises you don't or can't keep. You exaggerate the telling of any story for greater effect. You may have little or no faith in a higher power because you can't make sense of the whole issue. You love working with the big picture and want someone else to do the detailed work. You have a penchant for checking and re-checking things multiple times, just to be sure you did something in the first place, like checking to see if you really set the alarm or if you really locked the front door. You tend to do more rather than less. For example, if a recipe calls for a tablespoon, you may add a tablespoon and a half. You figure if this much is fine, then a little more makes things better. You may be intolerant of other people's beliefs, habits or cultures. You tend to gloss over details that come back to haunt you later and you have the propensity to overestimate the potential of an idea or product. You are not intentionally mean-spirited, it's just that you get carried away with yourself and this can be detrimental at times. You have an abundance of ideas, interests, and plans for the future, but you may find it difficult to focus on any particular area. You may devote yourself and your energies to some irrational cause. Philosophy, religion, or other areas of theoretical speculation interest you. You also possess foresight, numerous enterprising ideas, and a gambling instinct, all of which contribute to your success in the world of business. You love to travel, especially if there is some mind-expanding or educational aspect involved with it. There is a love of communicating your thoughts and ideas to others and you may very well be an excellent teacher, formal or otherwise. You need to learn how to discipline yourself so that you think problems through logically, clearly and with full knowledge of the facts. You have a tendency to rush through your thoughts or to be sloppy in your thinking, and perhaps even in your penmanship. Your thoughts go too far, you can get carried away with them, making grandiose plans that are too expansive to be put into concrete reality. Yet, you do seem to be extremely uncritical of others and accept them just as you find them. At times you are absent-minded, even though your mind is very original and fertile. You may have literary or speaking talent. Guard against jumping to conclusions, bad judgment and over-optimism. You have a knack for putting together unrelated ideas and concepts and making something out of them. At times others will take advantage of you because of your sympathetic nature and generosity. You may have the tendency, also, of talking too much, using more words to say something than what it really requires or repeating several times what you have already just said.

Mercury and Jupiter are in Negative aspect in your horoscope. This is not a good aspect regarding the mind and shows that there is likely to make errors in judgment you during your life. There have been very successful in matters relating to religion and will be very difficult to convince a matter not clearly understand why this post makes you rather skeptical. You should try not to create false impressions about yourself because of your attitude towards others, as well, will be good to be tolerant of the views of others. There is a possibility to create a scandal over a period of your life. Be very careful about the legal and literary matters. Also, you lose the details of the issues that concern you and you can not discern what is important and what is not. You are too uptight to your feedback, and chatterboxes bad listeners. However, you are generous and hospitable, without ulterior motives.

Planets in House 1

Sun at 1 House

You are important to yourself and will spend much time and energy on your own personal affairs. It's not that you do not care about others, it is just that you have your work to do and it is very important to you. You want to shine and be noticed for who and what you are. You may want to lead or be in a position of dominance. You are confident, independent and responsible. But watch for tendencies to be power-seeking or dictatorial. Be alert to false pride and try to be more humble. Give proper credit to others for their contributions.

It's a very fortunate position, because it gives dignity and honor in life and support you in any stress and pressure which will need to spend. You win the respect and appreciation of those around you, so you are able to assume positions of responsibility and to exercise some power over others. This is a favorable position, not only for worldly affairs, but it is also very beneficial for your moral development. Despise every petty or vile act and therefore should, in time to earn the appreciation of others.

Sun at 25°51'42'' Sagittarius

You tend to be idealistic, optimistic, dependable, open- minded, friendly, honest and versatile. But, you can also be tactless, irresponsible, showy, boastful, self-righteous, arrogant, quarrelsome, fanatical, dogmatic and dictatorial. You like any work where foresight and a willingness to take a chance is offered, while at the same time, you try to avoid detailed work. You are usually outspoken, sometimes to the point of bluntness. Simply blurting out your ideas and opinions is due to their never-ending search for truth and wisdom. Others think you are pretty tactless and the statement that "truth hurts" fits your way of thinking. Regardless of your undiplomatic remarks, others instinctively feel as if you means you no real harm and is only interested in raising their consciousness. You love the outdoors, large animals, nature and sports. Some times you have reckless gambling tendencies and will bet it all on the drop of a hat. Travel and even long walks appeal to you because they make you feel free - and you needs to feel free. You are philosophical and you want to understand the deeper issues and abstractions of life. You have a certain faith in higher things that generally always keeps you of an optimistic bent, no matter what difficulties are currently besetting you. You want to understand the meaning of life. This helps to keep you growing and expanding, which is something you need to do. This desire for expansion can cause you to overextend yourselves with too many activities and to use up your energy too rapidly. You need to take intervals of rest to recuperate between projects. You need to learn how to concentrate on your current projects and stick with them to the end. Always full of enthusiasm, you tend to show it more at the start of new endeavors, then it tends to lessen as the project goes along and gets stuck in details, or the going gets a little rough, or it simply gets a little boring. Although you are ordinarily healthy, you can run into trouble due to overindulgence in food and drink. You are known for your friendliness, helpfulness and subtle humor. You are good conversationalists and enjoy debating merely for the sake of debating. You have a real gift for making friends and you can go anywhere in the world without ever feeling lonely, for you acquire friends along the route. You have humanitarian instincts and are practical in expressing them. You will tend to help anyone who is in need. Others can usually depend on your loyalty and honesty, for there is nothing devious or manipulative in your nature. You are extremely independent and restless, with a real need for personal freedom. You can experience claustrophobia, either physical or emotional. This is why you are reluctant to get into total commitment situations and often shy away from marriage. In love, you are highly romantic, but you need your partner to be intelligent and communicative. You hate jealousy and possessiveness on the part of your partner, especially since you are fond of flirting. You enjoy the chase more than the capture. Careerwise, you are reluctant to become tied down to a set schedule, so will experiment with a variety of jobs. You do best in careers that permit you to travel about, either locally or widely. You also like dealing directly with people, either selling or promoting ideas, products, etc. You may overlook small details, but your overall sense of planning is excellent. You have good memories. The challenge of a problem is what interests you, for it caters to your enjoyment in exploring the unknown. Playing games comes easily to you and it is the journey you enjoy rather than the destination.

You who have the Sun in Sagittarius, you are perceptive, prescient, self-reliant, cheerful, optimistic and happy, if somewhat anxious, hyperactive and sometimes too outspoken, forthright and assertive. If not careful, can say and express more, than you would be wise. You are very sincere and honest, generous and loyal to Him with whom you relate. Seek always be philosophical, but you should add some scientific knowledge as a solid foundation in all thoughts and actions. Do you have a religious spirit and you are committed to the ones you love.

Aspects Sun

6.72 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Saturn Sextile Sun

You are realistic, mature, practical, organized, disciplined and serious. Hard work does not bother you and you understand that it takes time to build anything of lasting value. You are thorough and attentive to details. Your ambitions are well-grounded and you do not make promises you can't keep. You have the ability to concentrate and continue working on something until it is completely finished - and done correctly. You have the necessary patience and persistence to be successful at anything you undertake. You have a strong sense of responsibility and are very conscientious in fulfilling your duties. You often do things because you feel it is expected of you. You have a certain shyness and reserve about you that does not make others uncomfortable by being around you. You dislike making a spectacle of yourself. Your need to feel organized causes you to dislike disorder and clutter in your home or workplace. There may be gain through older people. Those in positions of authority help you because they see that you are a hard and dedicated worker. You are a born leader with the innate ability to appraise and coordinate the efforts needed to obtain your objectives. Your mind is practical, contemplative and authoritative. You may have difficulty taking directions from others, though, because of your own methodical analysis of all situations.

The Sun in favorable aspect to the planet Saturn is a fortunate influence. They make constant, patient, persistent, wise and honest and such qualities in your character will gain respect and be able to keep some very responsible positions in life, if you care to seek. You have organizational and administrative skills, methodical and inner strength and gain social recognition. You are consistent, serious, fair and credible, erudite and philosophical skills you have. Persons older than you and will help those who have very important positions in life will present themselves if you need their help. The moral aspect will increasingly important as you progress through life and you will become more and more conscious. Also, your health will improve as the years go by and if you are abstinent, likely to live until very old age.

Planets in House 1

Mars at 1 House

You have an abundance of physical vitality. Sometimes there is so much energy that you become reckless, impulsive, and throw caution to the wind. You may experience cuts and burns on your head and face which may leave some sort of scar. You are assertive, independent, impatient and want to do your own thing. You have strong organizing ability. You are usually self-confident. Guard against accidents due to rushing around in your impulsiveness. You may be subject to higher than normal fevers.

Mars It equals the time of your birth. This will give you plenty of vigor and confidence in yourself and you will never miss what the world calls courage. You are courageous, energetic and sometimes somewhat cocky and tend to impose unnecessarily. Therefore, you should avoid retreating into impulses and do reckless things, like to leap to hasty conclusions. Outright to life with your own efforts and can be promoted well enough, when circumstances require. However, you should try to keep some of your actions, so as to save your strength for the period will be more beneficial to use. In other words, always think before you do.

Mars at 10°01'21'' Capricorn

Your actions serve your ambitions for power, recognition, distinction, and status. You are not content to follow, but must have a leading role in whatever you do. If not handled well, the energies of this placement can make you appear ruthless, manipulative and bull-dozing over anyone who stands in your way. You are efficient, tenacious, organized, dedicated, practical, disciplined and steadfast in your resolve to feel successful. Your drive and energy are directed toward practical material accomplishment and achieving concrete results. You are hard-working and capable of foregoing immediate comfort in order to achieve your long-range goals. You can easily become a workaholic and are very responsible and conscientious about doing a thorough job. You don't tend to gamble when it comes to implementing your plans but generally prefer the conservative, tried-and-true route and then following through with it. You rely on your own efforts and perseverance rather than luck or good fortune. There is a natural shrewdness and instinct for business or organizational management. You tend to be ambitious, persistent, patient, self-reliant and responsible. You are apt to be slow in learning, but there is total assimilation of knowledge. Your energy is carefully used. Success is very important to you. On the negative side you may have a quick irritability which needs to be controlled and a tendency to feel resentment toward others for supposed hurts. You need to learn how to forgive and forget and how to release your emotions and frustrations positively.

This post gives you ambition, determination and the ability to open the road to the world and to chart your career. You have great practical implementation capacity, you can work hard and you are able to get much accomplished. You have a sense of authority, you can control and direct others and are suitable for a position of responsibility. This position can be uploaded to the world, to give you some discrimination or domination over others, even in a limited way. But also there is a tendency to isolate you and make others fear you or respect you, only love you. Mars in Capricorn is strong and gives fitness for occupations characterized by this planet, such as military, naval surgeon, chemist, engineer, also ability for a government position, state or municipal authority. When you are in bad directions, you may encounter hostility, criticism, competition, especially from superiors or public figures. There is a tendency for rheumatic or related diseases.

Aspects Mars

0.04 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Uranus Trine Mars

You are dynamic, decisive, quick, impulsive, inventive and probably mechanically adept. You respond immediately to almost every situation, you prefer spontaneity rather than routine and you enjoy vigorous physical activities that require fast reflexes and a good sense of rhythm and timing. You have an abundance of nervous energy and vitality, along with a restless desire to see reform, progress and change. The status quo does not interest you much and you get bored easier than most. It is sometimes difficult for you to relax as you prefer being on the go. You are independent and do not like to feel tied down. Taking the lead on new projects and inspiring others to your cause are characteristics you possess. You find advice from others hard to follow as you feel the need to experience everything for yourself - right or wrong, good or bad. You have done reasonably well in past lives in balancing your impulsiveness and your anger. Keep up the good work here and now. You have good intuition and if you will only learn to listen to it more, then you would be better off. You like to push the envelope and rebel, but you also know when it is in your best interests to stop pushing and just go along. Although you like reform, you will not accept it at all costs. You have a personal magnetism and can become a leader, not for power, but because your foresight allows you to see how things will work themselves out. Unusual experiences tend to happen to you, but you take them all in stride because you enjoy a good challenge.

