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Hermann Hesse, Natal Horoscope


Read for Hermann Hesse 02-07-1877 18:30 Calw-Germany Full Natal Horoscope Analysis

Natal Horoscope 1
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Full Natal Horoscope Analysis

NameHermann Hesse
Birthday02 / 07 / 1877
Birth time18:30:00
Birth PlaceCalw-Germany


The real purpose of Astrology is to serve as a guide to physical life. Astrology students are convinced that this is a perfect study system in which self-knowledge can be achieved. The author believes that the character is destiny and that we, in past lives, we weave the web of destiny with our own thought, and now, in a similar way we weave the fabric of our future horoscope. Every sin is the result of ignorance, so to know ourselves means to become wiser and thus to dominate the destiny. Every fate, good or bad, was originally made up of our own thoughts and actions and has its roots in our character. The horoscope is the indicator of the Divine Law in practice and therefore helps us to discover a great part of our destiny.

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Rising Sign or Ascendant

Ascendant Sagittarius at 20°11'02''

At your birth Sagittarius was rising up, a sign of a fiery and varied sign. This gives you an honest and open-minded character, sincere and straight. You are generous, tender, sympathetic, honest and just. You have a strong sense of dignity and you like cleanliness, order, accuracy and correctness, both in individuals and in the environment. You also love the beauty of shape and appearance and you have preference for clothes, jewelery and decorations. You love freedom and independence - you are generally active and tireless, as well as happy and optimistic. You like sports and exercises and you can become competent in this field. You are somewhat impulsive and enthusiastic - sometimes too abrupt and violent, but usually only when they offend you. As a rule, you are typical of your behavior and do not like breaking the rules. You are generous, humanitarian and good-natured. You have a flexible mind and a natural ability to cultivate it in the direction of the higher and most difficult disciplines of learning such as philosophy, theology or law. You have a sense of respect and dedication, and you have a religious feeling, whether you cultivate it or not. You tend to be idealistic, aspiring, enthusiastic, religious or agnostic, interested in far away places and cultures or ideas, physically active, risk-taking, outgoing, breezy, extroverted, philosophical, perhaps dogmatic, prejudiced, superficial, looking for greener pastures, and on-the-go. Sagittarius, the Centaur, is half-human, half-horse and this is perhaps the way you are. You have great aspirations, yet may have a most unruly desire nature. You can shoot for the stars or wallow with the animals. There is love of animals, the outdoors, sports, gambling, adventure, and travel. You may lack concentration. You probably have many acquaintances, but few friends. You tend to have casual contacts rather than in-depth relationships. You have a great restlessness and a love to be on the move. You may always be looking for greener pastures, never stopping or slowing down to see where you really are and what's around you. You tend to be talkative and direct and to the point. You may be lacking in tact and diplomacy due to your frankness. Ideas are very important to you. You generally like working with the big picture and dislike all the little details. You may promise much and deliver less. You can rise to the heights or sink to the depths. Which will you choose? Spiritual lesson to learn: Restraint, of all that is given away (and stop procrastinating). Jupiter rules Sagittarius so Jupiter will be important in your chart. Luck: A flair for travel, sports and outdoor exercises - sometimes an inclination towards religion, philosophy, law, learning and working with people and aspirations about these things. Ruler: Jupiter. Planet Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces. Usually, gives an optimistic, cheerful and joyous mood, which will help you to become very popular and making many friends. You will gain social esteem and success and you'll be famous and generally liked. You are kind-hearted, generous and benevolent and you are always ready to help those in need and to support deserving cases. You value law, order and property, the rules and conventions of customs - dislike the anti-social, clumsiness or bad taste on opinions or conduct, as well as the ugliness and disharmony in the environment. You appreciate beauty both in external form and ideas. Like the beautiful surroundings, comfort and subtlety, in all things. You have energy, enthusiasm, zeal and faith. Feeling a natural respect for the law and religion, experience with typical courtesy, the ritual and formulas and have perhaps a tendency to be bound by the formalities. You have the ability to cultivate the superior qualities of mind towards the laws, religion or philosophy, if interested in something. Jupiter is a benefic planet, whether it is in a good position. Governs social and general welfare, religion, laws, charity and good will and gives an estimate for the beauty, harmony, imagination and idealism.

Aspects Ascendant

0.01 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Venus Biquintile Ascendant

The aspect Biquintile between Venus and First House in Natal Horoscope is a weak aspect, which is perhaps beneficial but contributes very little to the issues described by the planets or points below. Venus reveals your emotions and your feelings, especially love and those under him. Your aesthetic, appreciation of beauty, elegance, comfort and fun. The First House shows the character and external behavior and appearance.

0.16 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Saturn Square Ascendant

You are serious and inclined towards introversion, perhaps because of a lack of self-confidence, sweet sentiments, or because you lack faith in yourself. You probably prefer relationships with older, more mature people than you. You are too capable of many things, but you can exercise a great deal of criticism of yourself and your abilities.

1.98 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Neptune Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

The aspect Sesquiquadrate between Neptune and First House in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Neptune indicates the degree of intensity of feelings, desires, emotions, imagination, aesthetic, psychic abilities and intuition. The First House shows the character and external behavior and appearance.

2.19 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Uranus Trine Ascendant

Your ideas are clear and you want to be very independent. Your mind is creative, innovative, very quick to understand new information, data and knowledge. You like to work with a variety of tasks all at the same time. You are easily adaptable to situations and changes that are necessary in life. You prefer to experience everything with firsthand experience.

2.43 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Mercury Opposition Ascendant

You love intellectual conflicts and you quickly grab every opportunity for sharp discussions and disputes. You have a lot of nervous energy and you can not sit quiet for a long time. You prefer spiritual people to confront their thoughts and ideas. Sometimes you lack the clarity to express your thoughts. There are moments too, you just talk too much.

6.96 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Jupiter Conjunction Ascendant

You are generous, optimistic, helpful, honest and true. You appreciate the truth and you say it, sometimes without tact. Regardless of any internal conflicts you may encounter in life, you have hope and belief that things will somehow go well for themselves for you. You may have a tendency towards softness, grace, and absolution, exaggeration, waste. Because of these you can get weight.

Ruler Jupiter at 1 House

This is a strong position and is favorable for both the character and the events. It means that the nature of the governor described above will be very intense in your character and will operate as little as possible with the fewest obstacles and difficulties. This gives power and uniqueness to the character, making you stand out clearly from the other types. The influence of the governor will also be clearly seen in the events of your life, both in the ones you challenge yourself and in those that happen to you because of the actions of the people you come into contact with.

Jupiter R at 27°08'53'' Sagittarius

You are big-hearted, idealistic, loyal, generous, humane, broad- minded, philosophical and tolerant. There may be interest in religion, law, higher education or anything abstract. You may be prophetic and inspirational and you can inspire trust in other people. They are attracted to your sense of honor and integrity. You have a strong desire to help others and you have an ability to inspire them to help themselves. You may be in a position of power and prestige or work in the professions. You tend to be conservative because of a desire for people to like you. You must watch a tendency to justify yourself by rationalization. On the negative side, you may be too fond of sport or gambling, fond of cheap or extravagant display, self- righteous, narrow-minded, intolerant, dogmatic and atheistic. This position is strong and favorable to Jupiter and is beneficial to all its energetic features. It is favorable for the superior aspect of both intellect and feelings, for religion, philosophy, law, medicine, and for charity and social feeling, giving kindness, compassion, generosity, logic and humor. You love beauty and harmony, which can be expressed through music and art. You have a sense of personal dignity and you prefer to be reconciled with the ways and customs of good society, but you also have great tolerance and good character and you can easily forgive those who have insulted you. This position is favorable for land and sea travel. It also tends to give peace to home and family life. It contributes to vitality and physical health.

Aspects Jupiter

0.79 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Moon Square Jupiter

You are prone to overindulge yourself physically, emotionally and financially. You have a light, cheerful disposition and enjoy reaching out to others in a warm, open and friendly way. Your emotional generosity and lack of pettiness is appreciated by your friends and they often come to you seeking help, sympathy or advice. You overlook the faults in others and treat people in a very tolerant, non- judgmental way. You are a happy-go-lucky person who is not prone to worry. There are times when you overdo your charity. You try to do too much for people and this can sometimes be as bad as or worse than not doing enough. You need to learn how to control your intense emotions. You have a great deal of trouble in controlling your feelings in your relationships with others. You may be saddled with an erratic type of nervous energy that doesn't know when to stop until you have completely exhausted yourself physically and emotionally. Your life may seem to be one of constant, frantic haste. There is a tendency to put on weight through overindulgence of the appetite. Your philosophies or religious beliefs may be tested at some point in your life. Your optimism about finance allows overindulgence. There is a challenge presented here and that is in learning to dissolve your pride. You have an internal fear about facing any negative traits in your personality. This emotional fear can be overcome by developing a good philosophy of life and by recognizing that everyone has imperfections. There may be impaired reasoning ability, trouble through litigation, lack of forethought, indecision or dishonesty. You may be much too fond of ostentatious display, extravagant beyond your means and resources and prone to take wild chances in gambling or speculation. This aspect will not allow the beneficial planet Jupiter to give you his blessing for which he is known. It tends to lose some way and either through exaggeration or by inattention, you will have a financial loss or difficulty in getting as much money as you want. You must be very careful in all your dealings with others because you risk being felled or suffer from accusations by others. That's why you always deal with others in the most direct way, avoiding relationships with people you can not trust. Also, this look makes you somewhat lazy, you enjoy too much fun and you have a glory in gambling. Your mood changes easily, depending on the environment. You are too optimistic and you leave things to their fate, resulting in many mistakes. If you do not watch and do not cultivate self-control, you may experience legal problems, divorce and some liver disease. It is recommended that all things be tolerated.

0.98 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Venus Inconjunct Jupiter

The aspect Inconjunct between Venus and Jupiter in Natal Horoscope is a secondary, human and eclectic, but indifferent view, the nature of Mercury. Makes you keep a cautious and indecisive stance on the issues described by the planets or points below and hold things to suspend, or to postpone for a more suitable occasion. Venus reveals your emotions and your feelings, especially love and those under him. Your aesthetic, appreciation of beauty, elegance, comfort and fun. Jupiter indicates the degree of combination of feeling and thinking, kindness, goodwill, sociability, optimism, love of beauty, order, harmony and devotion.

2.09 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Pluto Inconjunct Jupiter

The aspect Inconjunct between Jupiter and Pluto in Natal Horoscope is a secondary, human and eclectic, but indifferent view, the nature of Mercury. Makes you keep a cautious and indecisive stance on the issues described by the planets or points below and hold things to suspend, or to postpone for a more suitable occasion. Jupiter indicates the degree of combination of feeling and thinking, kindness, goodwill, sociability, optimism, love of beauty, order, harmony and devotion. Pluto indicates the degree of strength, power and ability to change and towards the end of things and situations, and the ability for new beginnings.

4.52 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Mercury Opposition Jupiter

You are optimistic, but perhaps overly so. You make promises you don't or can't keep. You exaggerate the telling of any story for greater effect. You may have little or no faith in a higher power because you can't make sense of the whole issue. You love working with the big picture and want someone else to do the detailed work. You have a penchant for checking and re-checking things multiple times, just to be sure you did something in the first place, like checking to see if you really set the alarm or if you really locked the front door. You tend to do more rather than less. For example, if a recipe calls for a tablespoon, you may add a tablespoon and a half. You figure if this much is fine, then a little more makes things better. You may be intolerant of other people's beliefs, habits or cultures. You tend to gloss over details that come back to haunt you later and you have the propensity to overestimate the potential of an idea or product. You are not intentionally mean-spirited, it's just that you get carried away with yourself and this can be detrimental at times. You have an abundance of ideas, interests, and plans for the future, but you may find it difficult to focus on any particular area. You may devote yourself and your energies to some irrational cause. Philosophy, religion, or other areas of theoretical speculation interest you. You also possess foresight, numerous enterprising ideas, and a gambling instinct, all of which contribute to your success in the world of business. You love to travel, especially if there is some mind-expanding or educational aspect involved with it. There is a love of communicating your thoughts and ideas to others and you may very well be an excellent teacher, formal or otherwise. You need to learn how to discipline yourself so that you think problems through logically, clearly and with full knowledge of the facts. You have a tendency to rush through your thoughts or to be sloppy in your thinking, and perhaps even in your penmanship. Your thoughts go too far, you can get carried away with them, making grandiose plans that are too expansive to be put into concrete reality. Yet, you do seem to be extremely uncritical of others and accept them just as you find them. At times you are absent-minded, even though your mind is very original and fertile. You may have literary or speaking talent. Guard against jumping to conclusions, bad judgment and over-optimism. You have a knack for putting together unrelated ideas and concepts and making something out of them. At times others will take advantage of you because of your sympathetic nature and generosity. You may have the tendency, also, of talking too much, using more words to say something than what it really requires or repeating several times what you have already just said. This is not a good look with regard to the mind and it shows that you are likely to make mistakes in your judgment during your life. You have no great success with regard to religion-related issues and it will be very difficult to convince yourself of something that you do not understand clearly because this position makes you rather skeptical. You should try not to create mistakes about yourself because of your attitude towards others, as well as being tolerant of others' opinions. There is the possibility of creating a scandal over a period of your life. Be very careful in legal and writing affairs. You also lose the details of the issues that concern you and you can not see what is important and what is not. You are too nervous in your reactions, polyglots and bad listeners. But you are generous and good-natured, without any initiatives.

4.77 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Uranus Trine Jupiter

Unusual opportunities come to you in life, normally quite out of the blue. You have lofty goals and ideals and you are a bit of an eccentric. Others may see you as being slightly ahead of your time. You are optimistic with a pleasing personality and a warm sense of humor. You possess an ingenious, inventive and original mind along with a broad, humane, tolerant and benevolent disposition. There is a tendency to delve into the occult arts and sciences. You are kind, hospitable, sociable and gentle and give of yourself and your possessions with generosity. You are always there to help a friend. Being around unusual people and places gives you the opportunity to learn new things, which is why you do it in the first place. Your desire for new ideas causes you to continually question the whys of different situations. You like to be on the go and will probably move around a lot in the course of your life. Routine or repetitive jobs are extremely boring to you, and if you are forced to do them, you can become very discouraged. You need freedom and independence to pursue your own thing. The thought of being tied down frightens you because you do not know whether you can do that or not. Money and other financial resources come to you in unexpected and sudden ways. This aspect signifies that spiritual blessings and guardianship surround you because of good deeds done in past lives. This is an important aspect for those who move mentally and those who are prototype or tend to metaphysical and occult. In general, this face brings sudden and unexpected gains, through covenant or through inheritance. You may invent something or turn to a whole new direction and succeed, but anything you do to win will enter some unexpected element because of that aspect. But its tendency is more to originality in the sphere of thought and the overcoming of the conventional and the Orthodox. It adds great enthusiasm to all your ventures. In simple words, you are gentle. You have absolutely right judgment and you know how to change your wisdom into action. You are original and dynamic, fair, humble and well-being. You are interested in the public good and care as much as you can for it. You love traveling and thirst for knowledge.

