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Diseases, Service - Sixth House

Costas Tolis

Read which are the characteristics of the Sixth House

The sixth house associated with the diseases to which the individual is susceptible, if not the overall health is maintained. It is also the house of labor or toil and service in general.

As Virgo described as critical sign furiously to detail, so the sixth house refers to the detailed work, so does the sixth house refers to the detailed work, usually practical nature and like Earth in Virgo gives the feature of the service, so too the sixth house is notably house of service. Its relationship with the health and hygiene concluded by the love of the Virgin for purity and cleanliness. In any organization or group, and even at home, the sum becomes a right module, thanks to the work and the service offered by each member. The same applies to our organization for the adequate functioning of a healthy in whole, needs the service offered by each cell of the body.

Tags: Sixth House Diseases Health Service Work Astrology Houses