The planets Mars and Uranus are in Positive aspect at birth. This is a wonderful aspect for those who can respond to the vibrations of the mysterious planet Uranus. Gives great true energy, mental and physical. Stimulates original thoughts and therefore those who do respond, geniuses in any field. Favors inventors and those who can devise and construct. It is a view that gives confidence and self-sufficiency, making those who are under the influence of reformers, with love and proceeding of any progress. You all respects open-minded, liberal and unafraid against public opinion - you can become an enthusiastic fan of metaphysics, philosophy or astrology. This view also shows, that does not go unnoticed, but are active and majestic. Your goals are advanced and not settle for the social status quo, although usually it welcomes you and supports you. Appearance leader, and warrior.

4.20 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Pluto Trine Mars

You believe in yourself and the missions you undertake. You have a strong sense of self-confidence and will power that will not admit defeat. You know what you want and how to go about getting it in the most constructive manner. You are a natural leader and people look to you to show them the way. You have strong opinions and are not afraid to voice them or to stand up for what you believe. You are interested in making reforms when something could be made better. You have the drive, the stamina and the persistence to succeed at anything you desire. Sometimes you can become so engrossed in a project that you are unable to quit, even when you are physically worn out. You need to listen to your physical body and stop before you are exhausted. Your ego is strong but you are usually understated about it as you do not always need to be the center of attention. You like to be in total control of your life and prefer to be the leader in any situation. Since this is not always possible, you may need to learn how to cooperate and compromise better. You like the unknown and the mysterious and want to get to the bottom of things. You want answers. Issues of life after death may be particularly interesting to you. Perhaps one of the healing arts is of significance to you. For all you know, perhaps you have healing ability. You are a natural detective and ferret and you can size up people and situations accurately and relatively quickly. Little escapes your notice. You prefer depth rather than breadth. You do not care to fight verbally, but will if necessary. Although you may control your anger quite well, when you do lose your temper, it is very explosive.

Positive Mars in aspect with Pluto, that means you are a creative person, you know you fight for your goals, and support your positions, not become abusive or aggressive. Your power to discover the hidden secrets of others, gives you the ability to offer great assistance to people who have psychological problems. In love matters will coping very well, because you have great mastery in the way you transmit your sexuality. This view gives you the ability to keep secrets, to exert some undercover work and keep a revolutionary and progressive attitude.

6.08 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mercury Conjunction Mars

You have an alert, quick and ready mind for any mental activity, exercise or game. You love a good debate and you are ever-ready to learn more about almost anything. You love to read and it is perhaps the way you get most of your information. You enjoy working on several projects at a time and you probably have some sort of mechanical ability. You love working with your hands and you may even be ambidextrous. When you speak, you not only speak with your mouth but with your hands as well. There may be mathematical or scientific ability with this aspect. Along with a sharp mind comes a sharp tongue. At times you display no tact whatsoever when you speak your mind and you need to learn to think before you speak. Hoof-in-mouth syndrome is something that is all too familiar with you. You love sarcasm and you don't mind a little good-natured taunting, either on the giving end or the receiving end. You generally express your thoughts in a clear, decisive, forceful and convincing style. You have leadership abilities and can talk up a storm, whether you really know what you are talking about or not. A little b.s. never hurt anyone, right? You love pointing out the flaws and discrepancies in someone else's arguments. You can be verbally aggressive and abrasive at times and there are times where you overstate your case or offend people by your unadorned frankness. You can be an effective spokesperson, lawyer or salesperson. You have the power to persuade just from using the sheer force of words. You may have writing talent and ability as well, particularly geared toward criticism or satire. You love mental challenges. You are quite independent, determined, courageous, with the energy to succeed in life. Learn to think before speaking, though, since you could easily lose friends through your bluntness and sarcasm.

The Synod of Mercury and Mars, is a powerful position, which conveys great energy in your mind, making you very active and energetic mentally. This position sharpens the mind and gives you quick perception. You have a comprehensive view of life, but more than physical rather than idealistic standpoint, being able to get in touch with the world thought, especially in matters of business and work. But be careful with the urge, because your mind tends to run too much on objects. However, it is a favorable position because it makes the mind acid, penetrating, cunning and active. Do not overestimate or exaggerated, it is likely to exaggerate things too much and thus become overly optimistic.

6.77 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Sextile Mars

You enjoy and have a flair for coming up with creative solutions to problems by using your powers of visualization and imagination. You are a fairly passive person who would rather avoid conflict and confrontation in favor of more peaceful or subtle methods of resolving problems. You like to work with others for some cause that will benefit those around you who are less fortunate than you. In your mind serving them is one of the best ways to reach for God. And you are correct in that notion. You have a flair for the dramatic, the musical, the artistic and the poetic. Channeling your energies into these sorts of activities helps keep you in a positive frame of mind and emotion. It also helps you keep control of your imagination so your thoughts and ideas don't run away with you. You have the ability to bring your dreams into reality, for you tend to be a practical idealist. You have a mystical side to you and you may be attracted to the occult. There is a personal magnetism about you that attracts others, especially those in need. You have the ability to be patient and lovingly assertive. Because of your kindnesses to others in past lives, you have some degree of spiritual protection from hidden enemies who might seek to undo you. You have learned that patience will bring you whatever you desire and to this end you will work hard. You are compassionate towards people and animals and you are usually a soft touch for any hard-luck story. The sea has a rejuvenating effect on you and you would probably benefit from its vibrations.

Mars and the planet Neptune Positive are on view at birth - a favorable influence that adds to your overall executive ability and make you sought after in groups because your personal magnetism offers are abundant and likeable. This aspect gives great scope to the aspirations and makes you capable of planning big things. Whether you will be able to realize fully the great designs depends mainly on the sides of the Sun, Moon and Mercury and also your physical determination and stability. Why is there a certain variability in this aspect. Gives an intense color perception and good combination with good views of the Moon or Mercury, gives a special talent in painting. You can use your imagination to make your plans. You are honest, intelligent and idealistic and watch your behavior, which is very kind.

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Sun at 25°51'42'' Sagittarius

You tend to be idealistic, optimistic, dependable, open- minded, friendly, honest and versatile. But, you can also be tactless, irresponsible, showy, boastful, self-righteous, arrogant, quarrelsome, fanatical, dogmatic and dictatorial. You like any work where foresight and a willingness to take a chance is offered, while at the same time, you try to avoid detailed work. You are usually outspoken, sometimes to the point of bluntness. Simply blurting out your ideas and opinions is due to their never-ending search for truth and wisdom. Others think you are pretty tactless and the statement that "truth hurts" fits your way of thinking. Regardless of your undiplomatic remarks, others instinctively feel as if you means you no real harm and is only interested in raising their consciousness. You love the outdoors, large animals, nature and sports. Some times you have reckless gambling tendencies and will bet it all on the drop of a hat. Travel and even long walks appeal to you because they make you feel free - and you needs to feel free. You are philosophical and you want to understand the deeper issues and abstractions of life. You have a certain faith in higher things that generally always keeps you of an optimistic bent, no matter what difficulties are currently besetting you. You want to understand the meaning of life. This helps to keep you growing and expanding, which is something you need to do. This desire for expansion can cause you to overextend yourselves with too many activities and to use up your energy too rapidly. You need to take intervals of rest to recuperate between projects. You need to learn how to concentrate on your current projects and stick with them to the end. Always full of enthusiasm, you tend to show it more at the start of new endeavors, then it tends to lessen as the project goes along and gets stuck in details, or the going gets a little rough, or it simply gets a little boring. Although you are ordinarily healthy, you can run into trouble due to overindulgence in food and drink. You are known for your friendliness, helpfulness and subtle humor. You are good conversationalists and enjoy debating merely for the sake of debating. You have a real gift for making friends and you can go anywhere in the world without ever feeling lonely, for you acquire friends along the route. You have humanitarian instincts and are practical in expressing them. You will tend to help anyone who is in need. Others can usually depend on your loyalty and honesty, for there is nothing devious or manipulative in your nature. You are extremely independent and restless, with a real need for personal freedom. You can experience claustrophobia, either physical or emotional. This is why you are reluctant to get into total commitment situations and often shy away from marriage. In love, you are highly romantic, but you need your partner to be intelligent and communicative. You hate jealousy and possessiveness on the part of your partner, especially since you are fond of flirting. You enjoy the chase more than the capture. Careerwise, you are reluctant to become tied down to a set schedule, so will experiment with a variety of jobs. You do best in careers that permit you to travel about, either locally or widely. You also like dealing directly with people, either selling or promoting ideas, products, etc. You may overlook small details, but your overall sense of planning is excellent. You have good memories. The challenge of a problem is what interests you, for it caters to your enjoyment in exploring the unknown. Playing games comes easily to you and it is the journey you enjoy rather than the destination.

You who have the Sun in Sagittarius, you are perceptive, prescient, self-reliant, cheerful, optimistic and happy, if somewhat anxious, hyperactive and sometimes too outspoken, forthright and assertive. If not careful, can say and express more, than you would be wise. You are very sincere and honest, generous and loyal to Him with whom you relate. Seek always be philosophical, but you should add some scientific knowledge as a solid foundation in all thoughts and actions. Do you have a religious spirit and you are committed to the ones you love.

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Moon at 22°49'57'' Capricorn

You tend to be very serious and responsible, thinking that duty calls first before all else. You are not comfortable displaying your emotions for all to see and you certainly don't want them to think that you need help and support. You never want to appear emotionally weak. There is a great sense of ambition within you, perhaps because you feel unloved, unwanted or inadequate. You then work very hard because it makes you feel important or needed. You need to feel secure in your own authority. Security needs are what drive you. You may be shy and insecure over your own worth and can be overly sensitive to real or imagined hurts. Sometimes you feel as though you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You are especially uncomfortable with emotional dependency, and will tell yourself and others (even children) not to be a "baby". You need to accept that no one is self-sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with your "childish" emotional needs and wants. To others, you may appear to be rather hard-nosed and tough, with a business-like attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Your feelings and loyalties run deep, but you often do not let people know how much you care. You also need to learn to relax, enjoy yourself, and play sometimes. You are conservative, reliable and ambitious. You have the ability to bring plans to completion. On the negative side, you may be ruthless in your desire for power and success. Selfishness and manipulation are possible. You desire recognition. The emotions are steady, but can be quite cold.

The Moon in Capricorn. This gives you enough self-control and restraint. Sometimes you tend to close yourself and do not be at all welcoming and, although your moods may change, this feature of containment and coldness will always resets. You have patience and perseverance to follow what you decided and, although you may encounter many struggles and trials will look great obsession. You have caution and carefulness, a manifest practical ability and an entrepreneurial instinct and careful and thrifty. This position may put you in a public post, because it has a great relationship with many rather than few and will bring you close to others through collaboration, partnership, friendship or marriage. You need to cultivate optimism and enthusiasm. In somewhat different language, we can say that somewhat limit yourself and show excessive stress on social projection. You conservatives like the classic furniture, you want to follow the traditional folkways and finally, be strict and austere. Another hobby you might have, is the political, either as a profession or as a hobby, etc.

Moon at 2 House

The Moon in the Second House of the horoscope will make your financial range. Success will come to life through the practice of public goods, or in connection with liquids or with cases where there is quick and sudden movement. Generally indicates receptivity in terms of money and common sense is generally taken into account with regard to economic movements. All public or commercial matters will pull and you are qualified for public office. Promises success through travel, but your property is subject to many changes. For what your efforts should be directed in a volatile business or a profession, which play an important role in the liquid element or movement. Your mind is original, energetic and full of fantasy or romance.