6.79 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Saturn Square Jupiter

You may be subject to bouts of fear, worry and depression which make you feel as if you do not have enough material resources to live a reasonable life. These emotions can make you miserly and stingy. Your concern that you may not have enough for that proverbial rainy day can take all the fun and enjoyment out of day-to-day existence. So you keep trying to build up your reserves as your fear grows. You lose your enthusiasm, your generosity and your faith. You cannot allow this to happen. All that you need will be yours if you simply have faith and set your sights on seeking the God within. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you". Remember and practice that and things will improve. You must also not allow yourself to set too high a standard of accomplishment so that if it does not transpire that you lose all drive and incentive to keep working towards your goals. Be patient with yourself and just keep plugging away for "little by little does the trick". Give yourself time to reach the heights you aspire to. After all, you probably have more time than any other commodity. Use time to your advantage - don't let it be your enemy. If you don't stick to your goals and ambitions, then you may end up as one who continually hops from this to that, accomplishing nothing in the process, except having to learn the same old lessons over and over. You have many skills and abilities, but you need to learn how to discipline yourself to finish what you start. An inner restlessness suggests that you keep several projects open at the same time so you can move from one to another to alleviate any boredom that might develop. Most of all, you absolutely must learn to accept yourself as you are, limitations and all. This is not a favorable aspect, except that Saturn gains influence by participating in some of the rays of Jupiter. Its effect on your life will bring you frustration at a time when you may have problems with your liver. It's not a good look at economic affairs. Sometimes you will lose - it is good that you do not borrow money without guarantee or take responsible positions in businesses that have a financial risk. Mentally, it is good to always act in a perfectly straightforward way, because at some point in your life, you are likely to be falsely accused and slandered. Be careful in your relationships with people of religion.

Planets in House 1

Jupiter at 1 House

Jupiter rises at the moment of your birth, this is very favorable to success in life, as it promises you good luck and brings you what is called "good luck". This, however, comes mainly from a generous and generous attitude and from the fact that you have both good fortune and compassion. Your merciful, optimistic and ambitious nature easily gains the trust of others who consistently want your good. You are socially successful and you never have to fear any social pursuit, provided that hope does not give up. The more optimistic you become, the more you will come under this favorable influence. You can create a bright future for yourself. You are generous, optimistic, cheerful, confident, well-intentioned, with good vitality. You probably like outdoor sports and are good at them. This placement brings many opportunities for personal growth and expansion, including a potential weight problem. Your confidence in yourself makes you a good leader and promoter because you have the ability to inspire the faith of others. You can, however, be extravagant, gullible, over-emotional, egotistical or self-indulgent.

Jupiter R at 27°08'53'' Sagittarius

You are big-hearted, idealistic, loyal, generous, humane, broad- minded, philosophical and tolerant. There may be interest in religion, law, higher education or anything abstract. You may be prophetic and inspirational and you can inspire trust in other people. They are attracted to your sense of honor and integrity. You have a strong desire to help others and you have an ability to inspire them to help themselves. You may be in a position of power and prestige or work in the professions. You tend to be conservative because of a desire for people to like you. You must watch a tendency to justify yourself by rationalization. On the negative side, you may be too fond of sport or gambling, fond of cheap or extravagant display, self- righteous, narrow-minded, intolerant, dogmatic and atheistic. This position is strong and favorable to Jupiter and is beneficial to all its energetic features. It is favorable for the superior aspect of both intellect and feelings, for religion, philosophy, law, medicine, and for charity and social feeling, giving kindness, compassion, generosity, logic and humor. You love beauty and harmony, which can be expressed through music and art. You have a sense of personal dignity and you prefer to be reconciled with the ways and customs of good society, but you also have great tolerance and good character and you can easily forgive those who have insulted you. This position is favorable for land and sea travel. It also tends to give peace to home and family life. It contributes to vitality and physical health.

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Sun at 10°50'53'' Cancer

You have a strange way of moving through life in a sideways manner, never approaching life head-on, but always from the side. You generally do not tackle anything straight away, but always from the flank. Emotionally, you are up one minute and down the next. These mood swings are sometimes difficult for others to understand and deal with. You are tenacious, sympathetic, industrious, sociable, thrifty and protective. You can also be argumentative, sensitive, emotional, martyr-like, intuitive, psychic, and patriotic. You respond to life through your emotions rather than through your mind. You tend to absorb the emotional vibrations of wherever you're at, so it is important to always be in positive environments. Because you live in your feelings, you unconsciously seek sympathy and attention and affection from others. You have a strong need to feel secure. Home and family bring the highest sense of security. Because of all this, you want to be first with those you love or you are very unhappy. You must learn to release your loved ones to live their own lives. You are well-known for changing - your mind, your mood, anything. Since you usually possess a slower moving life force, you are usually less active than others. In order to be active, you must first motivate your mind. In general, you dislike exercise. As a consequence, you may become out of shape and gain weight in later years. You most often have excellent memories. This causes you to reminisce about the past and how things were done then. You are generally pack rats, saving everything, especially if it has some sentimental value. This gives a sense of security. You are home loving, fond of family life and domestic tranquillity, enjoyers of travel and adventure, quietly tenacious and hard working for the welfare of the family. No matter how far you may roam, you always want a home to come back to. You may not be in it very much, but you still want a secure home base. You are conservative, but unfortunately, you are born worriers. Your tendency to keep all your problems to yourselves is the reason you may suffer from ulcers. You have this sense that something is about ready to sneak up on you and get you. When others watching you walk they see if you aren't walking a bit sideways, looking ahead of you and behind you at the same time. Stabilizing the emotions is important work for you. You who have the Sun in Cancer, love home and family. You create strong bonds that are accompanied by sensitive feelings. You are a little depressed, shy and restrained and you do not want to be promoted. You love memories of the past, antiquities and old customs. You are romantic, self-conscious and very persistent, able to persist where the others will quit. You should avoid hypersensitivity, which keeps you back to life, as well as extreme feelings. Try to distinguish between your own feelings and the feelings of others.

Aspects Sun

0.79 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Pluto Semisquare Sun

The aspect Semisquare between Sun and Pluto in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Sun reveals the character and soul. The range of your vitality and activity, your mind and understanding, your love and feelings. Shows the size of your force, the degree of your sense of dignity, ambition, motivation, will, desire and wisdom. Pluto indicates the degree of strength, power and ability to change and towards the end of things and situations, and the ability for new beginnings.

0.88 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Mars Trine Sun

You are bold, daring, confident, active, vital, energetic and positive. You love friendly competition and your initiative, self- esteem and self-confidence make you a winner at all you undertake. You have learned how to control your desires by using your willpower and that brings added power, for the person that can control themself can control the world. You have wonderful physical vitality and excellent recuperative powers. You need to be involved in some sort of physical exercise program or sports in order to release some of your excess energy in a healthy way. You have a strong sense of fair play and do not resort to underhanded means to get ahead. You have leadership skills and executive ability. You are a tireless worker and command respect from those around you. You are self-assertive with inborn courage and you will fight for your rights as well as the rights of others. This is too good for health and vitality in general. It gives you courage and a strong body. The power of will and the nature of the desires are mixed, which enables you to open your way to life with intense intensity, energy and perseverance that rarely, if ever, fails. You can control and manage others. Generally, you will promote your views more through energy and power than through tactics and diplomacy. You can achieve great things if you let your individuality act more often than your personal desires and cravings. This powerful influence often gives you too much vitality, and it is necessary to exercise a lot or to live an active life to distribute it throughout the system evenly.

3.68 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Sextile Sun

You are imaginative and quite sensitive to the conditions with which you surround yourself. You love the colorful, the beautiful, the musical and the magical. You are attracted to metaphysics and want to understand the deeper truths of life. You feel connected to the whole universe and feel rapport with all living creatures. You are sympathetic, compassionate and caring and will always go out of your way to help someone in need. In order to be fulfilled you need to express yourself through some creative pursuit, either art, music, photography, dance or drama. You tend to be very idealistic, a bit romantic, and at times somewhat impractical. You are filled with many ideas and much inspiration and with a little effort you could bring all your dreams and fantasies into reality. In previous lifetimes you have started the work of developing your psychic potential into concrete abilities and you may continue that work in this life by serving those around you who need your help. You are able to contact your Higher Self for wisdom, truth and guidance. You have a love of art, music and painting and you appreciate refinement and high ideals. You may have visions and dreams that you do not understand. Because of your extreme sensitivity, you tend to avoid direct confrontation with others. You are blessed with a certain ethereal charm and magnetism. This shows that the effect of this mysterious planet is conducive to your spiritual development, and you may see that greater conscious enlargement comes from experiences that you have too much difficulty in describing to others. The real paradoxes of life will appear more or less in your consciousness, and some truths that can be expressed in the form of paradox will have a special significance and reality for you if you can get to the upper face of this influence. You are lucky, with the general meaning of the term (although you may not think of yourself as such) and as a rule you will be liked by others. You must, however, be careful that the sensual aspect of life does not dominate you. You also have creative imagination, artistic abilities, inspiration and courtesy, delicacy and romance. Pay attention to the weaknesses of your fellow human beings and you like to join groups that are involved in raising the standard of living.

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Moon at 27°56'51'' Pisces

Your emotions are expressed sympathetically and compassionately. You are sensitive, kind and gentle, imaginative, shy, tender-hearted, and have an innate understanding of how other people feel and react to situations. It hurts you if another is hurt. Because of your kindness and non-judgmental attitude, people in trouble, pain or confusion come to you hoping to find answers. It is difficult for them to think that you may be in pain yourself, but even if you are, you will do your best to help them or teach them. You seem to sense that all the pain you have suffered is for a higher purpose, if only to teach others or help show them the way. At times, though, your soft-hearted is taken advantage of and then you feel the need to withdraw, to regain your strength and composure. Music plays an important part in your life and you are instinctively drawn to it. It is as a voice from your spirit's true home. It helps you to express the emotions within that sometimes are so nebulous or vague that they cannot be put into word. You have a very romantic nature and can fall in love with love. Sometimes your feelings and fantasies get so carried away that you become overly emotional or sentimental, much to the dismay of those around you. You have your moody spells that people do not know how to deal with. You are not afraid of difficult or hard work and you especially like to work for those less fortunate than yourself. You prefer to work behind the scenes, as you may be easily drained of energy by others. There may be talent in art, dancing or music. Tendencies to day-dreaming may need to be controlled. This position enhances the emotional aspect of your nature and makes your feelings active and receptive. You are receptive, sensitive and influenced by your environment, especially in family or social matters. You usually adapt to your people and your comfort depends mainly on the kind of people around you and the circumstances of everyday life. You are calm and carefree, but varied and friends of the variety and - in terms of this position - you lack energy, determination and perseverance. You may be a little tiny and you may develop some mental capacity. When you are in bad directions, you may encounter opposition or hostility or suffer from loss, betrayal or insidious behavior. There is the possibility of travel and many changes of place of residence. In short, you are polite, but shy and timid. You are "children," who are distinguished for their exaggerations and "cached", good-natured and sensitive. But you are also fugitive, you create myths and you live in them. You love art and especially poetry and music.

Moon at 3 House

The Moon in the Third House of your horoscope will bring you many adventures in life with constant changes and travels. It gives you a taste for strange things and many unusual surveys, with a tendency to live only by your wits, if necessary. You love knowledge, you are curious and you have the ability to take on many issues. You love your relatives and everything related to siblings plays an important role in your life. Sometimes your mind is full of desires, and everything you can easily tire of. Intellectual research will be the best player in your actions.

Aspects Moon

0.42 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Uranus Biquintile Moon

The aspect Biquintile between Moon and Uranus in Natal Horoscope is a weak aspect, which is perhaps beneficial but contributes very little to the issues described by the planets or points below. Moon reveals how you feel, instincts and impulses. Your feelings about your home and family life. Your ability to implement the ideas are not abstract, but they apply to specific objectives and practical purposes, such reticence, economy, receptivity, imagination, sensationalism, volatility and some kind of psychic ability or intuition. Uranus indicates the degree of willpower and determination of free and conscious choice and action, love for freedom and independence, a sense of strength and power, positivity, confidence, originality and strength of reaction in any kind of imposition.

1.78 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Trine Moon

You instinctively know how to make people feel appreciated, loved, cared for, accepted and secure. Your thoughtfulness and daily acts of kindness make you beloved by all. You enjoy good relationships with women. You are emotionally fulfilled through artistic expression, whether it be painting, poetry, music or singing. You have a love of beauty, harmony and luxury. This is reflected in the home you create for yourself and your loved ones. You do not like course language or bad manners. A liking for excessively sweet food or too much food should be controlled. A tendency to take the easy way out should be watched for and controlled also. You may be lazy at times. People love you because they sense that you really care about them. You are popular, well-liked and fun to be around. You love people in general and enjoy working with the public. You are gracious and attractive and make the most perfect host or hostess. You have learned how to balance your emotional needs so that you no longer have the desire to possess those you love. This promises you a successful transition from life and very good opportunities for success. You are sophisticated and artistic, have good taste and acute perception of everything that is good and beautiful. You are tender and so you attract those who bring happiness to your life and you will gain social success. You will never miss your friends, nor will you ever be poor. As long as this good look will exert its influence on you. The opposite hand will draw to you and help you in many ways. You like music and singing. Simply put, you are sweet and nice people, optimistic and cheerful, graceful and erotic. You create excellent relationships, become popular and you are socially social.

2.89 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Pluto Sextile Moon

You prefer emotional intensity and are attracted to the mysterious, the unknown, and to dangerous or challenging experiences which draw on all of your inner resources. You have the ability to handle emotional crises very well and you are interested in the deep roots of emotional problems and how to cure them. You insist on bringing feelings between people out into the open, for you want real closeness and intimacy with others, without barriers or secrets. You don't play games with people's emotions. You have great interest in scientific, religious or occult mysteries and you enjoy reading books on natural methods of healing, psychology, sex or science fiction. You are very sensitive psychically and use your sensitivity to understand others. You enjoy learning and absorb information easily. Your emotions have great depth that few are aware of. You are a hard and dedicated worker who has a great deal of endurance, inner strength and stamina. You have the ability to get right to the heart of the matter and figure out what is wrong or what is causing the difficulty. You love to analyze other people's problems and you make an effective counselor. You have a strong force of will and a never-say-die attitude. There may be interest in death or life after death. This gives you a creative imagination and the ability to judge and analyze others correctly, while you understand their motives very easily, so you may be inclined to choose psychoanalysis jobs. You are a sexual person, radiate wisdom and magnetize others.

5.32 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Mercury Square Moon

You are articulate, expressive and witty, but you may lack persistence and depth, in both thought and action. Your memory is not that good and you lack mental stability. You find it difficult to make any sort of decision and are subject to much worry, usually over trivial things that never happen. Your nervous habits can be irritating to others. You have a tendency to gossip behind other people's backs. You stretch the truth for your own purposes. You have a natural interest in people and their inner motivations, feelings, personal lives, and experiences. You are a natural listener with a talent for getting others to talk about their lives, dreams, desires - the things that are personally meaningful to them. You have a particular interest in the past. You like sharing stories about your roots and are generally concerned either with personal history (childhood and early family experiences, genealogy, etc.) or with the roots and origins of societies (archeology, mythology, history, etc.). You are nostalgic and love to hear others' life stories and to discuss your own experiences and feelings. You need to balance your mind and your emotions by bringing reason to your emotional reactions. You tend to be totally logical at times or totally emotional. You have a keen mind, but can have a sharp tongue which hurts other people. You should hesitate before speaking to make sure that your words are a constructive and accurate blend of feelings and reason. You are high-strung, restless and nervous and can be very irritable at times. You have a great need to be understood and loved. This aspect is rather unfavorable to progress in life. However, it exacerbates your spirit and makes you very intelligent, but at the same time sarcastic, when you dislike or get upset in any way, so you can easily hurt - albeit unwittingly - others. You face some difficulty in your judgment about making some decisions, because emotion conflicts with logic. Your nervous system will not always be in good shape and this makes you be a little eccentric and unstable. You will come across criticism and often your views will differ from others. Be very careful when you sign documents, because you are likely to make mistakes about letters and correspondence. Avoid extremes and make sure your expressions are always clear and accurate.


Sun Cancer - Moon Pisces

The mixing of this influence suggests that you have a brilliant, active mind, an acute sense of the inner meaning of words and you can easily understand the mind and thoughts of others. You have a strong sense of the suitability of things. You must always keep your mind active, and never let yourself be dull, or let yourself become a mentor, hysterical, or imaginative. You will be hardworking and scholarly, with great thirst for knowledge. Along with mental activity, you must always combine the right fun and pleasure to keep your body in good health. You would like to express your ideal minutes and be very careful in the details. You can easily feel and feel the mental states of others, but you must not let this compassionate and receptive aspect of your nature go to the extreme.

* * *

Mind Skills

Mercury at 22°37'08'' Gemini

You have an extremely adaptable, energetic, active, alert, curious, and versatile mind. You seek knowledge, either through reading or conversation, or through travel and talking with the new people you constantly meet. You have so much nervous energy that this can sometimes cause great stress which must find an appropriate release. Exercise is a good way to release this tension. You are clever, witty, and always have a joke or comeback ready for any situation. You love being involved in multiple things at once and this may be a problem - too may irons in the fire at the same time. You are quick to grasp new concepts and equally quick to lose interest in an idea or project once your curiosity has been satisfied. You like to taste a little bit of everything - concentration and disciplined study are not your strong points. You are handy with your hands and may be ambidextrous or mechanically inclined. Debate and argument appeal to you. There is a tendency to scratch the surface with the things that strike your interest without learning anything very deeply. This is the jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none position. There is danger, then, of superficiality. Control of thought, word, and action is necessary in order to be successful. Find your focus, stay with it and develop perseverance. Journalism, speaking, teaching, sales, advertising, or writing may appeal to you. Mentally restless, you may change jobs or locations frequently, or do work that involves movement, travel, and variety. You grasp concepts easily and may become impatient with those who don't learn as quickly. This will bring to light all the "hermetic" assumptions, giving you the ability to write and study. However, you will learn more by traveling, rather than studying or reading, because Mercury in Gemini probably does not help in gathering. The mind has difficulty concentrating on one topic each time, so travel is the best way to expand your mind. You are mentally modifiable and capable of dealing with two different searches or studies at the same time, which adds enough to your versatility. Your mind is active and vigilant, and you can become good speakers, speakers or actors, having a spirit readiness and a bit of a good spirit of spirit.

Mercury at 7 House

Mercury in the Seventh House, creates a tendency for cognitive employment with issues related to cooperatives, marriage, and issues that concern more than yourself. Be careful to avoid quarrels or disagreements, otherwise you may find yourself entangled in a quarreling and be seduced into trials for insignificant things. This position is not conducive to arguments because your opponents may be stronger than you. It threatens with loss and brings anxiety and worries, and if you let yourself be affected, you may suffer from dissatisfaction. Your associates will be smart with a quick spirit but more wicked than you.

Aspects Mercury

0.24 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Uranus Sextile Mercury

You possess lightning-quick physical and mental responses to stimuli of all kinds. You have an electric nature about you that won't let you sit still. You love being involved with several projects at the same time because you do not like to be bored. You are open-minded, independent, original, eccentric, creative, unusual, a bit of a genius and a free-thinker. New ideas and concepts are important to you and you encourage everyone you come into contact with to experiment and try new things. You are intuitive and many insights come from your Higher Self. You like an unstructured environment free from rules and regulations where you can respond to the needs of the moment. Routine, repetitive work makes you nuts. Your mind functions in an intuitive, nonlinear fashion and sudden insights and flashes of inspiration often come to you "out of the blue". You hate being told what to do and how to do it. You need to discover your own truths and experience things for yourself first-hand. You are better suited to a fast-paced atmosphere where things happen and change all the time. You love science and new technology and you like keeping up with all the state- of-the-art inventions, products and ideas. You have an interest in occult subjects such as astrology. You have a talent for writing, speaking and communicating your ideas to others and are always ready to listen to new and unusual thoughts and concepts. This is one of the best aspects that Mercury can have for those who make mental and spiritual progress because it gives an occult and source mental tendency and makes the person fit for the study of astrology and deeper metaphysical issues. You are inventive, you have a broad understanding and as life progresses, you will be more and more interested in superior thinking. You have strong analytical ability, but you are insightful and possess an inner perception that makes you understand your environment quickly. It's a good look in terms of travel or new acquaintances. You are also brilliant, original and creative. Your abilities are too many, because you do so easily as both technocrats and theorists. You have an opinion on every subject and you always present it in evidence. The best look for inventors, researchers, electronics, psychoanalysts and astrologers.

0.45 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Neptune Semisquare Mercury

The aspect Semisquare between Mercury and Neptune in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Mercury reveals the breadth of thinking, understanding, reasoning, intellect and mind, in view of the abstract rather than specific, knowledge for knowledge's sake, apart from any practical application or verification rectal or error. Intelligence, skill, cunning, eloquence, memory and pure logic. Neptune indicates the degree of intensity of feelings, desires, emotions, imagination, aesthetic, psychic abilities and intuition.

2.26 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Saturn Square Mercury

Your mind is scientific, serious, deep and capable of great concentration. You are a relatively slow thinker, but you are very thorough. You enjoy studying or thinking in solitude and you rarely offer an opinion on any matter until you have thoroughly considered it. You are subject to periodic bouts of depression and melancholy and are cautious and reserved by nature. Conservatism is your natural mode of operation. You are something of a skeptic and may be narrow-minded and closed to new ideas, especially if you have no concrete proof or scientific evidence as to their validity and correctness. You have an aptitude for research or doing mental work which requires precise, organized thinking, attention to detail, and a methodical approach. Socially, you tend to be reserved, serious, uncommunicative and uncomfortable with light, frivolous conversation. Anything that doesn't accomplish something practical and productive is considered more or less a waste of time and energy. People who listen to you talk know that you speak with the confidence of authority. You have wonderful organizing ability and executive capacity. You are practical and deliberate and you have difficulty expressing your affection for others. You have a tendency toward tooth decay. Mental cruelty is possible. You tend to have fears and worries that are unreasonable. Instead of planning you focus on worry. You are distrustful or fearful of anything you cannot understand with your rational mind. You should develop more awareness so that you do not interpret what others say to you in a negative manner. You may have difficulties in verbally communicating what you mean to say to others, so that misunderstandings occur on both sides. You are such a conservative in your thinking that you prefer to stay with ideas that work for you rather than adopting new ones. It would at times, though, be to your advantage and listen to new concepts and to try them occasionally. Be careful that you do not get into the habit of rationalizing everything such that any means to an end is acceptable as long as you believe it. You have a tendency to go to extremes with details. Some of the details are not important. There is a tendency to strain on the nervous system through stress or overwork. This makes life rather unfortunate, especially if you are worried. It is a face that causes obstacles and delays, as well as the opposition of others towards you, especially those who are bigger. You will experience disappointments in life, so do not seek to be in responsible positions, because you can receive strong criticism, lose your credibility, etc. Because of misconceptions about yourself. You must be very careful about the documents you are signing, as well as your speech. You are somewhat monumental and you tend to be strict with those who have done bad. Also, you are rather stiff and absolute, you are not interested in the opinion of others and you try to impose in any way your own. You are lonely and lock yourself up and you do not like companions. Avoid worry.

2.43 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Pluto Semisextile Mercury

The aspect Semisextile between Mercury and Pluto in Natal Horoscope is a favorable physical, assertive, but indifferent view of the nature of Mars. Mercury reveals the breadth of thinking, understanding, reasoning, intellect and mind, in view of the abstract rather than specific, knowledge for knowledge's sake, apart from any practical application or verification rectal or error. Intelligence, skill, cunning, eloquence, memory and pure logic. Pluto indicates the degree of strength, power and ability to change and towards the end of things and situations, and the ability for new beginnings.

* * *

Money, Property

Jupiter in 1 Corner House

The Jupiter Corner is a safe sign of success in all aspects of the economy; and because the angles represent things that occur at some point in your life, you will be able To accumulate wealth or possessions, rightly or through inheritance. Of course, there will be some periods where financial affairs may not be as favorable as other times, but, as a general rule, throughout your life you have nothing to fear about the money. This planet gives the greatest fortune during the mature age. In all monetary matters, Tuesday is probably your best and most lucky day.

Stable Sign in beginning of 2 House

A Stable Sign occupies the horizon of your Second Horoscope's House and this indicates that your income will remain constant and will not fluctuate. Investments will be more favorable to you than for speculative businesses, though, when you are under good "directions", you will have some success in speculation. But, you are more likely to be happy with a steady income rather than risking or running the risk of seriously damaging your income. There is an indication of some indifference in terms of financial issues and you are more happy than others if you have secured a steady and steady income that you prefer from uncertainty and doubt about financial issues.

2 House Aquarius at 00°04'59''

2nd House in Aquarius: profits from inventions, possible help from friends, profits from politics, relationships, cinema. Unexpected facts about property.

Saturn Ruler of Aquarius

Saturn exerts influence on the Second House of your birth horoscope, this is not a very good indication because it causes delays and obstacles to progress and economic growth. However, it promises profits from industriousness, slow and steady persistence and thanks to caution, austerity and the economy. Through pure incentives you can gain wealth over time and through careful investments, you may have some success greater than usual. It is not conducive to those who have not been born in a good environment because it implies more labor and truly hard work than good fortune in economic matters. However, you are very fair in your financial transactions. You tend to be thrifty, practical and responsible, especially with money and possessions. This placement does not deny money, but you must work hard for it. Sometimes you are so busy squirreling away money that you forget to enjoy it. Having money set aside for a rainy day is fine, but you probably don't need as much as you tend to want to have set aside. Poverty is possible with this placement due to a lack of understanding of the true value of money and possessions. There is a tendency to become depressed over material matters. Your possessions are apt to bring worries rather than happiness because you may need to learn to share with others. There may have been too much emphasis on materialism in past lives. You may need to re-evaluate your values. Attitudes of possessiveness toward others must be changed. Feelings of being unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated occur with this position. You must value yourself before others can value you. Love yourself first.

Uranus Second Ruler of Aquarius

Uranus is influencing your horoscope's Second House, showing some very large sudden changes in your property. You will have some peculiar and remarkable experiences in your financial affairs, and you have to be very careful about speculative or dubious issues. It is a favorable place for those who are dealing with rarity, old furniture or ancient books and every odd subject, etc. It is also favorable and unfavorable in terms of railway stock and general public transport. That is why attention is essential to all the relevant issues because it promises sudden losses and sudden gains, with great uncertainty as to the effect, indeed, all economic affairs have an uncertainty. You can earn money in original and inventive ways. Money and possessions come and go in sudden, unexpected ways. There may be unusual and disruptive changes in your financial condition. You may value money for the freedom it gives you to pursue your inner talents, which may be rare and unique. You have the ability to get yourself out of financial difficulties.

* * *

Communications, Short Journeys

Moon at 3 House

This light beacon controls travel, travel, and changes. You like to travel a lot, and you will move much either by your own choice or by impulse, and for many reasons there will be a tendency to move from city to town or from work to home, conveniently covering short and long distances. Many of your cognitive experiences in this life will come through travel and you prefer the change of movement rather than monotony. You will be in contact with the general public when traveling and you will be very receptive to the situations of others. You possess intellectual curiosity and may well express your true feelings through speech, poetry or writing. Intellectualizing your feelings is probable. There is a strong need for communication and for gathering information, which is later shared with people in general or women in particular. You have a fine sense of humor and like to joke and play around. Travel appeals to you because it affords new opportunities for learning. Routine of any kind probably bores you and you are constantly looking for variety. Your ideas change at a moment's notice and you are forever flexible and adaptable to any situation. Learning is perhaps better accomplished through listening rather than reading. Your mind can be quite emotional at times. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is on communication and information exchange. Your personality gathers, shares and reacts to information. This position represents the intermediary, the go-between, and the dissemination functions.

Mars at 3 House

Mars exerts influence on the Third House and this is not good for trips made for business or entertainment. It threatens with accidents or serious trials, due to circumstances that arise during the trip. In the general sense, this planet does not have a good influence because it causes the mind to be sometimes too inattentive and impulsive, so it is possible that you yourself can cause the accidents either directly or indirectly. This influence also implies problems from relatives or through them, the siblings will cause you annoyance and create disagreements. You should always keep an eye on your speech and correspondence. This position will give you plenty of mental courage when you need to use it. You are restless, perhaps high-strung, and probably have an abundance of nervous energy. You have an intense belief in your own ideas. You are alert, determined, and enthusiastic. You possess an abundance of mental energy. Developing analytical thinking is important, as impulsive thinking will bring difficulties. There can be problems with siblings or neighbors. There will be many short journeys. Energy is expended in neighborhood activities.

Mars at 11°44'02'' Pisces

Your energies and aggressions tend to come out in non-combative and noncompetitive ways. You are a bit of a pacifist and do not enjoy tackling anyone or anything head-on in a directly confrontational manner. Working around people or situations or working behind the scenes, in secret, is more your preferred style. If necessary, it is more your tendency to give up something rather than to fight for it. Because your ego is not especially interested in personal achievement, glorification, material advantage, or winning at the expense of someone else, you may come across to others as weak-willed or ineffectual. Being on top, being the best, or being first doesn't mean much to you, hence you can be quite happy in a supporting role, working for the benefit of others or for a cause that you believe in. You may experience difficulties in planning clear and definite goals for yourself in the real world. You are not sure what you want out of life, except you instinctively seem to know that you do have and need to find a spiritual purpose. You have many dreams, high ideals, and a strong mystical or religious impulse. You also have a creative imagination and can successfully apply yourself to art or music. You are intuitive, humorous and diplomatic, quiet on the outside, but restless within. On the negative side you can be indecisive, procrastinating, too interested in the sensual side of life, and may resort to using drugs or alcohol as a way to escape the pressures and responsibilities of dealing with everyday life. Learning self-control is important for you. Take action, don't day-dream. In this position Mars manifests less fire and impulsivity than other signs and is accompanied by sufficient restraint. You have strength and skill, but you do not expose your whole nature. You do not come into action without thought, as people usually do under this planet. Nor does it give you the iron will and the rigid spirit of some of the signs. You know how to spend your time, how to choose the right moments for action, how to wait with some patience, diplomacy and cunning to achieve your purpose and that way you can win a lot. But under bad directions, you are likely to encounter secret hostility and suffer from criticism, opposition, hatred that are generally more or less unexpectedly or hidden. You will lose money because of mistakes or you will make a wrong step that will bind you or prevent you. You will create a bad reputation or cause an event that would amount to a collapse. Be careful not to be seduced by volatility, ambiguity or indecision.