Aspects Moon

0.63 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Venus Conjunction Moon

You are a very warm-hearted, compassionate and sympathetic person who will always go out of their way for someone in need. You are affectionate and no matter who the person is, you are willing to nurture them, to mother them and take care of their needs. You want to find a partner who values marriage, home and family as much as you do. You are offended by unkindness, harshness or bad manners. You have charm and grace and are very much at home in any social setting. You are the consummate host or hostess because you always make people feel welcome and appreciated. You are a wonderful listener and people come to you with their problems because they know you will not pass judgment on them or try to control them and their actions. You probably have talent and skill in art or music or you perhaps have a beautiful singing voice. You are a bit vain over your appearance and there may be a lazy streak in you at times that keeps you from getting your hands dirty over the crummy jobs in life that we all have to face. You have too great a desire for rich and sweet food and you need to exercise a bit more self-control in this area. You tend to overeat when your emotions are not balanced. If done to excess, this will cause health problems later on. You don't particularly like to exercise and work up a sweat. You have a warm and friendly personality which makes you very popular, even if you are basically shy within. You have a love for beauty, harmony, peace and luxury and your artistic skills may be put to good use through such crafts as dressmaking, flower arrangement or interior decorating. In general, this aspect gives favorable health, good relationships, financial well-being, though there may be fluctuations because of poor spending habits, and comforts in life. There is a great love of pleasure which needs to be moderated.

Moon conjunct Venus loves satisfactions, will give you a good environment, if you allow this vibration to manifest. Like the subtle and possibly artistic pursuits and you will be lucky and successful in the majority of the projects that will catch your attention. You have a nice character and a very pleasant personality. Personal or outer side of your life is the best, and is in many ways very different from the internal or personal side, so that in this life you will learn more through the satisfactions and social life, rather than by withdrawing the mind or purely mental aspect of development. You will pass pleasantly through life.

6.03 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Sextile Moon

You have a wonderful imagination and are very sensitive and intuitive. You are gentle, kind-hearted, romantic, sympathetic and compassionate. You are always there to listen to other people's problems and you never judge them for what they have done. You are idealistic and inspirational and find great emotional fulfillment through the arts, whether it be painting, music, drama or dance. You may take an interest in photography or anything having to do with the sea. You are able to sacrifice your own needs if it will mean helping another. You are very creative and need to express yourself this way to stay emotionally balanced. You have interest in metaphysics or occult science, as well as ability, even if it is now only dormant. You are particularly attuned to the vibrations in your environment so you should pay attention to the people and situations with which you surround yourself. The beauty and harmony of your surroundings has a very powerful effect on your emotions. You will go out of your way to keep the peace, to avoid confrontation and to make everybody happy. You give unsparingly of your time to help others and in this respect are completely selfless. You have a great need to be of service to others. You may experience prophetic dreams.

The Moon at the time of your birth is in Positive aspect with Neptune. This makes you able to accept some of the beneficial rays of this distant planet and translate them into feelings and ideas through the physical brain. It is a beneficial influence, which extends sympathies, increases feelings and adds an artistic element in your nature, with a piece inspired poetic talent. Undoubtedly'm completion gives character and adds a greater charm to the personality, making a person less enjoyable for everyone, without deducting any necessary reservation. Those who have difficulties or mentally challenged or materials always win your sympathy. You attract the sensual aspect of art and have strong sense of natural beauty.

6.72 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mercury Conjunction Moon

You are interested in the motivations, feelings, personal life and problems of others. You are a sympathetic listener, but you love to endlessly discuss your own experiences and feelings. You have a talent for getting people to open up to you and tell you everything about their lives, dreams, desires, and other things that are personally meaningful to them. People seek you out to get your advice and to be their sounding board. With this ability you could be an excellent interviewer, reporter, or biographer. You make a natural psychologist and counselor. You need to control your tendency toward idle talk and gossip, though. You may be interested in the study of anything ancient, subjects like history, archeology, genealogy, etc. You want to know where your roots are. Other areas that appeal to you are psychology, symbolism, mythology, and various and different languages. This aspect gives wit, cleverness, a fine sense of humor and superficiality. You have a keen and perceptive mind and a good memory, but sometimes it is clouded by emotional biases. You love change and variety and probably enjoy travel a great deal. Because your emotions and rational thinking are so closely joined, you fluctuate from being extremely logical to being very emotional.

Moon conjunct Mercury gives you an excellent mind and endows you with quick and accurate perception. Livestock and logical side of the mind is merged, but your logic always makes me lean more towards the human side of life than to brute. The longer you allow the logic to guide you, the more you realize the life and purpose and this is one of the necessary things you need to succeed. You can cultivate truth and honesty advantageously, because doing so will wake up your mind to greater awareness of it. This will speed up your mind and you will gain knowledge much faster than if you let the usual attraction of Hermes to charm you with only parts which are so much appreciated by smaller minds.


Sun Sagittarius - Moon Capricorn

Mixing this influence indicates that you have wonderful entrepreneurship, fertile, executive and full of drawings and plans. You are practical and diligent, but have a greater tendency for businesses, rather than for social or family life. Because the business element is very strong in you, you will do all things to succumb to it. You have a good ear and love music, which, if developed, can become almost a passion. Like the beauty and splendor and things should be always in great climates for you. If you turn your attention to the art, you'll fare very well, but I think that companies are more likely to absorb your thinking.

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Mind Skills

Mercury at 16°06'24'' Capricorn

Your mind is clear, disciplined, serious, practical, organizing, objective and realistic, and you are unimpressed by exaggerated claims or promises. You want to know the facts behind any statement or idea you hear. Your natural skepticism often borders on cynicism. You have a rational approach to problems and are usually quite level-headed no matter what the circumstances. Your are capable of working long hours with focused concentration and attention on whatever interests you. You probably have a good memory and are very attentive to details. At times you appear to others as lacking a sense of humor, boring, or depressed. You simply have a lot on your mind. You are thorough, conscientious, and disciplined in your thinking, and have an aptitude for business, organization, and administration. You are also a good strategist, and will plan and patiently follow a realistic course which will lead to your eventual success. Serious-minded and studious, you enjoy quiet time alone for thinking or reading. You seldom indulge in foolish or silly chatter for you consider them a waste of valuable time which is better spent on more productive things.

Mercury in Capricorn, make your mind steady and careful, diplomatic and profound. This position offers a truly intelligent mind and gives you the power to keep your secrets and use discretion in the discussion. It will bring honor and recognition to all intellectual pursuits. You excel in life through ambition, aided by the tact and resourcefulness and you should never be afraid to take responsibility and organization. You have a systematic and tidy mind, that makes you qualified for methodical work. You are absolute in any intellectual work. You can read Astrology and related subjects. It is always to your advantage if you cultivate righteousness in thought.

Mercury at 2 House

Mercury in the Second House. This is conducive to profit through correspondence, letters and writing. Also for economic success in literary pursuits and generally, teachers and artistic professions. Although generally a good place for Mercury and when under good guidance will be very favorable regarding travel and short movements, on the other hand is not favorable when attacked. You have the mental capacity for economic and earn either through trade or through scientific research, lectures, etc. But care must be taken against theft and fraud, because in some phases of your life you might fall victim to fraudsters.

Aspects Mercury

0.69 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Neptune Sextile Mercury

You have an unusual amount of imagination and are very good at visualization. You have dreams and visions and can make these a reality by bringing them into your rational, conscious, and logical mind for practical implementation. You are open to metaphysical subjects such as astrology, telepathy and various other occult areas such as healing. In fact, you may have healing power through the laying on of hands. You have the ability to tap into your subconscious mind and bring the ideas found there into your consciousness. Your mind is inspired and you have an aptitude for art, creative writing, poetry, drama or music. You prefer the artistic world over the scientific and you learn more by soaking things up rather than forced book-learning. You have a love of the sea because of its ability to soothe your nerves. You have a high degree of intuition and inspiration. You have sensitivity to the higher realms that can be developed more fully. You may tap those higher realms in your dreams.

The favorable aspect between the planets Mercury and Neptune are favorable to your intellect, because it makes you too receptive to the charm of music and poetry and all the high emotions and adds some mystical tint to your mental constitution. The romantic adventures that will happen in your life, you will have a great effect on the mind.Cognitive sympathies are broad and have many friends in the world of intellect, especially among mystics and pious writers. You should try to experience the daily life of some superior ideas to keep at your mind, because this influence tends to leave to remain forever unfulfilled ideas. There is definitely an artistic influence that gives great ability to plot cases or original designs. The sea will carry a special attraction on you. In short, you have a creative imagination and sensitivity, people are gifted, kind and attractive. You can become good writers, because you can perfectly describe the images of your imagination and expose your ideas.

1.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Pluto Trine Mercury

Your mind is deep and penetrating and you are interested in anything secret, mysterious, or hidden, including the deeper aspects of the human psyche. You have an aptitude for research, private investigation, detective work, psychology and anything having to do with death or life after death. You are drawn to occult or esoteric studies and want to get to the truth. You prefer depth of knowledge rather than breadth of knowledge. You do not disclose your intentions easily, although you want to know what everyone else is up to or planning. You prefer to work behind the scenes as that way there are less people to disturb you and there are also less people that know what you're really doing. You may have healing ability with your hands and perhaps could be an excellent masseuse or physical therapist. You probably have mechanical ability and you enjoy taking things apart to see how they work. You are always up for a good mystery and ferreting out information is like a game for you. You have a fine ability to communicate your knowledge to others. You analyze all situations with logic and intuition. Your mind is geared toward reform and transformation. You have self-discipline, self-confidence and intellectual abilities which gain you recognition from your peers. You are always interested in why people act the way they do and say the things they say. You have the knack for being able to study any subject in depth. Very little escapes your notice and you have the ability to quickly and accurately size up people and situations for what they really are.

Mercury Positive in aspect with Pluto in your birth, means you are multifaceted individuals with excellent structure thinking. Easily understand the feelings of others and completely understand the psyche them. Radiate sensuality and quickly create sympathies. You have talent to deal with all professions relating to group psychology. Also, will easily repel the sorrows and refresh your thoughts, to overcome any obstacles and thus will soothe the nervous system tension.

6.03 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Uranus Trine Mercury

You possess lightning-quick physical and mental responses to stimuli of all kinds. You have an electric nature about you that won't let you sit still. You love being involved with several projects at the same time because you do not like to be bored. You are open-minded, independent, original, eccentric, creative, unusual, a bit of a genius and a free-thinker. New ideas and concepts are important to you and you encourage everyone you come into contact with to experiment and try new things. You are intuitive and many insights come from your Higher Self. You like an unstructured environment free from rules and regulations where you can respond to the needs of the moment. Routine, repetitive work makes you nuts. Your mind functions in an intuitive, nonlinear fashion and sudden insights and flashes of inspiration often come to you "out of the blue". You hate being told what to do and how to do it. You need to discover your own truths and experience things for yourself first-hand. You are better suited to a fast-paced atmosphere where things happen and change all the time. You love science and new technology and you like keeping up with all the state- of-the-art inventions, products and ideas. You have an interest in occult subjects such as astrology. You have a talent for writing, speaking and communicating your ideas to others and are always ready to listen to new and unusual thoughts and concepts.

The planet Mercury and Uranus are in Positive view at the time of your birth. This is one of the best views can be Hermes for those who do intellectual and spiritual progress, because it gives an occult source and mental tension and make the person suitable for the study of Astrology and underlying metaphysical issues. You are resourceful, have broad concept and as life progresses, you will be interested more and more superior thought. You have strong analytical ability, but you are perceptive and possess an inner perception that makes you quickly understand your environment. It is a good aspect regarding travel or new acquaintances. Also, you are brilliant, original and creative. Your skills are too many, because they are coping as easily as both technocrats and as theorists. You view on everything and experiencing everything documented. The best view for inventors, researchers, dealing with electronic media and analysts and astrologers.

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Money, Property

Moon at 2 House

You want and perhaps need to possess both money and possessions for your emotional security. Your feelings and emotional well-being are connected with your material resources. Changes and fluctuations will occur in your financial situation. Perhaps you alternate between being thrifty and careless with your money. Concerning vocation: the emphasis here is on self-worth. You need a work structure that allows public view or access, or working with women or the public. Like a pretty piece of jewelry in a department store window, you should be within the public's view while working. This may not entail working with the public directly, however. You feel as if you need to be seen while working. Becoming one with your work allows you to identify personally and emotionally with some life purpose and to project this to the public at large. Because you so closely identify with your work, your ideas of how successful you are as a person are directly tied in with the success you feel at your work environment.