Aspects Mars

0.56 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Venus Sesquiquadrate Mars

The aspect Sesquiquadrate between Venus and Mars in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Venus reveals your emotions and your feelings, especially love and those under him. Your aesthetic, appreciation of beauty, elegance, comfort and fun. Mars indicates the degree of courage, bravery, initiative, positivity, confidence, dignity, desire, passion, impulse, competitiveness and anger.

1.31 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Pluto Quintile Mars

The aspect Quintile between Mars and Pluto in Natal Horoscope is a weak aspect, which is perhaps beneficial but contributes very little to the issues described by the planets or points below. Mars indicates the degree of courage, bravery, initiative, positivity, confidence, dignity, desire, passion, impulse, competitiveness and anger. Pluto indicates the degree of strength, power and ability to change and towards the end of things and situations, and the ability for new beginnings.

4.56 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Neptune Sextile Mars

You enjoy and have a flair for coming up with creative solutions to problems by using your powers of visualization and imagination. You are a fairly passive person who would rather avoid conflict and confrontation in favor of more peaceful or subtle methods of resolving problems. You like to work with others for some cause that will benefit those around you who are less fortunate than you. In your mind serving them is one of the best ways to reach for God. And you are correct in that notion. You have a flair for the dramatic, the musical, the artistic and the poetic. Channeling your energies into these sorts of activities helps keep you in a positive frame of mind and emotion. It also helps you keep control of your imagination so your thoughts and ideas don't run away with you. You have the ability to bring your dreams into reality, for you tend to be a practical idealist. You have a mystical side to you and you may be attracted to the occult. There is a personal magnetism about you that attracts others, especially those in need. You have the ability to be patient and lovingly assertive. Because of your kindnesses to others in past lives, you have some degree of spiritual protection from hidden enemies who might seek to undo you. You have learned that patience will bring you whatever you desire and to this end you will work hard. You are compassionate towards people and animals and you are usually a soft touch for any hard-luck story. The sea has a rejuvenating effect on you and you would probably benefit from its vibrations. This is a beneficial influence that adds to your general executive ability and makes you look for your friends because the personal magnetism it offers is abundant and enjoyable. This aspect gives a great deal of ambition to your ambition and enables you to design big things. Whether you can fully realize the great designs depends mainly on the views of the Sun, the Moon and the Mercury and also your natural determination and stability. Because there is a certain variability in this aspect. It gives a strong sense of color and in good combination with good aspects of Moon or Mercury, it gives a special talent in painting. You can use your imagination to make your plans. You are honest, smart and idealistic and watch your behavior, which is very polite.

Saturn at 3 House

Saturn exerts influence on your horoscope's Third House, will cause obstacles and delays in traveling and traveling. Better be prepared for frustration in relation to travel. You will gain many experiences, which will come through grief or distress about traveling. This position is opposed to your agreement with relatives or siblings and you may be estranged from them or suffer from their actions because their attitude towards you will sometimes be cold and distant. You like the occult and the mystic and you will seek to immerse yourself in those matters that favor psychic things. It gives you the ability to study in depth astrology and related topics. Your mind is serious, exacting, patient and orderly plus you have the ability to concentrate on deep subject matter. With this ability comes a tendency to depression, pessimism, loneliness or despondency. You have organizational ability and are probably conservative and traditional in your thinking. Mathematics and strategy games may appeal to you. Time consuming projects do not bother you. You may feel a bit isolated from siblings and neighbors or they may give you trouble. There may be issues of communication with either. Try to stay optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. Your lungs need plenty of oxygen, so try to sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Saturn R at 20°20'59'' Pisces

It may be difficult for you to set boundaries for yourself and others, or to be as disciplined and organized as you want or need to be. Things have a way of getting lost in the shuffle of everyday life and it may be hard for you to keep your touch on the pulse of things around you. Sometimes you just get lost in the fog and can't see your way clearly. You are intuitive, sympathetic, sensitive, imaginative and self-sacrificing. You are a practical idealist and have a tendency to take life perhaps too seriously. You may have the sense that your present life's troubles are due to actions from the past. And this is probably the truth. You must reap what you have sown in previous lives and Saturn comes to exact his payment. Perhaps this is why you tend to feel more sorrow, perhaps, than the usual person. There can be success in working behind the scenes, away from the public eye, perhaps doing research or working in institutions. On the negative side you can be indecisive and moody, with a tendency to react emotionally to negative conditions or people. Depression can set in if success escapes you or if you feel that you have been unfairly treated. You need to develop faith in the future and let go of the past. Disidentifying from other people's troubles will allow you to help them in their own sorrows. Teaching what you have learned in your experiences is a fine road to soul growth. This is favorable for professions, public positions, reputation and popularity. You may encounter indignation or defamation, fair or unfair. The seniors, the authorities and those in a position will be unfavorable because you have critics, enemies, and false friends. There is the possibility of attacks from inferiors, but when Saturn has good looks, you will benefit if you are related in any way to hospitals, charities, shelters, private professions, secret companies or unpopular employment. Self-restraint, tolerance and stability will benefit you very much and help you overcome the misfortunes mentioned above. Boost your will and avoid as much as possible making mistakes in your judgments. Also, this position predisposes to lonely life and philosophy and gives occultic abilities. You are unstable due to excessive romance. Wait for the others to do the right thing first to decide how to work in practice and you, which means you are dependent and need a boost to make life.

Aspects Saturn

1.81 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Neptune Semisquare Saturn

The aspect Semisquare between Saturn and Neptune in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Saturn shows this mind tends to focus on separateness and personality, strong sense of ego, emotion controlled by thought and will. Self-control, patience, steadfastness, perseverance, seriousness, prudence, circumspection and very practical ability. Slow methodical thinking, cold calculation and determination. Neptune indicates the degree of intensity of feelings, desires, emotions, imagination, aesthetic, psychic abilities and intuition.

2.02 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Uranus Inconjunct Saturn

The aspect Inconjunct between Saturn and Uranus in Natal Horoscope is a secondary, human and eclectic, but indifferent view, the nature of Mercury. Makes you keep a cautious and indecisive stance on the issues described by the planets or points below and hold things to suspend, or to postpone for a more suitable occasion. Saturn shows this mind tends to focus on separateness and personality, strong sense of ego, emotion controlled by thought and will. Self-control, patience, steadfastness, perseverance, seriousness, prudence, circumspection and very practical ability. Slow methodical thinking, cold calculation and determination. Uranus indicates the degree of willpower and determination of free and conscious choice and action, love for freedom and independence, a sense of strength and power, positivity, confidence, originality and strength of reaction in any kind of imposition.

4.70 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Pluto Sextile Saturn

Personal growth, reform and regeneration is possible if you put your Will into it. Many changes are possible in your life, all designed to teach you needed lessons to help you evolve and mature. You have the self-discipline and the ability to endure difficult times. You instinctively know they will not last and that things will eventually improve if you just give time a chance to do its magic. The ambition you seem to have involves the public or the masses in some way. Their destiny and yours are somehow intertwined. You have the ability to control your thoughts and emotions and are seldom carried away by emotional outbursts. People see leadership qualities in you because of your skill at disciplining yourself and your honesty, common sense, good judgment and reliability. You feel that whatever you receive must be earned and for this reason, you feel comfortable in slowly climbing the ladder of success through hard work and patience. You occasionally like to be alone because interacting with others sometimes scares or confuses you. It is not easy to teach you because you prefer to learn from your own experiences rather than through the second-handed experiences of others. This gives you the ability to gain from life as much as you can. You have a business mind and you can manage many chapters. This look makes you excellent brokers and promises you real estate.

5.81 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Venus Trine Saturn

You are loyal and steadfast in matters of love and affection. The feelings of others are a serious matter to you and you don't play games with people's affections. Fidelity is highly valued and you don't want to settle for less. Security plays an important part in your life and you have a fine enough opinion about yourself and your own self-worth that problems with insecurity don't cause you much aggravation or upset. Still, you are somewhat reserved in showing your affections as you want to be sure you can trust whomever you are involved with. Your tastes and needs are simple and although you appreciate beauty and luxury, you do not need every luxury and convenience in the world in order to be happy. A person's character and inner nature matter more to you than their appearance. Casual or superficial relationships are not what you want and you aren't looking for them. You understand that the best kind of love takes time to develop and real love only gets better, deeper and more satisfying with age. The friendships you form are generally solid and long- lasting. Stability of emotions is one of your hallmarks. You have an innate sense of duty and responsibility towards your loved ones. Self- control is relatively easy for you to practice. You wouldn't be considered a party animal as your outlook on life is a little more serious and reserved than that. Still, others appreciate the fine qualities you have spent lifetimes developing. You have an inborn strength and courage to face life's difficulties. This is a much higher vibration for Planet Venus, as the purifying and stabilizing influence it receives from Saturn tends to establish many of the harmonic qualities implied by it. It makes you a steady character, giving you a love of austerity and wise economy, allowing you to accumulate wealth if you ever want it. You have tactics and good abilities, and also the power to hold back your energies. You are a very loyal friend and very sincere in all your relationships, attracting in this way those whom you can honestly love and who will respond to your love.

Saturn at 3 House

Saturn exerts influence on your horoscope's Third House, will cause obstacles and delays in traveling and traveling. Better be prepared for frustration in relation to travel. You will gain many experiences, which will come through grief or distress about traveling. This position is opposed to your agreement with relatives or siblings and you may be estranged from them or suffer from their actions because their attitude towards you will sometimes be cold and distant. You like the occult and the mystic and you will seek to immerse yourself in those matters that favor psychic things. It gives you the ability to study in depth astrology and related topics. Your mind is serious, exacting, patient and orderly plus you have the ability to concentrate on deep subject matter. With this ability comes a tendency to depression, pessimism, loneliness or despondency. You have organizational ability and are probably conservative and traditional in your thinking. Mathematics and strategy games may appeal to you. Time consuming projects do not bother you. You may feel a bit isolated from siblings and neighbors or they may give you trouble. There may be issues of communication with either. Try to stay optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. Your lungs need plenty of oxygen, so try to sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Saturn R at 20°20'59'' Pisces

It may be difficult for you to set boundaries for yourself and others, or to be as disciplined and organized as you want or need to be. Things have a way of getting lost in the shuffle of everyday life and it may be hard for you to keep your touch on the pulse of things around you. Sometimes you just get lost in the fog and can't see your way clearly. You are intuitive, sympathetic, sensitive, imaginative and self-sacrificing. You are a practical idealist and have a tendency to take life perhaps too seriously. You may have the sense that your present life's troubles are due to actions from the past. And this is probably the truth. You must reap what you have sown in previous lives and Saturn comes to exact his payment. Perhaps this is why you tend to feel more sorrow, perhaps, than the usual person. There can be success in working behind the scenes, away from the public eye, perhaps doing research or working in institutions. On the negative side you can be indecisive and moody, with a tendency to react emotionally to negative conditions or people. Depression can set in if success escapes you or if you feel that you have been unfairly treated. You need to develop faith in the future and let go of the past. Disidentifying from other people's troubles will allow you to help them in their own sorrows. Teaching what you have learned in your experiences is a fine road to soul growth. This is favorable for professions, public positions, reputation and popularity. You may encounter indignation or defamation, fair or unfair. The seniors, the authorities and those in a position will be unfavorable because you have critics, enemies, and false friends. There is the possibility of attacks from inferiors, but when Saturn has good looks, you will benefit if you are related in any way to hospitals, charities, shelters, private professions, secret companies or unpopular employment. Self-restraint, tolerance and stability will benefit you very much and help you overcome the misfortunes mentioned above. Boost your will and avoid as much as possible making mistakes in your judgments. Also, this position predisposes to lonely life and philosophy and gives occultic abilities. You are unstable due to excessive romance. Wait for the others to do the right thing first to decide how to work in practice and you, which means you are dependent and need a boost to make life.

Mutable Sign in beginning of 3 House

Variable Signs govern the Travel House and this shows that you will be completely indifferent to travel, but circumstances will decide on this matter for you and all trips, even your trips Will be caused more by external causes than by your own initiative. Variable travel influences are marked by indecision. So, it's hard to get a definitive and clear idea of ​​when to travel, or if you travel. But there is more evidence for distant than for short trips, because variable signs are more related to foreign countries than to place of birth.

3 House Pisces at 09°58'56''

You have a mind that draws from the source of dreams, poetry or religion. You often drive by boat. You have many relationships but are unstable.

Jupiter Ruler of Pisces

Jupiter has an influence on the Third House of your horoscope, it is very favorable for all travel-related issues, especially with regard to relatively short trips. It brings you in contact with very helpful and positive influences and when you travel, either for fun or for profit, you will have success and benefit. This subdivision of the sky also relates to the siblings and the state of the mind. By placing in this House, Jupiter, all these issues will roll peacefully and successfully. Your relatives will have good attitude, your mind will be devotional and your mental state generally harmonious. You can practice meditation advantageously. You are philosophical, optimistic, conventional and considerate. You have strong intuition. This position expands and broadens your mind enabling you to comprehend easily. You are well liked by siblings, neighbors and relatives. There may be mental restlessness which can be helped through occupations that keep you moving. You must be careful not to scatter your energies. There is a tendency to be impractical or self-satisfied. Your mind tends to think in broad terms, not in details.

Neptune Second Ruler of Pisces

Neptune occupies your horoscope's Third House, this shows that you will experience some strange experiences during a trip. You may be experiencing very peculiar mishaps. This is not a good or optimistic look for your relatives, because maybe some of them are strange characters, either good or bad, but difficult to understand. There are not enough things known to Neptune to be sure how his vibrations will work in every horoscope. For some, his nature is undoubtedly bad, and only those who are spiritually sophisticated can feel his influence on the affairs of the Third House. You are idealistic and artistic. Your mind soaks up information rather than acquiring it by brute force. Your ability to visualize and imagine is probably quite pronounced. Flashes of inspiration can come to you quite suddenly. There may even be traces of clairvoyance. Perhaps you have felt as if you could read people's minds? Concentration on book work may be difficult for you. Did you ever try sleeping with the book under your pillow? Possible karmic obligations to siblings or neighbors may need to be reconciled. Some feelings of insecurity may cause nervous disorders. You may have a tendency to be unreliable or negative. Avoid procrastination and idle day-dreaming. Avoid all negative psychic practices and drugs.

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Base, Home, Seat

4 House Aries at 19°52'52''

Maybe you grew up in an unstable family environment that has had many impulsive situations and tears. It is good to watch the use of fire inside the house.

Mars Ruler of Aries

Mars rules your Fourth House of your horoscope, suggests some disagreements and difficulties with family affairs, and warns you to take care of the problems that may arise in some periods of your life due to turmoil or disharmony. This aspect is not good for parents or those who have some power or control over you and rather favors moving away from the place of residence, despite staying for long in one place. There is an early striving for independence and a desire for security and a home of your own. There may be tension or antagonism in your family environment. Perhaps you are too demanding of those closest to you. You must overcome your hidden antagonisms and quarrelsomeness. Your strong emotions must be toned down and controlled. Go out and do some yard work to work off the excess energy.

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Neptune at 5 House

Neptune rules the Fifth House of your horoscope, she, in many ways, is a rather peculiar influence. As for speculation and investment, you should be very careful, because you may come in contact with various kinds of liars and scammers. In matters of the heart, your pursuits will be influenced according to the purity of your life. But, because nothing definitive is yet known about the planet Neptune, we can not say how its influence will develop in this position. When you can respond to its superior faces, you will come in contact with those who, thanks to your sympathy, will help you. But if you ever get seduced by inferior sensations, you will suffer from degradation. You are artistic and creative. You have a flare for the dramatic and perhaps love being "on stage". You like playing the role of the entertainer. Chaotic love affairs with much confusion can be experienced or love affairs just seem to dissolve for no particular reason. In matters of love you can be the hopeless romantic or the one who is constantly looking for that white knight or princess to sweep you off your feet. Idealism is fine, but don't lose your practicality or let your imagination run away with you. Your children may be unusual. Perhaps they require some special care. Great sacrifices can be made for children and love interests, but little may be gained in return. Love: The person who has Neptune in the fifth house is a desperate romantic. The eternal love, the unfailing fan of love. Deep in his soul, this man holds the archetypes for romanticized Romance and Juliet. The problem with these "fairy-tale" and lusty people is that their exaggeration and tendency to build in their imagination an ideal image for the person they relate to leads them to tragic erotic situations that end very badly and their They hurt deeply. A problem that takes enormous dimensions when Neptune is unable in the horoscope, a planetary effect that does not allow the individual to admit that the relationship he has created is not the only relationship that has all the elements of fairy tales. The unlimited imagination that Neptune gives to the fifth, makes these people believe that utopia has a place in reality, and they think that they have managed to find the partner that guarantees them the love that only death can destroy. But naturally a relationship is staggered and in order to be maintained, individuals must begin to solve the problems they present in their effort to build up their bond. Sometimes, these people, instead of solving the problems they already have, create even more and do not let the relationship grow smoothly. They have the illusion that a perfect love should be painful. If you have this planetary position on your map or if you have gotten involved with this type, you have to make a decision that it is necessary to use the power of Saturn to land. A positive way to take advantage of the power of Saturn is to use the imagination and artistic abilities of Neptune in the fifth, generously, in order to engage in cinema, theater and art in general, relieving the tendency to flee, from The reality in utopia, creatively, in a space where everything is allowed, without harming your personal life.

Neptune at 07°09'54'' Taurus

When the planet of imagination is in a material sign, the dreams, fantasies, and ideals will tend to be about material things. You are concentrated on materialism. This influence makes you sympathetic and inspiring. You like art and music. The negative side of this position is that it can cause instability in earnings from work and capital flight.

Pluto at 5 House

Pluto in the Fifth House shows links based on sex and can be hidden. A bond may be the basis of your career development and career. You have unusual talents and hobbies. Great creativity and self- expression is possible. Your children may be unique and it may be difficult for you to understand them or for them to understand you. There may be too much emphasis on sex in romantic relationships and issues of power and control can surface therein. There is an inner drive to be creative and it would be best if this creativity were not channeled through sex. Find a creative hobby instead. Love: Pluto in the fifth house is traditionally associated with the "death" of the relationship, meaning that the relationship dissolves when the person does not expect it and in a very bad way. It makes the individual with this planetary position very dependent on his relationship, jealous, oppressing and - very often - "testing" his partner to check his stamina. Pluto in the fifth house is linked to transformation through love relations. People with Pluto in the Fifth House have to face the weaknesses, not only of their lover, but also of theirs, which are mirrored in their partner. However, this person is a fiery lover or a warm lover. If Pluto is in an ugly position within the horoscope, then it can lead the person into violent tendencies, even to those he loves a lot. In fact, the more he loves, the more he "fights". If your mate has Pluto in the fifth house, you have to make a decision that he is very possessive, that you will have many scenes of jealousy even without giving any reason and that he will constantly try to challenge your love in order to force you To show more and more your interest in this. Pluto's influence on the fifth house becomes softer when - in any way - Jupiter or Venus are positively involved in matters of the fifth house.

Pluto at 25°03'08'' Taurus

Pluto rules Scorpio, so it is debilitated in Taurus, the opposite sign. Here we have the planet of death and rebirth in a sign of stability, the planet of obsessions in a sign that loves material and sensual pleasures. You believe strongly in material progress and slow, steady improvements, and ignored forces that were lurking right beneath the surface. This position warns you to show some special attention to your finances and is likely to make you constantly look for new ways to make a living. It can also cause some peculiar or deviant erotic behavior and cause problems in this regard as well. This position still has a tendency to cause serious health problems, especially in the neck and the tongue, which in order to avoid it should live to act and feel more carefree and not take in cash, or very seriously, the situations And the concerns of everyday life.

Aspects Pluto

1.11 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Sextile Pluto

You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so deeply, so passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and a certain amount of animal magnetism which can't help but be noticed by the opposite sex. You have the ability to use your attractiveness and charm to manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This aspect gives you the opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others transform theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and you are always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good that is in them. This influence shows that you are a practical person with a talent in capital management, you have the ability to engage in business and the stock market. You are sensual, magnetic and you never go unnoticed. You have intense sex life, but only with your mate.

2.67 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Uranus Square Pluto

You may have difficulty learning to be independent. You know that it is a good idea to be able to do things for yourself and to be self- reliant, yet at the same time, it is too easy for you to lean on others and have them pull most of your weight. You have too great an emotional need to lean on those you love. The constant and many changes in your life make you feel uneasy and insecure and this is a big reason why you want to rely on others so heavily. This position gives strange originality to love and strange contemporary scientific thought around the subject: what does matter mean.

5 House Taurus at 09°58'56''

You are patient, jealous and dedicated to love affairs, without excluding that you may also have some financial aspirations from your relationship. Sometimes the engagement is long.

Venus Ruler of Taurus

Venus influences your horoscope's Fifth House, promises success in all monetary affairs related to investment and speculation. You will profitably invest your money and there will be profit on all issues related to the pleasures. He is a lucky and, in the general sense, very favorable House and because he is under the influence of Venus, love and satisfaction will give you happiness. Your ability for pleasure and enjoyment is great and few can enjoy as truly as you do. This influence promises a fruitful as well as happy union with the opposite sex - also, happiness from their children and their affairs. Avoid excessive pleasures. You are affectionate, creative and attractive to the opposite sex, perhaps too attractive for your own good. You probably have talent in drama, art, or music and these may be your favorite hobbies. Perhaps there is love of the stage and of performing. You might make a delightful and expressive teacher because of your love of children. You certainly enjoy having a good time and people may consider you a party animal. Over-indulgence needs to be watched. Love: Venus in the fifth house is one of the most characteristic signs of a sensual person with artistic tendencies. Love is the "alpha and omega" for those who have Venus in the fifth house and these people feel intimate in periods of loneliness, and sometimes they reach the point of not being able to return to their jobs when they pass some ugly A period in the emotional field (This also depends on the rest of the map and it usually happens when there is a Saturn in weakness in the horoscope). The person with Venus in the fifth house can surprise everyone with his charm. More loving and even more generous than what the Sun has in the fifth, it gives great value to romance and love. He believes in the value of the bond and makes efforts to maintain his relationships, so he has very few temporary relationships in his life and is embroiled in even fewer "adventures". He is a kind of man who, even after many years of separation, even loves lovers or mistresses of him or her who betrayed him or her. When she is an artist, she feels love and love as a source of inspiration. Venus in the fifth house gives us a loving and loyal person to his erotic comrades. If you've gotten involved with this type of man, you can rely on his credibility, unless there are other factors on his map that affect him adversely. If Venus is in a weakness, can this person be self-centered in terms of love. This does not mean that he is selfish but that he can not understand how his partner is experiencing his life. The sure thing is, if your mate has Venus in the fifth house, he will never let you feel a lack of affirmation, you will have fun and you will always feel safe to share all your problems with him and definitely have His sympathy.

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Diseases - Work

6 House Gemini at 00°04'59''

Your work requires wisdom, observation or movement. B.C. Journalism. You may also practice two occupations. The illnesses you may experience will have to do with the lungs and you may have encountered some teenagers.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

Most of the illnesses of your life will come from nervous or mental problems. You should be careful not to worry in any way, if you even appreciate your health, because a nervous breakdown is threatened whenever the mind lets you resist anxiety and nervousness. All of your illnesses will come from the state of the mind and the nervous system. You will have some mental impressions that will affect you in some ways, and the serene state of your mind will depend more on what you think. This influence is dangerous when pushing intense mental problems that affect the mind. You have analytical ability with a possible love of computers and electronics. If you become too concerned with details, your nerves may become frayed, thus causing health problems. Any ill health reflects wrong thinking and perhaps worry. You may be restless with a desire for frequent job changes. Service, possibly of a mental nature, appeals to you. Variety in your work or workplace is important. Issues of health and diet interest you.

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Marriage - Partnerships

Sun at 7 House

This suggests a lucky and ambitious companion and someone whose influence will be beneficial in your life. Somehow, you will win through marriage, financially as well as socially. Your partner will be very independent, but with moral integrity, a person who is abhorring to do anything petty or not straight. It is not the best sign of harmony, but there are all opportunities for sympathy to grow, as well as for happiness coming from success. This aspect sometimes delays marriage, or makes it very difficult because of pride or social status. You want a partner that you can be proud of. In some way your sense of pride is involved in the choosing of a marriage partner. There may be a wish to gain social prestige and to marry someone who can be admired and respected or someone who is higher on the social ladder. Your partner must be one who encourages you to be your real self and one who wants you to fully develop your powers of inspiration, creativity and will. Your partner may be in a position of authority and this may help give you more confidence in yourself or more security within the framework of the relationship. You may be challenged to display a greater degree of confidence and to exercise authority more effectively and with greater magnanimity. You must seek a relationship where both people are equal. A partnership in which one is "superior" and the other "inferior" is not likely to be successful. That "always me-first" attitude is not conducive to a rewarding partnership. A need to feel part of a family is present. With this position marriage and partnerships are likely to assume a paramount and key role in your life. There may be a tendency to look for a "father figure" and, as you may be inclined to surrender the initiative to your partner, you are rather more likely to react than act first yourself, so that your partner may assume a dominant role. If your natal Sun is badly aspected, then the partners you attract may be egotistical, domineering, vain and ostentatious. If your natal Sun is well aspected, then partners are likely to be proud, firm-minded, self-confident, ambitious, honorable, frank and generous. Selfish pride and too much desire to have your own way may be the greatest challenges in your relationships. Marriage: People with the Sun in the seventh house usually do not work well without a co-operation. Almost always, their professional agreements are simultaneous, and partnership. In friendships they make the other believe he can become a real friend, their own person, part of their lives. These people do not feel happy on their own, and although they can divorce in a marriage, they do not allow them to stay for long periods of time. Most people who have the sun in the seventh house are married or separated if they are left alone for a very long time. They are the guys who are usually looking for the best companion even when they are committed. If you get involved with such a formula, you have to find out how to reconcile it with its versatility.

Mercury at 7 House

Mercury as a marker of marriage shows that your partner will be very smart and intelligent, capable of speaking and tended to be very honest sometimes, but critic and nervous. This influence implies some anxiety and uncertainty and favors a marriage with a companion younger than you. There is likely to be frequent correspondence with your marriage, and it is advisable to be careful about the letters, as there may be problems with documents or authorship. Your relationships tend to gravitate towards people who are intelligent, thought-provoking, witty and learned. You desire your spouse or business partner to be sharp, curious, clever and alert. You need to communicate and exchange ideas and information with your partner. Promotion of ideas to and from others appeals to you and you are always up for a good debate, discussion or argument. You may spend much time thinking about your relationship or relationships in general. Marriage may be quite often on your mind. You desire a marriage or business partner that provides you with mental satisfaction and challenge. A partner who challenges you mentally and one who helps you function on more of an intellectual level is what you are looking for and need. Their value is enhanced if they help you better adapt and more effectively communicate with others. The person who gives you a lively flow of ideas, ideas that challenge and test your own mental processes, one who brings out your best mentally, stimulates you in a way that others may not understand. Yet that is what you seek in a partner. Your partner may be quick-witted, fluent, volatile, restless, high- strung as well as outspoken, argumentative, wordy and critical. Nervousness or mental imbalance may be present. Your partner may possibly be connected with education, writing, traveling, sales, language interpretation or clerical, secretarial, typing or computer work. In order to achieve the most positive results from any partnership you should learn to control your argumentativeness and your desire to criticize. Marriage: The person who has Mercury in the seventh house marries someone or someone younger. It is usually very interesting to find those people who are intelligent and precise and whose relationships, in the first stage, rely on spiritual communication. This type of person feels very much among the crowd and has the gift to magnetize with the speech of all the other people who surround him. Nevertheless, his partner should not be afraid and consider his sociality a threat. If you have relationships with such a person, you have to realize that your partner just has fun with the fact that he is in contact with different types without having a bad and cunning purpose. Its essential need is communication.

Venus Cancer

Venus in Cancer, the House of the Moon, shows that you tend to be unsteady in your relationships and, until you really adhere to someone, you are likely to have many love relationships. You are attracted to older people, as well as people who have sex with others. You may meet your future mate during a trip or cling to a person who is not in the same social class as yours. You need to avoid volatility and instability in heart issues, because otherwise you may experience disappointments and sorrows in relation to your feelings. You are much more receptive to the feelings of others than you think and are easily affected by them. Marriage: You feel protected against the people you love. You love the family very much and the fact that you are very emotional, makes you dream of a society where everyone loves like a family. Wedding for you means you can create your own homemade. The idea of ​​living in a home together with your mate is a great source of joy for you. You are loyal husbands, too homeless, to the extent that you are likely to break with your mate. Your mate enjoys your affection and sweetness, but he can get tired because of your mood to keep away from your home. Also, do not forget that your excessive care for your mate can often suppress it and give him a tendency to flee.

Venus at 8 House

You attach great importance to your sexuality and make sure you create passionate relationships. When you love, you show your interest, you are loyal and dedicated. The problem is that you are very sovereign and your jealousy greatly affects your mate. When you get angry, you become vindictive and absolute. You are one of the people who have a hard time deciding to get married, because you do not have the flexibility in your relationships, and this means that you can not easily find your ideal, which will cover your overriding requirements for the dedication you are seeking. You essentially want your partner to be delivered "unconditionally".

Moon in double sign

This suggests that you may get married twice or have two relationships before you make a final decision because this influence favors union with others rather than wanting to live Alone and free from family ties. You have the right nature that allows you to love and appreciate family life and I think you will be happier if you get married than if you stay alone. When the Moon is in a "double" sign and there are no other clues about the marriage issue beyond it, then it is possible that a dual experience is necessary for the progress of the soul so that in some way you can get to know the marriage Life in two distinct phases.

7 House Gemini at 20°11'02''

Your marriage can be based on a mental relationship. The other half will be flexible and smart.