This is an indication that you are fluctuations in economic affairs, and your income will increase and decrease as the moon. Therefore, it is obvious that, if necessary, an occupation, occupations where the main feature is the fast turnaround, would be the best for you. Apparent success of investments in public companies and cooperatives, but must pay attention to all the businesses related to public benefits or those supplying the general public in one way or another. It fascinates easily on public needs and requirements.

Mercury at 2 House

You may use your wit, knowledge, and versatility to make money. At the very least you like to talk about money - it is on your mind. You may earn money with an ability to communicate ideas to others through writing and speaking. You may have financial skill, but your money may come and go, regardless.

This position promises profits through literary occupations, agencies, publications, etc., in other words, by any sedentary work that employs more the mind rather than the body. You have several business skills and resourceful and possessive in terms of money, but you should beware of fraud and theft and be careful when you sign financial documents. Score well on all matters requiring a fast and journalism or businesses and occupations associated with printing, shipping, factoring, etc. will offer you the most efficient ways of income.

Venus at 2 House

You attract money and personal possessions, especially when needed. You spend money as fast as you earn it, sometimes faster. Your hidden talents can be beneficial to others, if you apply yourself. Don't be afraid to work. Your money is used to buy beautiful, artistic, and or musical things. You like a certain amount of luxury to surround you. Money may come to you through a partner or relationship.

Venus irrelevant in the Second House of the horoscope, this is very favorable in terms of overall your financial affairs and shows that will have great success in all financial matters. The issues are governed by the planet Venus, bringing luck and prosperity. Venus favors the music, the singing, the arts and all those things that serve the satisfaction and happiness of others. You are pretty much lucky to all your financial transactions and will win, either through inheritance or through your profession, business, or a partner. In fact it does not matter which way you turn your attention to profit - you will always be big or little success.

Venus at 23°27'57'' Capricorn

Love and affections are expressed in cautious, reserved and serious ways. You are probably not that demonstrative towards the ones you love. You care very much about what other people think of you and you fervently desire love and appreciation, yet your reserved responses make it appear that you are really very detached. Casual, superficial relationships don't interest you at all. You are cautious and serious about love and you want a deep, genuine, lasting love. You are old- fashioned and traditional regarding courtship and love, and will remain faithful to your loved one in good times and in bad. You may be attracted to persons older than yourself, someone who is emotionally mature and reliable and who can provide the security you desire. You tend to be loyal, trustworthy, patient and steadfast. For you love may be weighed against practical concerns or on the basis of security needs. Perhaps you'll marry for money or status. You have a strong desire to protect yourself from being hurt and this may keep you from being as outgoing and forward in love matters. You may be very fearful, selfish and jealous or cold and calculating if Venus is badly aspected. There may be an intense ambition and desire for prestige and status.

This shows that, even though you have a compassionate nature, you also have enough prudence, tact, self-control and is unlikely to let your feelings lead you astray. You have faith and stability when you accept a person, either in love or friendship, you do not change or forget easily. This position is sometimes delayed marriage or insert some obstacles you are in bad directions, this may be caused by economic problems, social status, employment, or because of one of their parents. But when you are under good guidance, can benefit greatly from all these sources. You have practical, economic capacity and can easily learn to handle money, investments or businesses. It is possible to win in life if exercised due care. Would win the larger and higher and you might get fame and friendship of people with higher social status. Also, you are somewhat selfish, seeking visibility and social affirmation, like volleyball, you have classic taste, stable emotions and decisive reactions and be patient and persistent. This influence sometimes gives an energetic devotion to you, from a woman who stands tall in the social life.

Aspects Venus

6.66 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Sextile Venus

You are a sensitive person with a lot of artistic imagination and a flair for creating beautiful things or environments. You find peace in listening to good music and many times it will be the catalyst for your trips of fantasy. You are romantic and would like to have a story-book kind of life where you live in bliss with your one and only soulmate. These are indeed high ideals, but it's okay for you to dream because at the same time you are dreaming, you are able to keep your feet on the ground and not get carried away by it all. You are compassionate and seek to help others who are in need. You are a natural "giver" and it makes you happy to serve. You want what's best for all concerned and you do not have a problem with your ego getting in the way. You find it difficult to be too assertive as you like peace and harmony, without making waves. You are capable of great sacrifice for those you love and you do not necessarily need to be recognized for that or receive anything in return. You have a mystical side to you and you like being around artistic or mystical people. Church music stirs your soul and is as a breath of fresh air from your true home, the heaven worlds. You may have real talent with music or singing. You are devoted and devotional. You generally root for the underdog and can sometimes be a sucker for a sob story. You will attract people in this lifetime who will help you continue the soul growth you started in previous lives.

The favorable aspect between the planets Venus and Neptune extends sympathies and refines your sexual nature, making you deeply sensitive to the beauty of nature while you easily earn higher ideals of life and conduct. It is, however, much more difficult to live these ideals in practical life, because you have a tendency to stay a dreamer beautiful dream. For this, we must try to realize with some practical form the beautiful ideas with which you feel full of yourself. This can take the form of a decorative work, painting, music, theater or a more practical field work, such as care of the sick, etc., depending on the general trends of your horoscope. This view shows that you have a creative imagination, artistic skills, radiate harmony and have very subtle ways. You become irritable when disturbed the harmony around you. Create excellent relationships with different types of people and show understanding and compassion to the world's problems. Like the sea, although you may not be good sailors.

Jupiter in 4 Corner House

The Angular position of Jupiter is a reliable indicator of success in all matters related to the economy and because; angles represent things that occur at some time in your life, you will be able to accumulate wealth or possessions, rightfully or through inheritance. Of course, there will be some periods where financial matters may not be as favorable as other times, but in general, throughout the course of your life you have nothing to fear about money. This planet gives greater luck during the couple. In all financial matters Tuesday is probably the best and most your lucky day.

Basic Sign in beginning of 2 House

A Fundamental zodiac governs the financial house of your horoscope. This means that you show ambition on economic success in life, you will spend great energy in acquiring wealth and accumulate more through your action and hard work, rather than by other means. Thus, you are able to ascend to higher positions in life, when there is a financial incentive to continue. The changes are good, regarding your financial situation and there is enough profit spirit within you, that make you able to tell quickly where you can earn more money and the type of investments and ventures that are likely to prove profitable. Possessiveness is quite developed.

2 House Capricorn at 16°56'52''

The 2nd house in Capricorn: tendency to tighten the purse strings in. Property and related activities mines.

Saturn Ruler of Capricorn

You tend to be thrifty, practical and responsible, especially with money and possessions. This placement does not deny money, but you must work hard for it. Sometimes you are so busy squirreling away money that you forget to enjoy it. Having money set aside for a rainy day is fine, but you probably don't need as much as you tend to want to have set aside. Poverty is possible with this placement due to a lack of understanding of the true value of money and possessions. There is a tendency to become depressed over material matters. Your possessions are apt to bring worries rather than happiness because you may need to learn to share with others. There may have been too much emphasis on materialism in past lives. You may need to re-evaluate your values. Attitudes of possessiveness toward others must be changed. Feelings of being unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated occur with this position. You must value yourself before others can value you. Love yourself first.

Saturn irrelevant in the Second House of your natal horoscope, this is not very favorable sign, because it causes delays and obstacles to progress and economic growth. However, promises gains industriousness, slow and steady perseverance and grace in carefulness, frugality and economy. Through pure motives can acquire wealth over time and through careful investment, you might have some success more than usual. It is favorable for those who were not born in a good environment because it suggests more toil and truly hard work rather than luck in financial matters. However, you are very fair in your dealings.

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Communications, Short Journeys

Saturn at 3 House

Your mind is serious, exacting, patient and orderly plus you have the ability to concentrate on deep subject matter. With this ability comes a tendency to depression, pessimism, loneliness or despondency. You have organizational ability and are probably conservative and traditional in your thinking. Mathematics and strategy games may appeal to you. Time consuming projects do not bother you. You may feel a bit isolated from siblings and neighbors or they may give you trouble. There may be issues of communication with either. Try to stay optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. Your lungs need plenty of oxygen, so try to sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Saturn exerts influence in the Third House of your horoscope will cause disruption and delay on travel and movements that attempt. Better be prepared for disappointments in relation to travel. You will gain many experiences that will come through grief or sadness about traveling. This position is contrary regarding your agreement with relatives or siblings and possibly alienating them or suffer from their actions, because their attitude towards you will sometimes be cold and distant. Like the occult and mystical and will seek to immerse yourself in the themes which promote mental things. Gives you the ability to read in depth astrology and related topics.

Saturn at 19°08'25'' Aquarius

You possess practical common sense, self-discipline and inner sources of strength which provide stamina. Although humane in nature with a friendly and sympathetic disposition, you may have difficulty in understanding other people's goals. You need to learn tolerance for other people and must develop forgiveness. You have the ability to exercise system, organization, discipline and tact in unusual and non- traditional ways. You can think ahead and plan things with an inventive flair. Seeing things in a whole new way is one of your strengths. You tendency is to be serious, impersonal, detached and scientific. On the negative side you can be opinionated, vindictive, cold and uncaring with a tendency to get quite aggravated if your plans are met with opposition.

In your birth Saturn is in Aquarius, this means that will control important destiny, acting as a barrier or restriction on your impulses. It gives strength and some good luck in relation to cooperatives, companies and groups, because this is a good place for the occult and mystical. It gives an ability to judge human nature, although it can sometimes He mistakes to your friends and suffer from cheating, etc., against which you should beware. You are coping well in popular movements and money matters, or investments in stocks and shares. The occult significance, promises made, depending on the strength and ability to respond to vibration of Aquarius.

Aspects Saturn

2.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Neptune Square Saturn

There is a tendency to run away from your fears and responsibilities. This tendency may manifest in using drugs or in some other activity that allows you to escape reality. There may be fear of the unknown, fear of death or fear of God. You must understand that the only way to overcome fear is by facing it squarely. Remember that Achilles was only harmed when he turned away from his enemy. That is the only way he could get hit in the heel with the arrow. Face your problems head- on and do not ignore them, hoping they will go away. In time you may learn that suffering brings obedience and obedience brings relief and salvation. You may put too great an emphasis on accumulating money, power or material goods. This may cause you to lose sight of what is really important. Think upon the story of the man who gained the whole world yet lost his own soul. Examine your priorities and rearrange them if necessary. Material wealth cannot bring happiness and you may have to learn this the hard way. You may have difficulty trusting people. This may have come about because in a past life you were forced to lose all material possessions and community standing because you trusted or loved someone too well. Things like this are allowed to happen in order to teach us the unimportance of amassing large amounts of money or property and, instead, concentrate on accumulating treasure in heaven by doing good deeds without thought of reward. Build up treasure in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroy. Learn to enjoy and appreciate your material possessions and your achievements in society, but be willing to release them tomorrow. Detach! This aspect can also breed confusion, delusion, pride of intellect and fraud. You may lose your ambition for unknown reasons. Your desire to get away from the responsibilities of life may also have this effect on you. In a past life you perhaps misused your powers of leadership when you had very little compassion, sympathy or understanding. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you".

The Negative aspect between the planets Saturn and Neptune, is an unusual and strange place and is likely to lead to significant situations at some time in your life. It is a far superior vibration, the true nature of which, today's humanity can hope to respond fully and much of his influence may pass over your head, somehow, without being touched. It is not at all favorable and seems to indicate that there is a kink, we would say, the inner nature, where time and circumstances will the show - or perhaps not ever bear fruit in this life and remain completely unnoticed. You should always be cautious towards the more subtle forms of self-interest, which there is likely to haunt you. In relation to this position, there is always a tendency to melancholy. In other words, you have insecurities. The thoughts and ideas are excellent, but be afraid to implement them and hang on others to help you. Attracted by dynamic individuals, but just as easily seduced.

Stable Sign in beginning of 3 House

Fixed Signs rule the House of trips at birth and this is an indication that will happen or little trips in your life, or that you do not like to move away from the place of your birth. Therefore, all trips will be more or less coercive circumstances or results, which you can not control; thing that can be seen with the study of that part of the chart associated with the future and called directions. There are times when it is better for you to avoid travel or to travel deliberately, because it is obvious that the experience you will gain from a stable and static position. Of course, there will be times when the journey is absolutely necessary and it will be seen from the directions.