Mercury Ruler of Gemini

Mercury as a marker of marriage shows that your partner will be very smart and intelligent, capable of speaking and tended to be very honest sometimes, but critic and nervous. This influence implies some anxiety and uncertainty and favors a marriage with a companion younger than you. There is likely to be frequent correspondence with your marriage, and it is advisable to be careful about the letters, as there may be problems with documents or authorship. Your relationships tend to gravitate towards people who are intelligent, thought-provoking, witty and learned. You desire your spouse or business partner to be sharp, curious, clever and alert. You need to communicate and exchange ideas and information with your partner. Promotion of ideas to and from others appeals to you and you are always up for a good debate, discussion or argument. You may spend much time thinking about your relationship or relationships in general. Marriage may be quite often on your mind. You desire a marriage or business partner that provides you with mental satisfaction and challenge. A partner who challenges you mentally and one who helps you function on more of an intellectual level is what you are looking for and need. Their value is enhanced if they help you better adapt and more effectively communicate with others. The person who gives you a lively flow of ideas, ideas that challenge and test your own mental processes, one who brings out your best mentally, stimulates you in a way that others may not understand. Yet that is what you seek in a partner. Your partner may be quick-witted, fluent, volatile, restless, high- strung as well as outspoken, argumentative, wordy and critical. Nervousness or mental imbalance may be present. Your partner may possibly be connected with education, writing, traveling, sales, language interpretation or clerical, secretarial, typing or computer work. In order to achieve the most positive results from any partnership you should learn to control your argumentativeness and your desire to criticize. Marriage: The person who has Mercury in the seventh house marries someone or someone younger. It is usually very interesting to find those people who are intelligent and precise and whose relationships, in the first stage, rely on spiritual communication. This type of person feels very much among the crowd and has the gift to magnetize with the speech of all the other people who surround him. Nevertheless, his partner should not be afraid and consider his sociality a threat. If you have relationships with such a person, you have to realize that your partner just has fun with the fact that he is in contact with different types without having a bad and cunning purpose. Its essential need is communication.

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Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

Venus at 8 House

Venus is associated with the Eighth House of your horoscope, promises a secure profit from will or bequeath. It also promises marriage profit, partners and associates. When this planet is in good standing or good aspects of directions, you will probably be making money through others. It is a beneficial influence if you connect in any way with others in terms of monetary issues. You should seek security for all things in which there is any kind of responsibility or risk. This influence promises you a very peaceful end, protects you from end-of-life accidents or a sudden end because it is a beneficial influence. You may be enjoying physical comforts and prosperity perhaps due to your partner's efforts. You may inherit money which allows you the luxury you seek. You may lack self-discipline and there may be a tendency to laziness as well as a preoccupation with sex. Trouble may come to you if you have a tendency to indulge your lower nature. You may be attracted to healing, psychic endeavors or metaphysical subjects. Perhaps you have an interest in magic. SEX: Venus and 8th house. It shows a unique relationship between love and sex. A person with such a map can only make love with people he loves. It also shows that the person tends to fall in love with even his transient lovers or mistresses. Venus in this position, almost always, shows an emotional person who is not at all constrained on sexual issues. However, if Venus is not in an advantageous position from Saturn, the person we are examining rarely finds a companion who deserves the dedication and love of this Venus. Also this combination with Saturn shows very limited sex life. Marriage can make its appearance much later in the life of the person. If Venus is not in an advantageous position from Uranus, the life of the person will be filled with strange, unusual ties. If Venus is not in a good position from Neptune, the person we are examining has no realistic data about sex and is often disappointed if his match does not lead to ecstasy. The views of Venus with Pluto, when Venus is related to the eighth house, say insatiable sex life. If, however, this aspect is inconsistent, then there is a tendency to use sex in order to dominate and "control" lovers or mistresses.

Venus at 26°10'03'' Cancer

You are quiet, shy, sensitive, sentimental, gentle, and romantic and your feelings are deeply attached to your family, old friends, familiar places and memories, and the past. Remembering and celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals, and other days of personal significance is very important to you. You seek caring, emotional support and security in love affairs. You can be changeable and inconstant in matters of feeling and emotion. You desire peace and harmony in your home environment. You cling to those you care about like a crab that won't let go. Carried too far, your love and concern for others may turn into a clinging, possessiveness, don't-let-go type of relationship. Feelings of insecurity or feelings of being unloved or unnurtured may lead you to eat too much and thus gain weight. You desire for rich or sweet food may contribute to the problem. Your mother probably had much to do with your feelings of love and affection. You like to be needed and your personal charm, magnetism and sympathy make you a natural caretaker. You have a need to mother others. This position strengthens the emotional aspect of your nature and makes you love family life and companionship, at least in terms of feelings, although you may have different, different features in other aspects of your nature. You appreciate the comforts and protection of family life and have the parental instinct to provide help and protection to children or to those younger or weaker than you. This influence sometimes marries for the sake of a home or social comfort. It is beneficial for obtaining money or property through a marriage or cooperative, as well as from a family source, either on your part or on the part of your partner. You have business talent and do not like spending too much on what you have. You can handle financial issues and you are fortunate about owning houses or land.

Uranus at 8 House

Uranus rules your 8th Horoscope House, the House of wills and bequests, this influence causes sudden and unexpected events. You may not get everything that you have bequeathed, or you may not earn anything or suddenly find yourself in money. Nothing is certain about the issues with which this planet is connected and seems to be more related to that part of the destiny, over which the individual has no control, and who is waiting for an opportunity to reward or punish. I do not think you will have some chronic disease in your last years. Avoid operations and crowds. You have strong psychic feelings and a keen intuition. You perhaps have unconventional ideas about life, sex and death, which you do not necessarily reveal. The afterlife is a great mystery for you and you may seek to probe for answers. The occult sciences in general may intrigue you. You may experience difficulties through nervous tension. Sudden loss or gain could come about with other people's resources. There can be an unexpected inheritance or financial gain through unusual sources. Be careful around electricity and machinery. An interest in healing, perhaps through the laying on of hands, attends this position. You may have entertained thoughts of suicide in earlier years. SEX: Uranus in the Eighth House declares an erotic life whose characteristic is freedom. The person has extreme opinions about love, his limits are almost non-existent, and his erotic appetites are almost always unpredictable. It usually has short relationships and temporary partners. If the map is dominated by the signs of the air or the Capricorn, this person is not very interested in love. These people are either very "spiritual" or very ambitious and snorting love. They try to convince them that they refuse to deal with such matters as the satisfaction of the flesh. If Uranus is blocked by Saturn, it is likely that the person has no sexual desires. If the rest of the person's chart, with Uranus in the eighth, is emotional and shows eroticism, this person can live intensely erotic periods, alternating with periods where the desire for sex does not exist. This person has a terrifying ability to give way to his erotic passion with self-expression. There is too little tendency for sexual loyalty and dedication. Uranus in this position separates sex from true love and commitment. If there are no other factors in the map that neutralize this trend, this person may be totally "immoral" in his sexual behavior and usually does not do anything to hide. He shows openly his preferences, regardless of whether he can withstand his match. If you have such views on your map, you have to reconcile with the fact that most people are looking for faith in their love relationships. They are looking for a romantic lover or a romantic mistress. If you want to have lots of erotic comrades and try them all in love, at least learn to be discreet.

Uranus at 22°22'34'' Leo

It shows that you are somewhat unstable in love. It is a rebellion to the father. Eccentricity tends to escape your control and desire for freedom is very arrogant, but sometimes it may indicate leadership abilities. You are a genius, eccentricity, dramatic and theatrical person.

8 House Leo at 00°04'59''

Watch out for your cardiovascular system. Probability of significant heritage.

Sun Ruler of Leo

This promises a bequest, most likely by a person who lives alive above yours - or maybe you get a legacy from a relative. In the general sense, the Sun does not have enough domination in the Eighth House, but it is a favorable position for occultism or issues related to deeper things in life. From a material point of view, it promises marriage profit or through a connection with others such as partners or associates, and suggests that you will do it better if you share your business with others, rather than taking on all responsibility for yourself. You may need or get the chance to transform your selfish and self- centered ego through the sharing of your personal resources with others on an equal basis with no strings attached. Perhaps you have the desire to have others take care of you using their personal possessions. Your emotions are generally stable and usually are never portrayed outwardly. There is a striving for self-improvement and regeneration. Finances are usually steady and there is the possibility of an inheritance. There is interest in mystical, occult and psychic realms. SEX: Sun and 8th House. This means that the person we are looking at has a very strong desire for sex. If the Sun is in one of the most emotional signs, especially if it has good angles, this person can develop into a capable lover or an amazing mistress. If the Sun is in a sign that is not considered the most emotional or has bad corners, this person can use sex to control and control his relationship with his erotic partner. If you have relationships with such a type, it means you will find it a little difficult. Remember that letting someone control you is neither creative nor beneficial.

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Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

9 House Virgo at 09°58'56''

Your superior arrests are rather limited. You have more scientific trends.

Mercury Ruler of Virgo

This position is an indication that the superior mind is often more active than the inferior. You have the ability, in a certain field, to become philosophical, but only if you gain concentration and perseverance. You are fast in your perception and lecture so that you can significantly improve your mind during your present life, being in many ways quick in learning and understanding. You will travel a few times, or you will go to foreign countries because this influence is an indication that you like travels, especially distant. You have a metaphysical cognitive attitude and you love mystical themes. You are flexible, with an adaptable mind which has an interest in perhaps intellectual pursuits, law, religion or philosophy. You have many ideas and beliefs with the ability to express them well verbally. You probably enjoy travel and foreign culture and it is particularly educational for you. You have the ability to learn foreign languages or to be a translator. You may be a teacher or be involved in higher learning in some other way. Interest may exist in publishing or advertising.

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Career - Public Image

Basic Sign in beginning of 10 House

Fundamental Signs are the pointers for all issues related to the profession and occupations for which you are most fit, and this indicates competence for full responsibility or for senior positions in life. Where energy or activity is required, your dominant influences will find the best opportunities to lead you to success. You will show some ambition about your occupations in life and that is why it is better to find a place where progress and responsibility is needed. You have all the necessary power to come to life and understand lucrative positions. All your ventures will be large-scale and you should avoid taking part in businesses or professions where there is not enough scope for your energy.

10 House Libra at 19°52'52''

You have skills for justice, diplomacy, the arts but for your career development, you have to count on others. You like sociality and compliments.

Aspects Midheaven

0.46 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 3 at 7 *** Weak.

Saturn Inconjunct Midheaven

The aspect Inconjunct between Saturn and Tenth House in Natal Horoscope is a secondary, human and eclectic, but indifferent view, the nature of Mercury. Makes you keep a cautious and indecisive stance on the issues described by the planets or points below and hold things to suspend, or to postpone for a more suitable occasion. Saturn shows this mind tends to focus on separateness and personality, strong sense of ego, emotion controlled by thought and will. Self-control, patience, steadfastness, perseverance, seriousness, prudence, circumspection and very practical ability. Slow methodical thinking, cold calculation and determination. The Tenth House shows profession.

0.82 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Pluto Biquintile Midheaven

The aspect Biquintile between Pluto and Tenth House in Natal Horoscope is a weak aspect, which is perhaps beneficial but contributes very little to the issues described by the planets or points below. Pluto indicates the degree of strength, power and ability to change and towards the end of things and situations, and the ability for new beginnings. The Tenth House shows profession.

2.49 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Uranus Sextile Midheaven

It is best to become a freelancer, or at worst have a boss to leave you quiet to do your job. Works related to electrical, electronics, television, radio, computer, programming etc. are favored in this aspect. The actresses who have this look tend to get better on TV than in cinema. Your boss can be a very independent or eccentric man, a crazy genius, or just sell it crazy. At least one parent can also be so, independent, eccentric, frantic.

2.73 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Mercury Trine Midheaven

This aspect strengthens your writing skills. Good place for salespeople or anything to do with public speaking. Also for travel agents, flight attendants, pilots, even taxi drivers. One of the two parents was probably very talkative or moving frequently from place to place.

6.28 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Venus Square Midheaven

This position shows an arts career. Painting, music, art vendors. Also a good place for jobs requiring sociability, such as the public sector and even designers and developers.

Venus Ruler of Libra

Venus influences your horoscope's Tenth House, promises success on all issues related to the pleasures and needs of others. Your occupation in life should have some relation to female sex, because Venus favors women in all their needs. The professions that are under the influence of Venus are numerous to describe, but, generally speaking, they are those that relate to objects and themes that give satisfaction to others. All the activities that are relaxed and sophisticated will be very suitable for you in terms of profit and pleasure. Thanks to this post you will know the success in life and you will have many good friends to help you. Your pleasant disposition and harmonious nature make you popular in your career and with the world at-large. People seem to want to do nice things for you, which can lead to laziness if you abuse this energy. You have a loving and friendly approach to the world with a general attitude of optimism. This placement can be favorable for public speaking and singing. Your voice may be used to please and inspire people. This position usually grants comfortable financial circumstances.

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Friends - Hopes

Water Sign in beginning of 11 House

Aquatic Triplet has the main influence on your horoscope's Eleventh House; so you will have many emotional friends, some of whom will have trouble and many personal problems. You will never be able to rely entirely on your friends and acquaintances because they will be unstable like water and prone to great fluctuations in feelings and sympathies. Some will be dreamlike and sensitive, while others, mentally and mentally, while others will be stable or self-sufficient, so that you will be influenced by your friends at some point in your life. Never be sure about anyone or borrow money unless you are absolutely sure that your help will not be used badly, nor will it result in bad results. You can be practical about your friends and acquaintances if you are not overly affected by their feelings.

11 House Scorpio at 09°58'56''

There is a chance that your goals will be overturned. Also, your sexual desires can hinder the development of friendship. You have rather low popularity and you have secret cravings.

Mars Ruler of Scorpio

Mars is influencing your horoscope's Eleventh House, this is not conducive to friendships, as it suggests some controversy and controversy between you and friends at some point in your life. You will get acquainted with people in the medical or military profession or with ambitious and adventurous people - but avoid serious disagreements or controversies and watch out for your dating. This influence implies a strong nature of desires and means that you have very intense hopes and cravings, but many of your desires will be satisfied with your own energy and through great strength and sincere effort. Do not be sure of anyone, or lend your friends money, etc., because you will also lose friends and money. You have strong desires and wishes, social leadership ability and many casual associations with energetic and enterprising friends. You probably put a lot of energy into your friendships. It is important that you seek the right type of friendships. You can be taken advantage of by friends or you can take advantage of them. Active participation in group activities suits you well. Leadership within the group also appeals to you.

Pluto Second Ruler of Scorpio

Shows some reversals to the goals and creates a tendency for hidden friendships. Loyalty of friends is important to you. Some friends may try to be quite controlling of you or you may be quite controlling of them. Intensity of friendships really appeals to you. Your friends may find you rather charismatic. They perhaps see you as the rebel or the reformer or idealist. Friends will come and go as the need for your own growth changes. This is all part of the cosmic process. What ceases to grow, dies. This includes friendships and all relationships you may have with different groups of people. Groups and organizations can play major roles in your regeneration or transformation. Your dedication to high ideals can be used for the benefit of all mankind, if you apply yourself. You have leadership ability and the will to fight for "causes" that are beneficial to others.