3 House Aquarius at 21°58'42''

You have gifts for TV, radio, telecommunications etc. Make quick trips by plane, helicopter, car etc. Perhaps you are involved in journalism and radio reports. The intellect is directed toward your progress, science and inventing general.

Saturn Ruler of Aquarius

Your mind is serious, exacting, patient and orderly plus you have the ability to concentrate on deep subject matter. With this ability comes a tendency to depression, pessimism, loneliness or despondency. You have organizational ability and are probably conservative and traditional in your thinking. Mathematics and strategy games may appeal to you. Time consuming projects do not bother you. You may feel a bit isolated from siblings and neighbors or they may give you trouble. There may be issues of communication with either. Try to stay optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. Your lungs need plenty of oxygen, so try to sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Saturn exerts influence in the Third House of your horoscope will cause disruption and delay on travel and movements that attempt. Better be prepared for disappointments in relation to travel. You will gain many experiences that will come through grief or sadness about traveling. This position is contrary regarding your agreement with relatives or siblings and possibly alienating them or suffer from their actions, because their attitude towards you will sometimes be cold and distant. Like the occult and mystical and will seek to immerse yourself in the themes which promote mental things. Gives you the ability to read in depth astrology and related topics.

Uranus Second Ruler of Aquarius

Your mind is independent, original, creative, unconventional, curious, perhaps somewhat eccentric, and unusual. People around you sometimes cannot understand how you think or why you express yourself in the ways you do. You may be ahead of your time. Mental restlessness causes you to always be on the search for new information and knowledge. You have unique ways of passing this new information along to others. Frequent changes of mind are likely as new data filters through you. Relationships with siblings and neighbors are likely to be unusual and perhaps somewhat high-strung and tense at times. Boredom is seldom a problem. The desire for fresh experience may cause you to travel extensively. Intellectual freedom is important to you.

Uranus in the Third House is not at all favorable view on travel, because it is an indication of sudden and unexpected trips in your life. You like to travel and be out and about and struggling to stay permanently in one place for long. Your mind is very original and unconventional. Indicates that there is friction with your relatives or someone with whom you associate family ties, will be quirky and unusual person. Like much Astrology and metaphysical issues. It is advisable to beware of accidents when traveling or walks.

* * *

Base, Home, Seat

Jupiter at 4 House

You are generous, self-confident, hospitable and patriotic. Prosperity usually increases in later years. You desire a home that is spacious and comfortable. Parental influence is strong in shaping your character. Perhaps your parents shared a strong faith with you. Usually, considerable help and or an inheritance is received from the parents. With Jupiter well-aspected, it is better to stay where you were born rather than move away from your birthplace. Guard against becoming ostentatious and watch out for self-indulgence.

Jupiter affects the Fourth House of your horoscope and promises a good environment at the end of your life. Really, the end of your life will be better and indicates very clearly a good end of your existence. It is much better for you to stay in your home and in your home or close to it, but to stay in a foreign country or to travel far in search of success. You will earn through all those occupations that deal with social or domestic affairs and general family life. This view shows better some good that comes from parents and promises heritage. Each year of your life will be more and more prosperous and comfort is assured at the end.

4 House Pisces at 27°00'32''

Probably staying near the sea. There is a risk of disappointment in fairly mature age. It may because of the environment seems to be somewhat dreamy or deceptive, potentially resulting in some adultery.

Jupiter Ruler of Pisces

You are generous, self-confident, hospitable and patriotic. Prosperity usually increases in later years. You desire a home that is spacious and comfortable. Parental influence is strong in shaping your character. Perhaps your parents shared a strong faith with you. Usually, considerable help and or an inheritance is received from the parents. With Jupiter well-aspected, it is better to stay where you were born rather than move away from your birthplace. Guard against becoming ostentatious and watch out for self-indulgence.

Jupiter affects the Fourth House of your horoscope and promises a good environment at the end of your life. Really, the end of your life will be better and indicates very clearly a good end of your existence. It is much better for you to stay in your home and in your home or close to it, but to stay in a foreign country or to travel far in search of success. You will earn through all those occupations that deal with social or domestic affairs and general family life. This view shows better some good that comes from parents and promises heritage. Each year of your life will be more and more prosperous and comfort is assured at the end.

Neptune Second Ruler of Pisces

You may experience a sense of inner uncertainty, insecurity and confusion. Unexplainable fears and anxieties may cause you to withdraw from living. You idealize the home environment and it may be, in reality, more in your imagination rather than in fact. A spiritual tie with one or both parents is likely. A desire to live by the sea is not uncommon with this position. You may have vague recollections regarding your true roots and this uncertainty may cause difficulties. Remember, with Neptune, things are not as they appear and you need to face reality in your home environment and with respect to your parents rather than what may be in your imagination and sub- conscious.

Neptune irrelevant in the fourth house of your horoscope, this is an indication for some strange experience towards the end of life. It is difficult to speak with confidence and clarity on this planet, because little is known about the vibration. But, in the general sense, may be you happen mentioumistikis some experiences or spiritual nature and might live in a house that is haunted or where strange phenomena occurring or be attracted to places that are manifested unusual influences. For this, it will not be bad, can change occasionally residency.

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5 House Aries at 21°58'42''

You have temperament that easily takes responsibility and honest but impulsive. The Loves usually bystanders and tend to keep only one spring.

Mars Ruler of Aries

There is a desire to be creative and you will expend much energy in that direction. You may be a gambler, a risk-taker, or a speculator. You are sports-loving and enterprising and like to have a good time. There may be some friction through children due to selfishness in past lives. Attraction to and from the opposite sex is fairly certain. Much energy will probably be directed toward dating and romance.

Mars rules the fifth house of your horoscope indicates great energy and an entrepreneurial spirit you avoid impulsiveness on speculation, and on certain investments, you can use your energy profitably speculative issues. But be careful, avoid betting or risky business, where you need to rely on the honesty of others. You are somewhat free in matters related to the delights and fiery in your favorites, with a tendency to get into trouble with the opposite sex if you are not careful in your dealings with him. This effect indicates some unhappiness or some problems because of the children and warns against any careless behavior in your projects. LOVE: You are a passionate lover and sometimes show that you are sexually insatiable. Give enormous power and energy in your love relationships. You can create relationships and sometimes commitments that are windy. This does not indicate a lack of love, but rather an exaggeration in your reaction. The relationship is something very important for you.

* * *

Diseases - Work

6 House Taurus at 16°56'52''

It's your job to have to do with banks, financial institutions etc. You are patient and stubborn on the job. Finally illnesses you may encounter will be sore throats or related to nutrition.

Venus Ruler of Taurus

You are diplomatic, well liked by employees and or fellow workers and you have a desire to bring about better working conditions for them so that working will be enjoyable. This is a fairly good position for health unless you abuse your body through self-indulgence and rich, sweet food. An excess of sugar and starches should be avoided. You can be the mediator when differences of opinion occur on the job or in the office. You can bring peace and understanding.

Venus irrelevant in the Sixth House, shows a tendency to suffer genital system because extravagance or carelessness concerning the diet and habits of your life. For this, it is advisable to show restraint in all things and if you ever tricked in any way to excesses, remember that you can assign the sickness at this event. When health is lost, it is likely to be affected kidney, throat and genital tract.

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Marriage - Partnerships

Venus Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn indicates obstacles and delays in marriage, and the chance for some odd and dangerous relationships, because they're both somewhat unsettled and prone to get caught up in a very strange relationship, possibly with older people. Maybe you're too ambitious in relation to your feelings and thus bring yourself in critical position where it can harmed your reputation. It takes great effort to touched the depth of your feelings, or because you exercise great control over them or are difficult to occur in completeness. Jealousy can make you suffer intensely, because when your feelings are awakened you become too attached. Marriage: You are a loyal companion and very responsible. You are the person that will make a lot of efforts to preserve the relationship and consider in detail the issue of marriage before deciding to marry. Decide the wedding and not so young and you want to keep all the traditional habits. Your views on this topic are conservative and want to follow the footsteps of your parents on the topic. Usually, make sure to open and glamorous weddings. Many times getting married to get more social view or even to acquire more property. However, not split easily.

Venus at 2 House

You are a person who knows how to show his feelings and to feel each other's feelings. You are very loyal people and the dedication you show in your mate has no limits. Marriage for you is a very important decision, and for your character, a prerequisite for getting married is to have solve your financial problems and feel confident that you can get by with the practical part of life.

Sun in double sign

This suggests that they may marry twice or you have two relationships before coming to a final decision, because this influence is more conducive to union with others, despite the desire to live alone and free from family ties. You have the right nature that allows you to love and appreciate family life and I think you will be happier if married than if you stay alone. When the Sun is in a dual sign and there are no other indications for different wedding theme beyond, then you are probably a dual experience is necessary for the progress of the soul, so that, somehow, get to know the marital life two distinct phases.

7 House Gemini at 11°55'01''

Your marriage may have as a basis an intellectual relationship. The other half will be flexible and smart.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

Your relationships tend to gravitate towards people who are intelligent, thought-provoking, witty and learned. You desire your spouse or business partner to be sharp, curious, clever and alert. You need to communicate and exchange ideas and information with your partner. Promotion of ideas to and from others appeals to you and you are always up for a good debate, discussion or argument. You may spend much time thinking about your relationship or relationships in general. Marriage may be quite often on your mind. You desire a marriage or business partner that provides you with mental satisfaction and challenge. A partner who challenges you mentally and one who helps you function on more of an intellectual level is what you are looking for and need. Their value is enhanced if they help you better adapt and more effectively communicate with others. The person who gives you a lively flow of ideas, ideas that challenge and test your own mental processes, one who brings out your best mentally, stimulates you in a way that others may not understand. Yet that is what you seek in a partner. Your partner may be quick-witted, fluent, volatile, restless, high- strung as well as outspoken, argumentative, wordy and critical. Nervousness or mental imbalance may be present. Your partner may possibly be connected with education, writing, traveling, sales, language interpretation or clerical, secretarial, typing or computer work. In order to achieve the most positive results from any partnership you should learn to control your argumentativeness and your desire to criticize.

Mercury as an indicator of marriage shows that your partner will be very smart and intelligent, capable of speech and tend to be very honest sometimes, but critic and edgy. This effect suggests some concern and uncertainty and favors a marriage with a partner younger than you. There may be frequent correspondence in relation to your wedding and it is advisable to use caution regarding the letters, because problems may arise because documents or specifications. MARRIAGE: The person who has Mercury in the seventh house or someone marries a much younger. Usually, I find very interesting the people who are smart and accurate and relationships, in the first stage, based on spiritual communication. This guy feels very human among the crowd and has the charisma to magnetize the reason of all the other people around him. However, his partner should not be afraid and feels threat sociability. If you have a relationship with such a man, you must realize that your partner simply amused by the fact that it comes in contact with different types, without being evil and wicked purpose. Substantial need is communication.

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Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

8 House Cancer at 16°56'52''

Do watch your diet. Probability heritage property.

Moon Ruler of Cancer

You desire security and perhaps look for it through other people's possessions or resources. You have self-doubt and worry. You may be subject to jealousy, envy and possessiveness. Psychic sensitivity is noticeable and psychic abilities can be developed, hopefully along positive lines. There may be financial gain through a partnership, business or through marriage. You are intrigued by what motivates others. Preoccupation with sex or death can exist for you. Concerning vocation: A work situation dependent upon others' resources is noted. Work involving reform, transformation, rehabilitation, mystery, psychology, playing detective, or research work appeals to you.

There is a slight chance to win an inheritance perhaps from someone not associated with you, or else, you will gain something from public donation or through assumptions about the general public and which will want to reward you for a service or a public good that did. Also favors profit from associates, partners, or those who relate with you in public companies. SEX: This position shows that sex is an expression to show the deep and pure feelings, love towards your partner. You are a very erotic and you can satisfy completely the other half, but Be careful not to try to jail through sex, instead mileiste freely and express any of your needs. Be sure you understand.

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Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Uranus at 9 House

Your thinking, ideas and philosophies are original, offbeat, independent and unorthodox. There may be a desire to study metaphysics or a fringe religion or foreign culture. Sudden and unexpected long journeys are possible. Mental journeys in the form of dreams, visions, intuition and prophecies are possible. Your mind ever seeks to expand, gain knowledge and journey where it has never gone before. Too much mental activity, though, can cause nervousness and perhaps lead to a mental breakdown.

Uranus, the mysterious and occult planet, irrelevant in Ninth House, this shows that you have interest in astrology and similar topics. You have very advanced opinions and do not fix them to those who are orthodox and conservative. You have a resourceful and inventive mind with enough dose of originality to your character. You can explore the area of ​​the unknown and gain pleasure and satisfaction of all thoughts and issues nowadays considered excessive and superstitions, but irrelevant of how many critics may consider you as strange, your thinking is advanced and progressive. You can cultivate advantageously superior review, but be sure that they are indeed superior and impersonal review.

Uranus R at 10°04'03'' Virgo

The planet of radical changes in the sign of details can cause one's "genius" to come out in small ways rather than with major breakthroughs. Virgo is the sign of work and health, so Uranus (or any planet) is kept busy here. People with this placement will constantly tend to look for new ways to improve their work. They will also be attracted to the very latest in health technology. This can get them into big trouble because they will tend to think that something is good because it is new.

This position predisposes to fighting for social causes, to be independent unionism, to care for groundbreaking medical science, cars, electronics, etc. Shows also good friends in the working environment and gives a sudden success in business and work, and an unexpected promotion. When you are in bad directions, you may experience health problems and difficulties at work for political reasons.

Aspects Uranus

4.15 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Pluto Conjunction Uranus

There is power here to help you change outdated social systems and structures should you desire to do so. Whether you use this power for your own selfish purposes or to help uplift humanity is up to you. You can be sure that ruin will follow you if you only use this power for your own gain. Some form of involvement with the masses is indicated. You have much willpower and stamina if you don't get side-tracked with too many different projects. Focus on one thing at a time before moving on to the next. If you are tempted to swerve from the straight and narrow remember that "those who live by the sword die by the sword". Here's another truth to remember - "You will always reap what you sow, so sow carefully and wisely". In some manner, you may make an imprint upon society.

This position gives strange originality in love and strange modern scientific thought on the issue: what does matter.

6.73 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Sextile Uranus

You have the power, either dormant or active, to raise your consciousness through spiritual training, exercises or aspirations. You are idealistic and enjoy learning and hearing about all types of philosophies. You are tolerant towards others' beliefs. You are probably very intuitive and imaginative, possessing psychic potential.

The favorable view among the distant planets of our system, Neptune and Uranus, is an influence, which will have little real effect on in your outer life, and its effects are directed more against the inner nature or character. Indicates that the subjective and objective elements of your character are in harmonious balance and therefore the outer life is not likely to be disturbed by sudden outflows of energy coming from within. While it may be regarded as a very favorable position, should not count too much on this, for traditional sense favorable because its influence is far removed from the natural life, to have a direct effect and therefore the faces of the other planets in the natal horoscope, will be comparatively much more powerful.

Pluto at 9 House

You are intuitive and may be clairvoyant. Travel in other dimensions is possible during sleep. There is an inherent interest in religion and philosophy. You want to know why and how. There can be the danger of such total belief in your own ideas that it borders on fanaticism, with total disregard for the thoughts and beliefs of others. Develop tolerance for other's beliefs. You search for Truth as a starving man looks for food. You want to know everything. Metaphysical experiences are possible and transformation can occur through dreams, long distance travel or philosophical insights and revelations. You can suffer mental strain from studying too intensely. You must control your desire to always be right no matter what.

Pluto in the ninth house indicates strong mental ability to philosophical issues, making you looking for in depth about the truth of ideas that will read. Would you like mystical philosophy, caving, espionage and maybe take some secret mission abroad.

Pluto R at 14°13'24'' Virgo

This happened the last time from 1956 to 1971. By contrast with the Pluto in Leo generation, which made riots on the campus, Pluto in Virgo people are more concerned with work and health, preferring to be active in the background rather than being in the spotlight. Of course, this is just one placement, and again, I must emphasize to look at the whole chart before reaching a final conclusion. Remember that Pluto stays in a sign for about 14 years at a stretch and shows the underlying traits shared by an entire generation.

Pluto in Virgo, gives penetrating wit and great sense of criticism and justice.

Aspects Pluto

2.57 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you.

Like everyone of your generation, you have the opportunity to help others for the good of humanity. Use any physical or mental strength to help those around you.

9 House Leo at 21°58'42''

You superior idealistic arrests. Probability of success or teaching abroad. Or, and religious or diplomatic mission. The birth of a child abroad is possible.

Sun Ruler of Leo

You may wish to find, understand, live and accept a higher ideal or philosophy. But, then again, you may be one who insists upon scientific proof before anything can be believed. You can be the far- sighted thinker, one of high ideals and tolerance of other people's views or the dogmatic fanatic who just parrots what others have told you. Generally, there is a quest for truth and wisdom and a love of travel, not necessarily physical. You may have an aptitude for foreign languages and a love of foreign culture.

Promises success in philosophical issues. You have very deep feelings about religion and spiritual matters and thoughts are higher and noble. You may have a very broad outlook on life in general and are not restricted by the very conventionality. This influence brings success in all the affairs of the ninth house, such as legal issues, external issues, as well as the long trips to other countries and the things associated with the higher mind. There behind you a good spiritual influence and as your faith grows, you will learn to come into contact with the upper part of your true self.

* * *

Career - Public Image

Mutable Sign in beginning of 10 House

Variable signs relevant to your profession and show a tendency to follow pursuits more or less routine nature, but this is not giving you any great opportunity for fame and success in business matters. You probably have more success when you work for others, rather than for you.But if you ever take this responsibility, it will be better to deal with jobs that have majority support and which relates the general public, rather than individuals. Probably two or more jobs to employ your attention at the same time, because this position implies duality.

10 House Virgo at 27°00'32''

You have aptitude for medicine, aviation, automobile, retail, mechanical issues, catering, pharmacy, chemistry. You are intelligent, but you lack ambition and are content in a simple position official.

Aspects Midheaven

1.14 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Sun Square Midheaven

No real matter what career you follow, as long as she gives you unconditional respect, attention and prestige. Good location for theater actors, but generally any work which turns the spotlight on you.

3.54 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Venus Trine Midheaven

This position shows a career related to the arts. Painting, music, art vendors. Good location also for tasks that require sociability, such as the public sector and even for designers and developers.

4.17 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Moon Trine Midheaven

This position increases the likelihood of you or what you do to appear before the public. Specifically, the Moon governs careers on anything to do with hotels, restaurants, dairy products and real estate offices. But generally it is a good place for any career related to the public.

Mercury Ruler of Virgo

Perhaps you will write or speak as a career. The teaching profession may hold promise for you. You have the ability to communicate your ideas to others and to be recognized for them. Your manual dexterity and mental alertness may lead you to a field where this is a real necessity. You may have several jobs, as you have a variety of talents. There is a possibility of travel in your profession.

All hermetically professions such as literary work, writing and occupation of the Registrar, is the best for you. There is a very favorable influence on the permanence of the art, and may try to change your life. A restful occupation is most suitable for you and you are in your element, requiring travel or commute. There are many professions that are under the dominion of Mercury, such as publishing, writing, selling books, stationery, etc. - But it is most fitting for you all those occupations which uses the mind, such as: agency, interpreting, teaching, etc.

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Friends - Hopes

Air Sign in beginning of 11 House

The Airy triplicity has major influence on the eleventh house of your horoscope, giving you smart and very sophisticated friendships, from which you will earn and will benefit much, because it will tend to improve your mind and stimulate your more active thinking, thus awakening a deeper interest in life and the environment. I would never rely excessively on your friends, because, along with Lord Bacon to tell you: The best way to prove to life the many years of friendship, is to sit down to think and see how many things one can not do for himself. The somewhat independent nature, we will offer you the admiration of those who are mentally able to appreciate the value of true friendship and so, although it can have adverse and favorable experiences through friends, overall, friends and acquaintances will do more good than bad in your life.

11 House Libra at 21°58'42''

This position favors wedding. You have worldly friendships, and develop a harmonious atmosphere with your friends.

Venus Ruler of Libra

You are sociable, tactful and friendly. You have many helpful friends. Be careful, though, that these friends do not encourage you to over-indulge yourself for that will have a detrimental effect on you and your health. Be careful also of pleasing your friends at a cost to yourself. You have the ability to put people at ease. You enjoy cultural and group pursuits. You have a strong desire to relax with congenial companions, though you can be imposed upon by friends because of your desire to do everything possible for their comfort and pleasure.

Venus rules the eleventh house, the House of Friends, promising a happy group of friends and acquaintances and cooperation with people who are gambling. Maybe go forward or gain economically and socially through friends, who will do a lot to help you when you may need their help. You will do well to trust the people born under the signs belonging to Aphrodite or the Ascendant is the sign of Venus. The Bulls will be attracted to you and the scales will be able to help you in many ways. It's a very benign influence on friendship, companions, etc. and promises to fulfill the hopes and desires you.

* * *


Neptune at 12 House

You are reflective and intuitive. You have psychic ability which operates unconsciously. You may experience intense feelings of loneliness and of being held in bondage to a specific person. You feel a need to connect with a higher Power and to be part of the oneness of all life. There is interest in occult and mystical subjects. Serving those in some kind of confinement is a possibility. Serve or suffer may be a keynote in your life. Secret enemies may try to undermine you. Forgiveness, love and compassion need to be expressed and lived.

Neptune has major influence on the twelfth house of your horoscope will bring you into contact with quirky and bizarre experiences regarding what is called occult. Maybe get in contact with psychics or study spiritualism and possibly also to meet very special people who have strange opinions in the occult field. It warns, however, be careful in your dealings with mental issues, why would you come into contact with different levels of mental phenomena, in different periods of your life, but all of these influences can work in higher status when you follow a pure life and the trend is toward higher thought and purity of motive.

Neptune at 16°48'08'' Scorpio

The illusion of this age (1956 to 1971) was that people could be reborn (Scorpio) through drugs (Neptune). There was also great concern about pollution, with very little action taken. Neptune changes minds. Action comes later. In this case, Uranus and Pluto followed Neptune into Scorpio and that's when we got environmental protection laws.

This position shows that the invisible forces enter the service of creation, to your advantage. You have occult qualities, you are perceptive and can exert a mystical work. You are too sensitive and receptive to inspirations and impressions, either mentally or through the many forms of the arts. You have a very fast and intuitive perception, when you love. Sometime when you have bad you can become sensitive at all trivial matters and if you are able to perceive minute and hidden feelings of others, you can hurt them.

12 House Scorpio at 16°56'52''

Maybe you have secret and occult hostilities. It is also possible some sexual diseases.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

You may have intense emotional reactions and perhaps repressed desires and paranoia. People may sense this and cause problems for you. There can be trouble through slander or with secret enemies. You may have need to overcome deep, hidden, inner resentments. You may be subject to false accusations by hidden enemies. You feel an aloneness. Your energy should be directed toward gaining an understanding of the meaning of life and for the development of harmony and oneness with humanity. A love of working in secret or behind the scenes can make you effective in getting the job done.

Mars rules the twelfth house of the horoscope, it is not at all favorable for matters occult nature. Alerts you to show great care in your occupation with matters not possess the full and will be better for you not to ever have many relationships with phenomena or unseen situations. This influence threatens you with restriction to some time in your life, because accidents, wrongful imprisonment, the one thing that will rob you of your freedom for a while. For this to be very forthright in all your actions, thus avoiding problems. Beware spiritualism.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

You feel a need to search for truth and wisdom so that you can understand life. Perhaps life has enslaved you in some way and you are searching for transformation or regeneration. Occasional upheavals in your life come about in order to bring you back to the correct path. There is a desire to retreat from society in order to re-analyze your life. You can become a champion of the downtrodden masses. Serving others in this life may be important for you. You enjoy working behind the scenes.