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The 12th is not covered by any planet

Your twelfth House, the House of Occult and Secret Matters, was not occupied by any planet at birth, so its influence on your life will not be as intense as it is In the event that a planet would incite this House in activity. This may result in the delay of any particular effort on your part to follow occult life, and any tendencies you may have to the occult will come from other influences of your horoscope. There is an advantage that gives you this situation: it does not show any significant sadness due to betrayal or deliberate mischief of enemies, and the problems that will come from hostility or jealousy will be more momentary impulse effects rather than premeditation.

12 House Sagittarius at 00°04'59''

Possible hostilities from abroad. Religious tests and conflict of ideas.

Jupiter Ruler of Sagittarius

Jupiter is the planet associated with occult subjects (12th House) in your horoscope, so you will make great progress during your lifetime on all issues related to occult thought and study. Somehow there is a hereditary connection between you and the occult and indifferent how far you can wander from subjective life, the inner worlds will exert some charm on you. In a way, you will gain through your connection with psychic issues and little harm will happen to you from self-destructive tendencies. You will take life in your hands and you will try to understand much of your inner nature because you have faith in mystical affairs. You tend to be philanthropic and have great faith in the future. You may have an "angel" to watch over you and assist you through any reversals. There is a love of humanity and a great desire to help others, especially those who cannot fend for themselves. Work in a hospital or jail is possible. Success comes in a quiet, unassuming manner in middle life. You can be unrealistic, though. It is important to think all ideas carefully through before carrying them out.

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Personal Color - Aura

Moon at 27°56'51'' Pisces

This moon position will paint your personal aura with a silver-colored shade, which has more to do with the psychic world than with the natural one. Therefore, it makes you highly receptive to the tendency to become either median or intuitive or so sensitive to capture thoughts and feelings from the astral field, which will greatly affect your life. The more pure you live, the more sophisticated this shade will be, and because it has a connection with the planet Neptune, much will depend on the relationships you will make and the comrades you are related to. Try to live as much as possible on the upper side of your nature because you have some very optimistic and kind feelings and your nature is generally compassionate and very easily influenced by the good environment. It makes you particularly sensitive to animals or to those who suffer, because this radius awakens the compassionate side of your character.

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Results of Aspects

Conjunction 1 X Power = 1
Sextile 7 X Power = 33
Square 7 X Power = 28
Trine 6 X Power = 28
Opposition 2 X Power = 8
Inconjunct 4 X Power = 8
Semisextile 1 X Power = 1
Semisquare 3 X Power = 8
Sesquiquadrate 2 X Power = 5
Quintile 1 X Power = 1
Biquintile 3 X Power = 6

In your horoscope we found these aspects:

18 Positives with sum Power 69
14 Negatives with sum Power 49
5 Conjunctions and Inconjunct with sum Power 9

With these facts we can say that,

You have a favorable horoscope and you will find opportunities to develop your character and wisely use your cognitive abilities. You will gain by studying your horoscope because you have the ability to benefit from the good influences that were working at your birth, and your planetary positions give some power to the world, which is no less powerful because it may not be obvious or public . The judgment was made as clear as possible and you should study well what has been said, so that you can grasp the inner meaning that may exist in each paragraph, remembering that the whole analysis is given in order to help you in your progress. (The following is a brief judgment of all the combinations suggested by the horoscope).


Planets Positions

Majority of Planets in Water Signs

You have emotional as well as mental nature. Your instinctive and sensitive tendencies are very intense and so you are receptive, and, to a certain extent, sensitive. Much will depend on your circumstances, your circle and your environment, in terms of how much you will enjoy and appreciate life, because you have a discerning and active perception and you feel things in a peculiar way through your feelings. You are subliminal and very often influenced by feelings and thoughts coming from others who are in this or the other world. Live purely to be happy.

Majority of Planets in Mutable Signs

You are moody and sometimes overly undecided and not quite stable and decisive. However, you are compassionate and inclined towards sensitivity, although if you want to make your life more useful, you need to cultivate more diligence, otherwise you will be unstable and you will feel a sense of depression and dissatisfaction for yourself. You have a somewhat changeable nature and you should try to lead yourself to the pattern of steady self-confidence, which will make your life much happier and happier. Sometimes you are very anxious and uncertain, but you always like intellectual pursuits.

Sun in Water Sign - Moon in Water Sign

No difference between your inner self and your external attitude. What you are showing to others is exactly what you are. What you say, believe them.

Sun in Cardinal Sign - Moon in Mutable Sign

This combination will give you the inner appeals and ambitions and the lack of opportunities to bring them to an active event - perhaps due to indifference to inner desires. But there is an advantage in this, which is: it will make you stabilize the individual features and capture much of the inner excitement. This may not be very beneficial from a material point of view, but from the point of view of the superior life and the Soul, there is wisdom in this arrangement. When it comes to the principles, be decisive and never sacrifice the ideal for the sake of detail.


Here ends the first and most important part of the basic analysis of your natal horoscope. In the preceding paragraphs, I managed to offer you a purely scientific analysis of your horoscope. Up to the point where the general knowledge of Contemporary Astrology has brought us to date, you have on the pages that preceded the experience of a great spirit of astrology, Alan Lios, combined with my many years of experience, research and quest. The judgment given to you is based solely on the laws of astrology as it has been taught us since antiquity to this day.

Here is a description of the secondary elements of your natal horoscope and it is a collection of various ancient and new sources of astrology. Their role and their relationship with you are presented to you here more as a trigger for more deepening when you first understand all the above and the main elements that make up your birth horoscope and would like to be deeply involved in astrology.

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More Informations

Positions and Aspects of Asteroids

Chiron at 03°49'50'' Taurus

This position causes the stingy to a point sometimes to exclude yourself from any pleasure and therefore a life poor. You have to learn how to please the basic pleasures of life. You will not be able to do this until you fix the image of your value as a person.

Chiron at 4 House Base, Home, Seat

This post may indicate that you were dealing with a child's lack of affection by your parents. Either of the parents may have been sick for years, or both have often traveled because of work. The result in general is that you feel better outside than inside your home. You can help others to arrange their own homes, but yours may be a witch.

Aspects Chiron

1.51 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Saturn Semisquare Chiron

The aspect Semisquare between Saturn and Chiron in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Saturn shows this mind tends to focus on separateness and personality, strong sense of ego, emotion controlled by thought and will. Self-control, patience, steadfastness, perseverance, seriousness, prudence, circumspection and very practical ability. Slow methodical thinking, cold calculation and determination. Chiron indicates whether you are able to cope and accept tough situations and help to heal and teach others to face their own tough situations.

3.33 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Neptune Conjunction Chiron

Trying to avoid reality that you find unpleasant. So can you reject anything that has to do with mysticism. Or follow the completely opposite end and you can not make a step without consulting your psychic mentor. You may feel that your intuitive powers are blocked or do not exist. Or they may act in a vindictive and constant opposite logic consultative manner. It may also be that guy constantly pretending illness to avoid any unpleasant situations (anything that requires work or contact with reality). Or you may be a person who works hard, responsible person with a very ordinary way and suppress imaginative-creative side. Then suddenly all of life can lead to alcohol or drugs. You can also fall in love with someone who has the same problems (or a scammer artist who plays that is) and completely exhausted, and perhaps destroyed. To avoid these situations, you should leave the sympathy and imagination to work and yet without leaving the reality is. Start an art class or dance better. Do some voluntary charity work. If it happens to be the truant described above, understand that feigned illness is not the real problem. Is the veil that you put on to hide your real problems. Stand up and solve them.

6.68 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Jupiter Trine Chiron

You are generally optimistic and enthusiastic and transmit this to others around you, so that others would want to be near you.

Ceres R at 15°07'48'' Aquarius

You find satisfaction through the strange and the strange. Simply being with friends makes you feel that someone cares you and friends also feel the same when they are close to you. Whatever you have, you did not have the care and affection that you should have in your childhood, and that's what makes you horrified when it comes to getting serious with another person. You also tend to have communication problems when it's time for deep relationships.

Ceres at 2 House Money, Property

If there are good impressions of Demeter here, your natural nutrition needs will always be met. And you will tend to nurture and raise others in the same way. And nothing will make you feel more full of a good bank account and a full fridge.

Aspects Ceres

1.71 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Sun Biquintile Ceres

The aspect Biquintile between Sun and Ceres in Natal Horoscope is a weak aspect, which is perhaps beneficial but contributes very little to the issues described by the planets or points below. Sun reveals the character and soul. The range of your vitality and activity, your mind and understanding, your love and feelings. Shows the size of your force, the degree of your sense of dignity, ambition, motivation, will, desire and wisdom. Ceres shows the upbringing received small, and your ability to nurture others.

2.18 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Moon Semisquare Ceres

The aspect Semisquare between Moon and Ceres in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Moon reveals how you feel, instincts and impulses. Your feelings about your home and family life. Your ability to implement the ideas are not abstract, but they apply to specific objectives and practical purposes, such reticence, economy, receptivity, imagination, sensationalism, volatility and some kind of psychic ability or intuition. Ceres shows the upbringing received small, and your ability to nurture others.

2.98 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Jupiter Semisquare Ceres

The aspect Semisquare between Jupiter and Ceres in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Jupiter indicates the degree of combination of feeling and thinking, kindness, goodwill, sociability, optimism, love of beauty, order, harmony and devotion. Ceres shows the upbringing received small, and your ability to nurture others.

Pallas Athena R at 24°04'45'' Capricorn

Have a good ability to shape spaces, things, and situations to make them more effective. You certainly like to deal with practical problems.

Pallas Athena at 1 House Character, Outward Appearance

You have great ability to see patterns and patterns and solve related problems.

Aspects Pallas Athena

0.97 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Pluto Trine Pallas Athena

You are from those who can distinguish things and situations that others can not. Good look for a doctor, therapist, or spy. Good location also for those engaged in other money, such as insurers, tax inspectors, etc.

1.46 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Mercury Inconjunct Pallas Athena

The aspect Inconjunct between Mercury and Pallas Athena in Natal Horoscope is a secondary, human and eclectic, but indifferent view, the nature of Mercury. Makes you keep a cautious and indecisive stance on the issues described by the planets or points below and hold things to suspend, or to postpone for a more suitable occasion. Mercury reveals the breadth of thinking, understanding, reasoning, intellect and mind, in view of the abstract rather than specific, knowledge for knowledge's sake, apart from any practical application or verification rectal or error. Intelligence, skill, cunning, eloquence, memory and pure logic. Pallas Athena indicates whether you are able to readjust to redesign and recreate your environment on new standards, either out of necessity or because of age or so just for the joy of change.

1.70 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Uranus Inconjunct Pallas Athena

The aspect Inconjunct between Uranus and Pallas Athena in Natal Horoscope is a secondary, human and eclectic, but indifferent view, the nature of Mercury. Makes you keep a cautious and indecisive stance on the issues described by the planets or points below and hold things to suspend, or to postpone for a more suitable occasion. Uranus indicates the degree of willpower and determination of free and conscious choice and action, love for freedom and independence, a sense of strength and power, positivity, confidence, originality and strength of reaction in any kind of imposition. Pallas Athena indicates whether you are able to readjust to redesign and recreate your environment on new standards, either out of necessity or because of age or so just for the joy of change.

2.08 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Venus Opposition Pallas Athena

Perhaps you are having difficulty in making your plans to have a somewhat artistic sense. It can be especially critical of the persons with whom you relate romantically.

2.65 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Mars Semisquare Pallas Athena

The aspect Semisquare between Mars and Pallas Athena in Natal Horoscope is a secondary aspect of the nature of Saturn and similar texture to the Square. Indirectly affects the value and moral status of the issues described by the planets or points below, but is less defined, less critical and oppositional. Mars indicates the degree of courage, bravery, initiative, positivity, confidence, dignity, desire, passion, impulse, competitiveness and anger. Pallas Athena indicates whether you are able to readjust to redesign and recreate your environment on new standards, either out of necessity or because of age or so just for the joy of change.

3.72 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Saturn Sextile Pallas Athena

Focuses on large-scale problems and projects. But we need enough time to read any solutions and that's because you tend to think in advance of the event failure and afraid of making mistakes in some of your options. Whatever you do with care and always thinking about the practical results of your action.

3.86 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 4 at 7 **** Mediocre.

Moon Sextile Pallas Athena

Your instinct helps you resolve your problems and identify the correct options you need for your designs.

Juno R at 04°14'03'' Sagittarius

Your mate may come from a completely different social stratum than yours and may be from another state. He can deal with high education or often travel long trips, and he may want to talk a long way and listen to a little if not at all.

Juno at 12 House Occult

You need to pay attention to your mate's election to your first marriage or co-op, because there's a good chance he'll take advantage of you and "put you in." And usually it is because of you that you are drawn by the wrong faces. There is another possibility, the person may be a good person, but for some reason be limited and need constant help.

Aspects Juno

0.61 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Sun Biquintile Juno

The aspect Biquintile between Sun and Juno in Natal Horoscope is a weak aspect, which is perhaps beneficial but contributes very little to the issues described by the planets or points below. Sun reveals the character and soul. The range of your vitality and activity, your mind and understanding, your love and feelings. Shows the size of your force, the degree of your sense of dignity, ambition, motivation, will, desire and wisdom. Juno is an indication of the type of your partner in marriage.

2.93 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Neptune Inconjunct Juno

The aspect Inconjunct between Neptune and Juno in Natal Horoscope is a secondary, human and eclectic, but indifferent view, the nature of Mercury. Makes you keep a cautious and indecisive stance on the issues described by the planets or points below and hold things to suspend, or to postpone for a more suitable occasion. Neptune indicates the degree of intensity of feelings, desires, emotions, imagination, aesthetic, psychic abilities and intuition. Juno is an indication of the type of your partner in marriage.

6.28 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 1 at 7 * Too much weak.

Moon Trine Juno

Comes out liking sentimental types who like to take care of you and be friends of domestic life.

Vesta at 27°42'36'' Pisces

Focus on dreams and imagination. You are good at work that focuses on helping others, or on any work that requires a lot of imagination.

Vesta at 3 House Communications, Short Journeys

To renew you need to stop talking and communicating for a while. If you have siblings or sisters, you should not be constantly on top of them because they will absorb all of your energy. You have to go away. Neighbors can also have the same effect.

Aspects Vesta

0.23 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Moon Conjunction Vesta

You have the instinctive ability to focus and to concentrate your attention on your considerations.

0.56 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 7 at 7 ******* Very Powerful.

Jupiter Square Vesta

Your focus on religious or philosophical issues may turn into fanaticism, or the other, can lead to the complete indifference to such matters and on general principles. You might also give excessive emphasis on sexual issues.

0.66 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Uranus Biquintile Vesta

The aspect Biquintile between Uranus and Vesta in Natal Horoscope is a weak aspect, which is perhaps beneficial but contributes very little to the issues described by the planets or points below. Uranus indicates the degree of willpower and determination of free and conscious choice and action, love for freedom and independence, a sense of strength and power, positivity, confidence, originality and strength of reaction in any kind of imposition. Vesta shows you what, where and how you can dedicate yourself, you can focus your activities to achieve the greatest possible results. But it also shows that we should retire periodically to retrieve our forces, because if you do not, you risk up getting sick.