Pluto in the Twelfth House. Gives some field testing on sexual and secret hostilities.

* * *

Personal Color - Aura

Moon at 22°49'57'' Capricorn

The position of the Moon will paint your personal aura with a light green and will highlight significant other colors in your aura. Through this you can see clearly the situations that exist around you, because the color absorbs some degree of red radiating from the planet Mars, so having a tendency to purifies and make you are focused more towards the ascetic life. And if you can refine this green until they become like the vivid green of young trees, then you will be able to cultivate all those qualities of endurance and refining symbolized by the color green. It makes you love knowledge and ascend above the sphere in which you were born, because generally you do diplomatic, cautious and prudent.

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Results of Aspects

Conjunction 4 X Power = 12
Sextile 7 X Power = 17
Square 6 X Power = 30
Trine 7 X Power = 29
Opposition 0 X Power = 0

In your horoscope we found these aspects:

14 Positives with sum Power 46
6 Negatives with sum Power 30
4 Conjunctions and Inconjunct with sum Power 12

With these facts we can say that,

Have a favorable horoscope and find opportunities to develop your character and use wisely your cognitive abilities. You win studying your horoscope, because you the ability to benefit from good influences operating at birth and planetary positions, give you some power in the world, which is no less powerful because it may not be obvious or public . The crisis was as clean as possible and should be read thoroughly what has been said so to capture the inner meaning that there may be in each paragraph, remembering that the entire analysis is given with the main purpose to help you in your progress. (The following is a brief crisis all combinations are indicated by the horoscope).


Planets Positions

Majority of Planets in Earth Signs

You are very practical, diligent and down to earth and will always see a stable and specific aspect of life. Have scientific talent and will have success in dealing with issues associated with land matters are tangible and solid. You're a lover of justice and will want all ideally be practical in nature and can occur easily. While it may not be fast, Glitter or insightful, you will always industrious, hardworking and persistent and thus will earn much more successful than if you're in a hurry and upset, despite being more reliable exhibitionism.

Majority of Planets in Cardinal Signs

You have great ambition and an entrepreneurial and energetic spirit. You are very enthusiastic and you must be head of things to feel happy. You are pioneers in every sense of the word, and always seek to take the leadership in any case you are interested. You are in many respects assertive, independent and very active. You will gain a reputation in your lifetime and you are or will become a major figure in the circle in which you move. There is a clear preference for the change, which will make you sometimes capricious and uncertain, however, the changes are good for you.

Sun in Fire Sign - Moon in Earth Sign

These data contrary. You will discover that in terms of individuality, you are far ahead of their personal circumstances and the environment, and this seems to have been designed to teach you to be diligent, enthusiastic and less sentimental and help you make wonderful ideals practical and real. You will have ample opportunity to cultivate patience and avoid impulsiveness and excessive generosity. Internally you are completely different from your external nature and this is due to the fact that we need to get the very useful balance between two states of being. You should try to understand this great difference within yourself and learn the lessons of both sides, where one is expansive and the other centralized therefore opposed.

Sun in Mutable Sign - Moon in Cardinal Sign

Do you have great desire for fame and recognition, but often missing the necessary internal motivation that makes you able to promote the various plans and your ambitions. Do not allow yourself to be moody or individually very uncertain. Try to remember that, during this life weaves the web of the future destiny and that although you may fail to realize all that planning in this life, in the future that lies ahead of you, you will have the opportunity to reap everything you sow so far. Your nature seems to be peaceful inside, while on the surface are overactive and somewhat hasty. However, you will learn much more through your external business than through internal conditions, which tend to be too uncertain to rely on them.


Here ends the first and most important part of the basic analysis of your natal horoscope. In the paragraphs that preceded able to offer a purely scientific analysis of your horoscope. Up to the point at which has brought us so far the general knowledge of modern astrology, you are on the pages preceding the elite experience a great spirit of Astrology, Alan Leo, combined with my years of experience, research and searching. The crisis that was based solely on the laws of astrology, as we have learned from ancient times until today.

There now follows a description of the secondary data on the natal horoscope and collection of various ancient and new sources of astrology. Their role and their relationship with you, you are presented here, more like trigger more depth when you first have a good understanding of all the above and the main components of the natal horoscope and would like to deal in depth with astrology.

* * *


More Informations

Positions and Aspects of Asteroids

Chiron at 10°34'20'' Pisces

Make an extra effort to get rid of the unnecessary guilt you. And please do not wander the world searching for people to save, at least not until you save first. Pay attention to your tendency to play the victim (or more often, you are the victim). You have the ability to do it anyway to help anyone be more imaginative and creative. In fact, doing so may be the perfect antidote to handle the negative aspect of this zodiacal position.

Chiron at 3 House Communications, Short Journeys

If you do not have brothers or sisters can feel this as a lack in your life. If you have, then you may have constant problems with at least one brother or sister. This position is good for a coach, speech therapist, guide etc. However, you may be experiencing communication problems in one way or another. Maybe because it was not given the proper attention to your words during childhood and believe that even now the others do not listen to what they say. If you recognize that you have taken the first step to overcome.

Aspects Chiron

0.50 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Uranus Opposition Chiron

Love and peace for you abstract ideas rather than objective. Can you give battles such abstract topics, but when courting practice will find it very difficult to apply. You are from those who can produce brilliant work requiring genius, while at the same time you feel that you are doing something stupid. You shook your views or the other may be opposed to anything new or innovative. If you manage and you are down to earth with reality and your own feelings your true genius will spring free.

0.54 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mars Sextile Chiron

Present a positive and proactive attitude to situations you face and to the people with whom you associate, so you can help others around you to face any difficulties.

3.65 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Pluto Opposition Chiron

This aspect brings cowardly tendencies. Want to dominate others with tyrannical way to compensate their subconscious fears you say that you are weak and helpless. You may also be act silently and covertly trying to bring the enemies knocking them back. The reason for all this may be that during childhood as any attempt made to release your parents to suppress quickly made compatible filling frustrations. The solution here is to recognize and accept responsibility for your power and find ways to externalize creatively.

5.53 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Mercury Sextile Chiron

This aspect increases your ability to communicate and teach, by others to reflect and to look for around what you tell them. This view gives you great inspiration.

6.22 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Trine Chiron

You have creative imagination and realistic use. Your intuition is working properly and helps you avoid the pitfalls.

Ceres at 00°19'39'' Sagittarius

Satisfies the knowledge, wisdom and adventure. Like long trips. If you have mental predisposition you like to counsel people or teaching or instructing others in some way. Reading around philosophical issues can have the same effect.

Ceres at 12 House Occult

This item may be showing that you accepted affection and care during childhood and therefore have difficulties to take care of you others. On the other hand these frustrations can lead you to do charity work caring for the poor, the sick and the weak.

Aspects Ceres

6.86 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Venus Sextile Ceres

Your ability to show your love, dedication and care to the person you are interested is great. You also like the beauty and beautiful things in general, as well as social contacts.

Pallas Athena at 11°15'59'' Scorpio

This is a great place for a therapist, a detective, a spy or a criminal! That's why you love to burrow deep into the darkness and return with riches. If a problem requires complex and secret way to solve, you are the right person to solve it. Good location also for one who manages the money and property of others. There is also the possibility to influence and change either know it or not, the moral values ​​in any group of people happen to belong.

Pallas Athena at 11 House Friends - Hopes

It's easier for you to solve any problems you around or make plans when there's another person beside you. Usually when it is between friends. But even a group of people will generally do the same thing. You also tend to comes out liking friends who are smart and solve problems.

Aspects Pallas Athena

1.19 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Uranus Sextile Pallas Athena

Projects do have a tendency to be unusual and genuine. So find the solutions to solve any problems.

1.24 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Mars Sextile Pallas Athena

Good place for a military commander or a sports coach. In skirmishes you know how to win battles. Coping well in whatever activity requires great energy, physical activity, or willpower. Use well your mind that the results of your actions to be understood and accepted by others.

2.95 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Pluto Sextile Pallas Athena

You are from those who can distinguish things and situations that others can not. Good look for a doctor, therapist, or spy. Good location also for those engaged in other money, such as insurers, tax inspectors, etc.

4.84 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Mercury Sextile Pallas Athena

You are able to solve problems and discuss solutions that discover with others and your positions be accepted. Collateral face if your profession requires good handling speech because you are very proficient in this area.

5.53 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Neptune Conjunction Pallas Athena

Lose yourself in the fantasy so you can not discern the truth from the fiction.

Juno at 16°45'40'' Scorpio

Need a mate who is strong, powerful and a little secretive. And of course be very good in bed.

Juno at 12 House Occult

Must show attention to the election of your partner in your first marriage or partnership, because there is a great chance to take advantage and put you through. And usually it is because you attracted to the wrong persons. There's another possibility, the person may be a good person, but for some reason is limited and needs constant help you.

Aspects Juno

0.04 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Neptune Conjunction Juno

You have to be careful not marry someone just because your sorry or because you want to save him from something.

0.65 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mercury Sextile Juno

The match will not be silent. When you marry you should like to discuss with you constantly. And you will make good discussions between you. The communication skills grow with your communication with your mate.

2.37 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Saturn Square Juno

People comes out liking for relationship tend to be older than you at least in spirit if not in years. This view shows that the marriage can be done in old age or not done at all. Maybe it is better for you not to get married before 28 to 30, why an early marriage may be just a bad marriage made for practical - in your opinion or your greatest - reasons, like safety say. Also you may have a tendency to keep a bad marriage to keep your social image abroad, or because your mate your just feeding. If this is the case you should get the judgment and dissolve the bad marriage and look to make a fresh start.

2.53 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Pluto Sextile Juno

The match will be intense and fierce. Sex with him would be like the eruption of a volcano. Your relationship will be extreme. One of you will be transformed in some way. With him will discover a courage that never thought you had.

6.07 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Moon Sextile Juno

Comes out liking sentimental types who like to take care of you and be friends of domestic life.

6.69 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Uranus Sextile Juno

Tend to comes out liking people for relationship to be independent, or radiation, which is a bit quirky and lonely. The link will be open in each State to make its own activities and make his life. Make sure you and your mate to feel independent enough to be able to continue together.

6.70 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Venus Sextile Juno

You elxete a cute companion with good artistic skills and sense of art.

6.73 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mars Sextile Juno

Marriage and companionship will awaken to action. In fact, you may need a partner to do business generally. Individuals who comes out liking tend to be energetic, positive and aggressive. Or maybe having a partner, you may experience these symptoms.

Vesta at 22°24'15'' Sagittarius

Focus on the big picture rather than the details. You are good for any work requiring excitement and adventure.

Vesta at 1 House Character, Outward Appearance

Regularly need to move away from anyone and anything to refresh your strengths.

Aspects Vesta

3.26 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Saturn Sextile Vesta

Your attention is particularly focused on discipline in an organization that you belong to and may be at work.

3.45 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect.
Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Sun Conjunction Vesta

Your ability to focus and concentrate on your somewhere is natural for you.

North Node R at 12°04'02'' Cancer

You tend to be cold, calculating, careful, cautious, introverted and anxious too much about material matters and goods, even minor ones, even when the situation concerning your emotional affairs, how would you measure everything cost you the ... feeling ... You need to cultivate your emotional and sentimental world and understand that some things can not be bought or sold with money.

North Node at 8 House Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Like the trouble and inconvenience. It's good for you. You might also be too greedy and inflexible. You must throw out the junk from your life. Such may be some of your habits, and some of your personal values ​​about material possessions. This is a good place for dealing with funeral homes, or redevelopment, reforming, transforming, treatments, or monks and monks.

Lilith at 27°03'26'' Scorpio

The instincts and strong passions, you will fill your life full of sensuality. Present instinctive excesses, rampancy sexuality, situations can even lead to sadism. Your sexual power can also be turned into artistic or intellectual spheres and positive fertilize these areas.

Lilith at 12 House Occult

Possessed of romance, fantasy, and danger of hallucinogens and drugs. You live in your own virtual world and have tendencies independence although like the commitment. Hardly understand your needs and you are endowed with exceptional mental abilities, you imagination, artistry and inspiration. But you risk living in a virtual reality yours.

Part of Fortune at 14°56'46'' Scorpio

Preoccupation with the unknown and hidden, sex, life insurance, finances your spouse, inheritances and death, all of them or some of them, are all areas that can thrive good your luck.

Part of Fortune at 12 House Occult

The share of luck that is attributable to the study of occultism, the unconscious functions of the brain, music and all forms of the arts, in mercy and compassion for the weak.

Vertex at 27°21'47'' Cancer

Peak here makes people feel cut off from the outside world and to think that he lives in his own dream environment. The person has the deep desire for family and protection. These people desperately want to build deep relationships away from the real world where you feel protected, otherwise they will defend themselves constantly.

Vertex at 8 House Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Peak in the Eighth House is the internal need for absolute union with another person. Here the individual will do everything to have another own at any price. If this is not achieved then shuts himself out of fear of being hurt and manufactures his mind the ideal relationship.

* * *

The Degrees of the Zodiac that affect you

Ascendant at 11°55'01'' Sagittarius

A blond woman lying on a divan. Fate of sensuality. Spirit surrendered to the pleasures of the senses. Many large effect of the opposite sex to the person.

Midheaven at 27°00'32'' Virgo

One tree branches are laden fruit. Fate of Fertility. Superior intellect, more than they need through mentally. Success.

Sun at 25°51'42'' Sagittarius

A mask showing the face of a dog. Fate of Mime. Faith and friendship.

Moon at 22°49'57'' Capricorn

A wine glass upside down. Fate of debauchery. The person will be unable to master the passions and will show minimal wastage and decency.

Mercury at 16°06'24'' Capricorn

A lyre on a wreath of flowers. Fate of Persuasion. Character who convinces others easily, harmonious and skillful tongue. Expression talented.

Venus at 23°27'57'' Capricorn

A covered jug lying on a table. Fate of honesty. Serious character, ability to engage in a useful and fruitful life.

Mars at 10°01'21'' Capricorn

A roll of parchment sealed and a scepter. Fate of Power. Confidential or governmental position. Impulse and direction.

Jupiter at 09°49'38'' Aries

A man on a horse, all alone in the middle of the battlefield where lie dead and dying. Fate of Victory. A remarkable character, dangerous exploits, success in business.

Saturn at 19°08'25'' Aquarius

A large turtle. Fate of foresight. Spirit wise and perspicacious, endowed with great durability.

Uranus R at 10°04'03'' Virgo

Hand of a man with outstretched index finger upwards like ordering. Utility Squadron. The person will be the main person in the realm of existence. Spirit practical and imaginative.

Neptune at 16°48'08'' Scorpio

An old ship hull from the water's edge. Fate of Abandonment. Life capsized. Failed to homemade or adventurous life.

Pluto R at 14°13'24'' Virgo

A beautiful woman squeezes two doves on her chest, holding a hand of each. Fate of Loyalty. Tenderness and two notable amorous ties in life.

Chiron at 10°34'20'' Pisces

A wild horse jumping over a barrier. Fate of Liberty. Free and energetic character who does not accept any compulsion.

Ceres at 00°19'39'' Sagittarius

A man sprawled on the roadside, on a pile of stones. Fate of deprivation. Freedom of spirit and natural simplicity.

Pallas Athena at 11°15'59'' Scorpio

A villa surrounded by a forest. Fate of Defense. Spirit wise, full of sources of prosperity and always vigilant.

Juno at 16°45'40'' Scorpio

An old ship hull from the water's edge. Fate of Abandonment. Life capsized. Failed to homemade or adventurous life.

Vesta at 22°24'15'' Sagittarius

A human heart surrounded by an iron cord and is pierced with a sword handle is decorated with precious stones. Fate of Limitations. Unsure Love Affair, unrequited love.

North Node R at 12°04'02'' Cancer

A caduceus between two moons - one high and one low. Fate of Science. Remarkable abilities, penetrating spirit, lots of traveling. Medicine.

Lilith at 27°03'26'' Scorpio

A rocky hill with a cross inscribed within which rises towards the sun rises. Security Squadron. Shiny character. Religious or spiritual moods.

Part of Fortune at 14°56'46'' Scorpio

A bear sleeping under a tree surrounded by a swarm of bees. Fate of apathy. Power and capacity for action in the period of maturity.

Vertex at 27°21'47'' Cancer

An enchanting landscape that all of the elements to contribute to fascinate the eye and put spirit into a mood of silent admiration. Fate of Harmony. Nature that can make life a success. Meal in luxury.

East Point at 27°28'54'' Sagittarius

A turtle. Fate of patience. Persistence, patience and perseverance will lead to success.

Part of Spirit at 08°53'16'' Capricorn

A cross and a broken key. Squadron Impotence. Spirit sees the initiation, impetuosity and insolence.

Part of Love at 17°58'31'' Libra

A lighted house with the door open. Fate of Hospitality. Friendliness. Popularity.

Part of Destiny at 00°02'17'' Virgo

A celebration or an opportunity for aggregation of spatial and formal clothes. Fate of gatherings. Promise friendship and happiness thanks to the popularity of the individual.

Cupido at 14°30'15'' Libra

A man makes strolling with two women keeping the arm. Fate of hesitation. Ability to sustain an intrigue. Person with social grace to himself.

Hades R at 11°24'34'' Taurus

A pleasent orange blossom which rested on two butterflies flapping their wings. Fate of reciprocity. Character likable, satisfying marriage or partnerships.

Zeus R at 06°25'03'' Virgo

A man and a woman standing with upturned backs to each other. Fate of decency. Sincere Love Affair but who reserve tests. Reservations and modesty.

Kronos R at 02°24'27'' Gemini

A troubadour resting his foot on a cliff side and has his instrument - listen to the music that comes out of the waters of a waterfall. Fate of Harmony. Bohemian habits and dreamy. Great imagination, love for the miraculous.

Apollon at 28°48'23'' Virgo

A man dressed as a Cardinal. Ecclesiastical Fate. Predisposition to church life or government position.

Admetos R at 27°59'28'' Aries

A blond woman, richly dressed, alone, standing upright. Fate of beneficence. Success due to a woman or to the public.

Vulkanus R at 00°46'28'' Cancer

An arbor with many fruit perched on an old wall, a summer morning. Fate of sympathy adhesion, good marriage, close ties with the country and family.

Poseidon at 17°06'05'' Libra

A lighted house with the door open. Fate of Hospitality. Friendliness. Popularity.

* * *


As time goes by, you have to wake opportunities, which are latent in your horoscope and depending on the sincerity and ability, you will be able to experience everything that indicate your planets. You may not recognize all the above features, but if the time and the time of birth is correct, every word will suit you. Astrologers believe that the character is destiny and that, during this life we ​​must work to develop our character. In the distant future are destined to take an active part in promoting the development of the world and for this purpose we need to do right ourselves, because in the end, we must be perfect.

Astrologer: Costas Tolis

* * *


111°55'01'' Sagittarius
216°56'52'' Capricorn
321°58'42'' Aquarius
427°00'32'' Pisces
521°58'42'' Aries
616°56'52'' Taurus
711°55'01'' Gemini
816°56'52'' Cancer
921°58'42'' Leo
1027°00'32'' Virgo
1121°58'42'' Libra
1216°56'52'' Scorpio



Sun 25°51'42'' Sagittarius1
Moon 22°49'57'' Capricorn2
Mercury 16°06'24'' Capricorn2
Venus 23°27'57'' Capricorn2
Mars 10°01'21'' Capricorn1
Jupiter 09°49'38'' Aries4
Saturn 19°08'25'' Aquarius3
Uranus R 10°04'03'' Virgo9
Neptune 16°48'08'' Scorpio12
Pluto R 14°13'24'' Virgo9



Chiron 10°34'20'' Pisces3
Ceres 00°19'39'' Sagittarius12
Pallas Athena 11°15'59'' Scorpio11
Juno 16°45'40'' Scorpio12
Vesta 22°24'15'' Sagittarius1

Minor Objects


North Node R 12°04'02'' Cancer8
Lilith 27°03'26'' Scorpio12
Part of Fortune 14°56'46'' Scorpio12
Vertex 27°21'47'' Cancer8
East Point 27°28'54'' Sagittarius1
Ascendant 11°55'01'' Sagittarius1
Midheaven 27°00'32'' Virgo10
Part of Spirit 08°53'16'' Capricorn1
Part of Love 17°58'31'' Libra11
Part of Destiny 00°02'17'' Virgo9



Cupido 14°30'15'' Libra10
Hades R 11°24'34'' Taurus5
Zeus R 06°25'03'' Virgo9
Kronos R 02°24'27'' Gemini6
Apollon 28°48'23'' Virgo10
Admetos R 27°59'28'' Aries5
Vulkanus R 00°46'28'' Cancer7
Poseidon 17°06'05'' Libra11

Fixed Stars


ACHERNAR 14°47'28'' Pisces3
POLARIS 28°03'30'' Gemini7
ZETA RETICULI 23°22'10'' Pisces4
PLEIADES 29°52'17'' Taurus6
ALDEBERAN 09°17'02'' Gemini7
CAPELLA 21°21'08'' Gemini7
RIGEL 16°19'16'' Gemini7
BELLATRIX 20°26'18'' Gemini7
ALNATH 22°04'08'' Gemini7
ORION 22°57'18'' Gemini7
BETELGEUSE 28°15'00'' Gemini7
MENKALINAN 29°24'13'' Gemini7
MURZIM 06°41'01'' Cancer7
CANOPUS 14°27'29'' Cancer8
ALHENA 08°36'01'' Cancer7
SIRIUS 13°34'25'' Cancer8
ADARA 20°15'24'' Cancer8
WEZEN 22°53'23'' Cancer8
CASTOR 19°44'05'' Cancer8
PROCYON 25°16'33'' Cancer8
POLLUX 22°42'23'' Cancer8
SUHAIL 26°51'14'' Leo9
AVIOR 22°38'26'' Virgo10
MIAPLACIDUS 01°28'33'' Scorpio11
ALPHARD 26°46'22'' Leo9
REGULUS 29°19'17'' Leo9
DUBHE 14°41'09'' Leo8
ACRUX 11°22'11'' Scorpio11
GACRUX 06°14'16'' Scorpio11
BECRUX 11°08'30'' Scorpio11
ALIOTH 08°25'08'' Virgo9
SPICA 23°20'08'' Libra11
ALKAID 26°25'05'' Virgo10
AGENA 23°17'17'' Scorpio12
ARCTURUS 23°43'19'' Libra11
RIGEL KENTAURUS 28°58'24'' Scorpio12
ANTARES 09°15'17'' Sagittarius1
SHAULA 24°04'31'' Sagittarius1
SARGAS 25°05'25'' Sagittarius1
KAUS AUSTRALIS 04°34'16'' Capricorn1
VEGA 14°48'31'' Capricorn2
ALTAIR 01°16'15'' Aquarius2
PEACOCK 23°18'24'' Capricorn2
DENEB 04°50'02'' Pisces3
ALNAIR 15°23'34'' Aquarius2
FORMALHAUT 03°21'07'' Pisces3
ANDROMEDA 27°13'15'' Aries5

Retrograde Planets


Retrograde Uranus shows that while externally not seem unconventional or different person inside you feel, but take care not to show it. There is a possibility that areas visible from the house, sign and aspects of Uranus in your chart, be subject to constant or sudden extreme changes. Using positive this retrograde motion of Uranus might be someone that is unique and true and can lead projects to be undertaken in positive change and development.


Retrograde Pluto shows that you tend to hide from others the great difficulties that can get you in some phases of your life. The positive to this is that you will learn about your enemies are your problems so they will not hurt you more. The negative they will not learn and the friends who could help you. If you are unsure of your friends and you know that can help you, then it is advisable not to hide from them.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the strength of the planets that move backward in the zodiac, significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.

Tags: Brad Pitt Natal Horoscope Analysis