1.54 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 6 at 7 ****** Very Strong.

Venus Trine Vesta

You are able to focus and concentrate on your social gatherings, artistic creations in general, as you make merry and happy and coping well in these areas.

2.65 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 5 at 7 ***** Strong.

Pluto Sextile Vesta

You are able to focus your attention on tasks that need to transform or reconfigure something, or also in work having to do with the discovery of any hidden state or thing. Good place for doctors, paramedics and detectives.

5.09 degrees distance from the exact point have the next aspect. Power: 2 at 7 ** Very weak.

Mercury Square Vesta

You have a tendency to focus compulsively on details and routine chores of daily life, or they might not be able to handle them all. You also talk a lot but without saying basically something important, or generally have difficulty communicating. You are also good at aiming psistiri sex, but when it comes time to do what you said you do not do as you said.

North Node R at 04°17'41'' Pisces

You need to develop your imagination, intuition and sympathy. Maybe you pay great attention to the details, so much you put on the insignificances. Put some free time on your schedule. Do not do anything a few hours a week. Just kick it and let your imagination get you down. It's good for your health. If you insist on being "constantly busy", do some volunteer work in a hospital, or take care of a sick person in his or her home, or an orphanage, even in a jail, or in an animal shelter. Any place related to limitation does. Or do something creative. Perhaps an artistic workshop or dance. Study Yoga, Tai Chi, or meditate. And do not be so stubborn in details when you have sex.

North Node at 2 House Money, Property

You tend to rely heavily on the goods and property of others. You also tend to induce turmoil and turmoil. You have to concentrate your efforts on your rebirth, not to let your life be taken from below. The most important thing for you is to build your own property and cultivate your own value system. Although this is something that everyone has to do, it is especially important for you to grow further.

Lilith at 19°00'13'' Aquarius

Your sensuality tends to be expressed in an anarchic way. You can propagate or teach new ideas on gender relations, sexual education, etc.

Lilith at 2 House Money, Property

Lilith gives emotional activity, you want others to meet the need for security and you like everywhere the harmony and the feeling that you are surrounded by love. You have luck in the erotic field and you can get through your erotic or professional relationships. You do not have to rely on the materials because you will not find the coveted emotional harmony.

Part of Fortune at 07°31'59'' Virgo

Your luck will bloom better in the background than the headlights, in a role may not be a leading but key throughout the project. You may not be the great surgeon, but the humble anesthetist next to the great surgeon, the simple nurse who gives it to his hand just when the tool wants to do the surgery and so on. In being useful and accurate in whatever way you can, you find your luck and your joy.

Part of Fortune at 9 House Religion - Philosophy - Long Trips

Your luck lies hidden in your philosophical attitude towards life, long journeys of mind and body, high studies, intellect, high ideals, religion, and Legislation.

Vertex at 03°55'51'' Leo

The Leo Peak brings to the surface the indescribable need for recognition, values ​​and power. The person here will do everything to stand up to the circumstances, to be loved and receive the praises he needs. This need is sincere, as well as the way this person is given and loved. He is the most loyal and loyal!

Vertex at 8 House Bequests - Sex - Rebirth

The Top in the Eighth House is the inner need for an absolute union with the other person. Here the person will do everything to have his own at any price. If this is not achieved then he closes himself for fear of being hurt and constructing with his mind the ideal relationship.

* * *

The Degrees of the Zodiac that affect you

Ascendant at 20°11'02'' Sagittarius

"Two triangles interlock while one third is over." Squadron of Supremacy. Physical and spiritual forces leading to sovereignty.

Midheaven at 19°52'52'' Libra

"A man standing up, dressed as a priest, in a communion, under the light falling from a window." Fate of Religion. Religious Trends. Preference in a theoretical profession.

Sun at 10°50'53'' Cancer

"A ship that has clung to a shallow and sandy beach." Squadron of Inhibition. Probability of judicial error and hidden difficulties.

Moon at 27°56'51'' Pisces

"A snake standing in a circle of light." Fate of Knowledge. Rare intelligence, study of the secrets of nature. Medical gifts.

Mercury at 22°37'08'' Gemini

"An old oak, without leaves and wrists, crushed by the storms, alone, right in a desolate swamp." The Quake of Abandonment. Abandonment by parents. Nature prone to loneliness or celibacy.

Venus at 26°10'03'' Cancer

"A sturdy heifer in front of a plow." Squadron of Emotionality. Spirit that can succeed thanks to the impetus or the initiative of others.

Mars at 11°44'02'' Pisces

"A truncated cone." Fate of Decrease. The person can occupy a high position, but in the middle of his career there is a danger.

Jupiter R at 27°08'53'' Sagittarius

"A turtle." Squadron of Patience. Perseverance, patience and patience will lead to success.

Saturn R at 20°20'59'' Pisces

"A moon in his loom emerging from a cloud and striking a lightning." The Fate of the Explosion. Higher mental arrests, inspiration and insightful ideas.

Uranus at 22°22'34'' Leo

"A bright star, pale blue, shining over a lake." The Fate of Contemplation. Spirit intuitive, diplomatic gifts. The person will shine within the sphere of his existence.

Neptune at 07°09'54'' Taurus

"An old man, dressed poorly, standing on the bank of a river, where with a rake he harvested pieces of wood and straw." Fate of Fatigue. Likelihood of loss of parental property, agnostic ages.

Pluto at 25°03'08'' Taurus

"A woman holding a child by the hand." The Squadron of Omonia. Protection during youth. Social capabilities.

Chiron at 03°49'50'' Taurus

"A torch is burning under the foot of a lion and that's why it's angry" Squadron of the Decomposition. Violence and disputes that can be turned against the individual.

Ceres R at 15°07'48'' Aquarius

"The blacksmith and the bell of a blacksmith." Fate of Inspiration. Spark of loyalty or love, high enthusiasm or ambition.

Pallas Athena R at 24°04'45'' Capricorn

"Two bubbles flying in the air." Fate of Fame. Lack of stability. Light and fantastic things will prevail.

Juno R at 04°14'03'' Sagittarius

"A middle-aged man who wakes over a swing." Silence of Silence. Pity and separation that is pending. Destruction of family home.

Vesta at 27°42'36'' Pisces

"A snake standing in a circle of light." Fate of Knowledge. Rare intelligence, study of the secrets of nature. Medical gifts.

North Node R at 04°17'41'' Pisces

"Three men who give their hands." Squadron of the Agreement. Remarkable social relationships but excessive love for entertainment.

Lilith at 19°00'13'' Aquarius

"A great turtle." The Fate of Providence. Spirit wise and desperate, endowed with great resilience.

Part of Fortune at 07°31'59'' Virgo

"A landscape showing a forest and a tower on a hill in the background." Squadron of Ecstasy. Success in life, ideal, spirit theoretical, old age.

Vertex at 03°55'51'' Leo

"A cat lurking in a prey." The Fate of Hands. Prudent character and diplomat. Benefits thanks to the endurance.

East Point at 16°55'36'' Capricorn

"A lyre on a wreath with flowers." The Fate of the Pithos. Character that convinces others easily, language harmonious and artistic. Expression talented.

Part of Spirit at 02°50'05'' Aries

"A woman sitting in a chair as if talking to a third person, her hands crossed on her knees, her face has an expression of satisfaction, dressed in a Greek dress, neckline with her neck and bare arms. " Squadron of luxury and luxury. Ways pleasant and polite, person social. She loves peace and is tender.

Part of Love at 15°29'08'' Cancer

"A man who looks like Hercules or Sampson, standing beside a dead lion." The Squadron of Conquest. Strength and endurance physical or mental. The person is afraid not to be defeated.

Part of Destiny at 07°13'49'' Cancer

"A pigeon falls down, while a snake ready to attack is weighed over it." Squad of Self-Abandonment. Destiny will depend on a subtle charm or a love.

Cupido at 14°50'36'' Gemini

"A woman trembled by the wind, holding a bundle, wandering searching." Fate of Confusion. Character of changeable, if luck, will shine through his knowledge.

Hades R at 15°04'33'' Aquarius

"The blacksmith and the bell of a blacksmith." Fate of Inspiration. Spark of loyalty or love, high enthusiasm or ambition.

Zeus at 26°23'20'' Gemini

"A young guy who is sleeping and crying on a rock near the sea." The Silence Quest. Nature melancholic, erotic sorrows, heart disappointments or mourning.

Kronos at 03°06'25'' Aries

"A forest with many wild dry and various plant species." Squat of Rigor and Rigidity Nature passionate about rural life, heart rich and large but infinite. A person wasted on his energies and gifts.

Apollon at 03°40'07'' Leo

"A cat lurking in a prey." The Fate of Hands. Prudent character and diplomat. Benefits thanks to the endurance.

Admetos R at 08°52'18'' Pisces

"A man with a stick in his hand, carrying a bundle on his shoulder and descending from a hill." Squadron of the Pilgrimage. Spirit adventurous, quiet endurance, foreign destination.

Vulkanus at 14°16'49'' Taurus

"A venerable man, sitting in an undefined light, with many books in front of him and scientific instruments around him." Fate of the Mystery. Nature intuitive and invasive, intimate sense of the works of nature in which the person mixes his secret intentions. Mystery and isolation.

Poseidon at 04°03'31'' Virgo

"A soldier ready for the battle." Fate of Efficiency. Ease of performance and ability to make decisions.

* * *


As the time passes, you have to awaken opportunities that are latent within your horoscope, and depending on your sincerity and ability, you will be able to experience all that your planets imply. You may not recognize all of the previous features, but if your birth time and time are right, each word will match you. Astrologers believe that the Character is Destiny and that during this lifetime we must work to develop our character. In the distant future, we are destined to take an active part in promoting the evolution of the world and for this purpose we must make ourselves fit, for in the end we must become perfect.

* * *


Houses PorphyrySign
120°11'02'' Sagittarius
200°04'59'' Aquarius
309°58'56'' Pisces
419°52'52'' Aries
509°58'56'' Taurus
600°04'59'' Gemini
720°11'02'' Gemini
800°04'59'' Leo
909°58'56'' Virgo
1019°52'52'' Libra
1109°58'56'' Scorpio
1200°04'59'' Sagittarius
Planets Sign House
Sun 10°50'53'' Cancer7
Moon 27°56'51'' Pisces3
Mercury 22°37'08'' Gemini7
Venus 26°10'03'' Cancer8
Mars 11°44'02'' Pisces3
Jupiter R 27°08'53'' Sagittarius1
Saturn R 20°20'59'' Pisces3
Uranus 22°22'34'' Leo8
Neptune 07°09'54'' Taurus5
Pluto 25°03'08'' Taurus5
Asteroids Sign House
Chiron 03°49'50'' Taurus4
Ceres R 15°07'48'' Aquarius2
Pallas Athena R 24°04'45'' Capricorn1
Juno R 04°14'03'' Sagittarius12
Vesta 27°42'36'' Pisces3
Minor Objects Sign House
North Node R 04°17'41'' Pisces2
Lilith 19°00'13'' Aquarius2
Part of Fortune 07°31'59'' Virgo9
Vertex 03°55'51'' Leo8
East Point 16°55'36'' Capricorn1
Ascendant 20°11'02'' Sagittarius1
Midheaven 19°52'52'' Libra10
Part of Spirit 02°50'05'' Aries3
Part of Love 15°29'08'' Cancer7
Part of Destiny 07°13'49'' Cancer7
Uranian Sign House
Cupido 14°50'36'' Gemini6
Hades R 15°04'33'' Aquarius2
Zeus 26°23'20'' Gemini7
Kronos 03°06'25'' Aries3
Apollon 03°40'07'' Leo8
Admetos R 08°52'18'' Pisces3
Vulkanus 14°16'49'' Taurus5
Poseidon 04°03'31'' Virgo8
Fixed Stars Sign House
ACHERNAR 13°34'25'' Pisces3
POLARIS 26°50'18'' Gemini7
ZETA RETICULI 22°00'07'' Pisces3
PLEIADES 28°40'00'' Taurus6
ALDEBERAN 08°04'16'' Gemini6
CAPELLA 20°08'19'' Gemini7
RIGEL 15°06'29'' Gemini6
BELLATRIX 19°13'33'' Gemini7
ALNATH 20°51'22'' Gemini7
ORION 21°44'33'' Gemini7
BETELGEUSE 27°02'13'' Gemini7
MENKALINAN 28°11'30'' Gemini7
MURZIM 05°28'18'' Cancer7
CANOPUS 13°14'32'' Cancer7
ALHENA 07°23'15'' Cancer7
SIRIUS 12°23'11'' Cancer7
ADARA 19°03'08'' Cancer7
WEZEN 21°41'09'' Cancer7
CASTOR 18°31'29'' Cancer7
PROCYON 24°05'18'' Cancer7
POLLUX 21°31'10'' Cancer7
SUHAIL 09°29'32'' Virgo9
AVIOR 21°28'06'' Virgo9
MIAPLACIDUS 00°19'12'' Scorpio10
ALPHARD 25°34'13'' Leo8
REGULUS 28°07'16'' Leo8
DUBHE 13°28'10'' Leo8
ACRUX 10°10'31'' Scorpio11
GACRUX 05°02'11'' Scorpio11
BECRUX 09°57'11'' Scorpio11
ALIOTH 07°11'21'' Virgo9
SPICA 22°08'04'' Libra10
ALKAID 25°12'10'' Virgo9
AGENA 22°05'31'' Scorpio11
ARCTURUS 22°31'23'' Libra10
RIGEL KENTAURUS 27°56'29'' Scorpio12
ANTARES 08°03'19'' Sagittarius12
SHAULA 22°52'34'' Sagittarius1
SARGAS 23°53'27'' Sagittarius1
KAUS AUSTRALIS 03°22'21'' Capricorn1
VEGA 13°36'27'' Capricorn1
ALTAIR 00°03'12'' Aquarius2
PEACOCK 22°06'23'' Capricorn1
DENEB 03°39'06'' Pisces2
ALNAIR 14°11'22'' Aquarius2
FORMALHAUT 02°08'16'' Pisces2
ANDROMEDA 26°08'33'' Aries4

Retrograde Planets


The retrograde Jupiter shows that you may be somewhat pessimistic and lacking imagination.


The retrograde Saturn may make you unsafe and believe you are not worthy of anything. Of course, you can keep your fears for yourself by wanting to look loud, perhaps because someone with power exercises great power and influence over you. You need to be patient and work hard to get what you want, but you may not have the will or the desire to devote yourself to this goal, which is mainly seen by the house, the sign and the faces of Saturn On your map. Yet you restrict yourself if you lazily.


According to some astrologers, the power of planets that move retrograde to the zodiac significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.

Pallas Athena

According to some astrologers, the power of planets that move retrograde to the zodiac significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the power of planets that move retrograde to the zodiac significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the power of planets that move retrograde to the zodiac significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.


According to some astrologers, the power of planets that move retrograde to the zodiac significantly weakens their influence, positive or negative.

This Horoscope Analysis made online by Natal Horoscope 1

Tags: Hermann Hesse Natal Horoscope Analysis